John Chau

John Chau is a cunt.
This idiot decided he needed to spread the word of God to an isolated tribe on a protected island off India somewhere. The dopey cunt had to bribe some fishermen to take him to this where this tribe live like Stone Age fuckers, all spears and grass skirts type of thing, where bible crazy John would introduce them to the enlightened word of his lord. Forget the fact that it is forbidden to interact with these people, whose last contact with the modern world was them firing arrows at a helicopter that had been sent to check on them after the 2004 tsunami. Forget the fact that John couldn’t speak a word of the no doubt pops and clicks that make up their language. And, forget the fact that the dull cunt had already tried to make contact with them, only to be chased of the island, with his trusty bible, which was covering his heart, taking a direct hit from an arrow. Disciple John returned the next day, with gifts of fish and footballs (what the fuck!), only to be rewarded with a broadside of arrows, this time missing his bible, and killing the silly cunt. This must make him a sure thing for this years Darwin awards.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye Dr

89 thoughts on “John Chau

  1. The snowflakes will no doubt try to blame the West for John Chau’s untimely murder blah blah.

    They will also insist a monument should be built in every Western capital, and that there should be a national day of mourning for this stupid misguiding twat, who couldn’t help but poke his fucking nose in other people’s business.

  2. In my experience of foreign travel, you need to avoid countries where the favoured footwear is flip flops. Usually darkie countries or sand people, they are lazy, murderous, theiving or double-crossing. Or they are all four. In hot weather, they will laze around instead make sure your aircraft is flight worthy or use inferior concrete in your earthquake zone. If you don’t travel with an Army (as I did), complete with weapons, health care, engineers, etc, these countries are best avoided.

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