Geoff Thompson

Geoff Thompson, chair of governors of the University of East London, says it would be “ethical and right” for universities to contribute.

Contribute compensation for slavery as some universities benefited from the slave trade.

You cunt, today’s universities are milking kids dry with student fees and then the kids get charged mortgage money for a room so they can actually live near the university.

This cunt is worried about compensation for people who are descendants of slaves. Whist living it large ensuring we are all wage slaves paying for him and a largely leeching left wing cunts faculty.

Get a fucking grip, slavery was universal and through history dominant powers enslaved others.

Stop worrying about injustices that can’t be righted for the long dead and focus on doing your fucking high paid bullshit job.

Our education is infested with people who’s agenda is nothing to do with educating young folk.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

28 thoughts on “Geoff Thompson

  1. What is it with the damned uppities. They never mention the violent idiocy of black culture, the biggest killer of young black men and they never mention that single motherhood in the black community is way higher than even white council scum.
    Fuck their reparations. They’re lucky to be living in a country where you’re unlikely to be cannibalised or have your limbs hacked off with a machete, the ungrateful ape cunts.

    • They’re lucky to be living in a country where you’re unlikely to be cannibalised or have your limbs hacked off with a machete, the ungrateful ape cunts.

      Not the UK, then?

  2. I’ll feel guilty and pay reparations to black people when Muslims pay me for the terrorism and rape that they commit all over the world on a daily basis….
    What, it’s not Muslims’ fault? Just a tiny minority?
    I think sadiq khan’t needs to cut some cheques.

  3. Given that it is nearly Xmas I think Geoff ought to rush release a charidee single. I bet he could tackle Ole Man River well (you and me, we sweat and strain) – though I doubt he has ever strained in his life, except perhaps in the bog

    The B side could be Mammy (I’d walk a million miles for a Dawn Butler smile).

  4. I see Kate Osamor MP (born Tottenham, no father listed, cunted a few days ago) attended East London University, and got a ‘degree’ in effnic studies. I an wondering how long it will be, failing rivers of blood, before a member of our governing elite is no longer required to have a PPE degree from Oxford but one in racial resentment from UEL. (Not that I think this would be a huge deal intellectually – the one’s as useless as the other.)

  5. Never heard of the non-entity. I’m guessing he’s another grievance mongering, professional victim cunt. They seem to be a dime a dozen these days.

  6. What utter boon-ery.

    Precisely who would be the recipients of this financial “compensation”?
    Who would assess the worthiness of any compensation award?
    How would candidates be selected for compensation?
    How would checks be undertaken to establish ancestors of candidates and if they were victims of slavery?
    What sums of money would be involved and how would these be calculated?
    What are the legal ramifications for the University – would this give claimants entitlement to larger claims?

    I suspect this pig-shit thick reject from the cast of Planet of the Apes hasn’t given any of the above a thought. More victim card playing and virtue signalling. Why is it just the Africunts who blame every single scrap of misery in their life on “dee eveel whitey man”?


    • Can you fucking imagine the sheer magnitude of the fraudulent claims ?? a la Grenfell.

  7. Another race card professional. These cunts don’t discriminate……they hate the ordinary blacks in the street as much as they hate their white counterparts. They wouldn’t go anywhere near them , they just want to feed off them to promote their own self interest. All these cunts promote racial, cultural and ethnic differences while ignoring and covering up the economic differences. This cunt, Lammy , Butler, Flabbott etc have far more in common with Gove, Catweazle, Phillps, May than any black man you walk past in the street. All part of the same class and the same fucking con.

  8. What will be next, a fucking witch hunt against anyone historically associated with ……
    Room to Let – No Blacks.

  9. Announced yesterday – immigration from OUTSIDE the EU has hit a 14-year record…

    And “The net inflow from the EU is still roughly the size of the British Army, despite cries of alarm from industry over Brexit.”

    Although -“The drop in EU migration has been mostly driven by changes in migration from E8 countries, with more people from Eastern Europe now leaving than arriving.”

    For Romanians read Nigerians, then. Hardly an improvement.

  10. How about the effniks pay more tax as they use more prison cells,take up hospital beds when they get stabbed and court time when they get nicked.

    What a load of wank.

    Africa was really thriving before whitey got there,wasn’t it?

    If they gate the UK so much fuck off to Africa.

    Remind me,what jabs do you need to visit England?

    Africa is a typhus invested shite hole. Look what happened to Rhodesia.

    If the UK is so bad,why does every Tom ,Dick and Mohammad. Want to come here?

    Rule Britannia!
    God save the Queen

    And Affia Hirsch needs to be novitexed.

  11. I’ve visited that university when I was considering my Master’s degree. Why is it so much cheaper than other universities, I wondered. It didn’t take long to discover the reason.
    It’s in the shittest part of London. Properly dreadful. You might as well be in a third-world shithole. Drug-dealers’ campus, prefab stooodent accommodation, and aeroplanes landing right next door, which is bizarre.

    Research provided me with endless complaints of poor lecturers and dismal facilities. Noticeably it wasn’t in the top 20 universities in the UK. It wasn’t even in the top 20 universities in London.

    This tosser’s diverting attention away from the woeful academic record there and, as long as they care on obtaining their stoods locally, the record will continue.

  12. Anyone else heard the vomit-inducing “feed the world” shite recently released by the lazy, layabout, can’t get a ladder that high, don’t worry just stay in your flat and we won’t come to get you, cun … sorry … “firefighters” ?

    It’s torture, but on a lighter note, I bet Simon Cowell is having fucking kittens…. ha ha.

    • Or ‘The Govt, under Dave ‘There’ll be no cuts to frontline services’ (ironically said whilst standing in a fire station, the lying, duplicitous cunt), Cameron and his cunt of a sidekick Bozo Johnson, in London, cut the budget so they’ve shut so many stations so people have died because of it yet you won’t hear about that’ firemen? Two stations have closed in my area, and it shows in their attendance times when we need them at a job. Any cunt that risks his/her life, (and more than a few have died in recent years doing just that, to save a (probably) ungrateful cunt is okay in my eyes, despite the badinage between the services. (I turn my sirens on when I drive past a fire station at night, just to keep them on their toes. Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck if they’re kipping, as long as they’re there to rescue my wife and kids if needed).

    • Top-Tip Deploy:

      If your house catches fire, STAY PUT.

      (Advice curtesy of the London Fire Brigade)

    • Hahaha good one Mincer. Terrorised us in 74 though, along with his oppo DKL.

      Those two cunts could still destroy our piss-poor top-order,and bowling left arm around to boot.

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