MOJO Magazine

MOJO Magazine are cunts…

Known for years as ‘The Muso’s (ie:knobhead’s) choice’ and a ‘serious’ music publication, these cunts have now plunged new depths… Aside from championing tuneless crap like Jack White and Lana Del Cunt, the fannies at MOJO Towers are now kissing the arse of -wait for it -Yoko Ono….

As some may know, a 50th anniversary reissue of the Beatles’ ‘White Album’ is imminent… And MOJO have dedicated their latest issue to it… Macca gets asked about half a dozen questions, reissue specialist Giles Martin, and original engineers Chris Thomas and Ken Scott get a few words… But most of the article and praise goes to (as David Crosby would say) Yoko Fucking Ono! Not only do these cunts say that Ono ‘joined’ The Beatles (she fucking didn’t! She interfered with their work and their dynamic), they also wax lyrical about Yoko’s ‘positive effect on The Beatles’… Positive effect?!! Like breaking up the Lennon & McCartney partnership, turning Lennon into a heroin addled pussywhipped cunt? Antagonising George Harrison and George Martin, freezing Lennon’s (ex) wife and son out of the Beatles’ orbit, and engineering the appointment of Allen Klein as Apple manager? That positive effect? MOJO are elevating a talentless and manipulative groupie to legendary band member status…. Almost anyone who has come across Ono (Harrison,McCartney, Crosby, May Pang, Cynthia Lennon, Jack Douglas, Andy Peebles, Julian Lennon) all have said that she is a cunt… But, for some strange reason, the cunts at MOJO think otherwise… In this age of Femstapo revisionism and PC madness, Yoko Fucking Ono will be officially seen as a bona fide Beatle in future tellings of their ‘history’ and cunts like MOJO will be to blame for that… Fuck off!

Nominated by Norman

71 thoughts on “MOJO Magazine

  1. An ugly, wailing, manipulative slope eyed harpie who I have detested ever since she first crawled out of a Shinto shrine. A thoroughly deserved cunting by a fine cunter. Well done Norman.

  2. I do wish someone would go round to her house with a meat cleaver and a bottle of chloroform, and do us all a fucking favour!

    Isn’t it about time this shriveled up Tampon died ffs?

  3. Lilly the mong has cancelled her US tour. Where was she playing:A phonebox.

    Where is a peaceful plane bomber when you need one?

    • America will take in all sorts of undesirables from around the world, but even they draw the line on attention-seeking,self-centred vacuous gaping cunts like her!

  4. Adoration of creatives especially the fecking Beatles ive never understood it, they are only fecking singers for fecks sake they didn’t find the cure for cancer. The way people worship that ego maniac Lennon is also a mystery to me but celebrity culture has always made my blood boil, celebs are a veritable miasma.

  5. Giles Martin deserves a good cunting too for the his dreadful forensic recreation of ‘Sgt. Pepper’, which he said was for the ‘millennial generation’. I had the unfortunate experience of hearing his turgid remaster and couldn’t make it further than the first three tracks, wretching with disappointment and anger, yes, real fucking anger at why this cunt was ever allowed to do such a thing. The cunt is the tailor of the Emperor’s new clothes.

    Given that his dad had massive input into how the original sounded, he really was the 5th Beatle on Sgt. Pepper, he must be spinning in his grave wishing he’d had a wank instead of spawning such a pretentious twatted pinhead.

    • Sgt Pepper in original mono is the one… Some of the remix was alright, but to piss about with his father’s work just to placate the Ed Sheercunt generation is well off… The new ‘Back In The USSR’ sounds good, but I bet a lot of the new White Album will be brickwalled… Especially Helter Skelter…

      • I like a lot of the Beatles music(first heard it in the 80s,I wasnt around when they started) but the Beatles horse hasnt only been flogged to death,its been kicked in the bollox,had its eyes gouged out,its liver removed,its ears sliced off,its heart ripped out,its skull smashed in and its skin scraped off.

      • Totally agree with you about Sgt. Pepper in the original mono form Norm. That’s the way The Beatles and George Martin wanted it heard and spent far more time on that than the stereo mix.

        Still waiting for legendary 27 minute version of ‘Helter Skelter’, even the 7 disc variant of the ‘White Album’ doesn’t include it.

        And why in the name of Satan’s spunk are these Beatles remastered so cunting expensive?

  6. Excellent cunting……
    yoko Ono can cock off……….

    Off point….
    I see Sweden have fucked off the euro in their referendum by a thumping 56.3 % to 41.7% ….
    how long before they are asked to have another go?
    So much for Blair’s “ the euro is inevitable “ bollocks………

    • Apologies ISAC faithful….
      It appears ive been mugged by some old news story from 2003
      Which appeared in my brexit news feed on my phone??
      daft Cunt……

      • They have their hands full with the gimmegrant hordes, rape epidemic and their culture disappearing down the crapper. If they did have a euro referendum it would be a bit of light relief.

  7. I’ve never understood how John Lennon, famous and rich as fuck, crowds of girls and women screaming like lunatics at him, could choose any woman he wanted, …. yet chose yokey fuckin ono…
    Ugly as a bowl of bumholes and probably smells not much better…
    I think I heard her “sing” once, probably from a link on this site. She just screamed and yelled….
    Talentless, stupid, ugly, demented cunt.
    She must have a magic pussy or something….

    “What’s yellow and eats Beatles?”

    • You gotta realise that by the time he met Yoko Poko, Lennons brain was already shredded mush,the wacky backy and super strength LSD had seen to that,beautiful birds,sex etc meant fuck all anymore,apparently he even turned down a chance to shag his teenage fantasy Brigitte Bardot, the Jap was basically moving into an already empty shell.

      • I reckon Lennon was indeed bored and spent… Any drug he fancied, fanny on tap, adoring fans, beautiful house, lovely wife who he took for granted etc… So Ono was a novelty to him at first… But being a not as clever as he thought he was gullible cunt (see also his dealings with Magic Alex, Michael X, IRA etc) he fell for Ono’s manipulation hook cunt and sinker…. Joke is the daft cunt fell for it twice… He got out of the witch’s clutches in 74, but in spite of being happy with May Pang (which was also done with Ono’s organisation and permission!) Lennon crawled back to Ono to go under her thumb for a second time… And an even bigger joke is that cunt McCartney helped them get back together… Why didn’t the daft Thumbs Aloft cunt stick the boot into Ono and get his revenge for fucking him and his band over? And he should have said to his ‘old mate’ ‘That’s for ‘How Do You Sleep’, you radical chic henpecked cunt!’… Albert Goldman got a lot of stick for his 1988 book about Lennon and Ono… But what he says about Ono is pretty much accurate… ie: she is a monumental thermonuclear cunt… Notice she didn’t sue Goldman… Wonder why?….

  8. Lennon changed his name to John Ono Lennon ffs.
    Mind you, that shrieking harridan will always be Yoko Cunting Ono to me so fair do’s. What a cunt.

    Ace bit of cunting, norm.

    • David Crosby still calls her Yoko Fucking Ono, Ron…

      Dave and Lennon were good mates from the days the Beatles and the Byrds ruled the roost… Crosby met Lennon again in the late 70s and he wanted a lad’s night out with his old Beatle pal, just him and his old mate having a pint and a natter… Lennon was a changed man and he said ‘Where I go, she goes!’ and the Croz looked in horror as (he put it) ‘Yoko Fucking Ono’ appeared… Crosby just said ‘See ya, pal’ and he never saw Lennon again… So, the old witch didn’t just fuck up his friendships with his fellow Beatles, she got to every friend the bloke ever had… Mick Jagger also said around the same time ‘Oh he (Lennon) doesn’t come out to play any more… His mummy (Ono) won’t let him’…. Oh, he was ‘allowed’ to have friends, but only ones she approved of and who did her bidding… Usually pretentious hipster ‘Noo Yoik’ arty type cunts… She didn’t mind Ringo because she didn’t see him as a threat… But McCartney, Harrison, Crosby, McGuinn, Jagger, Dylan … Anyone Lennon could seriously collaborate with and be mates with was kept at bay… This -cunters and gentlemen – is Yoko Fucking Ono…. A cunt…

      • That time she started shrieking when Lennon and Chuck Berry were dueting; the look on Berry’s face…priceless! Ono should do the decent thing and fuck off and die.

  9. Ace Cunting Norman. Unbelievable shit.

    Whatever next? Charlie Manson hailed as the true genius behind The Beach Boys?

    Wouldn’t put it past revisionist cunts like Mojo – at least Manson wrote one of their songs (Never Learn Not To Love, uncredited) which is a lot more than Yoko Fucking Ono ever did for the Beatles… apart from antagonise the fans and facilitate the band’s ultimate destruction.

    “There’s a Nasty Nip in the air…” as my mum used to put it.

    This country is a basket case.

  10. Morning fellow cunters.

    Totally off-topic, but I think a lot of you might be interested in signing a certain petition. I can’t do links, but Google “stop UN migration pact petition”, and you’ll find it.

    Happy cunting.

  11. A fine cunting from Normski. Yoko Ono is a nut-coloured, shrieking, wizened old cunt whose talents remained hidden as far as I am concerned. I would go on to say that I could show more worthiness trapped under my foreskin after a good Saturday night.

    As far as I am concerned, her most high profile contribution was to John Lennon’s Happy Xmas (War is Over), when she sung lead on chorus:

    “A velly melly Chlistmus and a hrappy noo yee, etc..”


  12. Yoko Ono was always an ugly talentless cunt – now she is an ugly talentless OLD cunt.

    The forerunner of Victoria Beckham, a talentless old whore who trades on her husbands name, and yesterday in Osborne’s comic, The Standard, even used er *childrens* Halloween get uo’s – if you can call a 16 year old a child.

  13. Just go off topic I have cunted my back. Can’t wipe me arse cos of it which is not good as I shit like s greyhound. I’m cunted

  14. I have enormous admiration for Japanese culture and am happy to know that Ono is nothing to do with that. Except that she may be seen as far as I remember in ‘Kwaidan’, a film based on a selection of Japanese ghost stories. In one of these, a fisherman spends a few night hours underwater being unfaithful with some female spirit or other. Returning to his beautiful wife he fails to notice that some time has passed until, embracing his missus, he realises that she’s been dead for a century and among other things has lost an awful lot of weight. Yoko (I might be wrong) plays the corpse…maybe she should have stuck to non-speaking roles?

  15. Top cunting Norman. Good morning all. It’s time to regurgitate the two best jokes ever (one pinched off here):

    What wears National Health Specs and comes in a yellow bag? John Lennon.

    Why is Yoko Ono like an Ethiopian? They both live off dead Beatles.

    Lennon would have had to be a seriously deranged pervert or on hard drugs to bone the bitch. He was both. I can’t erase from my memory that godawful picture of them both naked on the Two Virgins album cover and Yoko flashing her hairy unshaggable pudenda. I can never unsee it. On the first night he gave her one, he took her home and introduced her to Cynthia in the morning whilst she was wrapped in Cynthia’s dressing gown. Whadda cunt! If you have an interest in investigating the toxicity of Yoko cunting Ono I recommend “The Lives of John Lennon” by Albert Goldman. You know it’s very near the truth because the fans and apologists hated it. It’s disturbing portrait (to me because I married one) of a very very toxic narcissist. To nick Jack’s turn of phrase, she Goebbelsed her own life and multi talentless output and blinded Lennon that old, dead wet trout was fillet steak. It’s a scary book. On film available of Yoko in the studio with the Beatles you can feel the tension. Mojo has to be staffed by youngster apologists with rose tinted specs which can’t see back more than twenty years. Only a snowflake revisionist journalist could say Yoko had a positive effect on the Beatles. David Crosby is a cunt but he’s right about the Jap slag, and he does have some redeeming music (Lady Friend by the Byrds). Have a listen to Don’t Worry Kyoko (mama’s only looking for a hand in the snow). It’s laughable. Pete and Dud did a great piss take on a Private Eye 45 giveaway disc. Yoko singing Beethoven’s Fifth. Fucking priceless. Mark Chapman missed the bloody target the twat. The rest of us have had to suffer her nonsense for the next forty years. You can only hope he finally gets parole and finishes the job.

    • Macca said he hated Goldman’s book, but I wonder if – in private – McCartney pissed himself laughing and had a little gloat?
      In spite of all the ‘everyone’s pals now’ shite I bet he still despises the old witch…

      • Croz can be a cunt, but at least he admits it…. Lady Friend is superb.. Same goes for Wooden Ships, Carry On/Questions, Everybody’s Been Burned and his first solo album… Crosby loathes Ono and George Harrison hated her even more…There’s a bit that was left out of the ‘Anthology’ TV series… On the bootleg ‘Directors Cut’ George really tears into Ono and he states categorically that her effect on the band was 100% negative… I bet Macca cut it out to keep the old witchypoo sweet and so they ‘were ‘allowed’ to use old footage of their ex-bandmate and friend….

      • Just saw that Neil Young has married Darryl Hannah. It made me wonder Norm, if Croz was first on the guest list. I loved his first solo album. Bought it when I was 16. I think Crosby had problems with her, because he was mates with Jackson Browne, who she was with and accused of domestic violence, but all the while she was playing away with JFK Jr. The police cleared Browne. Then with Young Croz opened his big mouth and Nash especially did a big moody and fucked off to New York with a ginger bimbo, lucky sod. Just realised this is like a cross between the Oldie and Chat magazines. Will my cuntishness never stop?

    • Speaking of which, Frank Zappa met Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1971 and performed with them on stage. After a while Ono started screaming throughout Lennon’s performance, so two of Zappa’s band members put a bag over her head while she kept ‘singing’.

      This track eventually ended up on ‘Playground Psychotics’ where it was named ‘A Small Eternity With Yoko Ono’.

  16. Mojo has never featured on my radar so I cant comment.
    But Yoko fucking Ono is guaranteed to wind me up.
    Lying in bed in the studio while the Beatles recorded. Giving out advice and criticism. How the fuck did the other 3 put up with that?
    Her fucking ‘artwork’. Bits of paper and nonsensical notes. She made Tracy Emin look like Da Vinci.
    And then her singing. Fuck me. A cat being buggered by a pineapple would best describe it.
    Her talent is and was her self entitlement and self promotion along with recognition of Lennon’s innate weakness of character and pathological neediness. There is also an element of nasty spite in there – it has been alleged that she shopped MaCartney to the Japanese authorities to get him busted for drug smuggling. An allegation that fits well with her disposition.


  17. Some little cunt knocked on the door last night.
    “Trick or treat”, he says.
    “What are you supposed to be?”
    “A werewolf.”
    “But you’re just wearing ordinary clothes, you haven’t made an effort.”
    “Well it ain’t full moon tonight is it shithead.”

  18. Apparently she’s described as
    A Japanese multimedia artist?
    Instead of a talentless overly opinionated cunt…….

    boe keep interest rate 0.75 but ISAC favourite carney can’t help reviving project fear as BOE warns it may have to raise rates following no deal brexit….

    • Afternoon Q…. ?

      I’m hoping Carney will put interest rates back up to 15%, like they were in the early 1980s.

      So roll on No Deal – my savings have generated less than fuck all in the last 10 years!

  19. My sitting in my front room with the lights off seemed totally unnecessary last night. Didn’t hear any of the annoying buggers outside. Have people finally seen sense? Have they finally realised ‘ halloween’ only exists because it is foisted on us every year by commercial enterprises? Fuck Halloween it’s bollocks.

  20. Great cunting …I hate all these so called music mags like Uncut, Mojo, and Q. They love to re-write history especially around my era 60’s and 70’s.
    Their was a certain honesty and non pretentiousness about Melody Maker , Sounds and even NME back in the day.

    • I adored “Sounds” and “Kerrang!” back in the 70s and 80s – covering mostly rock and metal. I particularly liked the paper when Geff Barton was editor and gave us NWOBHM.

    • Tbh, Gramophone mag is something of a cunt, too.

      Music’s for listening to, even at my tender age (56 !) I don’t feel I have the time to read about it, so much left to listen to.

      Nothing like a late night / small hours with a decent bottle and a few CDs.

  21. World vegan day today.
    Had a bacon sarnie for breakfast.
    Just about to scoff a chicken and mushroom pie.
    Fuck ‘em.

    • Pity there can’t be a “Go Fuck Yourself Day” for preachy virtue signalling arseholes like these rabbit-food munching, unclean vegan cunts.

    • Indeed Freddie… Sausage and egg butty for breakfast, steak and kidney pudding for tea… Every vegan I have ever met has been a 42 karat cunt…

      • How do you know the cunt you have just met is a vegan? Don’t worry they will tell you within 30 seconds.

  22. All those years of adulation. People hanging on their every word. The only time I ever remembered them challenged was during the ‘bed in’. An old cynical reporter was sent. Something like-‘how is this going to help the people of Vietnam?’ Lennon (angry) ‘At least we’re doing something, why do you think we’re here? ‘Self-aggrandisement’. Priceless moment.

  23. Talentless and manipulative shrieking bag of bones.How anyone can take her seriously is beyond me.
    Wouldn’t want to get too close to her. I bet she stinks like an unairconditioned sushi bar in a heatwave.
    Yoko Ono is 147.
    Good afternoon.

  24. Another piece of MOJO bullshit… Some fuckflake hack cunt referred to David Bowie as ‘The best white pop performer of the 1970’s’…

    So, why point out that Old Ziggy was white? What has that got to do with anything the man ever did or recorded? Why can’t they just say they thought he was the greatest pop performer of the 1970s, end of?…. They’re basically saying anyone else from that time who was black was/is better than Bowie was, no arguments…

    What is it with these people?! I don’t say ‘Denis Law was the greatest white centre forward who ever lived’ or that ‘Jimi Hendrix was the best black guitarist ever’… To me they’re just two boyhood heroes of mine… I don’t give a fuck what colour either of them are/were…. But these cunts? They do an article on Bowie (or anyone else for that matter) and they feel they have to pat our brown bruthas on the back to make them feel ‘included’… Or – in the case of a Beatles article – they must praise Yoko Fucking Ono… Mark .E. Smith (RIP) was right: MOJO are cunts…

      • Jimi was the man. RTC… And Mitch was a superb drummer…
        Hope they’ve done a good job on that ‘Electric Ladyland’ reissue… I’m sure Eddie Kramer will handle it with love and care, and not do a Giles Martin and arselick the millennial Ed Sheercunt generation…

    • The Thin White Duke was the best soul singer of the 70s on Young Americans such that he had a fabulous black one, Luther Van Dross as a backing singer.

  25. Fuck me, a fart would be more enjoyable, and melodic, than listening to this talentless bitch. Probably smell better too.

  26. Just imagine if someone offered you 10 grand if you spent a sordid, no holds (or holes) barred sex orgy with Yoko Wanko!

    Imagine spreading those spindly, crinkly legs of hers, and watching that ugly, smelly crack of doom open before you. Imagine going down on that, sticking your tongue where no tongue has gone before! Those saggy flappy tits, and that gummy mouth – a whole night of passion for ÂŁ10k!

    Would you do it?

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