Ireland was partitioned in 1921 but there has never really been a hard border.
Irish citizens can come go under the ‘common travel area’ and this will continue, regardless of Brexit.
Irish citizens, my own family included, fought in the British army.
Switzerland has an EU border which is not exactly ‘hard’.
So what is the problem? Are we going to see billions of £s of black market trade? It seems to be mostly cattle and people crossing so this doesn’t seem likely. Besides which there are differential tax rates now anyway.
So what the fuck is the problem?
The IRA, sorry, Sinn Fein, are hinting at violence. Sounds like a threat to me, so no reason to be considered. The EU are using the border as some sort of line in the sand. Why?
Well, Ireland doesn’t like it. It will hit them I suppose but fuck them, it was our vote.
The EU have manufactured a crisis out of it, trading on May’s incompetence.
The Good Friday Agreement is dug out to bolster fears. But this agreement was signed by the murderers, Adams, MCGuiness et al because their day was done. So fuck them.
We either tell them to fuck off, the border is our business not theirs or offer to build a fucking wall. And while we are at it ban pikeys coming over here to wreck and fly tip which the Irish government has banned them from doing.
Fuck the Irish border.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
I really feel that the whole problem here is encapsulated in:
“The EU have manufactured a crisis out of it, trading on May’s incompetence.”
CC, you have captured the batshit that sums up our fucked-up times perfectly.
We are trapped between the Scylla of the former, and the Charybdis of the latter.
On the fringes of the topic, sorry but my piss is boiling and the safety valve is about to blow:
And the filthy traitor, 100% behind the EU, Blair gloats to the media….
(This report was copied to Conservative Home, but has been taken down)
Thanks for that Komodo.
Seems Blair really is “a pretty straight sort of guy” compared to Treasoner May. Don’t believe for a minute she’s not up to her scrawny neck in it. Worst, most duplicitous PM in my lifetime. Wolf in sheep’s clothing doesn’t begin to scratch the surface. If ever there was a David Icke lizard, then she’s it. No offence K.
I hate this woman and more than Mr Fiddler hates Cameron and Osborne together.
Btw, her toy boy Olly Robbins was Principal Private Secretary to Prime Minister Blair in 2006.
The whole thing is Orwell’s BIG LIE on steroids. This country has been well and truly shafted.
No. Blair is not straight compared to anyone. Blair exists in a space-time consisting of a four-dimensional re-entrant corkscrew. As to the Blancmange Lady, I’ll say she’s been as much deceived as anyone (confirmed, if you hold your breath and believe the cunt for five seconds, by Blair), and has a few problems not shared by any commentator:
1. She’s looking at a national financial black hole already. We’re over the nose in debt. Neither she, nor the businessmen who actually dictate Tory policy, want to make it worse, and the businessmen aren’t prepared to innovate and adapt to a proper exit.
2. She’s human – don’t look so surprised – and she doesn’t want to be the author of a clusterfuck that makes the Tories unelectable for ever.
3. Her entire upbringing and her career have given her tunnel vision as to economic matters. The status quo, for her, is the best status quo of all stati quo. (apologies to Latin scholars)
4. She is therefore hoping to minimise the perceived damage to the status quo while still being able to plead that she got us, in some limited sense, out.
It’s at least partly the Brexiters’ fault that no sensible economic plan supporting a clean break was offered two years ago. Instead we had the Boris Bus and invited charges of lying from the remoaners (who had produced no plan either, leaving the matter in the hands of the negotiators and at the whim of May. Who may be a remoaner, but is at least conscious that overturning the referendum decision would ensure that history remembers her in the same light as…well…Blair.
None of which thinking is relevant to Blair. Who is an obsessive narcissist whose beliefs have been formed by the very rich men who use him, and prefers “I believe this, therefore it is right” to “This is demonstrably right, and therefore I believe it”. Demonstrably.
No offence taken re. lizards. May’s trouble is that she’s not poisonous like me.
Has she not already overturned the referendum decision K?
Can’t help feeling you’ve been bamboozled by love…
I simply acknowledge that while you, Blair and I need take no responsibility for the outcome, she isn’t just responsible to us but to the country. All of it. Her perception differs from mine, but that doesn’t make her wrong, or treacherous. And if she consciously lied, she’s hardly alone among politicians.
Personally, I want to see a gigantic rethink about our political economy, going well beyond Europe, and I am disappointed we didn’t get one. But I can’t resent May and the appeasers wanting to avoid this.
Incidentally, while the Leadsom – Gove axis’ intention to be difficult made all national media today, apart from one early R4 report, nothing was said of Leadsom’s proposal that we reject the EU’s insistence on bilateral agreement to end the backstop after it expires. Rather than slagging off May, perhaps it’s more constructive to support Leadsom?
As someone replied to me not too long ago, something to the effect of “It’s so easy to blame…” …you know?.
Appreciate your considered reply Komodo.
Guess we’ll again have to agree to differ.
As the great man once said: “The stars are matter, we are matter, but it doesn’t matter.”
What a fucking scum cunt piece of shit. Shame Blair wasn’t in Paradise the other day, he would have felt at home burning in hell. He really is a snidey, sneering cunt of all cunts and just like you Komodo I am feeling my blood pressure rise with rage. Blair is definitely that little bit of turd stuck to your bums hairs. FOAD you fucking wankstain and hopefully you will go before me so I can drink myself, with my Jack Daniels to a deliriously drunken stupor
Likewise Cunstable. My Irish relatives fought for Britain in both World Wars and also served in various colonial constabularies, although I suspect I can be arrested by the thought police for the latter admission. You’re dead right. The Irish border never was a problem at any time, ever. If I ask my relatives in Mayo what the problem is they just laugh and order another round of Guinness. It’s all smoke and mirrors from Brussels and that treacherous cunt May knows it. The IRA are done – apart from a few headbangers that you get anywhere there is no support for them in the Republic.
If we don’t enforce a hard border under the previous ‘common travel area’ rules and the Irish Government decide that they need to protect their border…..then I can see another whole cunting for the Southern authorities.
What I want to know is……if this Irish bollocks is such an intractable problem how come no cunt mentioned it during the referendum campaign? How come it wasn’t in that £9 million glossy brochure? If it is such a big deal why wasn’t it mentioned by pig fucker, little Gideon, Blair, Soubry, Cable, Major and ,especially, the great Irishman with the megaphone, Sir Bob Goboff?
I’ll tell you why. Because , like an electronic device to stop women yakking it hadn’t been fucking invented yet!! No, it took at least six months before some EU smartarse dreamed it up.
It’s a fucking con, a fucking farce.
If the EU cunts want to stop their markets being undermined with cheap goods let THEM put up a hard border. Their fucking problem not ours.
Anybody who falls for this trick must be some sort of a cunt. It’s not quite as good as a shortage of Guinness, being banned from going to Spanish holiday resorts and a shortage of European dancers on Strictly, but it’s getting there.
Fairy stories are for simple minded, innocent children. That’s what they think we are.
Fucking spot on Freddie.
However, it would be our problem if they started channeling their excess peacefuls, Africunts and 35 year old child migrants across the border, wouldn’t it?
Any funny business, build the Wall of Cunts along the border, mugshots facing South to remind them how they got where they are today. And if the Micks want to start killing each other again, like the blacks in Londonistan, well that’s their business.
If the immos want to cross the border into N.Ireland they can just walk across the fields.
I imagine our government providing refreshment stops and little mosques for them to pray on their arduous journey.
Allah Akhbar!
Because it’s utter bollocks FTF!
May has allowed this side show to dominate the brexit negotiations, even Nobel prize winner and architect of the good Friday agreement David Trimble said brexit wasn’t a problem And NI borderbproblems had been grossly exaggerated by remoaners…….
Unleash the RAF.
Bomb Frankfurt/Main (spiritual home of Goethe-Institut, Coudenhove-Kalergi sickness &c.) to smithereens, likewise Luxembourg (shitty pice of backyard that Belgian dogs crap in), and Berlaymont.
Might not achieve anything, but, let’s face it, it would wipe a few smiles off smug faces. Might even wipe off / out a few faces.
Yes, I am feeling really pissed off today.
There is very little left of the former Royal Air Force, and certainly we lack the power to stage even a respectable flypast these days. Posted at the bottom…..bloody wordfence
It did strike me the other day that we still have a few tank companies stationed in Germany – wouldn’t it be a bit of a laugh to give them the order to roll on Berlin.
Given that Merkel hasn’t wanted to spend any money in the US I understand that they have been cannibalising one F16 after another for parts to the extent that they are barely able to put 2 planes in the sky.
shed a tear . i did.
There is very little left of the former Royal Air Force, and certainly we lack the power to stage even a respectable flypast these days.
We still have Trident, Asa… always assuming it’s functional.
Best make good use of it before Catweasel moves into No.10 and replaces the nukes with giant marrows…
Do you recon he uses that on the abbopotomous?
…bet it barely touches the sides!
Good evening Mr. Sausage. It’s actually a representation of one of her tits ,in a non racially offending puke green .
Goes well with chiggun and chips.
Look how he lovingly cups it in his hand , dreaming of those far off days ,camping in East Germany.
Ha ha ha.
Good evening Jack.
How are things on t ‘ other side o ‘ t ‘ Pennines Mr. Sausage ?
All good over here thanks Jack. Haven’t started breeding whippets just yet but settling in nicely.
How’s it going for you mate?
Things are ok thanks . No big drama’s, apart from being pissed off with our traitorous politicians .
No Whippets here either, just a Border Collie that’s nicked my place on the couch.
One of the original members of the pop group Showaddywaddy has died at the age of 72….
Good job it wasn’t the black one… The griefjacking virtue siganling snowfalkes would never have shut up about such a ‘legend’ and ‘crushing loss’ on social media…
Al James has made his 3 Steps to Heaven
Wayne Rooney was asked “What’s it like being in the 120 club.?”
“Don’t believe all that shit” replied Wayne, “She was only ninety four”….
Fuck me! Slimeball Gove has given The Hunchback his “full backing.”
She’s in BIG fucking trouble now!!
The Govester, looks like he’s taking double geography but can knife like any political shyster.
What a painfully creepy cunt Gove is. What kind of person would slither and creep about like this vermin. If Spitting Image was still going they’d have him as a rat. He’d crawl through sewers of shit for five minutes of power.
I nominated Count Dracula Gove some weeks ago but it seems to have vanished like a bat ? in the night.
My basic premise was that he is a slimy, backstabbing little creep and we don’t need the shitcunt on our side.
I understand that he and Boris are big pals now. Oh yeah?
I wouldn’t trust either of them any more than they trust each other.
Pair of fucking cunts.
The cowards obviously contrived that back-stabbing incident to duck out of the Tory leadership contest, thereby evading responsibility for delivering Brexit.
From that point on it became a Remain damage limitation exercise to ensure continued funding for the 4th Reich (£39 billion + £18 billion so far) and for the UK to be sufficiently punished to deter others, and left disadvantaged when it came to trade etc.
I doubt if it was “contrived” Mr Creampuff. You are attributing them with more brainpower than they actually have.
If the libtards tell us that people are born gay, and most idiots swallow that shit, why can’t people be born cunts?
A philosophical question which nobody wants to answer because it challenges the status quo.
Laura. She’s always just in camera shot on her mobile, adjusting her earpiece, preparing to sit in the chair. See the narrative is she is finding out the truth, investigating the inner workings of government so this important work she is about. All play acting of course. And the reporting is so banal-‘she must take the next step’ (shot of stone steps) ‘that is on the horizon’ (shot of the horizon). But it is her voice that really grates-‘a day of high political drama’ she said on Withdrawal Agreement day. But she said it in the stupid declamatory way she has- where every sentence must be dramatically delivered. She drained ‘the unfolding drama’ of DRAMA.
The Irish both north and south don’t want a hard border – the UK government does not want one either. The EU say they don’t want one — all also claim they will not put one up. What’s the problem unless the cunt Remoaners and cunt EU “functionaries” want it to be a problem? They want to weaponise the border and our discrace of a PM and toady Civil Servants blinked first.
Oh how have we come to this unless as I said in my first ever post we have reached cunt tipping point in the country so we are doomed.
Good day.
All we hear is “the technology doesn’t exist”
What a load of fucking shit, are they fucking kidding…. I am not IT nerd but I a absolutely sure that a technology based solution could be put together to control external “goods” moving from north to south, everything else is local shit that can carry on as before. All this bullshit “integrity of the single market” is just a smoke screen, it didn’t seem to be a fucking issue when 1000000 fucking migrants invaded Europe – CUNTS!!!
Yes indeed Mr Sick
Also did you know that just 0.2% or 0.3% of our total trade goes via that Border? Sure yes there is still the issue of “ those who want to make it a huge issue” but the entire reason for not getting a Canada ++++ deal? Really? They are having a Larff! The cunts.
Please someone anyone please if there is a God remove the MayBot. I can’t see any outcome that will work now other than the so called “crash out”. I don’t think any of the numpties in Westminster have the balls for that sadly. My biggest fear is the MayBot will succeed. If that happens my interest in this Country will become Zilch. I will spend tons more on home security – be very fussy about my travel , links etc and everything else can go to shit for all I care.
Good evening.