Body piercings are cunts. I can tolerate ear piercings, even though I don’t understand why people would want to stick those things in their ears, but body piercings just look hideous.
Nose rings look awful, as do other facial piercings, belly button piercings and tongue piercings are especially disgusting but the absolute worst ones are when some people choose, of their own volition and free will, to have that flap of skin between the roof of the mouth and the upper set of teeth pierced. WHY?! Why would you want to have a bit of metal in your mouth outside of tooth fillings?
Like all body piercings it’s utterly disgusting! To borrow a phrase from an esteemed cunter, fuck them.
Nominated by OpinionatedCunt
How the fuck do these clowns get through security at airports? And what if they fall ill and need x-ray or MRI scans?
Attention-seeking sado twats with nothing better to do. Hope they end up with rusty bollocks!
Morning Cuntflap.
You’d not especially fancy this bird then?
Anna Soubry has really let herself go judging by that photo
She looks dressed for a night out, if you ask me.
Speaking of suicide…
Piercings are disgusting,as are tattoos. Radio 4 is a 24 hour remaniac left wing load of anti white crap. Dawn Butler this morning nearly pushed me to suicide……
EU loving cunts.
Someone had a strained relationship with their father…, getting that many piercings on the face says it all really
I hate everything – body piercings, tattoos, face painting (what cuntage!), body art of any description, facial hair, cosmetic surgery, jewellery and all but minimal makeup. Prefer birds organic, though quite partial to them wearing glasses (black rims) and smoking tabs, assuming they’re fit.
Blokes like the cunt in the header picture require euthanising.
And then there’s this bellend…the “Parrot Man”. Who’s old enough to know better and has has his ears removed to look more like a parrot.
Yes…er…very convincing. This picture most definitely says “parrot” over “pathetic twat”:
“ Bristol man turns himself into a parrot?”
Surly the headline should read
“ idiot identifies himself as a Cunt “
I hate everything – body piercings, tattoos, face painting (what cuntage!), body art of any description, facial hair, cosmetic surgery, jewellery and more than minimal makeup on birds. Prefer birds organic, though quite partial to them wearing glasses (black rims) and smoking tabs, assuming they’re fit.
Blokes like the cunt in the header require euthanising.
Morning squire….
I concur, RTC.
Tattoos and piercings seem to be ‘Personality substitutes’, a cheap way to divert your attention away from being bereft of any originality or humour.
On a female it just looks tacky and unattractive. The same fillies seem to be loud, overweight, and belligerent, even when sober.
It’s difficult enough ageing – the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to – without ending up a pin-cushioned, blue-painted, profane biddy.
What Ive tended to find people with the most tattoos, body piercings, strange haircuts and weird hair colouring etc are infact some of the dullest Cunts I’ve ever met , it’s as if they have realised they have absolutely no personality whatsoever so appear this way believing it makes them look infinitely more interesting….. Daft Cunts…..,,
Morning Q……. precisely – the emptier the sad cunts are on the inside, the more junk they pile on the outside. Bunch of old women with zero imagination and individuality when it comes down to it.
Damned right Quislings.
The soon-to-be-ex Mrs Cunt Engine is, alas, one of these idiots.
When we got married she was (relatively) slim, pretty, long blond hair, 1 tattoo and minimal piercings.
15 years later and in her early 40’s, she’s now fat, covered in tattooes (both of her entire arms, for example), swathed with piercings and has blue hair. Fucking blue hair at 42. Jesus wept. She looks utterly ridiculous.
Even if she wasn’t frigid, I don’t think even a recently-released from prison rapist would manage to get a boner for that.
Thank fuck we’re getting divorced!
Morning Mr Cunt Engine.
I didn’t mean to disrespect Mrs Cunt Engine in my post. Hope you can find it in your warm loving heart to forgive me, pretty please?
Morning RTC.
Well, forgiveness isn’t so much a part of my nature, but if you paypal me 60 quid, I’ll forget the grevious insult…
I need the money, y’see. Something tells me that next year, I’ll be receiving a thorough financial Lubbocking if it goes to court…
60 squid! Fuck me, divorce don’t come cheap, does it?
Consider it done… not that I need to buy friendship, you understand…
Sorry to hear that TTCE ….
of course I’m generalising but that’s been my experience….
Excuse my innocence but what the fuck is an anal labia?
I was afraid to ask…
Here you go Freddie:
Sounds delightful, eh?!
Bet Peter Mandelson has this condition.
I remember reading a few years ago that David Beckham had a *Prince Albert* applied to his dick. It must be a bit rusty by now after he has pissed himself so often and it has been up several whoops-a-daisies. No wonder Mrs. Beckham looks such a miserable old cow
Jesus fucking Christ!! So you’re telling me that cunts have bits of metal down there??????
I’m tempted to ask WHY the fuck would anybody do that but I suspect you have to be mentally ill to even attempt an answer.
Cancel my breakfast for fucks sake.
I have been considering the anatomy of the chocolate starfish and have never heard of them but anal labia are in fact, Chalfont St. Giles?
You learn something every day on this site.
I have never suffered from them, but I understand that they can be painful so why the fuck would you want to pierce them?
And would it not make wiping your arse difficult after a shit to enable a clean sweep?
I feel a new episode of ‘Nobby’s Piles about to appear in Viz
“Gaaaahhh me fucking arse grapes!”
Body piercing is becoming quite fashionable in London, especially amongst young architecture students and talented rap artists. Unfortunately many of them end up dead.
Never mind eh?
Hmm my magnet fishing trips may well take a new direction!
Some real mentally ill people out there walking among us. Not so long ago these people would have been resident in one of the UK’s many special hospitals (mostly now gone and converted to housing) and heavily sedated.
Now we have parrots, lions, horned beasts and multifarious freak shows infesting the media. PT Barnum would have been filling his boots had he’d been around a hundred or so years later to see all of this.
Couldnt agree more Mr M.When somebody turns up at a plastic surgeon and says “I want to look like a Komodo Dragon,complete with scaly skin and rasping tongue” said surgeon,by law,must be required to report the would be human Komodo to the authorities for complete mental health evaluation.
Well it’s an easy excuse to avoid doing work.
“Well I applied for the job but they weren’t interested and I simply cannot fathom why? Do you think it has anything to do with my piercings?”
“Well Mr Smith, even though you do look like an exploded pin cushion, I think it probably has more to do with you being a cunt!”
Afternoon all.
Check out this fucking freak who lives in Edinburgh (not a native naturally!)
I was expecting JK Rowlinginit, who probably claims to have written the Guinness book of records (because she possibly gets turned on by it…).
Piercings are usually for scum with no class or taste… Mrs N positively recoils when she sees daft cunts (and especially women of her own age) covered in piercings, tattoos, and that stupid luminous hair dye… In actual fact she said to me the other night, ‘If people want to be seen as an individual and stand out, then they shouldn’t get pierced or have a tattoo.. Why? Because every other bastard has got one’…. She knows, you know….
Stop all benefits to any freak that visually makes them unemployable. Let the fuckers fund their own lifestyle choices.
Makes themselves. (sorry )
That cunt looks like he fell into someone’s tackle box…
It’s ugly AND childish as fuck. “Look at meeee, so shiny and freespirited!!” Get into knife fighting if you like extra holes in your body.
There’s been a lot of piercings round London recently. A lot of metal entering the skin.
I showed this to a mate during a “swift half” this-arvo and he said this…
“Fuck me! Even Pin Head off Hellraiser would be offended by that!”
I cannot stand this ugly shite either,
I don’t understand why people mutilate themselves like this. Nose piercings are fucking vile. I went to college with a girl who had a nose piercing and all she ever did during drama class was fucking pick at it and twist the stud around. It was vomit inducing. My cousin has a tongue stud and all SHE does is bloody play with the bastard ….you can literally see her jiggling her tongue about inside her mouth and scraping it against the roof of her mouth…..I mean what the actual fuck???
To me, idiots who do this shite are just thinking they are cool as fuck and sooo radical and pushing some kind of envelope……yeah, the DUMBARSE VILE ENVELOPE that screams I am thick as fucking shite and have tumbleweed rolling about inside my skull.
I feel the same about tattoos. One is fine. Somewhere where it can be hidden if need me and something personal to you, but these chavs who have a fucking armful of them or the hideous ones that crawl up their neck….I just don’t get it AT ALL. To me they look like they haven’t washed for a week and need a good scrubbing with a brillo pad and a bottle of Domestos.