I’d like to offer a seasonal cunting for the Boxing Day Walkers.
Just fuck off with your pathetic Christmas bobble hats that you wear when it’s not even cold.
Wrapped up like you’re going out to climb Everest, you stand out like a right fucking cunt.
Why oh why oh why do you exist.
Walking happily along saying Merry Christmas to everyone you pass, just fuck off.
Nominated by Eboneezer McCuntface
They look like those Waitrose remain cunts …….?
I thought at first the Post was about “Boxing Day Wankers ”
Mebe’s I was right
Just walked to and from the town centre (had to source an extension socket of all things) via our local park, and the place was infested with the Cunts, not looking where they’re going, getting in the way with all their stinking faux bonhomie and general cuntishness!
A nomination worthy of the highest honour Mr McCuntface.
Merry cunting Xmas to you RTC.
Yes I despise these cunts but feel I must eat my words as I’ve just actually seen one going past McCuntface’s front window with…… shorts and deck shoes on.
I feel a cunting coming on….
Not a Boxing Day walker, but last night someone with a very loud voice was giving it a didactic Xmas on the pavement outside my window for a couple of minutes, then moved slowly on, continuing to blart as he went. By the time I had gone for a smoke out the back, he’d reached next door and stopped again, still banging on. Suddenly my neighbour (indoors) shouted at the top of his voice, “Merry Christmas, everybody!’….and utter silence followed. The most effective passive aggression I have ever come across.
I’ve gotta confess I initially thought it was another cunting for jug eared lineker….
I’m just about to hit the South Downs with the wife and our hugely excited hound! Unfortunately I’m sure We will have the misfortune of meeting some of these bellends on our walk, I often find these gormless turds ( with maps/ compasses) lost looking for devils dyke and have deliberately sent them the wrong way on the odd occasion, I’m fortunate as my wife has absolutely no directional sense so cannot challenge me on this mischievous pursuit………
Walkers with children are of course exempt……..
Merry cunting Xmas to you RTC.
I have to say though I may have to eat my words as I’ve just seen one walk past McCuntfaces front window wearing……. Shorts and deck shoes, what a cunt.
I feel another cunting coming on.
PS Admins I appear to be having quite a few posts just disappearing??
I did my long dog walk on Xmas day. Great. Not a soul about and very calming before the family ordeal. Had one today too and fortunately only a few dog walkers about, although our village is popular for organised walkers/wankers. I don’t get it. Unless you need observation and supervision why spoil a walk with a bunch of cunts?
Valid point!!
Sheeple like safety in numbers …….
They invite a horde of cunts over to show what wonderfully hospitable people they are… and then they don’t know what to do with the fucks, so they inflict them on the rest of us.
Xmas cheer is in pretty short supply on ISAC…… ????
That’s why I like it!
Middle class twats at Kenwood.Merc estate driving vegan cunts.
Fuck that! I’m too busy enjoying my massive boxing day shit. THE most satisfying shit of the year I might add.
Disappear into the bog for an hour or so, glass of wine in hand, copy of Xmas ‘Viz’ under arm… Sheer fucking bliss!
just been for a walk along the Prom in Llandudno. a veritable United Nations, even some Yanks. beautiful bay, shame about the beach, giant pebbles with virtually no sand whatsover..
Have been for a dog walk at my local park in Bromsgrove, and what an assortment of cunts I came across – runners, kids playing with their new toys, footballers, keep fit cunts, and yeah, your typical rambler/walker types giving it the old “rah rah rah” bollocks as they exchange pleasantries and tea flasks after walking all the way from the fucking carpark 50 meters away!
That said I did see a couple of wenches dressed in Lycras jogging around the perimeter of a football pitch: Lycras so tight you couldn’t help but notice the camel toes and almost what they had for lunch the day before!
Anyway, time for a bit of rugby on the box and a few drinks.
I experienced these cunts today at Bournemouth beach. It was busier than Oxford Street. A load of slow moving tossers, taking up the entire width of the prom whilst their little darlings wobble about on their new scooters or bikes, plus of course, their horrible bastard dogs running around yapping and pissing all over the place. There was the obligatory bunch of tossers with santa hats, and one total twat in a bright green elf onesie outfit. It was a pleasure to get back home, on my lonesome, and to nominate these cunts.
What a Marvellous cunting
Such sublime miserable grumpy bah-humbuggery!