Internet Mind Readers

Nomination: Internet Mind Readers.

I can’t be the only one to have noticed how many people on the internet can read other people’s minds and discern the ‘real’ reasons for the opinions they express. No matter what the topic under discussion, some brain dead prick will be able to explain the true meaning of the views expressed.

Have some reservations about the impact of mass immigration? This is clearly down to racism and a desire for Empire 2.0.

Dislike deliberately unpleasant language and expect people to be polite. You are a disgusting snowflake who wants to trample on free speech.

Think that the biology that you learned at school is correct and that mammals have been coping quite happily as males and females for 160,000,000 years? Disgusting transphobia. Using a phrase as obvious as ‘women don’t have penises’ is a hate crime.

Suggest that the UK might be better off staying as a member of a trading organisation it has been part of for the best part of half a century? You are a traitor, an enemy of the people, someone who prefers foreigners to your own.

Spend four months of your life going through a barely-readable book at the centre of an ideology that causes some of its adherents to fly planes into buildings and shoot up Christmas markets in a sincere effort to understand said ideology? You are a racist and Islamophobe who is itching to fire up the ovens.


Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt

32 thoughts on “Internet Mind Readers

  1. It’s their view or no view. You can’t disagree on Twatter you’ll get arrested by the Twatter Gestapo.
    These snow flakes have actually made it un pc to have blue toys for boys n pink for girls fuck me gently we are fucked.

  2. Dear Internet Mind Readers,

    Please read my mind.

    Concentrate hard, I’ll do the same.

    Have you got it yet?

    Yes that’s right, FUCK OFF!

  3. They aren’t actually mind readers, they have an automatic response embedded in their snowflake brains which is triggered by certain words or phrases.
    You have to remember that there is only one opinion that has any credability whatsoever, that which is written in the ideology of liberalism.
    No point in putting forward any alt view, its racist sexist homophobic uneductated right wing……

  4. Too many people are more concerned with getting “likes” and virtue-signalling to actually consider any point that doesn’t fit with their own beliefs. They’re like sheep and are too stupid to have a single original thought. I’d imagine that they read what the general consensus is before deciding what will be the most popular opinion to express…. “Tarquin likes this”.

    Fuck them.

    • Forking hell Dick, you read my mind – that’s precisely how I compose my posts on ISAC!

      Uncanny… ?

      • Evening, RTC…it’s actually what I like about this site,people can have different opinions without accusing each other of some kind of “hate-thought”….unless Krav and I decide to handbag each other,of course.

        🙂 .

      • Evening Kriddler.

        Re handbags… the powers that be are merely protecting you from yourself Dick. You may not be aware, but it’s a well known fact that you and Krav are one and the same person.

    • On that note Dick – this day in history there were some notable Birthdays to celebrate. Benjamin Disraeli, Thomas Beckett and Frank Zappa to name 3 of many. What do the cunts at Google celebrate? Connie Marks 95th Birthday. You may as who the fuck she is / was. Nominated by the good folks of the Windrush charity – yup, there is now a registered racket for the Windrush Blambos. Fuck my tall hat. The white man and history is gradually being airbrushed out of the story of mankind and his achievements. Left where they were Blambos wouldnt have made it out of the trees. Fuck me – this Multiculturalism is more like a plague.

  5. The cunts who shout down those who have an issue with immigration as being ‘racists’ are, in my opinion, the worst of the lot.

    They have no valid argument to counter what people are saying about how the UK is suffering greatly from its effects or just don’t want to hear anything that differs from their opinions, so they just spew out that perpetual, kneejerk response and that is the end of the conversation, as far as they are concerned.

    I personally don’t give a flying fuck where people come from. They could look like Mr fucking Blobby colour/racewise, it is about the fact that this ‘cuntry’ does not have ever-expanding land and we simply cannot accommodate or finance the number of human beings in this place as it is, let alone those who are still driven to make their way in. This isn’t about RACE. It is about LOGISTICS and FACT.

    These ‘soothsayers’ are just presumptious, arrogant snowflakes who either think they know better than the actual person as to what their reasoning is or more likely, don’t have the brain power to string together a considered reply.

    If they could truly read minds they would see that inside mine is a big arse thought saying ‘Fuck off, you steaming great libtard cunts’.

  6. Great cunting CMC, really made me laugh just seeing the headline!

    I wonder if these Internet mind readers can help me with this….

    Donald Trump wants to build a wall along its border with Mexico in order to stop the flow of illegal immigration, illegal imports and a host of unspecified diseases that could affect both human and wildlife.

    Apparently and according to those of a Remain outlook that makes him a racist cunt.

    Then we have the EU who are making any deal for the U.K. to leave ‘borderline’ (pardon the pun) impossible as the EU insist on a hard border on its external borders to stop the flow of illegal immigration, illegal imports and a whole host of unspecified diseases that could affect both human and wildlife.

    Internet mind readers, please help, you cunts.

    • Thats a fucking belter……

      I know the arguments against that post already… from the libtards…

      “ones a wall to stop humans getting a better life and the others to protect a single market of trade ”

      Bullshit…. both are saying we dont like a particular set up as it doesn’t suit our goals within our internal borders so were puting up a hard border…….well said CMcCntfce

  7. On that note Dick – this day in history there were some notable Birthdays to celebrate. Benjamin Disraeli, Thomas Beckett and Frank Zappa to name 3 of many. What do the cunts at Google celebrate? Connie Marks 95th Birthday. You may as who the fuck she is / was. Nominated by the good folks of the Windrush charity – yup, there is now a registered racket for the Windrush Blambos. Fuck my tall hat. The white man and history is gradually being airbrushed out of the story of mankind and his achievements. Left where they were Blambos wouldnt have made it out of the trees. Fuck me – this Multiculturalism is more like a plague.

  8. Can I direct you to an article in the independent today, where a 14 year old complains that they don’t have a voice and why brexit is already affecting them and because it’s young people’s future we should remain for their benefit. Fuck me, fuck off. They use the fact that they already have an A level to justify they’re mature enough to know what’s best for them. Try having a job and paying taxes for fuck all in return before you think the EUSSR is good for you. I honestly don’t think I can take much more of this bullshit.

    I’d share the link but it’ll be marked as spam, just Google 14 year old remainer cunt independent, I’m sure you’ll find it.

    • But I was only 14 when we joined the fucking EEC and I think my country’s been fucked up but without a time machine I can’t change the past. I just have to “look back in anger” at how the stupid cunt Edward Heath and before him Macmillan set us the road to this pile of excrement we find ourselves in. So you 14 year old cunt suck it up and grow a pair. Mind you nowadays they probably will have the OP at sometime in their life the cunts.

    • I’m for restricting any debate on the EU to people who remember what it was like before joining. Someone who’s always been a member has no right to insist on remaining, since they can’t have considered the alternative. Also, older voters have been paying, for much of their lives, into the EU coffers, and young cunts haven’t.

  9. This is an example as to why those in power and who to remain in the EU want to extend the vote to include as many young people as possible in the event of a second referendum.

    Clueless doesn’t even come close.

    • Unbelievable as it sounds some of those girls have Been to university?
      My personal favourite was TOWIE thicket joey Essex who thought reindeer antlers were made of wood? Closely followed by his cerebrally challenged cousin Zoe who had reached the astonishing conclusion that the sun and the moon were infact different sides of the same thing? Absolute genius……
      In days gone by people exhibiting such towering intellect would been made to sit in class wearing the pointed dunces hat, unfortunately today stupid is not only celebrated but appears to be actively encouraged…….,

  10. Calling all Internet Mind Readers…….

    Just off the Essex coast is a ship called the Grande Tema, it set sail from Nigeria and it’s crew are currently holed up in the Bridge after 4 stowaways escaped from the cabin they’d been locked in.

    Apparently the Police aren’t treating the incident as a hostage, piracy or terror related incident.

    Now call me cunt but when the crew of a ship have to barricade themselves as they clearly fear for their safety I can’t help but think that they’re effectively hostages whatever way you try to cut it.

    Thank fuck for Internet mind readers as I’m sure this puzzle will be solved as the papers go to press in the morning.

    • Fucking old bill in this country are so hamstrung by the possibility of being sued or accused of “racism” ( insert “ism” of choice as required) they daren’t do the right thing. Storm the boat flash bangs smoke grenades every cunt in cuffs sort out the crew from the cunts give the crew a beer and give the cunts a round to the back of the head job done.
      Never happen in this country unless the ISAC party gets into power.

    • Problem solved without injury. Ship boarded and Nigerian gimmegrants now in secure accommodation ashore. Next move, they claim to be in danger of their lives in Nigeria (everybody there is, pretty well), claim asylum, become MP’s.

      Scavenging freeloading cunts.

  11. Before we progress onto the next days cunting – I ask, nay demand that the whole circus surrounding a poor cunt called Aiden – suffering from an illness that has only occurred to 130 fucking idiots ever be exposed for what it is – Witchcraft of the 20th Century kind with its roots still firmly in the 16th Century. I am the last cunt (trust me on this one – I have irrefutable evidence) to concur that any being – sentient or otherwise is beyond the help of either medicine or prayer. This poor little waste of test tube space – neither fit for research as is a lab rat, nor likely to recover to a level of a gibbon pressing buttons when it was hungry – is being touted about by his “parents” and the latest in medical technology in an absolute 10,000, to the power of 10, 000,000 of a “cure” – having spent 6 months in America on a “revolutionary new treatment”. Now as much as I love our American cousins they are cunts for making hopeless cases appear they are only a gazillion $$$$$ away from making your brain dead senseless lump of pond slime that you conceived are just a hairs breadth from the next Elon Musk or Mark Spitz. The cunts dont even know whats wrong with him, never mind how to “cure” him. These well meaning deluded cunts think that a wave from the gibbering lump of mush is “progress”. He is just telling you that his last shit was like having red hot needles stuck in his eyes and you described him as “making progress”, He isnt, he wont, its medically and scientifically impossible – thats why not a single suffering lump of Cadbury’s smash ever made it beyond seeing out the week after being born – there is a reason that happens – they made the torture of the birth canal and exiting a womb – but that is the reality your little bundle of an extra from the Hills have eyes’s whole existence. The sooner you parents stop acting like cunts – the only claim you make is you are doing it for “Aiden” – stop it. Leave him without the 40 fucking drugs you administer to him 3 times a day and let nature take its course. Hard hearted I hear my fellow cunters remark? Look it up – red hot pokers up ring pieces followed by leaving this poor “thing” hanging around longer than a millisecond is the real crime – but then its all in the interest of “Aiden” and the other poor cunts who haven’t made it past being left in the stainless steel tray with a head like an October cabbage.
    “Cloves syndrome” – it isnt pretty.

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