No, I don’t mean Chlorofluorocarbon or Chelsea Football Club
I mean Confrontational Fat Cows. Certain SheWhales, sorry, Females, who have reached critical mass, such that just one more truck-loaded gobful would most certainly result in their upsetting Earth’s perfectly balanced rotational access and see our planet careering giddily off into the darkest recesses of space. The sort of size that if it stepped into the road in front of your car, you’d run out of fuel swerving around it. Couple this with an attitude of bullish, relentless self-assertion and a habitually offensive stance in any conversation then you’ve met the type of obnoxious fat cunt I’m talking about.
There’s one comes into our local. Jumbo’s arrival is heralded by the groaning of the foundations and floorboards. Then comes the badgering, belligerent, ear-splitting voice, which renders any existing conversation redundant. Shuffling meekly in behind Jumbo’s vast acreage of quivering backside, comes it’s partner. They have a vigorous sex life, she loudly and proudly proclaims. Now I couldn’t achieve erection in the same county as Jumbo, let alone the same room, so quite how he can manage to rut the fucking thing, is completely beyond me. Maybe he closes his eyes and thinks of Andrew Lloyd Webber turned inside-out.
She knows more about any subject on discussion, than everyone else in the bar combined, whether or not she’s been invited into the conversation. Any poor fucker needing a piss whilst Jumbo is holding forth has a choice of either (a) nipping out the front and pissing in the road, (b) pissing themselves where they stand, or (c) a 7 hour walk around the fat cunt, to the bogs. (Squeezing past it is NOT an option, unless you want to end up as a tattoo on Jumbo’s gargantuan arse).
But for me, what puts these vociferous land-masses into the “forefront of pure cunt” is that they just won’t stay quietly in the background of the pub. They have to be the centre of attention, expecting us to orbit around them.
Mouthy fat cunts.
Nominated by Cunt Reviled
This is the best cunting I’ve ever read and describes pretty much every fat bitch I’ve ever met, always loud and always believe they are sexy.
She’s fat, she’s round, she bounces on the ground. Diane Abbott, Diane Abbott.
Top cunting , cunt.
Great mysteries of the universe #324: why are fat people always covered in ugly tattoos?
Here’s some real racism, not the Guardian- approved type. Imagine the shitstorm if Trumpy said something like this…
I know it’s a strong word but extermination is the only cure for this disease.
These primative fools can’t be reasoned with or re educated.
It’s a shame that ever since September 11th the western establishments have been scrambling to crawl up Islam’s arse….
They’re the islamophobic’s …. so fucking scared that they refuse to criticise of or stand up for our morals. … fuckin pussies.
Not all Muslims are like these cunts but millions are, and they’re the ones in charge. Kill the conservatives and “re-educate” the rest…
After 9/11 Bush should have nuked the lot… Including the oil states and the rich as fuck Gulf… His ‘War On Terror’ was bullshit… It should have been a war on a medieval (if that) level religion and savages that have no place in any civilised world… But of course he didn’t and we now the cunts raping teenage girls, butchering kiddies at pop concerts, infesting the welfare and NHS, and owning and bigging up Manchester City FC… Had to put that last one in…
Hear hear norm…
It’s sad to say but we lost the war on terror. Makes me feel sick.
Look at what they had in terms of manpower, training, equipment, resources…. and look at what we had.
Fucking “hearts and minds” cunts not only set things up nicely for Isis and for Russia to get a foothold in the region, but imported millions of the cunts into the west and allowed them to begin their takeover.
Our “elites” sure have a hell of a lot to answer for. It’s incompetence or treason. ….I suspect it’s a good dose of both.
Bush misspoke. What he meant to say was: “War on Saddam cos he said bad things about ma daddy!”
Should never try to reason with barbaric excrement, that ”hearts and minds” bullshit was never going to work.
Some cunter said it here long ago but the so called ”moderate” peacefuls just want the loony extremists to kill us all.
AH went after the wrong lot……
Peter Hitchens said:
“Radical Muslims want to cut our heads off and moderate Muslims are happy to let them do it.”
As a retired/non employed 59 year old white male I find it staggering how many of these women seem to be in employment.
Despite working in the financial square mile in London in the cut and thrust of big business for nearly 30 years I now find it impossible to secure any form of local employment, and find it staggering there are seemingly many of these lazy fucking chatty mummy type porkers who do have jobs, and who would not know a high pressure job if it came up and smacked them in the mouth.
Often see them having their pathetic smoking breaks.
Went for an interview which had three women conducting the interviews. Two of them were fat porkers. Needless to say did not get the job. How fucking insulting to nonchalantly disregard my experience and think they had more to offer than I did. Unless you were basing the decision on poundage, smoking ability and talking about cakes or celebrities or X-Factor or such fucking nonsense in which case I understand why.
What you need to do Willie is turn gay. Well, pretend to anyway. Not easy, to be fair, but easier than turning peaceful that’s for sure.
Stick that lot on your CV Willie… plus a Micky Mouse degree or two and you’d be a shoo-in next time!
Would also advise investing in a fat suit.
These Fat Females seem to be prized as GPs receptionists.
You’d have thought that the NHS would be trying to discourage fat bastards, not hand them Hitler and Himmler jobs on a plate.
Had to see my GP again last week (their decision, not mine…and when I arrived, I was asked “What can we do for you today ? It took GP about ten minutes to sort out WHY I’d been called into the surgery (I was bloody mystified as to any reason…)… At least I had a good chance to ogle her. A fine filly.
Here you go,Willie….your Muse
They’re needed in London and all parts of SE England, because our tectonic plate is still (very slowly) rising, since the billions of tons of ice melted after the last ice age. Their (only) purpose is counteract this with extreme weight.
You probably didnt get the job because you have too much experience and arent keen on being patronised by ham planets.
Did they ask if you like Adele?
This cunting sounds like Flabbott at one of the Commons bars. I bet when Compo was rooting her in the 70’s her vortex of flab sucked him in and she had to wheeze his bony arse out again.
One of the great cuntings of our time as we all know a mouthy fat cunt similar to that descibed. They normally also produce a laugh ( every 5 seconds) louder than an ACDC gig.
Yep,we’ve got one too. Fat as a pork pig and as loud as an air-raid siren. I’ve sometimes sat watching her and her skinny little runt of a husband and wondered how the hell he ever managed to impregnate her. First off,I know that I’d be incapable of “cracking a bat” if it was offering itself to me,and even if I could,I can’t imagine that I’d be long enough to actually plumb it’s depths. Then there’s the question of positions,presumably he must bend her over and do her from behind,but even then her huge saggy arse-cheeks must obscure the target…imagine having to lift rolls of sweaty blubber out of the way before entry.
The sweaty,unwashed,smelly Cunt must be a delight when fully exposed.Pissflaps like John Wayne’s saddlebags.Matted,untrimmed bush like a clown’s wig used to mop up the juice from a tin of tuna….and all hidden in 20 odd stone of opinionated lard. I sometimes sit at the bar looking at her and imagine just what her piggy,blotchy face looks like in the throes of passion,or how her bloated naked body must wobble and realise just what a sick individual I must be to even be able to summon up the mental-picture.
Fuck her?….. lack of inches and the last vestiges of self-respect would make it impossible, I’m glad to say.
Fuck, that was literary gold, Dick.
Brings a new meaning to pull-apart buns.
I feel queasy…..
Have trouble plumbing its depths Dick? With yours being “more like a giant marrow… green,scabby and avoided by anyone with any sense.”?
Go on… admit it… you’re shy.
If this is some kind of attempt to goad me into sending you a “dick-pic.” you’re out of luck,you vile peeper……and you’re a fucking disgrace,too.
🙂 .
Hurgh hurgh hurgh…… I think I just threw up in my mouth reading this.
Emily Thornbury is a good example and she considers herself a bit of an intellectual to go with it – certainly above the *ordinary* person. Ditto Jenni Murray the lardarse know-it-all and BBC misandrist in chief
DJ Murray has one of those faces that looks like an optical illusion…
It couldn’t be any worse upside down.
Strange. I was only thinking about Lady Nugee this very morning. Was having a shit at the time.
Fecking horrid sweaty bitches they always look pissy to me with their piggy little eyes. Ad for Sun bingo tells me they can’t count cos at one part of the ad the old dreadnought is beside 2 porky pigs and she says 2 fat ladies but on my screen theres 3 of the feckers and only 1 of em is an old munter. I hate it when they pour themselves into leggings so you can see every roll and dimple they own fecking horrible old cunts, have you noticed how fat blokes look jolly and roly poly the tabbies look mean and knifey, but that view could be down to my growing misogyny.
That’s a right fat cunt, that is. Beats the fuck outta me why the larger the broad, the louder she is. Jaysuz, Joseph and Mary.
Could they not put on a louder lipstick while pashing their chick friends.
I knew one like this, she was the boss’s daughter at a company I worked for. They say that marrying the boss’s daughter is a sure way to a successful career, and I had the opportunity to do just that, but I couldn’t have dreamed of sinking so low. There was only one thing worse than her looks and that was her personality. The word ‘obnoxious’ was created to describe her, and it failed to do her justice. She was a horrible spoiled fat cunt who’d been brought up to think she was wonderful. She hung around where I worked, I took no notice, she got the hump and I eventually ended up on the dole. Which is the outcome I would have chosen, given the choice.
“You’ve only got huge tits because you’re fat”….
They don’t like hearing that….
Big is Beautiful…. Like fuck it is.
Drugs to treat diabetes cost the taxpayer around £3million a day – that’s £1billion a year ffs!
Not to mention 100 amputations carried out every week on cunts with diabetes related complications…
I say render the fat fuckers down and make candles. We’ll need them when the lights go out due to Brexit.
Went for a walk round the parc today.
Lots of OBESE slime wimminz. They look like weebles, wobbling / waddling all over the place. They REALLY are fugly cunts.
Not to forget that these obese blobs of saturated fats seem to think they understand the inner workings of basically every topic that comes up in conversation. Usually withholding the information “I read an article about that while watching X factor once while my husband was trying to get his once a month stiffy for me”. Whether it’s dogs or quantum physics, they’re sure to know everything there is to know about the subject. Or think they do anyway. Yet their vast amounts of knowledge doesn’t seem to help them understand why nobody likes them. “It’s because they’re scared of seeing a strong, independent woman! They don’t like that I’m fat and confident” No…..they don’t like you because you’re a delusional, egotistical cunt. I personally like a bit of chub on a woman, but when a woman gets to a certain size their brain must get “fat person syndrome” and decide they are god’s gift. The type of women who tells everyone she has a great sex life, yet lays there like a beached whale waiting to be thrown back into the sea.
This was such a good cunting, it made me write my first ever post! Well done my good man! 5 stars from me!
Superb cunting Cunt Reviled. Cannot be improved upon in my humble opinion. Should be included in the Oxford Dictionary as a definition of Fat Cunt.
Epic cunting indeed. I worked with one of these cunts many years ago in the early days of my lobotomy (oops sorry, I meant my nursing career) She was the Ward Sister. (I have no idea how she got promoted….I can only imagine that she performed a lot of oral with her humongous mouth)
Mouthy, obnoxious, belittling, know-it-all, sarcastic, unnecessarily nasty to students, Irish cunt of epic proportions does not even cover it. She would literally sit ALL FUCKING NIGHT SHIFT eating her bodyweight in crisps, writing letters home to Mammy, reading ‘Cunts Weekly’ and predominantly bossing every one of us minions around like she was Cleo-fucking patra.
I still do not know how I managed to control myself from bludgeoning her with a bedpan. I can only assume that her bad attitude came from the massive chip on her shoulder about being A FAT CUNT. I do find this to be so very common amongst (especially) women who resemble the size of a small country.
Though having moved on from the NHS cuntfest, I do know that the heifer is STILL lording it up on that same ward, no doubt eating small children as we speak because she is still peckish after her crisps.
I’m not sure if it’s an urban myth or not but heard that doctors write the acronym D.T.S on ward notes relating to fat cunts.
It stands for Danger To Shipping.
No it stands for Deploy The Sausage …. they’re saving them for me!
I’ve fucked a few fat cunts in my time and I enjoyed every second.
….not too fat mind. Just a bit fat.
Well. Beggars can’t be choosers….
??? I’ve not heard that shorthand before, but these are two epic doctor’s slang terms I know of:
YELLOW SUBMARINE – an obese patient with jaundice
HARPOONING THE WHALE – attempting (and usually failing, because they have too much body fat) to give a fat cunt an epidural.
Oh how I laughed when I heard about those……???
TF Bundy is an old medical favourite acronym, totally fucked but unfortunately not dead yet.
That’s me to a tee!
Why is it that the fat fucks are always and I mean ALWAYS of the obnoxious personality type?
They don’t have healthy, normal brains. Obese people cannot control their impulses like normal people. The reptilian part of their brain (primitive part of the brain, shared with other animals, which regulates instincts like hunger, pleasure and reward (food and sex)) overrides their Pre-frontal cortexes (an area of brain responsible for higher brain functions like impulse control, abstract reasoning and concentration).
Effects of Obesity on Human Brain
Immune cells destroy healthy brain connections, diminish cognitive function in obese mice
Obesity and Brain (scientific research papers)
Over all my prolonged spells as a guest of a few hospitals one thing that became apparent were the profusion of posters and heckling diatribes berating fat feckers, these must of been invisible for a large chunk of the female nurses of who many were gargantuan.
Yeah ive noticed the abdominal expansion in the nursing profession during hospital visits over the past few years.
Find it difficult to penetrate obese women, due to their rolls of fat? Roll them in flour and shag the damp bit. It does occasionally lead to errors, though.
Fart and give us a clue…
Most of these fat cunts always blame some kind of “condition” for their fatfuckedness. And that they are addicted to junk food, which suggests “it’s not my fault!”
But the reality is they are the lazy greedy useless shitstains of humanity. Working with these cunts is no laughing matter either, especially on a hot humid summer’s day and they’re sweating like pigs.
Some of these cunts are so fat I doubt they manage to wipe their own arseholes after taking a huge dump! They probably marry some skinny cunt purely for that very task.
Fuck ’em (actually, no, I really wouldn’t)
WordFence is a really annoying fucking CUNT!
*Toilets come in one size, *
A gap in the market to to be filled by the Amy Lame Maxiloo. The overweight lezzie pal of Sadiq Kunt reveals her new Diane Abbott model, available in pretty pink or jet black. Made with reinforced pig iron with an extra large seat to counteract the effects ofFBO – Flabby Buttock Overhang. No more frantic post-shit mopping of the floor with Jeyes Fluid. At last the chance for the larger cunt not to pebble dash the bathroom wall. Extra large storage, so you can immerse mega size turds like Lord Adonis in it and shit all over his bald head. The Maxiloo is available for the extra low price of £200, plus £800 carriage and postage, which includes a heavy duty truss for the delivery man. Send your cheque today to Sadiq Khan Enterprises, Blair House Sedgefield.
The fat fucks clean up after themselves? That’s a new one on me!
Btw, I’d pay good money to see Lord Adonis’ head shat upon. Maybe there’s a video on Pornhub…
Why are there hardly any French fatfucks? They are pretty cuntish at times but not loud and fatfucks. Why?
Never ever did you see a fat bird come out of Belsen or similar everyone of the poor buggers a skeleton, you would have thought that with the prevalence of all the other reasons the fatties come up with for their size some would have come out huge as its not food related
Emily Thornpiggery (Lady Nougat to you and me) blames it on austerity.
France’s President Emmanuel Macron has called for closer ties between his country and Germany, saying Europe “has the obligation not to let the world slip into chaos”.
Mr Macron is in Berlin for the country’s annual day of mourning for victims of war.
In a speech to Germany’s parliament, he said Europe must not “become a plaything of great powers”.
Mr Macron wants a more integrated EU, with a joint eurozone budget.
He also wants Germany’s backing for a European Army, which he has said would reduce the bloc’s dependence on the US, and a new tax on internet tech giants.
What Macron really wants is absolute power, to share total dominance with Germany, and for the rest of Europe to do what they want because that is what is best for them.
A failing French president whose people do not trust nor want him as president, and Frau Merkel, again whose German people are fed up with her bonkers immigration policy. A ducking recipe for disaster.
Fucking French garlic smelling knob head dwarf cunt. Who the fuck does he think he is?
A prize cunt if ever I saw one!
I think he must know that he’s fucked at home and is eyeing up a nice cushty job in Brussels, sucking guy verhovstadt’s bum hole.
Macron’s such a bitch man, I was hoping that trump would tare him a new one the other day but unfortunately he didn’t…..
Maybe trump is becoming a diplomat. …hope not. I want him to tell Macron just what a slimy little cunt he is.
Napoleon Bonaparte
They’re either ” big boned ” or have a ” gland problem “.
But they don’t seem to have a problem demolishing fourteen pork pies in one sitting .
Studies by esteemed scholars have also shown that they are stupid , untrustworthy and stink to high heaven.
Good evening.
Good evening to you Jack, how goes it?
Good evening PMS , it goes well. How are things with you ?
We used to have one at work who made a big show of having a salad in the works canteen everyday and was on a permenant diet. Obvious that she had the aforementioned 14 pork pies plus a packet of chocolate biscuits as soon as she walked through the door every evening though.
I must hold my hand up and admit that I have ‘had a go on’ one of these lumbering grotesques.
In my defence, I was well pissed.
Upon waking and realising that I was located in an unfamiliar bed, I blinked the sleep from my eyes and became aware of two stirrings.
One: the inception of a thundering handover
Two: the stirring of a colossal, naked monstrosity next to me.
As possible scenarios played dully in my mind, the creature snored loudly and at least a little of the previous evening’s activities crept into my mind.
The partial horror of what I had (potentially) done send spikes of fear down my spine and, being as quiet as possible, I saw my clothes on the floor, crept out of the bed to start to put them on.
A sneeze started its way down my nose and I remember holding my fingers over my nostrils. Fingers that smelled of pussy.
I *had* done it! Jesus non-existant Christ!
Needless to say, I dressed as fast as possible as the leviathan woke up.
“Where are you going?” it bellowed as I made my escape, flying down the stairs as if I had the winged boots of Hermes on and all the hounds of Hell behind me.
Calamity! The front door was locked!
“Don’t just leave like that,” it requested, lumbering out into the landing.
As the colossus rounded the corner, there was a window behind it at the top of the stairs, putting its monumental physique into lighted silhouette and I was reminded of the boulder that was going to roll down the tunnel and crush Indiana Jones.
I had to feebly ask to be let out or I’d be late for work (it was a Sunday 25 years ago, so an obvious lie).
The abhorrence of seeing a naked obese behemoth has never gone away.
Shame really, as Mrs Cunt Engine has gone from a size 8 to a size 18 in 15 years; thank fuck we’re divorcing!
Apologies if I’ve made you queasy and a good evening to all!
Fucking hell Mr. Cunt Engine ! What were you feeding her, lard ?
I believe I was feeding her manfat. Christ only knows how fat she is now.
Have you ever watched “My 600lb Life”, Jack?
It’s fucking hilarious, 50 stone gargantuan beasts attempting (failing) to move more than 8 steps at a time whilst always blaming someone else for the life-threatening state they’re in.
It’s unbelievable how their hearts still work.
I’m afraid I can’t watch it, as hard as I try, after a minute or two I’m sniggering, a couple more minutes and I’ve developed a throaty chuckle, five minutes in and I’m collapsed in a heap, laughing hysterically as some out of control , real life Mr. / Mrs. Blobby crushes everything in its wayward path. So far I’ve managed to get to the remote control before having a mirth induced coronary.
Buy yourself a harpoon and invite her round for dinner.
Dr ‘Now’ so funny as well that funny voice he has.
I merely quote Melville in their presence.
Fat bitches need love too.
I bet Mr Cunt Engine isn’t the only one here whos pricked a pork pie. Never had the pleasure myself, but I did a borderline anorexic chick once. Eurgh.
Yea I’ve got stuck into a couple of fatties in my time…. not too fat mind.
Would much prefer a fattie over a skinny cunt any day.
…..if I wanna fuck a skeleton I’ll dig one up thankyou very much.
Trying to grab her ass was the most disappointing sexual career moment so far. No meat, no fat, just skin. Like runny pizza doe. It was actually traumatic. No ass should feel so deprived.
I used to date a couple of girls who suffered from anorexia.
2 birds,1stone….
Dear admin. Missing post. Clicked ‘ Post Comment ‘ and fook all happened , clicked again and was informed I’d already posted.
Be most gratified if you could search the ether around this esteemed website for the lost soul. It was a reply to the loose living and immoral Mr. Cunt Engine.
Yours , etc. etc.