“Then in 1963, two years before he died, he wrote, ‘The future of Europe, if Britain were to be excluded, is black indeed.’
That was less than 20 years after the war you poxy, scabby twat. This is now the future that Churchill was looking forward to and it ain’t like he envisaged it. It’s bleaker than fucking black. We can hardly say the word “black” out of fear of arrest. We joined the Common Market and as a nation we are now being crucified by snowflake, do-gooder apologists, shafted by the fucking Germans in the shape of a childless matron more fucking mental than Hitler. If you can speak for Churchill, cunt, so can I. This is not what our parents and grandparents fought the Germans for. Politically they were cunts then and they are cunts now. Fight them on the beaches? Surrender, apologise and pay them reparation is the truth. It’s a hundred years since the armistice. With cunts like Cox who has no cock and is only a cunt, we’re done for. Geldof and Coogan are in on the shit too. To nick Coogan’s stolen phrase, it’s a bag o’ shite. I fucking hate them. The place needs cleaning up. I’d bomb their fucking corn flakes.
Nominated by Alan Fistula
Churchills view on Europe in the 1940’s and the undemocratic gangster state it has morphed into today cannot be compared. Besides according to ignorant snowflake cunts with selective historical memories of facts, wasn’t he meant to be a racist?
Fuck me what a cunt he is the deluded fat ugly twat. Mind you the other Brian Cox is the same kind of Brexit hating cunt.
And as for channeling Churchill he’s patently not learnt anything from the great man because he would have stood up to the EU cunts on a daily basis and we would have had real power in the day to day running of the EU. Not seen by the other member States as those silly Brits paying loads of money in but getting the short end of the stick compared to the Krauts, Frogs, Eyties, Dagos, etc.
So Cox fuck off back to acting or better still FOAD.
Brian Cox is a worthy nomination and has shown himself up on several occasions appearing on the accursed QT; as expected, with the usual pro-Remain, pro-Scotland gibberish. This obese, wheezing fucker usually makes even more noise breathing than he does talking.
To use his acting role as some sort of gateway into the mind of Churchill however, that is taking the celebricunt political posturing into new territory. I get so tired, so fucking incredibly tired of bastards like this re-writing history with the aim of promoting their own hugely biased political shit-opinion.
I am also massively fed up of any actor, dancer or otherwise entertainment- based fucker using the public platform awarded to them for their work in the arts to suddenly preach politics. And this applies whether these insipid fuckers are against or agreeing with my own political views. The cunts have precisely zero qualification to tell the public at large how to conduct themselves in elections, so they should fuck right off and stick to what they fucking do for a living.
Cox joins the pantheon of ill-informed cunts like Geldof, Lily ‘Xenomong’ Allen and Shit-Lineker in the hall of sacks of shite who are out of their depth dabbling in politics, oblivious to how fucking idiotic they sound and how reviled they have become to much of the electorate. The recent US mid-terms showed precisely what the voting public think of celebricunt political posturing; voters defeating the candidates for senate/house publicly endorsed by Beyonce, Winfrey, Swift et al. Same applies in this country.
Now fuck off Brian Cox you unshapely, king-size cunt.
Speaking of the US mid-terms TECB, recently elected Democrat in New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one to keep an eye on. The usual socialist idealism of free healthcare, university tuition and abolishing immigration enforcement applies with a shake of a Corbyn style money tree. She is 29 , an economics major and a socialist, what could go wrong?
Some fat Grenfell survivor (you know the type:foreign feckless benefit claiming scum has complained that the police helicopter gave people false hope on the night.
I saw that fat cunt on the news last night, mumbling bollocks like a constipated Don Corleone. What did he expect the fucking helicopter pilot to do – land on the top of the burning tower?
Fat cunt has spent his life scoffing pizza whilst watching too many Arnie movies.
Would this be the same Winston Churchill who the snowflakes tell us was a disgusting racist who deliberately starved all those Bengalis to death? Would he be related to the Winston Churchill who’s statue in Parliament Square they want torn down and trashed?
No…..must be a different Winston Churchill obviously.
For your pleasure… NOT… here is the arrogant Cunt in full hypocritical flow on Question Time:
The cunt was pissed there…..or overexcited by that dirty feinian bitch fawning all over him.
What a pair of pathetic cunts!
That dirty fenian bitch is Mairead McGuinness MEP, and she was YET AGAIN on Question Time only last week! Naturally Dimbecunt gave her at least four times as long as anyone else on the panel, spouting her poisonous anti Uk, pro 4th Reich propaganda, without interruption.
Jordan Peterson, also on the panel, though you’d be forgiven for not noticing, got about 20 seconds per question and was virtually ignored by the rest of the panel and audience alike.
This country is finished.
McGuinness , the name says it all.
Good morning Mr. Creampuff.
Top o’ the mornin’ to ya Jack!
What an inarticulate prick..,,,
Cox is a second rate actor
And a first rate Cunt!
Worse still like so many gobshite self important arseholes spouting anti brexit rhetoric he lives abroad in NEW YORK apparently……
Last time I looked that wasn’t in the U.K…
Quis, living abroad gives you a special licence to lecture people “back home” on how they ought to live and under which conditions. Ask any of the Hypocritical Cunts Abroad Club members – Patrick Steward, Connery, Branson, et al.
True captain……
Churchill would have made mincemeat of little cunts like Dominic Grieve and the Soubry creature, and would have had a robust response to the New Labour nancy boys. He would never have allowed dictatorial little motherfuckers like Juncker, Tusk and Barnier to try to dominate us in the first place.
Must admit I have never heard of this Brian Cox – the ony one I knew was the showbiz scientist with the [amsy voice.
sorry Pansy voice – my keyboard is crap today
They just can’t help themselves.
Theirs is one vote.
And until the mockery of democracy is complete – with the left’s “benefits for votes” stitch-up by importing 3rd world shithole scum – they can live with it!
We’ve been sold down the river by an utterly arrogant political lefty class and i think they hope thst we don’t notice. Thick virtue signalling twats.
Steve Coogan is a colossal cunt… I’ve nowt against working class lads making good, but this knob is just a complete wanker… Rod Stewart makes it and he fucks Britt Ekland and Kelly Emberg (nice one, Rodders)… Coogan makes it and he fucks Courtney Love… Tells you all you need to know about the man… He makes Liam Gallagher look classy, yet he cracks on that he’s this cultural and intellectual cunt… When in actual fact he’s just a cunt…
This rude, hectoring heap of malformed shite needs to be sectioned. He’s utterly typical of the classic Scottish Independance fanatic; shouting his piss-poor, flimsy opinions over the top of everyone else in the hope that will validate his argument. Just makes you look like a cunt mate. If he loves Scotland and Europe so much, why does he live in America?
It doesn’t matter about the Brian Coxes (should that be cocks?) of this world or about the other 700,000 snowflakes who marched through Londonistan. Neither, I am sorry to say, does it matter about the 17.5 million Brits who have vision in at least one eye and at least one working brain cell and can analyse what is happening around them and, more importantly, identify the origin of processes that have been so damaging to an orderly and controlled progression of British society these last 40 years. It doesn’t matter because both sides of the Brexit divide are collectively delusional in believing that democracy works and holds our politicians to account. Democracy is the paracetamol offered by the ruling elites, comprising big business and self-serving politicians; it will ameliorate the pain temporarily but the source of the pain will remain. The reality is that “the little man” whether numbering 700,000 or 17.5 million, does not have a voice and does not influence anything. Democracy, as known to the old Warrior, is long dead. There will be confirmation of this assertion, maybe later today, when a British Prime Minister will betray the will of the British people to the interests of big business and a corrupt, venal European political elite, many appointed by their cronies rather than elected, of which she is a part and who never from day one of the referendum had any intention of altering the status quo. It is time to storm the Winter Palace but be aware that Nanny T will have surrounded it with non- British British troops who will open fire without compunction on Remoaner and Leaver alike, provided they are paid a handsome bonus of course.
There are many things attributed to Churchill, that he was “racist” “pro european” and so on. Much depends upon which books are read. They all have a different view.
The question here is ” Would Churchill surrender to the EU?”
The answer to that is a resounding NO!
As for his portrayal by said Cox. It was poorly acted, poorly crafted and peppered with innacuracies.
Of Cox. Of course he is a cunt. A self congratulatory empire builder of little talent whose opinions and speeches are best described in the words of the great William Shakespeare. “Shite words showeth the man ” ( I think those were the words anyway )
I’ve met this one-trick pony and not only is he an opinionated oaf but he’s actually not very bright. Ironically, he’s like a BBC stereotype of the Leave voter – blustery, clumsy, condescending, and full of ill-thought out ideas. Empty vessels make the most noise.
There’s a wonderful Churchill biography by Roy Jenkins as well as a not so wonderful one by Boris Johnson. Churchill was a fascinating character (aristocrat, half-Yank, depressive) with plenty of flaws and failures who made some wretched decisions. Nonetheless, he never would ‘ve handed over this much power or money to faceless bloodsuckers, especially statute law.
Och Aye the noo us jocks demand our FREEDOM from the Sassenachs!
A great actor but an even greater Cunt
He reminds me of someone?
A visionary – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GmuI7sKbdo
Absolutely right in everything he says.
Theresa May, Thony Blair and their cronies should be tried for treason.
Did you know that Gary Taxdodger’s middle name is Winston? Obviously his parents had more respect for this country than that dirty rapeugee loving remoaner piece of shit.
Could be their sense of English irony… ?
Today could see the day where Theresa May seals herself as COTY for the rest of time.
This fucking ‘deal’ – which basically involves us handing over £45billion and remaining shackled to the single market and EU diktat – has to be the single worst negotiation in political history.
Incredible to think that her predecessors were Cameron, Brown and Blair – to a man, legends of cuntitude in ruining this country – and yet she is in prime position to out-cunt them all by signing us up to political and economic oblivion. You fucking grey old hunchbacked shitcunt!!!!
Imo, the ‘negotiated’ deal is deliberately bad by conscious design.
Parliament will reject it, along with No Deal. Then they’ll vote for a third referendum, the choice being:
1. An unacceptably Bad Deal, along with £57billion golden-goodbye for the EU. (£39billio + £18billion when the transition period gets extended into 2022).
2. Remain (and live to fight another day).
In other words it’s a fix cooked up with the EU, and has been ever since Pigfucker resigned. They won’t make the same mistake twice.
Btw, good luck reading all 500 pages of the agreement!
“Welcome to the Hotel California…”
Some cunt came round couple of nights ago and asked me to confirm who lived int house for the electoral roll.The establishments getting ready to vote in Corbyn methinks coz thats the only way they can force a “Peoples Vote”.Fucking Cunts.
Here we go again another self important creative who thinks he is of some importance, cunt of the first water as they all are, again another bunch of twats that live in their own rarefied bubble where the cunts at the bottom of their group constantly tell their betters how fecking amazing and wonderful they are, when they appear on the goggle they seem to be entertaining only each other, cos fucking sure as hell they arent doing anything for me apart from making me mad.
Theirs is a world of sycophants and bullshitters, ego massagers and brown noses , they don’t mix with non -types as they don’t get the adoration they crave, cunts to a man, i hate them with an intensity that frightens me, CUNTS CUNTS CUNTS and another CUNT for good measure.
Fellow cunters I can only apologise for this cunt !
I feel the need because he is a Scot / snp / whatever tsunami of a bellend !
The SNP do not represent me at all I voted leave not leave but still be in a wee bit
BRIAN FUCKING COCKS to portray Yours Truly orn the fillums? The bastard libellous slander got past me until just now. Oh me fucking head. Yours Truly knows the old cunt to be a unique one orf and as such can only be played by Yours Truly. Would not let some arse faced thesp pooftah near me. Have put Admin in me fucking book over that one. Mulling me revenge. Too pissed for the now. Cunts.
I always visualised you as looking like your old Fred Emmny picture Sir Limply.
Shame Fred’s no longer with us…
Just another opinionated luvvy bellend. Why Al-beebra and others seek his opinion on anything is beyond me. The guy’s a fucking actor for fuck’s sake, yet he’s giving it large on QT. Why not invite people on from the fire service, or the NHS, or a guy who makes coffee in a coffee shop? Their views are just as valuable as his, but no, he’s been in films, so that makes him a fucking expert.
Fuck off you fat cunt, and well cunted Mr F.
I don’t know why this actor (cunt) is famous. He might have said that Churchill might have been appalled by Britain leaving the European Union but that’s putting words in a dead man’s mouth. Churchill wanted a United States of Europe presumably to protect against the Russians, but if he wanted it to be like the United States of America then the USA seems to be run better than the shambles that is the European Union. Mr Churchill also didn’t predict the rise of China and Japan as world powers or the information technology revolution. Not his fault. It’s just strange the way things go.
Britain should have subverted the EU more for our gain and to cause disharmony among the other cunt nations that are in the European Union, but we haven’t got the guts or cunning to do that these days. Now we’re probably being shafted to leave the bloody thing. Fuck ’em.