The Fucking BBC TV Licence

Tv tax is a cunt.

Like all cunters, I fucking despise the bbc…
I hate their propaganda, I hate their lefty racism (positive discrimination) and I hate their elitist metropolitan bubble idiocy.
I hate their lies and their smearing of anyone that disagrees with their stupid opinions but most of all I hate the fucking bullying thievery of the tv licence.

Why the fuck should I be forced to pay to feed the propaganda machine who’s sole aim is to wipe my culture, country and probably also my race from the face of the planet?

Why should I have to pay for tv channels that I never watch?

I pay Sky for my tv.
I don’t watch the movie channels. I don’t pay for the movie channels.
I don’t watch the sport channels. I don’t have to pay for the sports channels.
So why the fuck do I have to pay for the fucking BBC?

I just moved into a new house. The very first thing I received as I walked through the door was a threatening letter from the ministry of propaganda informing me that they’re sending heavies round to inspect my property and issue me with a £1000 fine if I have a tv, tablet or computer.

If you need any evidence of the true authoritarian, bullying face of the leftist regime just look at the tv licencing cunts.

As most end up doing, I thought “well there’s nothing I can do, I guess I’ll just have to pay the cunts” so I went online to set up my direct debit….

Thieving cunts…

It’s about time the tv tax was abolished. I’m on a tight budget and I don’t see why I have to pay these leftist cunts money that I can barely afford for services that I don’t fucking want.

It’s stealing. It’s corruption. It’s utter cuntitude and it boils my piss.

Nominated by Deploy the Sausage (and seconded by everyone)

51 thoughts on “The Fucking BBC TV Licence

  1. I don’t have a firearm: I am not constantly reminded that I need a FAC.
    I don’t have a plane: my doormat is devoid of reminders to renew my pilot’s license.
    You may search me in vain for a pot still; I am not harassed to obtain a distiller’s license.

    I don’t have a television. Take a hint, cunts.

    PS if the BBC’s decline goes any further, I won’t even have a radio.

    • I only listen to them for 5 Live’s sports coverage (which to be fair is admittedly excellent).

    • Well put Komodo,
      I just went for simple math.
      To employ the jug eared lefty gimmegrant loving EU supporting cunt that is Gary “linemepockets” Lineker at £1.75m a year, bearing in mind he only anchors MOTD, he is too tired to do MOTD2 or any midweek sports show left to Gabby Yorath or whatever her name is this week, the ALBBC have to forcibly “sell” 11627 “licences” per annum. Fuck that for a game of soldiers. If you want to be a propaganda show for the left, the weak minded, multicultural, all inclusive, talentless, overpaid and overstaffed Goebbels inspired tosh that is the 2018 ALBBC you fucking well fund it yourselves in the open market. Let the cunts who are “inspired” by it pay for it.

    • Anyone in any doubt about why our England is down the shit pan and on the ALBBC theme – tune into ALBBC2 and see how the antiquated out of touch thoroughly class ridden EU adoring sycophantic cunts of the Foreign Office works in 2018 – its more 1818 with telephones. Of course I’m not watching it live – its via a very small sexy android box that streams everything from porn to live traffic cameras in virtually every major city in the world. 😉

      • I don’t have a TV either Komodo; I prefer to occupy my time more constructively. I listen to Radio 4, but that channel is being switched off more often than not.

  2. Listening to LBC’S Nick Ferrari yesterday morning, he went through the programme guide for BBC 1 and 2 for the daytime programming and it was 90% plus repeats. What does the BBC spend the money on, why is it allowed to have a commercial arm and why is it’s charter removed when it is obviously biased and agenda driven.

    Abolish the license tax, make it self funding and then lets see how it does.

    See how many people subscribe too it for the Joy of Eastwankers or Dr what the fuck.

  3. I second that cunting!
    The Beeb’s become a ‘right on’ infested pile of cunt these last few years.

    • Radio 4 is a steaming pile of turd. After the early morning news on there just before 5.45 they have Prayer for the day often taken over by peacefuls, or ongabongoos, or lady *writers and broadcasters*. This week they have plumbed a new depth of fuckwittery with some young ‘un called “Guvnor B” rap artiste and thinker.

      Then you have Today with more of the snide Brexit Bashing Corporation vomit. At ten Jeni Lardarse Murray or her femme friend Jane Garvey, puts on their string vests and leather Y Fronts to present Wimmins Hour. At lunchtime more Brexit bashing with The World At One today featuring that Soubry cunt. Sounds like she needs a good fuckng cos she is a frustrated old whore. At 5 it’s PM tnight with it’s Brexit basher wanker in chief Chris Morris, and they are even re-doing a Mark Mardell series he has already done on World @1 “Brexit A love Story” twenty fucking sneering reports. They also have that motherfucker Keir Starmer on as well, one of the old queens of new labour. Needless to say the radio went off at 5.5. At 6.30 in the comedy slot they have some American arsehole called Rich Hal, who is going to take a half hour *satirical* look at The Donald. Tomorrow at that time it’s the fucking Now Show. Undergrad huour at it’s worse.

      Tony Hall has been DG for six years today, it’s time he fucked off to some university for snowflakes. The BBC has really gone down the shithole in his time. It must be a comfort for Hall to know he will never suffer from piles – he’s the perfect arsehole.

      That is just one day on one channel and they have fucked me right off. Earlier there was one of those wimmin on who only exist because of radio 4 Mary Ella Jockstrap, sounds like a lezzie pretending to know about literature. She probably only reads The Dildo Review

      • The other night R4 had half an hour of two coloured (tick box) wimminz (tick box) actresses (tick vapid box) chattering to each other with incessant ‘Wow! That’th THO cool!’ and ‘Oh realleee? That’th my abtholute favourite film TOO!’ being exchanged. Fuck knows what it was supposed to be about. Fuck knows how an ‘actress’ with an unconquerable lithp, sorry, lisp can find work. Fuck knows how anyone would be expected to find this ordure any more stimulating than listening to two old dears in the checkout line at Tesco.

        I derived some slight amusement from replaying each vacuous comment as it arrived, in my head, in the voices, alternately, of Sid James and Kenneth Williams. It almost worked, but not for half an hour. (You may use this idea if you wish, free of charge.)

        Radio 4 is not just fucked, but fucked to death and decomposing. Cunts.

  4. It’s nothing short of a mafia racket. Why, if you have already bought a TV, should to have to pay for the privilege of watching said TV when you don’t even watch any BBC channels? Then there’s their forcing you to sign in to watch stuff online in an attempt to round up people who avoid the licence that way – true Big Brother is watching you shit. It’s just so unbelievably immoral and amounts to nothing more than bullying the most vulnerable members of society using the foulest of intimidatory methods.

  5. Anyway, to DtS – go to the website to set up a No Licence Needed declaration and you should stop receiving the letters. Truly superb cunting by the way.

    • Cheers mate. I didn’t realise that you could declare that you didn’t need one. I wonder if they send someone round to check? That may not be a good thing when I’m drunk, I may just have to issue a face to face cunting on the BBC and corrupt tv licence racket….
      I found out that it’s actually only supposed to be £12 per month but as I’m new they charge me double for 6 months so that I’m always 6 months ahead… cunts…
      I’m gonna cancel the direct debit in 6 months…

      • You’re welcome. Yes, it does say on the website that they may send someone round to check. Shouldn’t have to set up such a declaration in the first place though – fuck the Beebistan.

  6. If the BBC was still operated with their original manifest to inform, educate and entertain in a non partisan manner a lot more people would be happy to pay up, but it fails miserably on all 3 counts, it is metropolitan, left wing, smug, politically correct purveyor of social manipulation and patronising nanny knows best, because it’s staffed by lefty creatives you have to follow the dogma or be jettisoned.

  7. Since Brexit and Trump, the BBC has doubled down in its effort to force every cunt in the land to adopt their sickening brand of identity bollocks. Doctor Who has turned into a weekly morality play. I say an episode of a cookery show where a black contestant served his dish with a picture of his dead black mum. It was a right load of cock to start with -celebrating 70 years of the NHS with food – but serving up a photo of your dead black mum to sway the judges?
    Of course it worked and the wanker won.
    I’ll be voting UKIP as they want to abolish the licence fee and hopefully put an end to this mongery.

    • Just be thankful it was the BBC. If it was on HBO or Sky Atlantic he would be serving up his dead mother…

  8. They are piss taking now. Its £156 a year and you could get now tv and netflix for the year cheaper! All they offer up is the usual shite for grannies to piss their pants to, like dance shows or ‘educational’ offerings which are like the playbus programme from the 1990s but for adults. But aside from the money its the job for life that gets my tits in a twist. Dickheads like Linekunt will be on the screens until his last breath, even if he gets fed up with football they will find him a nice afternoon slot travelling the country on a ride on lawnmower, meeting all the happy folk. Job for life. The whole of bbc radio is the same, the same cunts I was listening to when I was young, still there-Radcliff,lamack,Wiley, Cox and now Laverne. I will be in a chair pissing my pants and that load of cunts will still be on the bbc radio. Not to mention they keep the good old guardian going, cunts-paying for that rag with licience money. They make me fucking sick and the sooner the tax is abolished the better. Thieves

    • Netflix isn’t perfect but i’ll take that over a forced TV licence any day of the week to watch big brother lecture to me what a white racist cunt I am . The history revisionism and peaceful people pandering is pathetic plus their obvious pro EU stance and project fear that they do. The best thing about netflix is you can have multiple accounts too no added fee because you and your mum want to watch different programs at the same time

  9. I think I’ve got the answer Cunters:

    Self identify as a wretched 75 year old and you’ll be entitled to a FREE license!!

    But should you not wish to be considered almost dead, for a 50% reduction in the fee you could self identify as blind!

    And while your at it, why not self identify your LG 55SK8000PLB 55-Inch Super UHD 4K HDR Premium Smart LED Freeview Colour TV as an old Ferguson Black & White portable and bag an EVEN BIGGER discount!

    (Information curtesy of the Campaign for a Smarter Brexit)

      • Thanks Deploy. Not exactly rocket science, is it?

        I’d say it’s only “common sense”….

      • PS: Good luck with the “transitioning”. Don’t forget to keep us updated.

        Outstanding Cunting, btw.

      • I’ve only just started really…
        I’m quite interested in women’s knickers but I haven’t got any further than just sniffing them for now…

  10. Self serving BBC cunts, i write to them at every opportunity to complain and comment on thr shite they put out.
    That fucking Victoria Derbyshire winds me up self fucking righteous bitch.
    She made a video diary when she had breast cancer, now I sympathise with anyone with any kind of cancer but she fucking milked it for all it was worth.
    BBC you are the fucking Mafia, fleecing the fucking nation to peddle you political view, independent – what bollocks!

  11. Plenty of free films, old pre-snowflake TV shows and documentaries on the net.
    First thing I did when we moved into our current house was chop off the aerial and sky dish leads flush with the wall.
    Fuck the BBC.
    And ITV and Channel 4 and 5 and all the rest of them.

  12. Lord Lilley put the lefty twats right a couple of days back telling them their brexit coverage is anything but even handed.
    But guess what, they wheel out some beeb drone in yet another non job to tell us, all together now “we get it about right”. They can only get worse and we are frustatedly just howling at the moon.
    Lefty cunts.

  13. I will not watch the BBC’s output due to the biased, politically correct and highly offensive nature of their offerings.

    We no longer have sky and the only TV shows the wife watches are on Netflix and Amazon. Both of which we pay for.

    I only use the TV for web based music apps and the occasional go on my natty little retro games console.

    Why do I need a TV licence?

    • Exactly. There should be an option to have BBC services cut off, but then we all know what would happen if they offered that.
      ….every one would tell em to get fucked and they’d shut down.

  14. Having just been downstairs to check, I currently have 46 letters from tv licensing (Return Address – Darlington DL98 1AT), 45 of which are unopened. They range from threatening court action, asking if I’m in on such-and-such a date, to “this address is under surveillance”. 46 letters since I stopped watching telly. I still have one – I am perfectly entitled to do so -I can own a car without being constantly badgered by the DVLA about whether or not I have drivers licence.
    Thing is, DTS, once you’ve either told them online, or phoned the tiresome fuckers up to tell them you don’t need a tv licence, they will badger the fuck out of you every 2 years. I just ignore them.
    46 letters and yet I’m still waiting for some cunt from tv licensing to turn up and ask me about it, so I can poke each and every last letter up their fucking red-raw flue

    • I wish I had ignored them but it’s weird how they do it.
      First you put in all your details then right at the very end they finally tell you how much they’re gonna rape you for.
      £26 per month! …. I couldn’t fuckin believe it! A fiver I could live with but that just takes the piss.
      I’ve always been lodging with mates or been in house shares when I lived down south so it’s the first time I’ve bought a licence. Un-be-fuckin-leivable what bullying, piss taking theives they are.
      It should be illegal!

    • I have a friend who does not have a TV licence and refuses to get one. The main reason for this is that he does not have a TV.

      He has been pestered for some years by the TV licensing police as for some strange reason they cannot believe not everyone spends their lives watching the box in the corner of the room.

      Countless demands by letter, has been threatened with court action several times, and they have called at his house on numerous occasions (even waiting for him to get home from work) but so far he has refused every demand to gain entry.

      I have said wouldn’t be easier just to show them you do not have one, he said no way are they putting even one foot into my house.

      He can be a particularly difficult sod if he puts his mind to it and I suspect he very much enjoys the battle with them, however in this particular instance feel he does have a more than valid reason.

      In fact he should probably sue the cunts for their harassment.

    • Ex and I had this trouble when we bought a flat in Feicester, just after we married (late 80s).

      We were bombarded with these idiot missives thanks to the previous owners havin had a box but no licence (he was a copper…); after ripping them up into tiny pieces and shoving them back in the envelope with increasingly offensive letters, and marking the envelopes “RTS”, the arseholes eventually gave up.
      We had bought a licence, but of course that didn’t seem to bother them…

  15. When I tell friends and co-workers there’s a TV license in the UK, I get that look. You know the one where someone thinks you’re taking the piss because you’ve said something so ridiculous that it can’t possibly be true.

    The liberal/left bias of the ABBC is SO obvious and indefensible at this point, I fail to understand why someone with power/money/influence hasn’t sought to challenge the legality of the license fee on the basis the ABBC has violated its own charter. The mere fact of owning a TV means you’re obligated to buy a TV license is so beyond absurd that it beggars belief. The fact that so many people outside the UK still seem to believe the ABBC is impartial and represents the UK as a whole as the state broadcaster is both sad and aneurysm inducing. The fact that the ABBC covered up institutionalised child molesting ala Savile, but then tried to help nail Quiff Pilchard’s balls to the wall for the same thing with zero evidence does make you wonder why and how they’re allowed to get away with it.

    Like many on here, I loathe and despise the ABBC and I hope to fuck the license fee is outlawed in my life time.

    • So as not to reveal the location of Savile’s grave, relatives have removed the head stone and flowers, leaving just a small hole and no bush.
      Just as he would of wanted….

    • Any organisation that lines the Rantzid woman’s pockets with 30 pieces of silver is very obviously promoting diddling.

  16. The fuckin BBC, only Trumped by the Vatican for being the most blinkered,repulsive and greedy bunch of wankers on the face of this sorry planet, I haven’t included any of the peaceful type scum as to me they don’t register as humans.!!

  17. ‘Don’t try this at home ‘ a television phrase that fecks me right off, treating people like idiots, cos only superior tv people have the ability to do it, cunts

    • I watched the docu about Britain’s Atom Bomb the other night.

      The fantastic part was the admission that a load of uranium had been put into lead containers, then into the back of a Vauxhall, and driven from Windscale to Woolwich, via the outskirts of S. London, where the car broke down (fortunately not bursting into flames and exploding, like the current, more advanced models). The driver had to hammer on the door of a pub, and call for back-up…

      “Don’t try this at home”, indeed.
      I am wondering if I might get away with it…

  18. I got in early today. Just in time for Cunstion Time.

    The question is, will I make it through the introductions in the opening credits before my piss turns to plasma and either Netflix or Amazon Prime is initiated?

    I also have Sky so I like my entertainment toys (as would you if you were away all week in the Middle East aka Lutonistab)!

    Can’t wait for it to become a pay for view service. That’ll be £0 p.a. off me then.

    I’d love to see that hooky-gobbed EU shill Laura Kuntsberg selling the Big Issue outside of Westminster…

    “Big Issue sir?”

    “Nah, I get mine delivered luv cheers!”

    Brillo buffing shoes at the Carlton Club.

    Andrew Marr doing a Cletus at the food bank.

    Linekunt selling Vernon’s Pools coupons.

    Balding surrogating for Frankel.

    Ahhh, all good stuff!

    Fuck you BBC! Your death cannot come quick enough for me!


    • Agree with everything except the criticism of Brillo. He’s pretty much their only good journalist.

  19. Question Time. Finished with a question on the housing shortage. Not one reference to mass immigration .
    Apparently a third of a million extra bodies every fucking year is totally insignificant.
    But then I voted leave so I am thick as shit. Addition and subtraction is beyond me.

    • It’s selfish old people living too long that’s the problem.

      They’ve only paid into the system for 40-50yrs, ungrateful cunts!

      Who’d have thought that all that tax moolah was supposed to be for them in later life. Fucking leeches!

      Do they not know that we need to feed/home/payout for an army of fighting age men from every Africunt and “peaceful” shithole to enrich (and takeover) this green and pleasant land!?!

      Utterly selfish old CUNTS!

      I recently nominated AL-BEEB “Three Cunties Radio” for a cunting for crying about the NHS creaking at the seams in Bedfordshire (which encompasses Lutonistab – surprise, surprise).

      The reason for this…and the panel of leftist cunts said this poe-faced…was because selfish old people were living a year or so longer. ???

      Yeah! Chinny-fucking-reckon! ?

      The 10 million “imports” since 1997 has FUCK ALL to do with it o’course.

      And the cunts have the audacity to wonder why the ordinary Joe hates their fucking guts and begrudgers paying their stealth tax!

      Government mandate? Well here’s my mandate – you anti-British cunts – FUCK OFF FAKE NEWS BASTARD TWATS!

    • Everyone knows the immigrants are all living in one room.

      It’s the billionaires buying up property and leaving it empty, that’s the real problem. ?

  20. I live abroad, thank goodness. I get ALL the UK channels, Sky Sports and TV channels from round the world – FOR NOTHING! The UK TV licence is an anachronism in this day and age. The BBC should be funded by adverts same as everybody else. We’d soon see how the leftie culture would progress – my guess would be out of business in 2 years unless they change their ways. By the way how is the fact you’re watching TV on a tablet or a PC, detectable?

  21. I’ll never forget my first day in England in 1987 (the same day that massive storm flattened all those trees) and a bloke came to the door asking if we had a television. Of course, I said, so what? Doesn’t everyone? He asked if I had a licence for it and I thought he was the neighbourhood pisstaker and told him to get lost and shut the door on him. Never heard from him again, so assumed I was right.

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