Mark Carney [5]

Mark Carney

A solid-gold safe as the Bank of England cunting please for Canadian cunt Mark Carney, who finds herself as the panicky old woman Governor of the Bank of England. Yet again the fucking annoying bellend is trying to light the fire under Project Fear:

The vindictive old foreign cunt is *preparing for the worst* – again, yet so far the Mystic Meg of banking analysis has got it totally wrong all the time, so why should we listen to the stinking halfwitted arsehole yet again.

Who writes the idiots scripts for him? – Lady Mangledbum perhaps, the Dame Edith Evans of politics. He/she/it has been remarkably quiet for a few weeks, but you can be sure when the old poofter is silent he is up to something, no doubt pulling Carney’s strings if not his dick. Carney needs to fuck off back to Canada – I am sure there are many opportunities for public lavatory attendants in Ontario.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

42 thoughts on “Mark Carney [5]

  1. As i’ve said before this cunt is a public servant and should have been sacked by Pig fucker the moment he opened his gob about politics.
    But he was allowed to get away with it and has never stopped mouthing off ever since. Of course if he said the EU is shit he would have been on a plane back to Libtardland yonks ago, the cunt.
    I assume he will be going home for Christmas so let’s hope he gets fucked to death by a Moose.

    • Not only hand picked but a Goldman Sachs Cunt to boot!!
      Apparently Once he’s fucked us over he’s going back to work at the GS cesspit……..

  2. …. and he’s been asked (and accepted) to extend his eight year (normal for every other governor) tenure, by Hammond.

    What establishment club …?

  3. UK migration: Fewer EU arrivals but overall figure stays the same.

    Don’t believe a single fucking word this government or their supporters (cunts like Carney who should have been fired but seems to enjoy sucking Phil Hammonds cock) come out with.

    • from the bbc news website :-
      Figures show net migration – the difference between how many people came to the UK for at least 12 months and how many left – was 273,000 last year.
      EU net migration was 74,000 in the year to the end of June 2018, while non-EU net migration was 248,000.

      now my maths 248000 + 74000 = 322000 , fucking bbc…. is it

      273000 or 322000 what a bunch of Cunts,

  4. Absolute arse of a person you’re paid to give other countries confidence in the UK £ not to give every excuse in the book not to back Britain and to say we’re fucked
    Why not tell everybody the MASSIVE advantages to be gained by leaving the EU
    So do us all a favour and fu*k off back you moose shagging cunt

  5. All true above but what books the piss is yesterday’s statement.

    1: this was a worst case “scenario ”
    What they didn’t say was the probability of this scenario happening. I bet it’s mathematically fucking way off the mark
    2: if this is a scenario then why wasn’t it preceded or followed by a best case scenario? One which sees a massive boon after the post clean break wobble? The probability of this might be just as skewed but the fact both weren’t presented and explained truthfully shows the utter bollocks the project fear elitist cunts are foisting upon the weak minded.

    Utter utter cunts enabled by weak minded gullible post modern fools who’s whole opinion is whatever the BBC news story says.

    I would actually respect a remainer if he told me he was an out and out federalist and ever closer union for an EU superstate was the end goal.

    Until now I haven’t met any people who know what they were voting remain for with regard to the EU plan. Just what the BBC told them the poor fucks

    • There were a couple of representatives from other financial institutions speaking on the radio this morning. They say that Carney’s scenarios are actually so implausable that they would be nearly impossible to come into affect.
      Carney mentions in his scenarios the Bank of England having to put up the interst rates …. They were questioning why on earth that would happen .. certainly in the past 10 years it hasn’t done much of that, so why now.

    • Very good point squint…
      They love to shout the worst case scenario from the rooftops but not a peep about the best case …. or even the most probable, realistic case scenario … basically same old, same old…

  6. Perhaps Chile Conman Carney is a fucking French Queeb type, distant cousin of the Camembert-stenched, granny-fucker Macron.

    The BOE and Tories are an utter fucking disgrace. Zanu-Labour are also threatening to vote against a ‘no deal’.

    21st century UK is no better than Mugabi’s Zimbabwe. At least the old cocksniffer didn’t try to pretend he was running a democracy, which is more than I can say about the sleight of hand cunts we have in Westminster.

  7. Special offer!!!!
    Subscribe to the New European and you get 12 remoaner Christmas cards absolutely free!
    My favourite has the blue shitrag with one of the stars replaced by ………….a snowflake!
    Oh, the unintended irony.

  8. Not only hand-picked by Oddspawn of the Standard and a former Goldman Fucks banker but he only accepted the job on being offered double the salary of his predecessor Mervyn King and housing perks as well. He turned down Oddspawn’s first offer because the money wasn’t enough.. Unspeakable cunt of the highest order. I wrote to the Governors of the B of E about 8 months ago asking for this Canadian cunt to be deported. I got no acknowledgement or reply. Maybe the Governors are also Canadian which explains why – the thick fuckers can’t read.

  9. Ukraine-Russia sea clash: Merkel rules out military solution

    Clearly I must have been away and totally missed when kraut Merkel was elected/appointed to make every single EU decision and speak on behalf of the other member states without any referral.

    • Just a sly addition to the news rotation, softening everyone up to accept future EU statements on military matters.

      • Yes, you are absolutely right TBCC.

        I am staggered what is happening at the moment and the seeming total lack of resistance of the EU project from our leaders.

  10. What Carney came out with was completely unbelievable and contained not one single explanation.

    House prices down 33%. Why?
    Commercial property down 45%. Why?
    Unemployment up. Why?
    £ worth less than a $ or Euro. Why?
    Interest rates up. Why?
    Inflation up. Why?

    If you’re going to play politics and ramp up Project Hysteria, then for fuck sake STATE YOUR ASSUMPTIONS!!!!!!

    AND make it clear that the % worse is NOT worse than now but WORSE THAN IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. Note “MIGHT”. Not worth the paper it’s written on but the fucking thick remainer snowflakes and yoof graduates will fucking lap it up. Thick cunts.

    Can’t wait to see what happens on Dec 9th when two opposing marches meet in Park Lane. Sure to be bloodshed. I can see the headlines now : “Right wing extremists in Leave campaign spark violence on the streets of London.”

    Thank you Treason May. Geobbels would be proud of you…

  11. Oh for the sake of fuck, another doom merchant and soothsayer. These neighsayer cunts should start charging for their psychic services on Brighton beachfront. I am sure this tosser would look fabulous in hooped earrings and a headscarf.

    Seriously, if I hear or watch any more ‘predictions’ about the economic effects of leaving the E-Spew, I will fucking nut my crappy Alba TV.

    That newspaper article has really wound me up. Yet again, we have know-it-all fucks like Labour’s Will Streeting spouting shite like:

    ‘Nobody voted for this blindfold Brexit’.

    Who the fuck do these patronising cuntwaffle’s think they are? Don’t speak for me, thanks very much. Was he there interrogating Joe Public and taking notes at the door during the referendum? Was he fuck.

    I personally find it incredibly insulting when remoaners constantly state that anyone who voted out did so without knowing the full facts and implications. It is like saying we are all thick as shite and not able to make an informed decision…..I mean how could we POSSIBLY have done so when we voted the way they did not approve of or agree with, which was OUT?

    Preaching, salty cunts.

    That Carney fruit salad has made similar ‘predictions’ before the referendum and was wrong. The fact he has the audacity to open his piehole again is indicative of his arrogance and need for attention.


    • * These neighsayer cunts should start charging for their psychic services on Brighton beachfront. I am sure this tosser would look fabulous in hooped earrings and a headscarf.*

      I love this idea. As Brighton is the home for gay trendies starting little niche businesses, Carney, Blair, Mandy and Adonis could station themselves along the pier, in the way whores used to do in PIccadilly. They would all have the same script: “Cross my palm with silver, duckie and I’ll lift the veil”. To which the correct response would be – here’s a fiver. Keep it on.

  12. This duplicitous two-bob shitcunt was installed by the establishment in order to do their bidding. Don’t forget, he’s also on the board of the European Central Bank- a freakshow that voted down “troublesome” laws stating that these shitstains should be loyal to their own country (by that they mean the UK, not gay-ruled Cuntada). Makes me fucking vomit with rage how he says that the sky will fall in- and to combat it he’ll put UP interest rates. What a fucking dildo. No doubt him and his lefty social-climbing cuntwipe of a wife fuck off just before they’re (rightly) strung up from a lamppost, and spend the rest of his days printing money in some Goldman-Sachs basement. Scabby fucktard should be forcibly deported back to Cuntada, where he’ll hopefully be beheaded whilst watching his wife get gangbuttfucked by a bunch of RoPers imported by his mate Trudy. Cunt.

  13. These economic ‘forecasts’ are even more unreliable than a regular weather one. At least you know the Sun will always be shining somewhere. No one bloody knows what will happen economically.

    No different to those polls we often get before elections or big political events. It’s all an attempt to sway and manipulate public perceptions, and not to inform or even predict.

    Bring on a second referendum, with leave no deal or remain. Leave will fucking wipe the floor after the complete piss take of recent weeks!

  14. Its a tome but it took ages 😉
    What an upside down crackpot country we live in. Mark Carney, a Canadian financier is drafted in to run the bank of England, and, at the same time, become purely non political for doing whatever he does for massive remuneration and is begged, nay begged, to stay on post Brexit (there’s a oxymoron right there) and steady the good ship Britannia through the choppy waters that will ensue – for a time. In my experience as ex Royal Navy sailor the winds tend to ease, precipitation decreases, visibility returns and calm sailing is resumed. Not with the Brexit naysayers. From Boris’s Brother to the swivel eyed lunatic, Commie McDonnell, the irritable Alistair Campbell through to the bilious inducing Ghanaian woman and of course the war criminal Tony B Liar given print inches and airtime. If anyone was ever in doubt that this was a con trick right out of a Penn and Teller magic show its now coming together. Fake news and stories of doom and gloom fill the idiot boxes and all online versions of all the old leftie rags (never thought I would see the day the Daily Mail became a leftie rag) – managed of course by the real puppeteers – the newspaper magnets and the Soros and his ilk who are determined the Kalergi plan must be executed. The mud coloured European takeover is well underway abetted and funded by Soros and his friends in low places. God forbid that Europe should have an educated working class other than for the purpose of working without questioning the wisdom of the few and the absolute power of even fewer than that. That’s where the new European mud man fits in well. Of mixed stock – slightly flared nostrils and a pubic like head of hair – all variations on a theme. Easily managed and manipulated, striving for little more than an education (but not too educated) – common purpose don’t want the mud coloured Europeans to get too uppity – they must always know their place. Brexit was never going to happen – the powerful wont let it. A leave vote was never on the cards and they are damned sure that next time (and there will be a next time – just after Christmas) the plebs will vote for a scuttle back to Brussels and the EU will make us pay dearly for our insolence that we ever had the audacity to question the will of Federal Europe.
    Add to that 2 more stories illustrating nicely the state of this one great country and how far it has fallen to the soft in the arm and soft in the head millennial Z generation who cant even think without being told or cajoled and moulded like soft plasticine.
    An Iraqi refugee child has been given a bit of high school rough play – it happens to young white kids a hundred times a day – the difference is the perp is white. Turns out, after interviewing his Dad who doesn’t speak a word of English and has a pinky fingernail about 4 inches long – face obviously covered and in no hurry to find a job states he doesn’t like Huddersfield and surprise surprise he has video evidence of his daughter being “bullied” too. Within a few hours a gofundme page raises £112,000 for Abdul and his kids. Meanwhile a white girl (amongst estimated thousands of young white girls who were in care and treated similarly) who has been raped at 14, gave birth at 15 had Rotherham Social Services approach the piece of filth who raped and impregnated her if he would like to play a part in the upbringing of the child of his barbaric mauling of a young girl who was no more than a baby herself. She shunned anonymity to highlight that these gangs of filthy Pakistanis had been doing it to hundreds of girls in care for years. The White girls were not believed by the care homes, social services, the police or anyone in authority that could have stopped these filthy animals a decade ago. No go fund me for white girls, no outrage by MSM, the Gnardiu, Independent, Mirror, Huff Post. It doesn’t matter – the indigenous of this country doesn’t matter any longer, our white race doesn’t matter any longer. In the end the worm turns – and the powers that be had better prepare for something akin to rivers of blood. its coming but the rich, powerful, media barons colluding with a Police force more concerned with “hate speech” than having your face smashed in or your house broken into think its all going as planned. It isn’t – people are angry – normal working class people have had enough of seeing our country and our race giving way to flooding the country with undesirables in the name coined by Tony B Liar the war criminal as “Multiculturalism” . It didn’t work – it enriches nobody but the invaders and makes the indigenous poor. The stars are lining up, the perfect wave is out at sea – waiting.
    The cunts will see a Tsunami when it breaks.

    • Awesome post Cunto.

      Corbyn this morning: “Nobody is going to allow a No Deal.”

      Nice to know where he stands for a change.

      • “Allow” is an interesting choice of word. Politicians seem to have forgotten that they are there to represent and enact the will of the electorate. “Allow”,to me, suggest more of a mindset that believes that they are the Masters granting permission to the subordinates.

        Evening, RTC.

      • Evening Dick.

        Exactly – which is why it jumped out at me!

        Have now found the interview online:

        The relevant quote appears at approx 9.50:

        SCHOFIELD (re May’s Deal): “But No Deal is more expensive.”

        CORBYN: “The alternative isn’t No Deal, nobody is going to allow No Deal… how could we?”

      • Nice one Cunto. I was driving when I heard the bullied sandboy story. Nearly fucking crashed with rage. When will we hear a good news story about a darkie? Cure cancer? World peace? They’re not evolved enough. Cunts.

      • The crowd fund is over 130K now, maybe he will take the cash and fuck off back Syria.
        The snowflakes are going to milk this for fucking ages, some guy was on the box who used to attend the school in huddersfield and said yes bullying went on when he was there, the main bully in this story is the fucking social media, tweet, retweet – they are fucking obsessed – Cunts

    • Could have wrote that word for word myself Cunto… sound post

      think that’s why you made my cabinet a while back

      true bout the Mail and Express , turncoat bastards proving the con is nearing completion.

      Sadly , im with Mr Fiddler when he said a while back we wont revolt…cunts like us will fume but im not sure even the normal class in this united kingdom will rise up….I say normal class as this affects working and what would have been middle classed years gone by.

      hope im wrong but the clusterfucking betrayal is 80% done and ive still not seen a 700,000 plus march on London. ( mind you the supposed 700,00 remain march is vastly helped by the non working/ student/retired/professional luvvies /and virtue signaling dregs of our society

      hope I’m wrong

  15. Slightly off topic, but yet another Brexit row brewing. Mrs. May-Not has agreed to a TV debate with Catweazle on December 9th. On the BBC, which t some extent is brave of her considering how fucking biased the BBC prove themselves to be every day.

    This isn’t OK with Jezza. Catweazle wants it on ITV, though perhaps because his inspired shitstream might get halted by Jenny Eclair’s advert for dry fanny cream, it appeals to the masochist in him.

    I suspect the truth is he doesn’t want to do it, but typically hasn’t got the guts to say so. It’s a hollow vessel that makes most noise.

  16. No doubt the treasonous cunt has an eye on a job for the EU… talk the economy down, scare the markets, scare consumers, then when the economy slows down he can jump out yelling “told you so, just as I predicted”.
    No you didn’t predict it, you fucking caused it you cunt!
    They’re all in on it. The more shit they come out with, the more obvious it becomes. Backstabbing cunts to a man.

    • I think the war criminal and king of all cunts Tony B Liar is a shoe in for boss of federal Europe DTS. His snail trail is all over that job for life.

  17. The only good thing Mark Carney has ever done is guide me to the sanctuary of this website. I googled “Mark Carney is a cunt” and bosh it was there for me to read. This is the first site I come to each day when I get home and when I had a cunt nomination accepted and placed for all fellow cunters to read it was a proud day indeed. But like all cunters I know that the first rule of ‘is a’ is that there is no ‘is a’ so my pride had to remain contained within. So Mark Carney I salute you for not just being a total and utter cunt in my opinion but also in the opinion of other cunters as well.

  18. Also watch out for Mark Carne, the almost imperfectly-named CEO of Network Fail, who has been awarded a CBE (answers on the back of a crisp packet, but the C must stand for cuuuunt, surely ??) for being “A total disgrace”…the sort of CEO that pisses in your pint.

  19. Why has no politician of any party called out this cunt?
    Don’t they realise his constant shit predictions are “undermining the integrity of the British pound”? If he is talking to a simpleton investor he could affect investment in this country or our exports or both.

    This fucker should be told to shut up. In some respects the country should be on a war footing. If you believe business and prosperity is war.

    I don’t mind realistic predictions based on hard facts but this cunt lives in fantasy island.

  20. I googled this shit-sack and the first link was to the c-word. Why do we let this f0reign fuck govern the Bank of ENGERLAND? Why is he so europhilic?
    I bet his tongue smells f Juncker’s anus.

  21. The reality with a “No Deal” exit from the EU is that nobody knows.

    Carney’s (and cunts just like him) financial acumen didn’t give him clairvoyance enough to predict the 2008 financial crash did it? Which affected the entire West, never mind the poor wickle UK.

    Carney is forged from the same globalist Cannuck turd as Justin Trudeau, and his predictions are as reliable as Philip Hammond’s!

    Here’s my take on it…

    If we leave on “no deal” WTO terms, will our £ and GDP be affected? Well I think it will but no where near as bad as 2008, probably more on a par with what happened immediately after the Brexit vote and especially after the coward pig-fucker resigned and left us in the shit. Actually no, left us with the shit (that is May’s administration).

    Under “strong” leadership (i.e. not May) we can recover from any blip providing we do go after the markets that we should have been dealing with immediately after the vote was cast (USA, China, India, Brazil – not Africa – you dozey fucking bitch) and paying the EU very little attention.

    If we had done this (in true British Bulldog manner), hugging The Don, shunning The Junck, the EU would have been bricking themselves to organise a free flowing trade deal between the UK and the EU.

    Instead we showed abject weakness by immediately prostrating ourselves before those unelected bureaucrat twats in the EU and they immediately took this as the means of ass-fucking us for the last 18 months!

    If May’s horrendous deal does not get approval then she has to go, we tell Juncker, et. al., to fuck off – we’re leaving on WTO rules, we stop any monies going to the EU IMMEDIATELY, we stop EU immigration IMMEDIATELY (if the cunts want to reciprocate in kind – well that fine by fucking me), and we shoulder up to the RotW’s emerging/growing economies and start rushing through trade deals (which can be done – it just takes balls and no interference from globalist shills pretending to represent UK democracy in Cuntminster).

    The line gets drawn in the sand. Let’s see who blanks first! Remember those two words no cunt dealing with the EU has ever mentioned “Trade Deficit”? They actually are quite important in the scheme of things you know, unless you’re too busy unbuckling your belt and dropping your keks in order to get double-teamed by Juncker and Tusk!

    Yes it will be short term pain across the boards and business people please feel free to “Man Up” and deal with it. You had to cope with what happened in 2008 I’m sure organising a few import/export licences isn’t a lot to fucking ask! And just think, outside of the protectionist tyranny of the EU you could even thrive!

    Alas no one much cares for common sense in Cuntminster as there’s no kickbacks in it for the nest of duplicitous cunts!

  22. Carney is the cunt getting handsomely paid to not raise interest rates by very much at all for fear of collapsing the whole fragile UK economy. Keep rates this low for any extended period of time and the economy just withers away and dies. Of course Carney is such an ocean going cunt as to pretend that he has some independence in deciding what happens to interest rates when in reality, if he were to do the necessary, he would have the government handing him his P45 and a paddle to canoe his way out on a tidal wave (not a fucking Tsunami) of crap shit out by the loose sphinctered millennials who would be whingeing about not being able to afford their mortgages.

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