John Chau is a cunt.
This idiot decided he needed to spread the word of God to an isolated tribe on a protected island off India somewhere. The dopey cunt had to bribe some fishermen to take him to this where this tribe live like Stone Age fuckers, all spears and grass skirts type of thing, where bible crazy John would introduce them to the enlightened word of his lord. Forget the fact that it is forbidden to interact with these people, whose last contact with the modern world was them firing arrows at a helicopter that had been sent to check on them after the 2004 tsunami. Forget the fact that John couldn’t speak a word of the no doubt pops and clicks that make up their language. And, forget the fact that the dull cunt had already tried to make contact with them, only to be chased of the island, with his trusty bible, which was covering his heart, taking a direct hit from an arrow. Disciple John returned the next day, with gifts of fish and footballs (what the fuck!), only to be rewarded with a broadside of arrows, this time missing his bible, and killing the silly cunt. This must make him a sure thing for this years Darwin awards.
Nominated by Gutstick Japseye Dr
What the fuck happened to that Ben cunt?
Here was my cunting of that cunt!
I’ll feel a hell of a lot more secure being out of the EU when we close the doors to 250 million shithole cunts coming in from the Middle East and Africa, that is to be imposed on us by the George Soros backed Marrakech Political Declaration and UN Migration Pact!
Surely the UK won’t vote for such a thing, will they?
Will they…?
O’course the globalist shits say: “But it works both ways!!!”
Yeah cos I can see tens of thousands wanting to leave the Cotswolds, Cheshire and The Lake District in order to live in Eritrea or downtown Beirut. I mean why wouldn’t they?
Yeah, we all know the score. This further “free movement of people” only goes one way doesn’t it! To further decimate Western values, cultures and – more importantly – peoples.
So Ben, instead of crying about a non-existent security issue (that of non-communication – which is ridiculous) how about focusing on the very real issue of a quarter of a billion cunts, a lot of whom would like nothing more than to see us wiped off the face of the planet, waiting in the wings, and mouths salivating over the prospect of free shit for simply arriving here!
If you really take security seriously Ben, maybe you should campaign for a fucking great wall to be built around our coastline?
Oh, that’s a fucking stupid idea is it? Well you started it, you CUNT!
Very much along the same lines as snowflakes believing the world is their oyster and all you need is your AMEX / VISA card and a sense of adventure. In order to further prove the point that you cant trust anyone south of Dover I present Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo (9 December 1974 – 31 March 2008), known as Pippa Bacca, was an Italian feminist artist who, together with a fellow artist, was hitchhiking internationally to promote world peace under the motto, “marriage between different peoples and nations”, symbolically wearing a wedding dress during her trek. On 31 March 2008, she disappeared in Gebze in Turkey. Her raped body was discovered in the same city on 11 April 2008. The police arrested a man who later led them to her body. A “gap year” used to be a popular thing some years back – hippy types or general wealthy nutcases would indulge in grabbing a bag and fucking off for a year before finally settling down to flipping burgers or wiping tables after they scraped through their “degree” at some old Poly in diversity or meedja studies. Places like darkest Africa or South America beyond the airport terminals are fucking dangerous places. Even an ex Legionnaire with his training and a 9mm strapped to his side in downtown Djibouti is pretty much aware that the only thing separating him from having his bollocks removed is the sidearm strapped to his leg. Why oh why do this libtard generation believe that the “multicultural” revolution that B Liar and Liebour foisted on this country only exists and thrives in places like Londonistan? ANYWHERE outside a 4 star hotel or an airport terminal in South America or Africa is riddled with blambos and ne’er do wells who are ready to slit your throat and rob you blind. The sheer cuntitude of idiots like this bible basher and the Italian bird is only equalled by the dopy cunts who told them is would be a good idea in the first place.
I think moving to downtown Beruit is a nicer option than moving to some parts of London these days.
The only difference I can make out is that property in London is a tad more expensive, but the overall appearance of the place and population demographic appears the same
Exactly, you have pinpointed the hole in RWAC argument. When the Cottswolds become a shithole then your worlds an oyster.
What I love about this happily deceased cunt is that he didn’t even speak the language (no-one off the island does) and had the touching belief , common among cunts, that if you shout loudly enough at a foreigner in your own language, God will ensure that you are understood.
Not entirely sure this is a necessary cunting. Here, cuntishness was its own reward.
Took the Missionary position…and got fucked.
Let’s hire this bow and arrow mob.
They know a thing or two about border control….
John Chau is the epitome of a snowflake, everyone is nicey-nicey, Darwin Awards cunt!
How many times does a cunt need to be told: “They will kill you. No, they really will!”?
Then to go there one day and almost get killed, only to go back the next and actually be killed…well…sorry mate, you’re a fucking idiot!
He was some kind of half-arsed missionary wasn’t he? Looking to bless them with the word of God? Well I bet that was an interesting conversation at the pearly gates…
“God, why did you forsake me when I was carrying your word?”
“Oi! Now listen ‘ere mush! I saved your scrawny, sanctimonious arse the first day didn’t I, you cunt! You chose to go back the next fucking day!”
“And why didn’t you save me then?”
“Because I decided to save the rest of humanity instead by allowing your genes to be removed from the pool! I was thinking about making you a Jaffa anyway – if you ever found a bird to take your seed – but luckily you saved me the hassle. Anyway, you can fuck off over there in idiots corner. Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan are also recent arrivals because those doss cunts thought cycling in ISIS riddled Tajikistan would be a good idea too! Enjoy the soft play area – CUNT!”
Come on. You have to admit this cunt cheered us up. Bless him.
He did cheer me up, the stupid god bothering twat. Even reading the sombre news reporting of it was like reading a carry on script. The only real reasons for cunting the cunt were that this isolated tribe might be wiped out by any germs this tit was carrying, which would probably be even funnier, and that other cunts have to risk a similar fate trying to retrieve the idiots carcass.
We can all have a laugh at this. But I reminded of ‘The Mission’ and the book It was based upon. And the fear the natives had, once the Mission had been shut down, of having to go back to placating the ‘dark gods of the forest’. Now sophisticated cunters on here will say that it was just replacing one sky god with another. But it isn’t really so. In the film the natives literally fight to the death for the Mission. They wanted to preserve at any cost their new way of life. Must have been told something new…
What a knob head.
What was he expecting, a cuppa and a couple of digestives on arrival.
Religion is the bain of mankind.
Stupid cunt.
Bane… I am Ill it a rate.
The stupid cunt must have thought he was Dr Livingston, bringing the word of Dog to the primitive savages and saving them from a life of wickedness. Another nosy piece of snowflake shit who wants to to tell people how to think and what to do.
I hope they ate the Bible bashing cunt, served him up with chips ? and coconut milk. ?
We should send sadiq khan over there to negotiate a peace settlement….
Saggy May can go too and hand them the deeds to UK Plc.
“All part of living on a remote island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, not all prehistoric peoples are savages. You didn’t know anyone in Grenfell did you?”
Yeah, these were the extremist minority not the moderate majority. The extremists want to kill you, the moderates just want to eat you.
Do you think they will roast the cunt over a spit on Christmas Day? Maybe use the leftovers for sarnies on Boxing Day? Waste not want not I say.
They must have thought Waitrose had delivered their Xmas long-pig early this year…
“So Buwabo, what did you think of that missionary we had for tea yesterday?”
“Well you know me Umbulu, I love a chinky of a Friday, but that meat was a bit Chau-ey!”
I’m ‘ere all week. Matinées on Sundays…
My favourite savages are the cunts who live on Vanuatu, 1000 miles east of Australia. From Cuntipedia:
“300,000 American troops were stationed in Vanuatu during World War II, bringing with them an enormous amount of supplies (or “cargo”). After the war and the departure of the Americans, natives built symbolic landing strips complete with wooden “air traffic control towers” to encourage American airplanes to land and bring them “cargo”. This “cargo cult” is known as “John Frum” , a corruption of “John from (America).In 1960 David Attenborough visited Vanuatu and the locals told him of John Frum.
‘E look like you. ‘E got white face. ‘E tall man. ‘E live ‘long South America’ ”
But it gets better:
Cargo cunt…
I love em even more now! Vanuatus the place for us lads,a place where Cunts are worshipped
The Chief’s wife will get a special Christmas prezzie this year……..a missionary teeth necklace.
Those ungrateful savages. Now they’ll be doomed to spend eternity in torture. How can an interventionist, loving deity let this happen?
Go straight to Hell, do not pass Go, and don’t collect £200. Not entirely fair to set those rules, deprive them of said rules, then admonish and punish them for not abiding. It’s almost like it’s a crock of shit written by a coven of mad nuns on magic mushrooms a few thousand years ago.
? Onward Christian Soldiers…”
I wonder if its similar on the Fiddler Estate, Vietcong style punji sticks seeing off Jehovah Witnesses and the odd foolish carol singer.
Apparently Paris is burning.
Tens of thousands have fought running battles with the police and many roads are closed and barricaded….
No mention on sly or the beebistan through…
I hope it burns to fucking ash.
Good evening.
Good evening Jack.
I hope it’ll be the end of Macron although I get the feeling he’ll just blame everyone else and carry on as normal.
…it’s probably the fault of brexit. Or islamophobia. I notice he already tried to blame le pen and the far right…. twat.
Good evening Mr. Sausage. Well it would be the fault of the ‘ far right ‘ wouldn’t it.
It couldn’t possibly be anything to do with that little granny shagging cunt Macron, could it ?
100s of Euros worth of damage
Covered on LBC News bulletins… wasn’t it on Sly yesterday? I rarely tune in to A-BBC /Sly nowadays, except when channel hopping…
I tuned into sly news at about 6 and they briefly mentioned it once but no details.
I dropped onto the beebistan intermittently to see some footage but nothing appeared on there.
Ok now they’re reporting it.
Fair play to the frogs, let’s hope they storm the Bastille and dust off the guillotines…
I’ve just trashed our living room in solidarity. The wife is not amused…
Good evening RTC. Tell her to fuck off. If a man can’t trash his living room on a Saturday night there’s nothing left to live for.
Leave it until the morning.
Evening Jack.
Good advice. Have sent the uppity spouse to bed with no supper.
I take no guff when I strut my stuff!
No they (AL BEEB and Sly) won’t unless they can pin it on Le Penn and her “far right” (i.e. common sense) supporters.
Blanket ban anything negative even remotely “enriched”.
Funny how childless cunts like Les Dawson, Mavis and Granny Fucker see no wrong in leaving a legacy of converting our respective countries into third world shitholes and dragging us back into the dark ages.
Luckily the sense of nation is bouncing back after decades of erosion from within and without, and interference from globalist cunts like Emperor Palpatine (George Soros).
The tide is turning.
As Dick would say, fuck ’em!
This John Chau cunt was nothing but a self seeking exhibitionist.
If he was so keen on converting people I’m sure there are lots of folk in his local community that have no faith. But what kudos would he have got compared with converting a remote island people to the glory of God ?
A blatant publicity seeker, he got his just desserts.
I’ve no doubt some other daft evangelical cunt ( probably another Yank ) will try the same trick at some point in the future, with similar results.
Ho ! Ho ! Ho !
He should have gone to Vanuatu
Spot on Jack. What is more ridiculous he sought this attention all in the name of his favorite “fairy story”.
I suppose we should say despite his stupidity what a waste of a life………….. but then again on further reflection he should have been strangled at birth anyway.
Bye for now …
( Lord F on LBC in 10 mins! )
In the Cunt’s deluded mind he probably thought at worst he would achieve martyrdom, followed in time by a sainthood, once the PR savvy kiddie-fiddler in the Vatican got wind of it.
Sigh, so many examples of natural selection.
Good to see you back C n’ R… ?
Depressing news. The 98 yr. old WW2 veteran that was attacked in his own home in London a month ago, having his telly nicked, has died in hospital.
Incidents like this really, really, fucking get to me .
I’d fucking roast alive those responsible over an open fire.
Utter, utter scumcunts.
But don’t come down hard on Plod for this. They have got nasty tweets and name calling to police ahead of looking for the coward murderers of geriatrics you know.
It’s all about priorities and keeping The Muslim Council of Great Britain sweet.
The fact we even have (or even tolerate) such a council then really that should be:
The Muslim Council of (not so) Great (anymore) Britain?
P.S. I see the trio of X-Factor finalists are true to form. In virtue-signalling order we have a “big boned” lass with enough fake tan to last The Don a year, a Scouse diddycoy who’s no doubt a victim of some sort or another, and the winner – one would assume – a foreigner. Mind you, he can sing (unlike Bella Emberg and Stan Boardman)!
I take it you’ve run out of chestnuts Jack…
I’d roast the cunts oh so slooooooowly ………
White Lives Matter!
Or is that deemed too racist and offensive with current social ideology!
It’s a strong cunting but this clueless Yahoo made me laugh more than I have since 1997.
I wonder what you were laughing so much about in 1997?
My guess would be Blair mincing down Downing St. to the tune of “Things……..can only get better .”
Great job, Gutstick. it’s impossible to feel any sympathy whatsoever for such a dozy cunt.
Cheers Ron. I blame the parents. They should have literally beaten the Jesus out of him.
Some cunt from the # me too movement in America has banned the playing of ‘Baby it’s cold outside ‘ on some local radio station because of its ‘sexist ‘ nature.
Fuck off.
They’d surely be on firmer ground banning it for ‘infantilism’.
Tedious Cunts.
Where do you start with ‘White Christmas’? Who rates higher on the victim hierarchy non whites or religious zealots (y’know which one) offended by Christmas?
White Christmas?
You bloody racist LL.
I sometimes wish that somebody would drop a huge sodding fucking mega nuclear bomb on this country and puts us all out of our fucking misery.
Cannot stand much more of this pathetic nonsense.
What about “Living Doll’?
Or would Cliff get away with it because he takes it up the bumhole?
Have a care Freddie… Sir Cliff’s still very sore from the BBC reaming his arse raw.
I’m with you on this one.
Then I hope riots kick off in London.
Unfortunately Suckdick sold Londonistans only water cannon for scrap at a huge loss to the taxpayer so cannot use it on the thicko far right extremist Leavers.
Thick racist peaceful cunt has missed a trick there me thinks.
It shows how apathetic we are in this country. We used to have protests about fuel prices, albeit non-violent. Now our prices are sky high, not a peep.
A shame the water cannon was sold off, it won’t be long
before London will be needing standpipes.
Roll on films about Mtembe having to walk all the way down Balls Pond Road to drink some camel piss.
The power of Is…A…Cunt…
After this sly bitch’s cunting t’other day (by some cruel bastard), that Labour MP with the drug-dealing son had resigned:
There’s no such thing as coincidence. Mind you, I bet she’ll be back in a few months.
A black woman is too valuable an asset for Compo to waste when appealing to ‘da comoonitee’. Mind you, this is fairly minor compared to any number of Westminster shit stains who have served their time and been welcomed back, Lady Mandlescum a good example.
She’ll blub to the world about it in The Guardian, and will no doubt play the race card too
It would be superb if that other shitebag that’s involved in fraud re traffic (motor, not drugs) offences, with a bro called Festus, gets knocked out too.
You never know the influence CM. I was listening to Lord Forsyth in the House of Lords- ‘this hokey cokey Withdrawal Agreement’. Ron used that phrase in one of his nominations.
MP, until somebody uses the phrase “Withered, perfidious, knock-kneed, treasonous, dancing queen cuntbags” (© ISAC 2018) about May,I shan’t believe it.
It takes a certain arrogance, not to mention ridiculous naivety to think that you can steam into some back of beyond tribe’s stomping ground, wave your Bible and end up sharing a wild hog and toasting each other over a glass of monkey piss around the camp fire.
I mean….REALLY?
After being chased off once, you would think the bloke would have got a clue or the memo, especially if an arrow came without inches of his arse before, but no he insisted on bothering them again with his God Squad mullarkey.
They ought to make a tv series out of this. Every week, they could send in a famous religious leader in an attempt to convert the natives and see how far they get. Or rather, how long they last. The pope would be most people’s favourite. If he were still alive, my choice would have been Ian Paisley.
I think I’ll give Hackney a wide berth…
Still, in the darkest of days, a tiny ray of sunshine peeps through…
Recently cunted Liebour MP Kate Osamor has finally been shamed into resigning from the shadow cabinet to concentrate on her family.
Maybe you should have concentrated a bit more on “the family” before your salaried, dindu, dealer son got caught!
Don’t worry, there’ll be no poridge to be had by you or yours as that’s reserved for those affected by “white privilege” these days.
Even though you, and yours, should have been booted lock, stock and barrel out of cuntminster, you’ll no doubt keep a low profile and emerge like a phoenix back into the top ranks. You tick too many boxes not to. And not one of those boxes reads “Good MP”.
The Curse of Cunt, I think…
Just a reminder that she was paying her cunt son £50K a year for his alleged services, presumably out of her £145K office allowance.
To question this in any way would be to disparage Nigerian cultural traditions, and racist.
So she threw a bucket of water over a journalist?
You can imagine what the media would make of Sir Nigel doing that.
Dear fellow cunters,
Next week the UN’s Global Migration Compact is signed.
This gifts free movement of peoples from every Africunt shithole imaginable into Europe. Oh, and vice versa.
Well we all know that *that* movement will only be one-way – from there to here – and will make the current migration debacle from every backwoods hovel look a day trip from On the Buses!
The lamestream media and national (fake) news outlets have not mentioned this once, neither have the cunts in Cuntminster. Well that can only tell you one thing: they’re all mad forrit!
Well I for one am not!
I spend most of my time traveling the length and breadth of Blighty and so say that vast swarthes of the country now resembles a shithole foreign land is an understatement.
Moreover, unlike those welcomed here in the 50’s and 60’s from India and the West Indies, these Johnny come Lately cunts have no intention of integrating nor working for that matter.
Want to see that problem escalate ten-fold? Then do nothing.
Or, we can spread the word and sign this petition:
We already have 50,000+ votes with zero media coverage whatsoever.
Hopefully we’ll opt out of this “non binding” (which means it will be binding by UN force if necessary in the future) agreement – like the USA, Hungary, Australia, Switzerland, Poland, Slovakia and Bulgaria have.
But do you trust our Government not to?
One of the main triggers for Brexit was immigration. We may win that battle but that will all be for nought if we gift the right of residence to 250 million extra souls. We lose the war. We lose our homeland. We lose our identity.
And they WILL be heading straight here because we’re dumb enough to home the cunts an give them free handouts with the absolute negative impact to our own poor.
It’s time to tell the UN to fuck off once and for all. They’ve been irrelevant for at least the last 30 years!
Thanks for listening,
I had a poke around the petition website and anybody can set one up with 5 sponsors e-mail addresses. An infinite universe of cunting beckons, but where should I start, the BBC? Any suggestions cunters?
Thanks for heads up RWAC…
done …..
#MeToo… Morning Q……?
Will sign after my and Mrs Walkers eggs on toast.
I’ve signed it, Rebel,but considering that the Govt. has no problem ignoring the 17 million voters in the Brexit referendum, I don’t hold out a lot of hope of them being overly concerned about a petition.
Signed . Good work.
Signed by #metoo
Signed – Thanks Rebel.
Signed and gladly signed too.
Fuck’s sake, the cuntery is never ending these days.