I don’t believe this nomination needs much of an explanation really and I don’t believe there will be any objection to my nomination of the objectionable cunt.
The jovial, tubby fuck knuckle seems to somehow have weaseled himself in to all the jobs Ant and Dec weren’t irritating enough to do. Whether it’s insurance adverts or the latest celebrity bollocks his face fills the TV causing anger and frustration from people across the country who feel the need to headbutt the TV.
Unlike cunts like Bono or Chris Martin, James Cordon hasn’t had to do anything specific to gain super cunt status, it’s just the way he was born.
Nominated by Melvin Blutack
An astute observation in that, like fellow ISAC Wall of Famers Blair, Obama, Lineker et al, Cordon is a repeat offender whose nominations need never carry any explanation. In fact the only surprise to me is that this arch cunt’s nominations haven’t already reached triple figures.
Cordon has been lapped up in the US which says a lot about the type of cunt viewers over there who enjoy dross like SNL and associated. He remains utterly infuriating to anyone with a legitimate IQ function higher than 52 and someone whose only apparent talent is acting like an obese ADHD-suffering child and shouting incoherent crap for 60 minutes at a time.
A neat encapsulation of his cuntliness was evident during his role in the recent advert campaign for Confused.Com. Each ad seems to depict him going on road trips with various rent-boys/PA underlings around barren parts of the US, finding as many different ways to be a cunt as he can muster – and that’s quite a formidable arsenal with Corden.
There are very special places reserved in hell for cunts like Corden. Let’s hope it’s very hot, very painful and with very large pokers ready to be shoved up Corden’s very large keister. James Corden’s cuntitude warrants its own Bayeux Tapestry to catalogue just how extensive and multi-faceted it actually is.
My personal favourite example of Corden’s vast arsenal of cuntishness comes from that cringefest where he and that other up his own arse, Brexit denying bald bastard Patrick Stewart try to out cunt each other during some shite awards ceremony. Both succeeded only in confirming what a pair of childish, unfunny, useless pair of retards they are. The cringiness of that clip is almost unbearable.
For those who haven’t had the pleasure yet….
Revolting,smug,fat slob.Self-congratulatory face like a Tamworth pig that’s just eaten a crippled Muslim .Hopefully he’ll stay in America long enough to get caught up in some mass-shooting event.
Fuck him.
“Self-congratulatory face like a Tamworth pig that’s just eaten a crippled Muslim”
hahaha lol well thats my favorite ISAC quote of the day almost had me choking on my afternoon tea cheers dick
Cheers, T.S…..When I read that sentence back, it struck me that it was probably the first time in history that that sentence had been written…can’t imagine what set of circumstances would call for it other than below an image of James Corden.
Uncanny resembleance Dick, James Cuntdon does look like a fat hairy pig By the way what you drinking lately aberlour scotch was it last? you missed my last response to your question a month ago when you asked what I was drinking.
Drinking Boodles gin g&ts and and I picked up a bottle of bushmills (red) finally to try, its not bad it makes a damn good old fashioned thats forsure
Pretty much sticking with the Aberlour or Bushmills, T.S. Got sick of being disappointed when I tried something different. Just going to stick to what I know that I enjoy.
“Tamworth pig that’s just eaten a crippled Muslim”
Thats just brilliant,almost psychedelic,I can almost hear John Lennon singing it to the tune of “I am the Walrus”.
His picture is in the dictionary under “twat”.
A more punchable fellow will rarely be encountered.
Another fecking self aggrandizing ‘star’ he looks like the fecking jelly terror, most people would need 2 heads to fit those flabby jowls in, he’s about as funny as an obituary for a burnt out maternity hospital.
I have it on good authority that he was gutted to be pipped as Cunt of the Year two times running. Once to B.Liar and once to Maybot.
Speaking of cunts… So Joe Johnson resigned because of Brexit eh?
I don’t suppose it has fuck all to do with his disastrous tenure as Transport Secretary and that he was advised to fuck off before his weekly failures in that department lead to irreversible damage to what is sure to be an ever more cuntish political career.
Virtually every day on 3CR (Beds, Hearts and Bucks) there was a story on the complete and utter mismanagement of the southern rail networks, some levelled at local transport agencies but the majority thrown squarely at JoJo’s ineptitude.
Brexit, the go-to get out of jail card for civil servant fuck-ups like this cunt!
Maybe he should team up with Ed Rubberband and start a band called “The Failures”.
I’d love to stick his snooker cue down his Japs eye.
You fat bastard, you fat bastard, you fat bastard, you fat bastard, you fat bastard, you fat bastard, you fat bastard, you fat bastard. Now I’ve got that of my chest, I will admit to detesting this over weight, annoying cunt. Who is as funny as me walking upstairs in my house and finding I have shit on my shoes.
Great cunting Mel.
How this cunts not in triple figures on this esteemed site is beyond me.
Fat unfunny wannabe pop singer cunt of the highest order. Thought we’d got rid of the cunt at the yanks expense but he still manages to ruin my fucking day on a regular basis . Is the meeja so desperate for another Peter Kay that they give this cunt a show ? …. best part of him ran down his fathers leg……
Good afternoon
Lesbian Vampire Killers……..OBE for his contribution to Drama……
Need I say anymore of this lickspittal toad who is desperate to remain joined at the hip to “Europeople”
What an obnoxious little fat twat.
Whilst he is indeed an annoying smugly self satisfied vastly overpaid twat I find even more irritating the fuckin loons who have decided on our behalf’s that we all just luuuuuuuve him. That if he plugs something then our reaction is ‘well if our James thinks it’s ok that fuckin good enough for me, where can I buy one?’ Errrrrrrr no, it’s the opposite actually. Anything plugged by a celeb is by definition just over priced hype. I make a point of never buying anything endowed by a so called fuckin celebrity. Fuck off widdya.
Even waterboarding is funnier than this cunt.
How the fuck did this talentless cunt get so popular on both sides of the Atlantic? He cant have shagged his way to the “top”,hes about as funny as brain cancer,and as for that smug fat face of his you could make a killing putting it on punchbags.So I repeat: How the fuck did he do it? Or is it an age thing-those under 40 think hes the dogs bollox while old cunts like me cant stand the fucker.Give me 5 minutes of Bernard Manning over Cordens entire film and tv appearances-at least that was a genuinely funny fatman.
Another EU arselicking, obnoxious, pontificating, smug sleb cunt. What the Yanks see in him is a total mystery.
You really don’t need to be funny these days. Just a lefty who’ll make the odd ‘joke’about Trump/ brexit will easily suffice. Fat pleased with himself wanker.
I have a list entitled ‘100 Cunts Whose Faces I’d Love To Punch’.
It will probably come as no surprise to any IsAC follower that this cunt is on it.
This is a really tidy bit of cunting, Melvin. Cordon was born a cunt, is a cunt, and will die a cunt.
How am I suppose to be sad about this? https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-46178520 I hate almost all these people aside from maybe Neil Young but he deserved it for Crosby Stills Young and Nash bloody byrds rip off band gone political hes just a phony folk music hippie who lives the high life in malibu while mourning his humble prairie roots in canada
My heart weeps for the poor, multimillionaire slebs…
I hope this cunt is currently on a road trip in Northern California.
Good afternoon.
A childish unfunny cunt trapped inside a flabby body.
Cannot see he possesses any star quality whatsoever.
The boy will go far. Reminds me of this old advert:
I’m stealing that video, Willie
Good news.
Gordon Brown, famous for having the keys to no.10 handed to him by a war criminal and calling some harmless old dear a “bigoted woman”, has joined the clamour for a “people’s vote.” Whoopee!
Another recruit for the Yesterday’s Losers Club.
Oh dear they are getting desperate if McBroon is the best they can muster. His pro EU talks have been like a Las Vegas Cirque du Soleil act compared to his coma inducing premiership.
That sack of shit should be hanging from a lamppost!!
Referendum denying Cunt like his master blair……
Corden is mediocrity and Right On conformity personified. I’d loathe the sycophantic, name dropping, bereft of talent Uber Cunt even if he were not such a gargantuan lover of pies. #FatShaming XD. Plus his snowflake, brain dead zelebrity worshipping fans wouldn’t have that, now would they?? ;). This prick of epic proportions has no shame. Like Beckham, he’d jump at any opportunity for self promotion.
Jabba The Cordon, yet another example of the corrupt cronyism that is all too obvious on ITV and Al-Beeb-Jecera. Exactly the same type of soulless, dead eyed, ‘entertainer’ as Mega-Cunt stable mates Ant and Dec, Closet Schofield and Keith ‘Terry Fuckwit’ Lemon. Unbelievable. They’re always present on the mong box and about as welcome and more irritating than hemorrhoids.
Car Pool Karaoke?!? How about Car Pool Drone Strike??? The Obese Twat drives around Nevada, sucking off the likes of Bonio, Blobby and Mrs Williams and Tax Dodger Barlow, pursued by several UAV. With hellfire missiles, live satellite coverage and kill cameras….
His face should be on sanitary pads and towels they would be super absorbent and suck like a fecking vacuum pump.
Top draw cunting MB ….
And as the TECB righty pointed out unlike blair Obama etc etc Cordens cuntings are rather non specific, Sure he’s a tubby little Cunt and an annoying talentless one at that, but Corden is definitely a favourite ISAC punchbag that we are all more than happy to thump repeatedly….
whenever I seen him I’m always left asking myself the same question…. Are the audience as pleased with Corden as he is with himself?
To paraphrase Winston: A cunt, wrapped in a cunt, inside a cunt.
Kim Kardashian has tweeted that her and her family are safe , phew !!! That’s a relief, if that big fat arse caught fire it would burn for an age , blotting out the sun and causing mass extinction.
In days gone by some whaling ship would have struck that with an iron!! “ there’s 40,000 gallons in dair captin , enough to light Chicago for 6 months “ ……….
In days gone by a whaler would have stuck an iron into that!! “ their she blows captain, enough oil to light Chicago for 6 month!”
OP… sorry
Just happened to catch sky news reporting on horrific fires in California? According to Sky miley cyrus and Gerald butler have lost their homes? Boo fucking hoo!! Which homes you utter Cunts? No 7 or was it 8??
Fucking Cunts! …….
How long before some cunt starts crowdfunding for them?
He is as funny as that tax dodger comic with the laugh like a hiena Jim automobile
We have all missed a trick when these talentless dip shits have made it.
The only thing that would make me interested in watching James Boreden on TV is if he was a human pinata and the baseball bats had nails in them.
Sad indictment of this country when a guy can become a star off the back of being a fat cunt and having a silly laugh.
Horrible, porcine, arselicking luvvie fuckwit.
I also dislike Mr Corden.
Off topic… just caught this on the wireless:
MICHELLE BARNIER (in crap Eurotrash accent): “There is now a Farage in every country…”
NIGEL FARAGE: “Oh no! Get the kids in! Don’t let them play outside!”
Nice one Nigel.
Btw, it’s reported the Brexit withdrawal agreement will be at least 500 pages long… how the fuck do the loser cunts demanding an informed “people’s vote” expect anyone remotely normal to make a decision if they expect the electorate to wade through that lot, word for unnecessary word?
Oops, that last bit should read:
“… unless they expect the electorate to wade through that lot, word for unnecessary word?”
I definitely want to read it. Back in the People’s Vote of 2016 I didn’t know WHAT I was voting for as I’m a thickie what can’t speàk proper.
500 pages. I might wait for the film starring James Cordon.
Sky now reporting California fire impact worse than first thought?
Apparently Martin sheen, will smith and lady Gaga have also been affected?
Emergency contact phone lines have been set up to help the celebrities cope with the loss of their 3rd 4 th and 5 th homes….
call help a Cunt on 0800 dial a virtue signaling prick…..
Where do I send my donation to help these poor cunts?
If one of Will Smith’s houses has burnt down then I’d like to donate a bit.
A bit of petrol.
Did someone have Stan Lee in the ‘pool?