Advertising is a cunt.
There are many reasons that it’s a cunt but it’s really had my piss boiling lately.
It used to be that companies used the advertising industry to sell their products.
They would show the product with a catchy slogan, some upbeat music, even some humour…
Now the advertising industry use the companies to push their marxist identity politics ideology on the unsuspecting public.
The worst are McCains chips and Maltesers…
What the fuck has being bent got to with chips?
Why do have to watch a strawberry or deaf cunt explaining how they wanked someone off last night just so that they can sell some shit chocolate?
If it was a “normal” person advertising chocolate by describing how they just wanked someone off then there’d be complaints.
Besides, if and able boddied guy went on a date with a tard and got wanked off by her having a spasm, wouldn’t that be looked at as some kind of abuse?
The femenazi, #metoo, rape culture cunts would be all over it…
“Arrest that evil man!!” They’d all be yelling at top of their Twitter voices. “How dare he take advantage of this poor girl.”
Unfortunately these companies are more than happy to show how progressive and woke they are by pinning their brand to this shite…
At least I now know who NOT to give my money to in future.
Mongteasers and McCains. Cunts.
Nominated by Deploy the Sausage
Mrs. Boggs watches Emmerdale Farm every fucking night and FOUR times throughout that show some fucking Yorkshireman keeps going on about *family* in a mournful voice. It is to promote McCains who sponsor the show. It sounds more like they are fucking funeral directors given his overdone voice. Drives me up the bleeding wall their ads are worse than the fucking show and that is saying something
Reminds me of that pile of shit, “The Undateables” where they put physically or mentally disabled people together and invite the audience to laugh at their social ineptitude. The sheeple gawp at two mongs canoodling and coo… “oh isn’t that cute.”
Pure exploitation for the entertainment of morons. Channel 4 should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
And what of the situation if the mongs sneak off from the production crew and somehow manage a quick shag behind the wheelie bins and the girl one gets pregnant? Do social services get involved inmediately?
If there’s one thing we can be sure of, it’s that channel 4 will never express any shame for the exploitative cynical dross they put out, whether it’s Jon ‘knows nothing’ Snow and Krishna Gurning Murphy saying ‘Orange Man/America Bad!’, Cathy Newman being a bitch or their twisted TV featuring mongs aimed at mongs (Gogglebox, Come Dine with Me, and in the past Big bother and other such shit).
Most of it seems aimed at those tarts with teal nail varnish who flap their hands over their eyes pretending to cry simply and squealing ‘OhmiGoooddd’ from seeing a child in a wheelchair or a dog wearing a bib.
Another thing we can be sure of Cuntamus is the fucking irritating “Can you feel it” (by The Jacksons) advert that the cunts at Amazon enforce on TV viewers a trillion times every sodding night.
This along with the daily Brexit sell out news, gambling/gaming, funeral plan, sofa and Xmas adverts is slowly driving me insane.
Really cannot take much more of it, regularly tempted to consume several large gin and tonics and chuck myself onto the log fire.
Chips made me gay!
I turned when I realised I didn’t fancy Aunt Bessie’s Yorkshire Pud.
Stick to Albert Bartlett’s Roosters in future, boys.
Thank fuck I don’t have a TV!
Talking of the BBC, soap opera shit and money:
It will end up costing as much as fucking Crossrail
I fucking despair at adverts.
“Where’s the fucking white man?”
And if by some fucking miracle one does appear its in the faggot/inept role.
I no longer watch tv. I make do with YouTube but even they are cracking down in wrongthink and eliminating or restricting channels.
Fuck these cunts, there’s a whirlwind acoming
Going by adverts, you’d think that every couple in the UK is mixed race. Give it 10 years though…
Yeah ….
‘you’d think that every couple in the UK is mixed race’ …
…….and the dad stays under the same roof !
Although possibly warranting a separate cunting altogether, those adverts for funeral plans really scrolls my nurd.
Some old biddy announces something along the lines of:
“The lovely company, Shitehawk and Grabbit were a breath of fresh air; instead of an expensive cremation they will take my body to the local municipal tip, set fire to it and let the seagulls peck the remains. Who wants to pay out for an expensive coffin? Oooh, they are so lovely, I only need to pay them £750 per month for the next 10 years. And if I don’t live long enough to cover the expenses, they told me not to worry and they can instead take any shortfall out of my estate when I die. It will leave enough money for a nice wake for my family. Thank you ever so much Shitehawk and Grabbit”.
The fact that there is nothing to stop these cunting companies from spending the cash now and declaring bankruptcy doesn’t cross the radar of these gullible old biddies.
I am NOT going to pay any FDs stupid sums of money. In any case, if pre-payment is involved, some Roberto Maxwelli type will have fucked of to Branston’s luxury island to jizz it all.
If I start to feel really badly ill, I’ll get a one way flight to Vienna, where they have a sensible attitude to death, and a functioning gvnmnt dept. that actuallly takes corpses off to the crem. I care not what or how exactly it’s done (eg. 3 in the morning, with a load of local tramps and winos), but after I’ve carked, my bod is clinical waste, nothing more or less. If there’s some big blonde bird out there with a strap-on, and she fancies necrophilia, she’s welcome to me.
Unclaimed lonely corpses have to be cremated eventually, and the councils do it on the cheap. It’s a Public Health issue. They’ll just never admit to it, or everybody would want it.
Although in GB I can easily imagine walking into Cardiff and finding rotting corpses lying outside on the pavement, waiting for non-existent collection…
If you want to look at the world from upside down in a goldfish bowl your probably the sort of cunt who fast forwards thru the film to watch the adverts, Where it appears that most white females have black partners, Muslims celebrate Xmas , men are portrayed as pussy whipped simpletons and there a virtually no white people in the UK? Fuck those cunts!!!
Mavis is off to Brussels again to hand round the begging bowl….
So Tuesday she went and in no uncertain terms got told to fuck off by all and sundry!!
Wednesday… she gets told by over 35% of her own party to fuck off!!
Thursday … go back to Brussels for more of the same!
Groundhog Day anybody? ?
Mavis is starting to resemble Punxsutawney Phil……
Here’s a clip with no adverts that may make you laugh:
Apologies if anyone has previously posted it.
Goodbye for now.
An angry mum spat in the face of an elf at a shopping centre Christmas grotto.
The woman lost her temper when told she could not take her child into the grotto in Stockton-on-Tees because she did not have a booking, police said.
She also verbally abused other elves, said Karen Eve, manager of the Castlegate Shopping Centre.
Security has been stepped up at the centre and police are investigating.
Hardly front page news but nice to see a warm and tingly Xmas story,
Hope the elf battered her with a giant candy cane and then stuffed her for Christmas with said cane, sideways, up the backside.
The good ship Mavis, hit below the waterline, signals desperately to the European pirates to rescue her.
Admiral Merkel, aboard her U boat sends the message to the pirate fleet…….”attack and destroy, plenty of salvage and booty for all.”
Slightly off topic but same principle ie promoting feminazi agenda was Peppa Pig when my kids were a bit smaller. I have two girls and all they learnt from Peppa Pig (which is harmless according to my wife) is that men , whilst well meaning are fucking useless . Daddy Pig for example, loves his kids but is a massively inept cunt, whether that be in the sphere of fitness (which he exaggerates so he is a lying cunt as well) DIY, even when we see Daddy Pig at work he is fucking something up. All the older men in the programme are always arguing like 5 year olds due to their pride getting in the way. Women on the other hand are always coming to the rescue and are in general multi tasking polymaths.
The bloke who wrote it must be an utter utter cunt . Also no doubt a massively rich one now.
Nonetheless, we should endeavour to keep the stories alive CotL as apparently the whole concept of Peppa Pig infuriates MudSlimes and sends them apoplectic with rage. Consequently it’ll be banned in schools soon, no doubt.
Oh yes, hadn’t thought about that
Must keep it.
Advertisers seem to be competing to be the most “right-on”. I wouldn’t mind so much if their products were actually something specific to whatever “minority” bunch that they use in their adverts… Gays could be used to advertise hamster sales,knickers with built in anal-pads (for those leaky moments) and carrots (useful for tempting out the hamsters or plugging the leak if the they’ve forgotten to stock up on either hamsters or knickers with built-in anal pads.}
Darkies could be used to advertise fried-chicken,kitchen-knives,oversized tubes of lip-balm and chips (to wear on the shoulder.) Cripples could advertise WD.40, puncture-repair kits and commodes-on-wheels .Mongas could be used to advertise bibs,colouring-books and Premier League Football (as could the Gays,of course.) Fat people could advertise Greggs the baker,elephant-sized nappies,sponges on a stick and deodorant. Muzzas could advertise childrens’ toys, taxi-services and explosives. Old people could be used to advertise mothballs,funeral-plans and the benefits of crawling along getting in everyones’ way while shamefully hoarding their unearned and undeserved monies.
Politicians could advertise Bull shit.
Get Fucked.
and…..straight to moderation.
Morning Dick.
I lost two posts yesterday… one describing how I would like to ejaculate in Pritti Patel’s mouth, the other a completely innocuous analysis of the political situation… Normally would expect them to appear hours later, but they didn’t this time.
Wonder if this one will get through…?
I’d give the blonde mute in the Malteser’s ads a seriously good amount of attention, although, given what happened to her hearing aid, I’d steer well clear of her lugs…
Some sort of “gagging” order, maybe…!
The only advert offhand that I can think of to feature an “all white cast” is the Postcode Lottery gambling advert.
Not a peaceful or Eastern European in sight so not truly representative of the country as it is today.
Sad grinning gullible thick fuckers who cream their pants when winning a mere £25k, you know full well when they say it is life changing it will be blown within the year on a new sofa, a holiday, fags, booze and scratch cards.
Reminded me of a national story published some years ago regarding a family on benefits who won £1m on the National Lottery. Blew the money within a very short period of time on fuck all, had little or nothing to show for it and were put back on benefits again.
Only in Britain. This country has well and truly had it.
Morning Willie.
Don’t forget the mugs in the Quick Quid adverts – even the cunts in the background are all white!
Morning Ruff Tuff
I would very much like to do naughty things to the woman in your linked QQ ad.
Yow durty fukka.
#MeToo ?
What are they trying to say??
Only white people take pay day loans?
Only white people are mugs enough to take out a payday loan – that’s what the advert is underlining.
It is a scientific* fact that all people of colour are far more savvy and intelligent and hard working and better in every conceivable way than whitey.
* not rocket science.
Ah!! My eyes have been opened ??
On the other hand… brown cunts seeing that advert are supposed to think: “Oh…if payday loans are good enough for whitey, they’re good enough for me… cos whitey ain’t no fool, eh?”
Double Lammy, job done.
Let’s face it the peacefuls would complain if linked to borrowing money. No such worries about being linked to flying planes into buildings mind.
It’s a good job I visit ISAC because without it I wouldn’t have a clue what’s going on in the wider world. ‘Woke’. Never heard of it before. Looked it up, seems it means ‘aware of issues concerning social and racial justice’, or alternatively ‘if you don’t think the same way as us you must be asleep you dozy fucker’.
The art of subtle persuasion is dead. Get in line, or the Thought Police will be visiting you soon.
A lot of these words are just made up specifically to be used by cunts.
Talking of made up words, I received an email at work from someone referring to his ‘power email’ of the previous day. Made a note to myself to mention this cunt on ISAC, after I stopped laughing.
Deploy, excellent cunting, and rightly so. That fucking Malteasers advert is absurd, I said exactly the same thing when I saw that shite for the first time.
As for the chips ad, I didn’t know anything about it, the poof couple don’t bother me, it’s the frump with a baby on the end of her tit that sickened me. Fucking putrid.
The spaz in the maltesers ad telling the story about pulling at a wedding.
What a fuckin liar.
That fucking VW car hire ad on the radio, prick says about gong to Tijuana in Tiguana, (or some bollocks like that), and then goes ‘Ondelay, ondelay’…. Heard it when I was driving a patient to hospital on the radio. My piss was boiling so much I nearly jumped in the back and put the blood pressure monitor on myself.
And what the FUCK is it with all the mixed-race couples???????