
Fucking hell. Tescos have to get it.

Our local tescos community scheme thing with the blue coins has as one of the options a charity that sends people into schools to train teachers how to communicate with trans people.


Nominated by Cuntflap

55 thoughts on “Tesco

  1. Any cunt can communicate with trannies.
    “Fuck off you pervert cunts and stay away from kids you scum!”

    There, fucking simple.

  2. Don’t put any coins in it.

    O/t Mrs Askey is cunt of the year in perpetuity.
    The rebellion starts here. The fucking treasonous lieing bitch. Fucking go for husband’s shitty bank. She will have body guards for the rest of her life. But he won’t.

    The fucking cunt.

  3. Heard all the remoaners on the radio last night. They are cockahoop, fucking full of themselves, convinced this means a 2nd referendum and total capitulation.
    Have they read the script?
    Traitorous filth.

    • The 4th Reich won’t have us back in now. May’s deal is better for them than having us as a member, at least on the terms we previously had. The 4th Reich is set to get all the money they would have if we’d remained (£57 billion = 6 or 7 years NET payments), yet none of the hassle of having us at the top table vetoing shit like the EU army, etc. In the foreseeable future we’ll still have to abide by the rules of the Single Market, including Freedom of Movement, be in the Customs Union (Ireland) so no trade deals allowed, ECJ will be final arbiter of all disputes… I’ve never seen Barnier looking so happy, and no wonder! Even if we wanted to cancel Brexit and Remain they wouldn’t agree unless we agreed to join the Euro, Schengen, and lost our £4 billion rebate.

      May and Robbins should be strung up, Mussolini and his mistress style.

  4. Mrs. May lights DUP blue touchpaper and retires. Wouldn’t like to be in Arlene Fosters path when she’s got her dander up.

    Sell out.
    Good morning.

  5. Sell out is precisely what it is.

    Spunker and Barneybear must be cocking themselves – “Ze stoopid Eeenglish peegs!” They are richer to the sum of £39 Billion and laughing their micro-penises off.

    May couldn’t hard bargain to buy a rusty 1989 Austin Maestro. She would probably end up on a finance deal for it at £700 a month for 3 years and then crow what a fucking great deal she has negotiated. What a cunt.

    JRM describes it as a “rotten deal”.

    Still did we really expect anything else from Saggy May?

      • That’s just it,isn’t it, RTC? Big business never wanted “Brexit” and so I really can’t see what difference it would have made whoever was in charge. It’s all very well saying Farage or Davis or whoever should have been in charge….it wouldn’t have made any difference. They would not have been able to get the “Brexit” deal that was promised.
        I sometimes work with other contractors for Balfour Beatty if it’s a big job. If I announced to them that I only wanted to do the good parts of the job and would cheery-pick what suited me, they would tell me to Fuck Off and make things so difficult for me that I couldn’t continue. They would hold the whip hand. Of course, I could say that I was either allowed to cherry-pick or I’d go it alone and deal with Balfour Beatty direct, no doubt they’d tell me to do just that while undercutting me and causing me as many difficulties as possible.
        I know that the rather garbled example above isn’t ideal,but I think that we should accept that we were never in a strong enough position to expect to be able to dictate terms to the E.U. Saying that we’d just walk away unless we got what we wanted was never going to happen, big business said that it would be a disastrous mistake and perhaps they’re right. I suspect that they”ll know better than any politician who can just propose and promise anything safe in the knowledge that they wont have to enact their pie-in-the-sky promises.

        I’d have had more time for May if she’d been honest and said that she believed that Brexit was undeliverable and challenged the likes of Johnson to do better,but perhaps she believes that the compromise is the best result possible given our position. Europe was never going to just roll-over and accept our terms,and big business was never going to risk losing out because of a, frankly, rather wishful expectation that the U.K could return to the Glory Days where we dictated to Johnny Foreigner.
        As far as I’m concerned the chickens have come home to roost. Brexit has shown that the “Peoples” will is an illusion.

        Fuck Them All.

      • Ah Dick. I’m sure you don’t intend this but you sound a bit like the cunts on the radio, callers and presenters alike, who continually try to pigeon hole this affair as one solely about money and economy.

        The EU is a political entity and that is what shat in our cornflakes, what people do not like. If it were just the financial entity it originally promised to be then big business might have a case.

        ps EU army? A dangerous fantasy, eh Cleggy?

      • Morning BBC. I think that everything is about money when you boil it down.
        My point is more that, as Corbyn did re. tuition fees, the likes of Farage and Johnson promised the world because they believed that it would never happen,and even if it did,they were going to make damn sure that they were well away from something that was, basically, impossible to deliver. Of course the EU wasn’t just going to roll over and let us cherry-pick and big business wasn’t going to let us just leave without a deal if they believed that it would be a disaster.
        I have no idea whether just walking away would decimate the economy,and neither does anyone else. However, distasteful as it might be, I suspect that business may have a better idea of the results of leaving the EU than certain promise-the-Earth politicians.
        I voted Leave, but must admit that it was more to say “Fuck Off” to our “rulers” than from properly considering the ramifications…I didn’t actually think that “Leave” would win,and neither,I suspect,did the leading Brexiteers.
        I’m no happier about the failure of “Brexit” than anyone else, but am prepared to consider that the Land of Milk and Honey which was so glibly mooted was never going to happen and now it’s just a case of making the best of a bad job.
        Defeatist?….possibly. Realist…undoubtedly.

      • Morning Dick.

        I get where you’re coming from. However I would submit that power, as nebulous as it may appear, is superior to money. If the relative stability in Europe, or the world, should be perturbed then we might regain appreciation for what signing on the dotted line can mean for our fate.

        This mess is like some chump (UK) getting divorced because the wife cheated with multiple men, maxed out the credit cards and demanded he pay off her debt, whilst crying for her not to go. Fuck that noise and check out. Sleep in the car if necessary.

      • Morning Dick.

        May wouldn’t know honesty if it came up and bit her tits off.

        She is a congenital liar. Compared to her, Blair really is “a pretty straight sort of guy”.

        I’m not joking!

        PS: my dead cat could have got a better deal.

      • Morning, RTC..Which is the “honest” politician who would have been capable of delivering “Brexit”?
        We should face up to the fact that we were negotiating from a weak position led by a politician who didn’t believe that “Brexit” was in the best interests of the country….maybe she’s right…I don’t know, but when virtually all of the “people who matter”(business) don’t want it, perhaps they know slightly more about it than me and a select group of windbag politicians.

      • Agreed, none of them are honest, but there are degrees…

        Imo, May is out there in a league of her own – the worst, most dishonest politician in my lifetime. Was she telling the truth when she stated during the referendum campaign “we have full control of our borders”? Read her fine words on the steps of No.10 on first becoming PM – FUCK ALL delivered. Brexit means Brexit, Lancaster House, NONE of it even remotely delivered.

        It’s Orwell’s BIG LIE in action, dishonesty on steroids.

        This country has been shafted.

      • RTC…..I’m certainly not disagreeing with you that it has been a sell-out. All I’m saying is that May’s hands were tied from the start.
        She could have demanded whatever anyone wanted,it was never going to happen. Like it or not the will of the British people was never going to change the position of business,or persuade the EU to let us cherry-pick.
        ‘Fraid to me “Brexit” was always just about the Tory party trying to end years of infighting…they never expected the Leave vote and knew from Day One that it was an impossibilty.
        Globilisation is the name of the game and we’ve been letting ourselves be sucked deeper and deeper in ever since the original vote to join the Common Market. We are no longer in a position where we can pull up the drawbridge and tell Johnny Foreigner to Fuck Off. We became a vassal State years ago through a constant Drip,Drip of accepting E.U rules, and Brexit has exposed our true position

      • I’m with DF on this one, as on much else. Voted Leave as much to say ‘fuck off’ as anything meaningful. There were only ever two options that would work: In and All The Way Out. And business couldn’t be expected to buy Out on those terms. If you look at who funds the parties, and who gets ‘honours’ from the system, let alone the sidelines of our disgusting representatives and the revolving door between government and the corporate world, you will realise that following the money is the only way to look at this.

        Be honest, cunters. We knew that the EU would use every trick in the book to keep us attached, as it did with Denmark, and that only a revolution would produce the conditions for a clean break. A revolution, from our dim, greedy and entertainment-fed masses? I am ashamed of myself for suggesting the possibility.

        We’ll get a fuckup, then. As long as May’s in power there won’t be a second referendum – I think she means it – but she won’t be there for much longer. She personally can’t allow the no-exit option; she’s nailed her colours to the mast on that, and allowing it would be a flat denial of democracy – can’t be seen to do that.

        Meanwhile the speculators are making hay swapping currencies. The £ dropped 1% against the Euro today: says something about where the money men think this is going. Which will be the May way, not the Raab way. Raab wasn’t paying enough attention to the city…he’s gone now.

        Ok, if that’s where we end up, we’ll have to keep pushing the specific issues that bother us. ISAC – destiny beckons!

      • Yes Mr Fiddler is completely correct on this one,even Maggie and Winston would have struggled to solve this,never mind the Maybot.

  6. Sorry,

    Yes, Tesco and their Hinge and Bracket communication appeal. I might pop in their and drop some dried turds in the box courtesy of my cats.

    Fuck Tesco – I shop at Spasda anyway, being the tight cunt I am.

  7. Our local Tesco support a lot of window licking “charidees”. We have a substantial number of west African migrants in my area,each of which seem to have at least one dependent of “special needs ” The local store supports any number of some of the most ridiculous programmes including a relaxation group to help migrants to tolerate the rigours of transition.
    My coin is always donated to the local drain in the car park. It too needs some lovin.

  8. Tescos grate my nutsack. There’s two of the bloody things in our tiny town, swallowed up some little shops and a whole precinct.

    Yet I go to the ‘convenience’ version to buy some lincolnshire sausages, because we no longer have a butchers in our town. But no, there’s about 80 packets of Bramely Apple and regular because some cunt believes we buy them when we evidently do not.

    Other products disappear to be replaced by their 3rd rate in house variety that again no one buys. Great. You swallow up other stores and now other decent products too, then try to sell me your own brand finance at the till? FUCK YOU.

    They need to collapse like a banana republic.

  9. The EU fascists are meeting on the 25th to see if they “approve” of the sell out. Why? They fucking wrote it, what’s to approve?
    Another all day piss up with fresh whores and rent boys from Eastern Europe. All courtesy of the British taxpayer.

    • The EU fascists are making a big thing of ‘approving’ Saggy’s submission as they need to send a clear message to us and the rest of the world that they are our masters and not an entity that is ‘negotiating’ with the UK.

      Saggy has let all this happen on her watch, the supine cunt.

      To pinch RTC’s catchphrase – the UK is finished.

      A servile, impotent island full of snowflakes and shrill whingers. I am not sure what it will take for these cunts to wake up and realise they have helped this slide. I need a lie down and some pills.

  10. Rabb’s gone.
    What about the others? Give? Leadsom? Grayling? Bunch of cissy Zelda witch-lovers.

    • My feeling is that they have had a night to sleep on it.

      Resign today or forget it. Now or never.

      For what it’s worth something collectively needs to happen today.

      And I think it will.

      • I hope you’re correct, Willie.

        I thought that the Brexiteers would see how it fared in a Parliament vote first. If it passes then they could “put their letters of no-confidence in” and if it fails, the Hunchback of Compromise would be finished.

      • You may well be right Captain.

        Like most Leavers totally fucked off with the whole sorry fucking fiasco, and have given up trying to second guess what will happen.

        Consoled by the fact that whether we are in or out of the EU there will still be governed by the the anti British brigade (whoever they maybe) and that for the vast majority of us our lives will remain the same.

        Same shit, different day, but always cunts in charge.

  11. Tesco are Cunts. They can shove their multi-cultural Christmas ad. up their arse. I’d turn the hounds on any group of Darkies who tried carol-singing at my place.

    Fuck them.

  12. McVey has resigned. Now where’s that gutter crawling cockroach Gove?
    Come out and face the blinding light you snivelling cunt!

  13. Are you sitting comfortably children? Good. Now we all knew what was going to happen didn’t we? So stop shouting and complaining. Boris take your hand from inside Jacob’s trousers and Nigel stop trying to hide at the back there! Let’s continue the lesson – repeat after me children “Ich liebe dich Angela und ich liebeTante Theresa auch”.

  14. Yes We all know Tesco is a complete Cunt.And now I will blow my own Trumpet loud and clear.Ever since the day after the 2016 referendum I have repeated ad nauseum on social media and down the pub that there is absolutely NO FUCKING WAY the Elite Bankers and Big Bizzness interests and the Fourth Reich and its legions of parasites would allow a linchpin of the whole crooked gravy train to leave its rapacious claws.That Old Blighty would be coerced into “modifying” the Democratic result of the Referendum.That a Corbyn led coalition would be eased into power as a new broom to “clean up” the entire deliberately mismanaged Brexit Shitfest ie stop the UK from leaving.Please bow before me my fellow cunts as my prophecy is nearing completion.The fucking cunts have played a blinder.God help our country as I fear the Rivers of Blood will soon be washing over us.

    • Totally agree with you,CRU apart from the Corbyn bit. I think that we’ll get an “untainted” new leader of the Tory party who will start with a fresh palette. I’m not sure that Corbyn is as popular as some of the media believes and as long as the Tories don’t run another deliberately poor election campaign,they’ll win….if anyone can ever again be bothered to vote,that is.

      • If this Brexit (AKA Remain) really happens then I know that my vote is worth fuck all and I shall not bother wasting my time in future.

  15. Where the fuck is this all going to end? If we have a so called ‘People’s vote’ (we’ve had one) and we vote leave again what the fuck happens then? This is an unsolvable mess. Oh dear they are laughing at May in the commons right now.

    • You have absolutely nailed it with this one line:

      “If we have a so called ‘People’s vote’ (we’ve had one)”


      Has anyone asked these whinging cunts just who the fuck they think voted in the referendum?

  16. Who said something about enemies in the tent pissing out rather than outside tent pissing in, what have is a case of them in the tent pissing in and shitting and then rubbing it in our not suprised faces.
    If the cunts had been on the Titanic they would have been with the iceberg.

  17. Just had a leave voter on JOB in tears ‘ what have I done to my country?’ He bawled. Is he right?

    • He’s a wanker and JoB is a wanker and they should both fob each other off, the pathetic purile cunts.

      I heard it among all the other dross calls. The fuck was he crying for? Not his doing. Stupid narcissist cunt.

  18. Meanwhile up in wee jimmy krankie land ( obv as it will be called )
    The SNP shite are calling for the Tory cunt and “ bearded sec of state for Scotland to resign “
    What the fuck for he’s a cunt and a gay and is piss poor
    The job is fucked

    • Indeed. Why would they want rid of an incompetent Tory? Mundell must be one of the best votewinners for the SNP that there is.

  19. Communicate with trans people?…
    If I want to ‘communicate’ with fucking freaks and deviants I’ll pay a visit to Broadmoor…
    However, I don’t, so Tescunt can fuck right off…

  20. How long before Tesco start stocking WellTrans vitamin supplement to go alongside WellMan, WellWiman and WellKids supplements?

    Not long before WellPeedough too no doubt…

    How to speak to “trans people” (sounds like a weird dance group to accompany records played on Top of the Pops before videos were made… I digress)?

    Well in the form of a joke…

    Man sees a steamed up car, wobbling about. Taps on the window and asks: “I say old man, how far is the Cock Inn?”

    The window winds down to reveal a couple, in a compromising missionary position, where the woman says: “Inverted and about 6″ back up my pelvic cavity!”


    It was no different in Waitrose in Milton Keynes. It was only ever local M’Tembe or “peaceful” causes.

    I did see a “Blind Dogs for the Guides” slot once but that was sponsored by the Dyslexia Society.

  21. 75% of the 3 pack onions I buy (bought) from Tescunt contained at least 1 rotten one.

    The farmer has been paid for this shit, Tescunt has been paid for this shit and yet – to get a refund – you have to go through hoops and turn Widdershins at Customer disService.

    Tescunt can track my purchases to the penny (I’m surprised I don’t get money off vouchers for hepatic care given the amount of alcohol I buy) but they won’t invest in a machine that can detect duff onions. Oh, wait, that’s because it won’t make them even more money. How silly of me.


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