I know, it’s boring, it’s repetitive, but…again…
Treesa May.
Saw her bbc 5 phone-in “performance” on the box today, Dog almighty what a smug, duplicitous old toad she is; totally subhuman, an amoeba. She looked like a hunchback more than ever, and a poison dwarf as well, with an awful slappable face, and a nasty suspicion of blue halo behind her, making her appear like some sort of new Mother Theresa, or something on an exceptionally nasty, cheap Christmas card.
Please Dog, if I have just one Christmas wish, it’s that May comes into contact with some three-phase cables. Flash, pfffft, and the shit hits the fan.
Nominated by HBelindaHubbard
Seconded. She has managed to keep us in the EU by presenting a worthless deal, late in the day, with no alternative. The EU seem happy which says everything. The real alternative was always ‘no deal’ ( the referendum was yes or no to membership. Not yes or yes) which would have turned the tables on the EU but of course that was never considered by May or her Remoaning civil servants. So there has been zero planning for ‘no deal’, just project Fear for ‘crashing out’. She has had over 2 years to plan. So clever or incompetent? Probably both.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Our only hope is Parliament telling her to shove her plan up her skanky arse.
But I doubt if it will happen given the duplicitous nature of these self-serving MPs
Will never vote Tory again – cunts to a man
The cunts in parliament will kick it out so they can go for their spurious ‘Peoples Vote’.
The upshot being that, as May has fucked things up so badly, and Project Fear is mobilised, we will stay in. Which was the intention all along.
They are laughing their bollocks off in Whitehall, Westminster, artisanal fucking London, the City and every other out of touch establishment traitor’s den.
And the rest of the world now knows all they have to do, during any sort of negotiations, is threaten this country (with nothing) and it’ll drop its collective trousers and bend over.
Then we will have to be out on the streets!
I do recall as a youngster having a bit of an infatuation with explosives and general destruction (as you do) and did manage to come up with, what I thought, was the Rolls Royce of petrol bombs – styrene soaked petrol (jelly – ie napalm) with a test tube of petric acid inside (aspirin & nitric acid combo) – detonates on impact and keeps on burning. A game changer on the riot scene I always thought.
Need to start brushing up on the old skills if there is capitulation in the House on the 11th.
I’m not going to say that Mavis is a bigger cunt than cunt-of-all-cunts Blair, but he had ten years to fuck this country where she has only had two. Fuck knows where we might be given another eight years of this Vichy traitor.
It can’t happen surely?
Mavis has learnt well from her masters – “Miranda”, and the EU…
Her ‘best deal’ crap is the biggest lie I’ve heard since Tony Bliar’s WMD horseshit. She simply has to go.
Agree re “biggest lie” but believe May should be required to stay on as PM and suffer the consequences of her treachery to the bitter end. Unless she chooses to resign, of course.
Because a new leader would make fuck all difference anyway, the EU has dictated the terms of the deal and they’re not going to budge – they have us right where they’ve always wanted us.
Apart from No Deal (which is what the UK should have gone for the day after the referendum) there is nothing a new leader can offer that would make the slightest difference, because Big Business and the Remain Establishment (virtually everyone in Parliament) simply will not wear No Deal. Fuck them.
May and her quisling cronies must not be allowed to pass the buck and escape responsibility for what they have wrought upon this once proud nation. And I speak as someone who voted remain.
I’m not saying I want to see the Maybot assassinated, but…
I am.
This could be social meejah’s greatest hour…
“Alexa, send 100, 000 snipers out with orders to shoot The Maybot until it is clinically dead.”
Now that I would like to see!
I hope some camel jockey cuts her head off and shits all over it outside 10 Downing Street!
And then I hope she’s drawn and quartered, disemboweled, with a few stabbings from some the boys in d’hood; and then someone stabs her eyes out with a rusty screwdriver, another cunt knocks her crooked teeth out with a hammer; then queue forms to giver a golden shower; followed by covering her in petrol and setting fire to what is left of her rotting lying corpse, while her head is skewered on a spike outside the Tower of London, covered in crow shit, with the word “CUNT” burnt on her forehead
Apart from that I think she’s great!
Be sure to film it on your mobile phone NCFOM!
As the rest of the EU has been sponging off the UK for years, any deal at all was never going to favour us.
My first choice was always, “No deal, We’re gone”.
We can strike any deal as and when needed which then will favour the UK, probably within hours of leaving.
If Parliament vote this pile of dog shit through then there has to be a mass ‘demonstration’ in Westminster.
If the French get rowdy over a bit of fuel then what the fuck are we doing? If we don’t then we fully deserve the shit sandwich quite frankly and to be forever known as the nation that sold its own spine for scrap.
I think there’s supposed to be something on December 9th ?
If there actually is a protest on Dec 9th it will be reported as an “Alt Right Neo Nazi Nationalist Islamophobic Xenophobic Transphobic Hate Crime” by our betters at the press and the BBC.
Rozzers will stand idly by while pink haired dreadlocked Antifa wankers are bussed in (probably at public expense) to start some trouble, which will all be blamed on Tommy Robinson, Farage, Count Dankula, Lord Nelson and Toxic Masculinity.
For the first time in my generally rather peace loving and placid life, I really hope it all kicks off big time…
If parliament vote it through there has to be a mass cull of politicians.
Big Chunky, there’ll be demonstrations (which like the anti-democracy, Remainiac ones won’t achieve anything) but there won’t be a single bit of violence.
Theresa May is a cunt. I care not whether she’s cowardly, hard, difficult, resembles Zelda The Witch, disagrees or agrees with the EU gangsters, is spineless, is a looker or a hunchback, whether she runs through fields or doesn’t run through fucking fields or whether she looks like a withered, decrepit Irish wolfhound that somebody’s slapped on some lipstick and charity shop beads and is on its way to the vets for the goodbye injection, she’s a cunt, a liar, a duplicitous traitor and should never have been in charge.
I’ll have to put gin on my muesli to calm down.
Whoever said violence never solved anything was a total pussy faced cunt, and probably on the golden payroll.
The only dialogue the establishment has ever understood is violence. It kills and fucks people over domestic and foreign alike, with violence.
They’ve gotten way too comfortable in Westminster. We’ve all gotten way too fat and secure.
Now’s the time to rock the boat. If we don’t we’ll get sucked into the EU and extricating ourselves will be 1000x worse and bloodier.
But we won’t, because we’ve become a nation of pussy faced cunts.
I’m ready to take our nation back The Big Chunky Cunty. When do we start?
If it wasn’t for Catweasel, Appeaser’s apparent Teflon coating would have worn off completely at last year’s General Election.
I make you right , it was the spectre of Comrade Steptoe that enabled her to cling on last year. A Blairite, even a spaz like Ed Millionaireband , would have kicked her arse down the road.
And it’s Catweasel’s Play School opposition what’s allowed her to cling on to office ever since.
A half decent Labour leadership would have destroyed May and her spineless toadies, even before the last Election. And a half decent Tory leadership would have consigned Corbyn back into the dustbin of history where he rightfully belongs.
May & Corbyn – two sides of the same coin.
With any luck, this time next year they’ll both be gone.
I don’t like Mrs. M, but I would still rather have her than Steptoe, not to mention Mary Ann Starmer, and the poofters of new Labour who would be grinning all over their fucking smug faces if there was a “people’s vote”. Just imagine that little motherfucking arsewipe Adonis if he *won*. We will all lose, true, but I am fucked if I want the danger of the fairy fascists of Labour.
99% of politicians are self-important self serving cunts, but the party of Sadick Khunt should never be allowed to fuck up this country yet again.
This country has punched above its weight for centuries but now it’s full of cowardly remainer cunts who don’t have the guts to go it alone.
White feathers all round….
Agree JRC, once fantastic universities and an education system the envy of the world now a refuge for bedwetting snowflakes, car, ship building industries all gone or sold off to foreign firms. Armed forces and police cut to the bone now more representative as a branch of the social services. Sad to see that millions of fellow citizens just couldn’t see how great we could be again.
And like the cunts all Brits are, we’ll piss and moan and take it up the ringpiece as usual.
I’ve always thought (and do you guys agree?) that nothing revolutionary will ever happen, that people will never get off their complacent fat arses until the lights start going out. Then we might see people genuinely fired up at last.
Nothing happens until the bourgeoisie realises it’s been shafted. Ever. Revolution doesn’t come from the plebs, it comes from the rentiers.
May knows this.
It would seem to me that there has been an underlying plan (with the EU) since the referendum. All that time non answering questions regarding ‘the deal’ and what it consisted of just to release a full white paper just hours before a deadline. As a leave voter I feel insulted, we have been shafted but I am not surprised.
The first clue was possibly in the made up name of Brexit. Correct me if I’m wrong but this is supposed to be shortened from ‘Britain Exit’? (Great) Britain doesn’t include Northern Ireland and neither it seems does the ‘deal’ to some extent. The word should have been Ukxit.
So, we either ratify ‘the deal’ or go to a general election where the conservatives will get trounced. Boris Karloff will win and there will be another referendum.
Lose lose for leave. I hate the clit monkey politicians so badly.
Goodbye for now.
The greatest stitch up since Dr Frankenstein assembled his monster!
– David Cameron – coward cunt.
– Boris “I didn’t really want Brexit” Johnson – cunt.
– Michael “What he said /\ ” POB Gove – cunt.
– Andrea “Well it’s shit for you, but I’m quite happy where I am thanks!” Leadsome – cunt.
– Theresa “Own goal. Worst of both worlds deal, exactly how I planned it!” May – cunt.
If the EU is happy with the deal then it’s a bad deal. Why no one has ever used the “trade deficit” baseball bat on our side is fucking ridiculous!
B.Liar clamouring for a 3 way People’s Vote: one way to remain, two ways to leave stitch-up. Yeah fuck right off! Why isn’t YOUR head on a spike outside of traitors gate???
This deal is shit for everyone, therefore the only option (as this deal SHOULD be thrown out by parliament) is to simply leave of WTO rules.
Short term pain (everyone assumes because no cunt in Cuntminster has actually bothered to assess that option properly – conceited cunts) for long term gain.
This deal is a shit sandwich.
Remaining – as is – would be unforgivable.
Ergo, the only option is to leave lock, stock and barrel and then piss ourselves when the whole sharabang collapses in on itself, except this time we won’t lift a fucking finger if the cunts on the mainland decide to play “army” again. Great! Do it on your fucking dime this time cunts!
Not joining the Euro was “…the worst thing the UK will ever do…” (remember those words by Cuntosaurus Clarke et. al.)?
It was the BEST thing we ever could have done because at least when the arse fell out of the world’s finances in 2008 – while we didn’t go unscathed – we at least had our own printing presses allowing us to quantitative ease our way back, unlike swathes of EU countries that we’re bankrupted and held over an economic barrel by the economically corrupt and morally bankrupt EU administration!
Fucking cunts to a one!
Fuck them all off and let’s start again!
We only escaped adopting the Euro by the skin of our teeth because petulant Gordon Brown wanted to get one over on Tony B. Liar. Childish rivalry, nothing to do with principles or economics, just luck. Could easily have gone the other way. CUNTS ALL.
I think the Oxford English Dictionary, should be amended thus:-
Traitor – Theresa May
Liar – Theresa May
Impostor- Theresa May
Deceiver – Theresa May
Judas – Theresa May
Turncoat – Theresa May
Turd – Theresa May
Asshole – Theresa May
Complete Cunt – Theresa Fucking May!
Mamma Mia, not a lot of love for the dancing queen, she was fucked from day 1, the deal is bad, but I wonder what we would have ended up with under the Hamas loving pro anything that isnt Brithish cunt that is Oh Jeremy Cuntbin.
He would have sold us so far down the river we would have ended up staying in the EU paying twice as much as we do now.
The smug cunt Kier, sorrry Sir Kier Cunt was on the TV this morning with his fucking slimy face, 6 tests blablabla, Customs union, blablabla, CUNT.
One thing that pisses me off is all these fucking politicians talking about “what I am hearing on the doorstep” , in 40 odd year as an adult I have never had a fucking MP on my doorstep, are these Cunts talking to themselves on their own doorstep!
if MPs did have the balls to go out into the wilderness of their constituencies what the fuck were they hearing from the 17.4 million doorsteps that voted “GET US THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” ?
Imagine some of these cunts visiting sink estates full of gangsters and drug runners? Of course not: too fucking dangerous with a body guard or old bill. But fuck the rest of us, we can make do with one cop car serving a 20 mile radius – but that’s for another rant!
I look forward to the next GE, and I can tell any MP that does come knocking, especially Tory Cunts, to go fuck a fetid corpse!
Agreed, No Cunt. I sincerely do not want Catweasel and Flabbott to take the reigns, but by Christ I’d be fucked if I vote CONservative again after they have fucked over a supposed democratic choice.
The Cuntservatives can whistle out of their arse for my vote in he next GE. That nice Mr Batten will have my vote.
That is what I am thinking also.
My only reservation being that that could gift Steptoe, McNationalise and the DFS Leather sofa the keys to the cookie jar for them to piss away on every undeserving scumbag (from Kyle scum, to “peaceful” child benefits pcm outweighing low paid workers salaries, to “Fresh off the M’Tembe boat? Why come in and have everything! Those selfish old cunts and servicemen families can just fucking wait!”) and fuck everything up even more than it is now!
I never voted for May (and please feel free to fuck off on the “Well you don’t, you vote for a party…” Yadda, Yadda, Yadda! Spiel) and I never will.
If she is still leader come the next election then I won’t vote for her or the cuntfest shambles she heads (I would say lead but she has the leadership qualities of the head lemming).
Labour and the LibDums – no chance.
The Green Party bean-flickers and rainbow brigade – don’t think so.
So we’re left with UKIP. The *ONLY* common sense party out there with some credibility (and that after all of the, and continued, smear campaigning by the unpopular press).
I am torn and my reasoning is a Sophie’s Choice: vote Tory to keep Steptoe out and still be betrayed. Vote UKIP – which is what my heart is telling me – but risk a Steptoe administration!
Christ on a bike, which child should I kill?!?!?!?!
You look at the UK political landscape now. Which of the dotes right now could you say were strong and not to fold like a wet tea towel when facing down the drunkard, Les Dawson and the Granny Fucker?
No one from the main parties that’s for sure! They all have too much personal investment in not rocking the boat!
UKIP don’t stand in our constituency. It’s a straight choice between Con & Lab. The LibDumbs & Groans barely scratch the surface, not that I’d vote for them anyway.
So I either vote Tory in the hope of stopping Steptoe (didn’t work last time thanks to May’s ‘strong and Stable’ campaign) or I spoil my ballot paper by writing ALL CUNTS across it and hope for the best.
What I will NEVER do is not vote.
Any chance your Common Sense Party will be up and running by the next Election Rebel? Am still willing to serve as Health Secretary if the offer’s still open…
I’m only a EuroMillions win away from doing it!
I have never even seen an MP in real life, anywhere.
I once saw Roy Hattersley in the early 1980s. Must be almost dead now.
Also had the displeasure of speaking to my faggot Liebour MP in Sainsbury’s earlier this year. He wasn’t very happy when I pretended not to know who he was…
I wouldn’t know my MP if I fell over him. Then again, ‘celebrity’ of any description entirely washes over me.
I take it you know who Trump is Moggie?
For RTCP below, I know who a lot ‘celebrities’ are, but probably wouldn’t recognise them in real life, in Sainsbury’s for example, since they rarely impinge on my consciousness. I suspect I would recognise somebody who looks like a Belisha Beacon.
Why is it not possible to reply to some posts?
Morning Moggie. Apart from certain politicians, I too wouldn’t recognise most celebrities from a hole in the ground. Seems the older I get, the more irrelevant these dim narcissistic fucks become. At best they’re a transitory irritant.
What happened to the 48 letters?
They’ve been fended off with knighthoods.
Yes, the New Year’s Wankers List…. oops, I mean Honours List – will make for interesting reading!
Haven’t you heard Miles? The art of letter writing is dead.
And they don’t want to risk her winning the vote, thereby remaining unchallengeable for another whole year.
My impression was they were all signed, sealed, delivered bit forgot it seems
If only she’d go down into the bunker with a Luger and decorate the walls with her damaged brain.
Fuck off and die.
The Political Declaration was originally only ’12 pages long’. Then ‘Language was inserted and it became ’18 pages long’. Then ‘more language was inserted’ and it became ’24 pages long’. That’s what’s important here; Padding. Ollie Robbins looking on.
Ollie Robbins should be strangled with the bowels of Tony Blair. Form an orderly queue, please.
By what alternative news im hearing Hunchbacks deal is just beyond laughable alienating nearly all the trough pigs at the swamp of Westmonster,shes almost threatening us with this deal now,big mistake Mavis,im hoping deal is rejected into outer space,Hunchback goes,Davis in and EU told to go whistle,all deals are off,guess what I bet the sky doesnt fall in,bumpy ride maybe but we,l cope like we always do,I simply loathe and detest this creature and the pondlife that have backed her for a piece of Silver,yes Gove that means you you squirrel faced self serving cunt
The oxygen thief is indeed a self serving cunt. Now the cunt is trying to instill fear that if her will is not obeyed the country will divide. Fuck, fuck and thrice fuck, is big nose really that divorced from reality. Why in the name of fuck didn’t her old man have a wank. The entire country hates this cunt, both leave and remain because now we are leaving whilst remaining to suck of the EU and drink their load. We can only hope that these loud mouths keep their word and vote this fucker out once and for all by stopping this sell out plan getting through
So typical. Kowtowing to the EU Nazis and basically being bullied into submission by the cunts.
I know I won’t be popular here, but I don’t dislike Theresa May. Let’s be honest, whoever came up against those fucking bastards would struggle to get their demands met, because it is like David against Goliath. They were NEVER going to to give us what we wanted because they have their noses out of joint that we have the audacity to want to leave their fucking dictatorial club.
IMO she should have had the balls to say FUCK YOU, CUNTS, agreed to nothing, take our chances and we leave with no deal and our dignity intact.
For fucks sake, it is like saying to the world we have no confidence in our own abilities to run our own show. We have basically sucked the arse of the EU and then asked if they want seconds.
I have said from day 1 of this FARCE that we should just tell them all to FUCK OFF TO HELL and it was doomed from the start. Any thought of a decent agreement was a pipe dream.
I think you’ve just made an excellent case for disliking her INTENSELY.
Ok….but tell me WHO would do any better of a job then? Even Gandhi would have struggled to keep peace with those fuckheads.
I cannot think of a bloody soul. Not up against those cunts.
With all due respect Nurse Cunty, my cat could have done a better job. At least it wouldn’t have spent 2 years negotiating its way into a turkey trap. Nor would it have left itself open to paying £57 billion+ for the privilege.
Well your cat must be a better cat than mine then. Mine wouldn’t have lasted ten seconds in a room with those Nazis……he recognsies SHIT when he sniffs it.
Plus he would have only have been interested in a trade deal on fish and fuck everything else….
Javid would’ve been good. He’s shown himself to at least be open minded enough to listen to both sides.
Ha ha, fair do’s Nurse Cunty, but my cat doesn’t suffer Nazis gladly, the cunts wouldn’t know what hit ’em!
Absolutely top cunting, guys.
I struggle for words to describe the degree of contempt and disgust in which I hold this cowardly, craven toad.
I can only repeat my view that this is the biggest sellout of a country since Munich. Chamberlain sold out the Czechs to the Third Reich. This cunt has sold out HER OWN COUNTRY to the Fourth Reich, a degree of duplicitous cuntitude that beggars belief. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt!!
In the good old days, she would find herself tied to a stake on Tower Hill, surrounded by logs and kindling. Gurning hunchback saggy-titted cunt.