White apologists

I’d like to nominate ‘white apologists’ for a massive cunting.

“White apologists” are a collection of first world, caucasian, ageing hippies and millennial wank-stains who are so hung up on the actions of their ancestors, that they feel the only way to make amends is call everyone who doesn’t share the same guilt as them a “racist” and a “bigot” on social media, and that the heinous actions of an illegal immigrant from a previously colonised or war-torn country, in a first-world country, such as suicide bombing, attacking citizens, rape and kid-fucking, are totally justified because of all the horror that WE inflicted upon them, and that WE somewhat deserved it had it coming, even though what they are referring to took place ages and ages ago, or literally because we are from the first-world country of which the crime of the illegal or legal alien took place.

This is stupidity on another level and then some. These backward. protesting, simple-minded, trend-following, unattractive fuck monkeys are the very people who deserve to be victims of the cunts they just love to protect, and on the rare occasion it does happen, it is a beautiful thing to behold.

Nominated by Lord Cuntony

51 thoughts on “White apologists

  1. I find it quite strange (and saddening) that white people have created the modern world and created the greatest civilization on the planet, only to give it all away to feminazi’s, soy boy f@ggots, muzzies and other assorted “lesser” members of the species…
    I’ve nothing against the others but look at Africa, the Middle East, China, India, South America….

    And they’ve no-one else to blame but themselves (although they all love to blame the white man).

    “White, white, white is right. Kick em out and fight, fight, fight!” ? (Not from me, from the film i.d)

  2. Cunts personified!

    Anyone apologising for the colour of their skin should be gunned down on sight.

    • Their natural colour, that is…

      Jacko, Trump and Bliar could never apologise enough for me.

    • Race is NOT a matter of skin colour as you think. An African’s skin is colourless like that of an Anglo-Saxon. Their sable, jet black complexion is due to the presence of melanin pigments in mucous layer, between dermis and epidermis. And this in NOT the only difference between 2 completely different organisms. Average cranial capacity of White people is 1500 cubic centimeters, while that of Africans is 1360 cubic centimeters. The average weight of the Caucasian brain is 1340 grammes; that of the African is 1178; of the Hottentot, 974, and of the Australian aborigines, 907. The Caucasian brain has more cerebral convolutions than the African brain. Prognathous face of Africans is another distinguishing characteristic of Africans (forward-projecting jaws and massive lips). They have less brain matter above and more facial bone below. The average Caucasian IQ is 100, while that of Sub-Saharan African is 68.
      There are many more racial differences (hair texture, length of forearm, length of pelvis, mental energy, susceptibility to diseases, odour of body, aggression, etc.), but I will not bore you with them.

      Existence of races is due to Evolution/Differentiation of populations in different environments. In other words, Anglo-Saxon population and Africans of Guinea are 2 very different populations with very different evolutionary histories. This widespread notion that race is just a matter of skin “colour” is a gigantic lie perpetuated by Marxist loonies and do-gooding Christians (who think everyone on this planet is a descendant of Adam and Eve).
      There is a Biological reason for both the existence of Western civilisation and non-existence of African/Black civilisation.

      • And wimmin’s brains are smaller and weigh less than men’s.

        Dawn Lardbutt has a brain approximately the size of one peanut. Science has yet to discover one in the Flabbottamus.

        Jade Goody was the exception that proves the rule.

      • I personally know a few women who are very intelligent and charming, but, in general, you are quite right. Also, I need to mention that ALL wimmins’ have lower IQs than rational, conservative men.

        Lardbutt and the Flabbottamus will fare much better working, with their African cousins, in London Zoo. And here is another interesting biological fact, female Africans possess hideously large posterior regions which have evolved as a result of their male counterparts’ breeding preference for “a b*tch wit sum azz.” (Sexual Selection).

      • It’s not the size of brain but how much you get out of it that counts.

        I’m not a medical or biological scientist but I do recall reading that we barely scratch the surface of our brain’s potential.

        So really it’s a question of potential Vs utilisation.

        I have no doubt that some Kyle scum have massive brains but utilise 1% of that capability.

        Besides – physical traits aside – I believe how we’re brought up and in what society has far more impact on a person’s social and intellectual advancement.

        Whilst there are exceptions to the rule, if you’re dragged up in a Kyle scum benefits dosser’s household then chances are that young Courtney and Tyrone will become the same.

        Similarly if you are brought up in a decent society with a sense of fairness and justice – like most of the west – then, in general, most people will believe in fairness and justice.

        If you were brought up in a society of persecution then chances are that they will become the persecutors of the next generation.

        If you are brought up where what you have is driven by what you can take, and by force then… well you get where I’m coming from.

        If Obama had not been raised in the giving and Christian society of the US, instead was raised as a Kenyan Muslim, do you think he would have become the most powerful leader in the world?

        The cunts in power – the elites – would much rather us concentrate on the superficial physical traits between the races rather than the very real social discrepancies between them. That’s so that they can play both sides off on one another (fuelled by Soros, et. al.) so that there is no social cohesion, because if their was, the few (the elites) could easily be deposed irrespective of their wealth.

        The Russian Revolution scares the modern elites shitless – where the fed up masses overthrew the establishment, for all of their riches and initial control of the military – so their aim is to fragment society into smaller and smaller groups.

        Irrespective of race, how is the west served by importing “peacefuls” from the east whose social principles are diametrically opposed to that of the west?

        Irrespective of race, how is the west served by importing fighting age, sub-Saharan African men, who grew up in a society of “take” and if need be “take by force”?

        The cunts coming here aren’t the intellectual cream from those nations, no, they’re the scum who’s only sense of value or worth is basically what they can take.

        There’s only one benefit and that’s to the elites: destabilise those who could challenge their nefarious existence by importing destabilising factions and then rely on playing the race card if anyone dares to dissent against having their country transformed into a 3rd world Shithole!


      • Well said Rebel.

        Btw, it has to be acknowledged, humans are really thick compared to whales, because sperm whales have brains averaging about 8 kg.

        The weight of a human brain is similar to that of a dolphin…

        “So long, and thanks for all the fish…”

  3. Why should I have to apologise for something I had no part in? Fuck these regressives and their ‘white guilt’ bullshit.

  4. I have yet to come across a darkie apologizing for his colour, in spite of the fact that their history is one of which no race can be proud.

  5. Probably all have a sexual fantasy of being bummed into oblivion by a big black man. I see no other rational explanation for their behaviour.

  6. Well if these fucksticks aren’t happy here, they are ,more than welcome to fuck off overseas to places like Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq etc. That way they will be able to apologise in person at how utterly despicable the West was and is in its treatment of non-white folk.

    But will they fuck off to these places? Of course not. One reason is that its far too fucking dangerous, another reason is they don’t speak English, and another reason they probably don’t have 4G and/or Superfast fibre broadband. Probably don’t even have a Costa – so they certainly won’t want to move abroad!

    And while they’re at it, can they have a go at the French, the Danish, the Germans and the Romans – all of whom invading this country centuries ago and murdered, tortured, raped and enslaved the indigenous white folk back in the day!

    But again, these cunts will not think that far back because it doesn’t suit their agenda.

    fuck ’em

  7. I don’t understand why some white people are so apologetic over slavery. Like it’s in our genes ….
    Every race and civilization on the planet took slaves and many still do.
    Including Africa…
    We’re just better at it than everyone else.

  8. If these twats feel so guilty, maybe they should go kill themselves….
    Just sayin’…

  9. I can guarantee that every cunt in that photo is a vegan, they drive an electric car, send their brats to a private school, live in some posh leafy suburb, read the Guardian , remoan like fuck and have never been near anyone who is darker than my shiny white arse.
    It’s all about them. They don’t actually give a fuck about the poor and deprived of the world. They are just posers, virtue signallers and wankers.
    Fuck the holier than thou fucking shitarse cunts.

    • Yea strange how those most in favour of diversity and refugees live in exclusively white areas and send their kids to all white schools where English is everyone’s first language…
      Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

      …or maybe they’re hypocritical scum that want to give give give to those less fortunate as long as it’s someone else doing the giving.

    • I dont think these types have the mental fortitude to pass a driving test, and if by some miracle they have, they can’t run a car without parental help.

  10. Sorry for being the most civilized,best educated, advanced technologically and socially race in The world.

    White people are the only race to have learnt to live with each other and stop warring and put more effort into improving our health education and living standards.

    All the brown and darker parts of the world are constantly killing each other from the street level to national level .

    Maybe in the past some white people did some terrible shit to other people just because of skin colour but the numbers were small especially here in UK, most white people were also basically owned by the land barons too .

    90% of people in the past had shit hard lifes were mained and poisoned by their own work, died young and aged horribly .

    Thats not even mentioning African slave owners and Muslim slavers or even the south American sacrificial slaves. Every race has enslaved other races even there own when the situation was deemed necessary.

    Humans are lazy fucks and everyone use others to do there work if they can by paying or by force .

  11. I’ll give these cunts a few seconds of my time to come on here and call them out for the utter bellends that they are.
    That’s their lot. Fuck off, pathetic cunts.

  12. Ive never,ever heard a white apologist mention the Turkish Ottoman Empire(which only fell in 1923 FFS).For over 400 years the Muslim Turks raped,butchered and enslaved millions of white Europeans.But not a single squeak about it from these white libtard fucking cunts.

  13. The adults look like fucking history teachers to me, except for bongo bongo man bringing up the rear. He knows his place eh? Their respective mothers should have kept their legs closed. Cunts.

    • Ha ha ha … how could I forget.
      Fuckin nutbag.
      …. or maybe she’s just ahead of her time. They don’t teach people to accept themselves for who they are or be loyal to themselves anymore. They’re all taught that they can be anything they want despite the laws of nature physics making it impossible.
      I think the world is about to get a bit weird….

    • Afternoon guvnor!!
      I certainly do….
      Just shows you how far having some front will take you…..
      How many people who met her thought “ is she black?” she doesn’t even look mixed race FFS!! Nobody had the bollocks to call her out!

      • Evening ruff. Ha ha yea I saw that. The news immediately went to a gender fluidity trans activist twat who said that it was silly because you can’t change your age and it undermines trannies….
        Erm right….
        I just think she’s age-change-o-phobic….

      • I think Rachel was just slightly ahead of the curve RTF.

        Her estranged parents decided to expose her just 3 years ago.

        At the time I don’t recall many voices defending her, in fact the revelations pretty much finished her.

        Yet here we are only 3 years on and laws are in the making to abolish Male/Female on Passports, Transbenders are allowed to be housed in female prisons as they say to be imprisoned in a male prison breaches their human rights and they then go on to rape vulnerable female inmates despite all the warnings, children as young as 5 are being encouraged to believe they are born into the wrong body and seek treatment to help them transition and kids/teenagers across the nation are led to believe they can self identify on the flip of a coin.

        And now we’ve got ‘thought’ crime wrapped up in the disguise of hate crime.

        I’m not looking forward to 2021…..

  14. Maybe the fucking Spanish should go and apologise for the decimation of the Aztec and Incan empires , or perhaps the Italians can seek forgiveness for roman sins?
    Personally I’m waiting for the Germans to apologise for two world wars?
    And the French for being utterly fucking useless in both?
    What an absolute barrel of Cunt!
    Missed the last corbyn nomination but would just like to add my belated two pennies worth, his performance over at the cenotaph today was utterly fucking disgusting!! And anybody who would vote for that disrespectful Cunt isn’t worth knowing… I’m still angry, even wife who’s a LPM was absolutely disgusted by his lack of respect!

    • And the Viking invasion Q, those raping looting beardy barbarians. They then inflicted flat pack furniture , ABBA and Jan Molby on us 1000 years later. Cunts

  15. Apologising for long dead ancestors is a mental health problem. How the fuck can I say sorry for slavery, which was outlawed here 200 fucking years ago. Am I sorry for every kid sent down a mine, up a chimney, every shit thing. Most of my ancestors were agricultural labourers living in hovels. One of these cunts come near me talking about white privilege. Sheesh

  16. It was terrible thing slavery. I mean snatched from your family and made to work every hour of the day then sleeping sometimes 12 to tiny room. It was called – ‘going into Service’.

  17. I’m not even going to read this before commenting.

    Unlike the rest of the world, Africans and Middle Easterns are unevolved. There. Tough cheese if anyone doesn’t like hearing the plain truth.

    • No problem – Whites are rapidly de-evolving, so will soon meet the Africunts in the middle.

  18. All Africans should apologise for Shaka Zulu and the past.

    All Egyptians should apologise for the Pyramid slaves and the past.

    All Mancs, if having offspring, should apologise for the future.

  19. Wow this is so cool apologising for being born white, so this inbuilt grief and shame caused by my vile murderous ancestors plundering, raping and enslaving half the World can be negated if I walk around with a branch tied to my neck and say sorry to every ethnic that I meet. Truely I will be cleansed the guilt of ages will fall away What a crock of shit, I had to research this cunting as I truely thought an esteemed cunter was rubber dicking me. But no these wankers are real!!!! This proves a point that I’m always going on about; care in the community was and is bollocks. There once were many large establishments that persons afflicted with Cuntatonia could be cared for without being a fucking curse on us norms. I am not a norm but my strong medication works; most of the time.

  20. 20 years ago some coloured cunt broke into my car and legged it with the radio. Does that mean all coloured cunts since then are thieving…oh…….wait.

  21. Clueless cunts. They need to go out there and see the actual percentage of white people in the world and do the maths! Once the figured out there are realtively few white people they can then go research what Africans, Asians and any other fucker you’d like took at have done to each other and many of those they encountered.

    White people are no worse than any other race, hat white people have done is progressed morally and socially far beyond where we were 500 years ago.

    Never mind these apologist cunts, too fucking blinded by lefty bollocks to understand white civilisation is the blueprint for advanced civilisation on today’s world.

    Sure thee are white people screwing other races over, they also screw other white people over, that’s about character not race.

  22. I wonder how many times that virtue signalling nonsense was shared and liked by former facebook friends?
    Fucking Epsilons.

  23. Well I can see that kid at the front being in the KKK in about 15 years.

    Exposing a child to so much raw unrefined cunt!

    They could at least have pulled this stunt at Lagos airport or on the streets of the londonistan borough of coonstab.

    Sheer attention whoring cunt of a magnitude difficult for even the cunters here to grasp. Makes big brother, cunt island, strictly come attention whoring, naked cuntraction etc etc seem like a fucking scopophobia convention (and what a cunt I am for using a word like that)

  24. You mean these stupid cunts in the picture are actually for real?
    Pathetic, ignorant, deluded middle class wankers.
    I’d single out the one wearing the shades, shorts and sandals for extra special treatment.
    And they all need to have their kids taken from them to prevent further damage. Utter cunts..

  25. Fuck those people. How fucking far do you want to go back. My ancestors were kicked out of Africa by warlords 70000 years ago. I want reparations now!

  26. Regarding that picture though – I certainly wouldn’t mind it if there were a group of nice young women in that setup instead…

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