Now, I grew up in Wiltshire (and as of the date of cunting (2nd September) I’m back there at the moment before starting my third year of university next week) and as I’ve mentioned on here a few times before my brother has severe autism (and yes, it’s a real thing and not just an excuse naughty kids use). As such, he goes to the special school in the next town over (we don’t have one in my town), which he not only loves going to but who have helped and are continuing to help him make a lot of progress towards becoming more independent.
Well, it turns out that Wiltshire fucking Council want to close the school, as well as the two other special schools in the county, in order to create one big ‘super school’ because it costs less money than ponying up the funding for the extra staff and resources required to keep the existing schools open in the face of an increase in pupils. Oh yeah, because closing down schools which contain disabled kids who can’t cope with change where said kids know the staff really well in favour of a far bigger, more unfamiliar setting where the staff won’t be able to give as much time to helping each individual child develop as they currently do, whilst in the process pissing off the vast majority of the families of these kids is totally a good idea.
This isn’t the first time Wiltshire Council have fucked the people of this county over either – I could give a laundry list of examples, but if I did then this cunting would turn into War and bloody Peace. I know this may sound like I’m an entitled cunt bitching just because it affects a member of my family, but trust me – if you lived here, you would know exactly how bad the cunts are.
Nominated by OpinionatedCunt
I empathise with your plight, OC. My four year old boy is autistic. We have held off from official diagnosis, on the insistence of my wife who is a GP, as we don’t want this on his medical record, besides the local authority (Provide) give no more or less assistance to you (i.e. square root of fuck all anyway). Anyway, he was born 10 weeks early and is now aged 4 1/2 but still has severe communication/social difficulties and will only eat foods that are beige or brown in colour and is still in nappies as he has no awareness whatsover of toileting, despite us putting him on the toilet regularly and daddy showing him having a pee.
We are lucky enough to have secured a place in an Ofsted Outstanding mainstream school, where he has 1 to 1 assistance. We have been lucky and we are hoping he develops as he gets older.
Wiltshire Cuntcil should be ashamed of themselves. Despite saving millions in reduced refuse collections, these cunts are still awarding themselves gold-plated pensions whilst pissing up the backs of the people who pay their salaries.
A mass cull of Cuntil members would be far too humane.
What’s the benefit of leaving it off the medical record, if you don’t mind me asking?
Some companies have now starting charging excesses on medical insurance for autistic children holidays abroad, for example. Also we just don’t know how things will pan out in this country in 20 years time. I certainly don’t want something on his medical record that he would need to declare may disadvantage him in later life, e.g. employment, life insurance etc.
When he gets to 18 years old and if he wanted to obtain an official diagnosis, then this would be his choice. Of course, mum and dad would explain where it could go, but at that point it will be his choice as an adult.
Children with early problems sometimes get diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay and it only becomes apparent in later childhood that they haven’t caught up. If they do catch up the label could become an unwanted stigma. If they don’t, it is then you need a proper diagnosis. PM would likely be able to tell you better than I can.
Shocking to hear all this !
If the gimmicks grants and rapeguees complained….
Cuntcil not Cuntil. Grrr.
Not to worry, you got the ‘cunt’ bit right.
Maybe a cuntil is a small furry rodent that is inserted up the front bottom of a post-op transbender (that’s gone from ugly bloke to even uglier “wimmin”).
And a lentil goes up McCluskey.
You are entitled to your cunting OC.
I share your disgust at what is being taken away, nationwide, not just in Wiltshire. I thought I was paying taxes for worthwhile projects such as your brothers school, but it seems we no longer have enough money after giving it away to any foreigner who thinks we should work for their benefit.
Every time an election is due, every party says they’re going to sort out the NHS, police, schooling, etc, etc. We know that it’s just a mantra and they’re all liars.
There is one simple way to deal with this problem. Do not give so much as a penny to any non-British cunt until we’ve got what we were promised.
That includes the parasites that already infest the UK.
My son is 10. He goes to school in the nearest town. The bus collects him at 8.04 to get to school for 9.00. In the afternoon school finishes at 3.30 and he gets home between 4.45 and 5.00. I’ve complained about the length of travelling time and that able bodied children are not discriminated against in this way to no avail. They only say that the risk assessment says…… I understand that not everyone’s needs can be met, however it’s a pisser if your child is autistic and the routine is disrupted. Merely the wrong bus will cause an epic meltdown like Lily the bitchmong at the Mercury Awards. There are special needs and special needs. Gays, trannies, blecks, Parkistarnis and wimminz do not have special fucking needs. Disabled children do. What’s more with cuntish local authorities, is that there is a nearer school for my son, yet they won’t work cross borders because of “funding.” Wiltshire Cuntcil is as real a cunt as are Leicestershire and Northamptonshire.
Loving the cliche logo text ‘Where everybody matters’. Is that everyone on a council salary and final pension, or the tax payer residents who fund all of it?
Guaranteed every council in the country is like this. Massively overpaid cunting boomers at the top doing what is essentially paper pushing. Always looking to cut costs yet always have money available for new revenue cameras on roads, or in my councils case repairing the roads so they no longer resemble the surface of mars only weeks before the Wiggo lyrca clad dickhead parade came through. They even found enough to put wanky cycle statues on all the roundabouts. The pretentious cunts.
You know, I’ve often had a chuckle at the grim irony of that slogan myself. Yeah, it’s where everybody matters unless you happen to be a pleb.
I have a 10 year old son who has autism.
It has taken from when he started school to this term to get the help and support he needs in school. My wife, Mrs cuntrubber has spent years trying, fighting the system to get help for jr cuntrubber.
This year hopefully things are in place to help him progress.
In my day you had no help and support and were just known as a naughty little shit if you stabbed the teacher with a pencil.
Hold on, maybe he is just a naughty little shit.
Councils all over the country are cutting services, meanwhile Theresa May flies off to Africa to hand over four billion pounds of our money as an ‘investment’ which will of course turn out to be a gift because in a few years the debt will be written off like it always is. Why should we worry about being governed by the faceless unelected bureaucrats of Brussels when the politicians we’ve voted into power are acting like a fifth column?
What you have to realise is that the public purse is not bottomless, especially where home-grown tax payers are concerned.
Except when it is bottomless, e.g., Grief-fell and Bumrush, and forking out the neck-end of £3,000 a month to pay for Mr & Mrs Bomb-maker’s nine little Jihadis alongside a free mansion to house them all. Such a great benefit to society which repeats itself eight or ninefold each generation.
This is money well spent alongside gender neutral toilets and NHS forms – which is of far more important than looking after the nasty, waycist xenophobes who pay all the taxes but really must learn to keep quiet and not complain about such waste at the taxpayer’s expense.
Now if your Mum could register herself as a man, your Dad vice-versa and you all convert to the religion of “peace” then you might stand a chance of attracting the necessary monies to your brother’s school.
You’d be a lot better thought of by the cunts in Cuntminster that’s for sure!
My sympathies to OC and family.
I can only, sadly, concur with the views above. I have experience of similar cuts to education of what we now call ‘special needs’, but it was a long time ago under the Thatcher administration.
On a lighter note, can it be that the government has suddenly sprouted balls? Raab is actually telling the EU to fuck off. Two years too late but better late than never. Now if he told them to stick the Irish border up their collective arses, we might be getting somewhere.
Don’t get your hopes up too much CC. This is merely some cynical Conference red-meat delivered to an overwhelmingly anti-EU audience. They’re all jostling to become next Party Leader so this is merely for internal consumption only.
When Raab sits down to ‘negotiate’ with those craven cunts, expect the usual capitulation.
Be in no doubt No Deal is exactly what Europe wants. And so do I.
Wiltshire is one of many councils undertaking what they call a programme of “Rationalisation” . We live in a country managed and governed by self serving twats, who can always find bung money for sand dancers, itinerant spear chuckers, and of course a mere £40 Billion to replenish Junkers Wine Cellar!
When it comes to provision of services, those that are provided are prioritised for the “newly arrived” of our society, and rarely if ever for the indigenous population who also have needs, and who may have paid in at all levels for fucking eons.
The Education of children ( and I mean appropriate education ) is something we all have paid for, demand and expect. That also includes the provision of appropriate services for those poor unfortunates who have special needs or medical conditions that demand special measures or management.
When was the last time you ever heard a politician putting groups such as this to the top of the “to do ” list?
Well I’ll fucking tell you when! Every time an election comes round and the twats want your vote, that when. And as soon as the vote is over….fuck you.
Very sympathetic to kids in special need and so sorry to hear Opinionated cunt, that this is happening. This is the last thing any parent wants. Cheers also Paul.
Fucking councillor cunts! And Politico’s in general CUNTS!
Has anyone got Geoffrey Hayes in Deadpool..
Poor zippy and George ?
I’ve wondered before why there seem to be so many more cases of Autism these days. Looking back I can only remember one boy in my school who,thinking about it now, probably had Autism. I’ve also wondered the same about Dementia, I know that people live longer these days,but there does seem to be far more people diagnosed these days.
Several studies suggest the increased levels of road traffic air pollution may be responsible.
One study compared women in the highest 20% pollution exposure category with those in the lowest 20% of pollution levels. It found exposure to diesel, lead, manganese, mercury, methylene chloride (an industrial solvent), and an overall measure of metals were all significantly associated with a higher risk of ASD. The risks ranged from 50% higher (for overall metals) to 100% higher (for diesel and mercury). For example, children with ASD were more than twice as likely to be born to mothers with the highest 20% of diesel and mercury exposure, than the lowest 20%.
Could also be linked to higher incidence of early onset dementia…
I am currently promoting a glossy publication that hopes to promote awareness regarding the Dementia/Alzheimer’s condition.
Vague Magazine….
Would be hard pushed to think of anyone better suited to champion such a venture JRC…
I’m high on the spectrum. Didn’t get diagnosed until I was 55. Didn’t stop me getting 2 degrees or spending 30 odd years with a decent career in HMRC and 20 odd years as a magistrate. If you don’t know you’ve got it, you just get on with stuff…
ISAC at its best. Deservedly Severe Cuntings meted out alongside genuine sympathy for Opinionated’s (and other cunters’) plight. I know Wilts pretty well; it’s sparsely populated and travel distances can be huge and often slow. You are quite right to complain at this unacceptable closure OC and god only knows how long your lad’s day will be, yet alone the process of settling in to new surroundings.
But….I do have some sympathy for Wilts and the numerous other rural counties who get shafted year in year out as central governments of all political hues favour bunging more and more moolah to Londonistan, Liverpool , Scotland etc etc to waste on Equal Opportunities/ Diversity Managers, LBGT Supremos and the like.
Not that Councils are blameless. Around here we have just had a £1.8m ‘fuck you’ of a cycletrack installed (by widening a pavement) yet they say it’s ‘earmarked grant’ so they can’t afford 1/10th of that to repair the potholes!! Needless to say I’ve never ever seen anyone actually using it……the Wigginistas prefer to use the potholed road instead!!!
“the Wigginistas prefer to use the potholed road instead!!!”
Total and utter weapons-grade cunts.
Most worthy Cunting OC. I have a brother-in-law who is autistic, you have my sympathy.
Our council (Labour) is currently wasting £4million unnecessarily revamping the town square, causing months of disruption to business and shoppers in the process. I’ve yet to meet any resident who’s actually in favour of this profligate project, which apparently came about because one “visitor” to the town said the square was “a mess”. It wasn’t, but it sure as fuck is now.
Ffs, if these overpaid cunts are going to fleece thousands of residents out of thousands of their hard earned £££s, they might at least have the decency to spend the proceeds on something necessary… like housing, policing, education, and the type of stuff Mr OpinionatedCunt has highlighted above.
That sounds exactly like something the Tory cunts who run Wiltshire would do. Can’t believe the council leader is a fucking Baroness.
Hey Admin why can’t I post whenever I’m on the accommodation network at my university?
I can post on this one fine but whenever I try to use the network in my accommodation or whatever (I think the network they use is called Glide) I just get the message about comments not being accepted from proxies.
Dear Opinionated,
You’ve obviously been No Platformed by the snowflakes in charge of the servers.
Isn’t Glide some sort of water-soluble lube ?
Very on-message, your uni… You aren’t a t Caius, by any chance ? Used to have a bit if a reputation, even in Cuntabrigensis.
No, I’m not. Funny thing is that I can comment on here on the main network but not on the accommodation network – strange.
I suspect I am up on the spectrum myself. I could read books for 10 year olds aged five. But I never mixed well socially. I don’t now.
Until my thirties I could say inappropriate, off-piste things in discussions. I have now learned to master it so I don’t. I still become transiently obsessed with things even at my age, down to minor detail.
That said, I have a degree in Civil Engineering and have done quite well for myself. Not sure I would have ever wanted an official diagnosis.
Now, on the subject of Tourettes Syndrome…
Cunt. Have you got Giles LA Tourette syndrome? Counting bollocks penis, minge.
Ahhh, spunkbubble and helmet frottage, me old tugger of the terrapin.
I also do not mix well socially and say really harsh, opiniated and swearword littered truths to others.
However, I have nothing to blame other than being a really anti-social cunt who pretty much hates everyone else…..