Animal Rights Activists are cunts.
Most recently, they are demanding that the village of Wool has its name changed.
How terminally thick are therse people ? Really ? I wonder if they ever laugh…
I’m sure loads of hipster twats will be queuing up to go glamping in the quaint little village of Terylene, or Celanese… Sounds really “edgy”, innit ??
Personally I incline towards rubber…
Nominated by HBelindaHubbard
PETA’s turn to get cunted.
Apparently they’ve decided that shearing sheep is cruel and causes them distress (The only reason they’re alive anyway is so that they can provide wool, and I wonder how much distress they’d be in if they were never sheared) and so have decided to pressure a small Dorset village to change their name from “wool” to ….
Wait for it…
“vegan wool”….
What a fucking stupid name for a town.
What cunts.
No-one wants to live anywhere where there are vegans, let alone live in a town with vegan in the fucking name.
They haven’t really thought this through though.
This just proves how stupid lefties are:
The town has nothing to do with producing wool. The word wool is actually the old anglo-saxon word for well or spring….
What dicks.
Nominated by Deploy the Sausage
Much like the cunting of that chutney ferrett earlier, it would be quite amusing to date a vegan whilst pretending you’re a vegan and then negotiate your way to a blowjob. Then saying you’re a little shy and would she please wear a blindfold. Then as her mouth opens to receive you, pop in a Mathesons cumberland sausage in instead. Then see if she really will swallow.
A raw one, I hope !!
These cunts are just the same as LGBT tosspots. Personally they can think what they like. Just stop boring everyone else into a coma bleating on about it.
Nice bit of cunting, guys.
Animal rights activists should go protest in countries where animals really are obused and tortured, cunts……
While there are instances of cruelty in the UK on the whole we are pretty good on treatment of animals.
This particuar example of “Wool” just shows how fucking thick these cunts really are, if the peope of Wool decided to change the name of the town I would fully support the name “Animal rights and Vegans are Cunts” great name for a town.
Abused, i should really check what i am writing , so used to auto spell check picking things up…. oops
Once again the state of the British education system is exposed. I would have done some research before making an even bigger cunt of myself.
“Bell End” in Beds, Hearts or Bucks always raises a smile!
Its a pity happy bottom isnt in gay street, now that would be fucking hilarious.
Have you never heard of Spunky Bottom Road in Brighton?
Wool, my childhood playground, Not for sheep shagging or cozey jumpers but the sport of firing a small metal object into a large metal object.
Yes one of the many Gunnery schools of the Royal Armoured Corps.
Maybe the fuckwits should stage a protest march down the range road to lulworth cove on a red flag day.
Timely and much deserved Cunting Belinda & Mr Sausage.
Happened to catch one of these vegan cunts on a radio phone-in a few days ago while I was doing the washing up, he was trying to force his typically crooked thinking on Nick Ferrari… there’s simply no reasoning with these twats… check the cunt out below:
What a little f@ggot…
My piss has been flash boiled straight to steam.
I’m no vegan, but Ferrari was the one being a cunt there…
Just unemployable cunts with too much time on their hands.
They should be put to work in the fields, ploughing the cunts by hand because tractors are bad for the environment and using animals is cruel.
Let’s see what tune they whistle then when their over-priviledged, snowflake fingers are worn down to boney nubs!
As almost a lifelong vegetarian I am very much for the welfare towards animals. In fact I would go far as to say I care more about animals more than many people I have ever met or seen who are absolute fucking cunts.
There are some fairly barbaric practices that go on, even in a civilised country such as this one such as halal meat, although fully accept that this country is perhaps one of the best for ensuring the strictest standards when it comes to the rearing and slaughter of animals.
It takes brave people to stand up to the big business sometimes involved, especially when they are very much in the minority. Where there are bad an inhumane practices going on, they should be exposed and the perpetrators prosecuted.
When in London insuring ships, would never insure middle eastern livestock carriers or whalers. Ok with refrigerated container vessels (carrying frozen meat). Against the transportation of live animals over great distances to meet with a horrible death. On the subject also against the killing of animals for “sport” or enjoyment (such as foxhunting) but would not be averse to a few people I could name.
I chose not to eat fish or meat when a young child, and I do this because I am against the killing of animals/taking of life for food, plus the fact that I did not really like the taste or texture. A fairly easy decision.
I have never forced my beliefs on others, (my wife and son eat plenty of meat and fish) and am of the opinion that everyone can do whatever they want so long that it is legal and that it does not affect me personally. This is not a view shared by all, many people like to take a pop at me for my beliefs. I respond usually by telling the person why, and if they continue tell them to fuck off. Pretty much the same way I treat Remainers. Thick cunts who cannot understand an opinion which is not the same as their own.
What I am rightly against though are fucking morons like those cunted above, who give vegans and vegetarians alike a bad name. It is pointless and achieves precisely nothing. Waste of time.
So a bag of scratchings is out then?
There’s one story I rather enjoy (having a fondness for female Hungarians)…
The Italian “Diana” (a sot of huntin’, shootin’ and fishin’ frataernity) ran out of wild boars to shoot one year, before the season had closed. So, what did they do ? Well, they imported some wild boars from Hungary.
They soon found out that the Hungarian version was not happy to idle around listening to Puccini, swilling chianti, and happily lining up to get shot. The giant porcines caused total havoc, devastating gardens, smashing greenhouses, and occupying swimming pools.
It is believed the Italians went into reverse gear on that one…
Another name in the news today
Jordi Casamitjana
A cunt who was sacked for being a cunt (fair play i think)
Now wants to be crowdfunded to fight his case on the grounds he was sacked for being an “ethical vegan” and wants “ethical veganism” to be reconised in the same way as race, age and so on.
Cunt needs a fucking good slap in his spanish fucking face!
Anyone want to give him a few quid lol!
The Spanish wanker needs to fuck off back to his own country and do something about bull fighting. Now there’s fucking animal cruelty right there but it’s government, and indeed EU, approved because it’s “cultural” so that’s ok then.
Or what about zoos? Anyone been to one lately? Have you seen the life those animals lead? Again , government approved for “conservation purposes” while making a killing selling tat to dumb cunts.
And don’t even fucking dream about seeing these vegan cunts protesting outside mosques or pikey camps. Don’t even report the animal cruelty going on there or you will be arrested for raaay-sism.
No, these snowflakes are only interested in soft targets which give them the most publicity and allows them to bask in the glory of their own self righteousness.
Fuck the fake cunts.
Nailed it.
Jamie (LIKE HIS FOOD BUT BLAMES CLOSURE OF SOME OF HIS RESTAURANTS ON BREXIT SO MUST BE A REMAINER CUNT) and Jimmy’s (UNTALENTED CUNT) Friday Night Feast is back and jam-packed with celebrity guests
British talent flexing their culinary muscles will include Hollywood stalwart – star of stage and screen, Sir Patrick Stewart (REMAINER CUNT)Black Panther and Sherlock actor Martin Freeman (REMAINER CUNT), and new ‘Doctor’ and Broadchurch star, actor Jodie Whittaker (HAMMY CUNT). Also doing their utmost to impress the lads are actor / writer / presenter / activist Stephen Fry (REMAINER CUNT), actor Stephen Mangan (REMAINER), and the boys welcome their first Dame into the Southend bolthole, Olympian Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill (HAIRY CUNT).
And trying their best to distract Jamie and Jimmy are funny people Harry Hill, Russell Howard (CUNT WITH FAKE TEETH) and ‘serial guest’, comedian / actor Romesh Ranganathan (VEGAN REMAINER), who will no-doubt laugh off any cooking mishaps and distract, or impress the café customers with their gastronomic skills.
What a fucking treat in store. Thankfully I am out on a Friday night. If not before, certainly will be now.
The fat tongued cunt Jamie Oliver is at the top of my ‘faces i would love to slap’
To be honest I’d be more than happy to give every cunt on that list a good back hander across the gob.
And that cuuuuunt Danny Dyer. Somebody who pretends not to understand much about politics, but still seems to be a remainer, and wilfuly continues to spout verbal diarrrhoea in public.
I don’t object to the boy having changed his mind, I just object to his presence on this planet. Full stop.
Jamie Oliver is indeed an ARCH REMOANER and regular guest on the James O’Shithead show – they could not be more up each other’s rectums if the EU paid them to be, which they likely do anyway.
It surely can’t come as any surprise to you Willie that 95% of all Celebricunts are Remainers and that 80% (in my experience) are outright REMOANERS.
Few things would afford me more pleasure than to see Oliver go out of business altogether.
PS: Jodie Whittaker is a Remoaner.
Mrs Plastic getting drunk to David Attenborough last night. So excrutiating. ‘And ‘Blacktip’ (painted dog) must find new territory again’. ‘She must struggle once again to keep her pack together’. But then tragedy-she broke her leg missing her footing in an Elephants’s footprint (daft cunt). She struggled on. Mrs Plastic in tears. Then she met her beaux. And there was hope again. New life! The ‘dynasty’ would continue. But now came the end. It was time for ‘Blacktip’ to go. She had done all she could. So she went away to die. But her beaux went with her! To die with her! Mrs P-‘He couldn’t live a day without her’ (opening her second box (note box not bottle) of wine. ‘That is love’. The bullshit I have to put up with.
Last night i watched “Britain’s biggest warship” about our new aircraft carrier.
Last week it was all about strong wimmins but I was looking forward to the sea trials on this week’s episode.
They spent half the episode chasing the only Muslim on board to find out about if he had experienced racism, to film him praying and presumably to climb inside his bottom at the first available opportunity.
Fucking BBC!
I can’t even watch a programme about an aircraft carrier without watching a muzzie praying and chanting about some kind of snackbar….
They never fucking stop with this brainwashing shit!
Peta, vegans and assorted lefty lunatics need a severe dose of on high quality bovine product.
That way the cuntitude will drop and they might get to rejoine the more intelligent part of the huMAN race
Remember seeing one of my favourites in a photo some years ago. There is (or maybe it’s now was) a place in diversity rich Leicester called ‘Urban Grove’. Some wag cunter had painted a ‘T’ at the front.
Somewhere in the N-W, the “C” of Canal Street had been whited out. The area was, oddly, quite well-known for Stephen Fry-ups.
And it’s true – there are quite a few “Letsby Avenues” around…
I do wonder if vegan women will take man meat?
Bovril and Oxo best of British for Me…and Dripping Teacakes with the gravy bits…gone off Lamb tho after seeing them in a field too much like eatin a Jack Russell…These Quorn cunts need a good cunting especially the snowflake wimmin that cant look at there minge legs a kimbo in the mirror cos it looks like a Rasher of Bacon.
Being a cattle farmer and all I found that troublesome Heifers usually calm down when they have been put to the bull. Takes a few month until the get some size on which slows them up then looking after a calf usually settles them down but if not then off to the slaughterhouse including any gay bulls.
If the good lord wanted us to be veterinarians why did he put chops in sheep?
Only animal rights protest I have ever bothered to go to is one in Manchester City Centre a few years back… My sister’s best mate (who is a Grade A fit’ un) and her animal protestor pals there in the billy bollocks with only animal rights stickers on their naughty bits, as Kenny Everett would say… I said I was there to lend some ‘moral support to a worthy cause’… But in actual fact I was there to cop the eyeful I had been after since I was 14 years ofd… Surprised I managed to walk home that day…