Yea, the British army AGAIN….
This time they’re cunts for becoming Islam’s bitch.
Now as before, I’d like to state that I consider the rank and file soldiers as heroes. By no means saints, but the best soldiers in the world, great patriots and something to be proud of.
The top brass are gutless, spineless, lefty, pussies that I consider to be a FUCKING DISCRACE. They should be ashamed of themselves coz sure as hell, the rest of the country damn well is!
For those of you that haven’t had your piss boiled by this story yet, here’s the scandal…
Tommy Robinson bumped into a bunch of squaddies at a service station and they took selfies with him and…
Well actually that’s it.
The muSLIME council of Britain decided that this was unacceptable, so told the army to punish the soldiers that had committed these terrible atrocities.
Did the army laugh their bollocks off and tell em “fuckin make me you smelly cunts”?
They confiscated the troops’ phones, launched an investigation and even discharged one.
Discharging a young soldier, ruining his career and depriving the country of another warrior, just because some nobody cunt has hurt feelings is tantamount to treason and it brings a shame on what used to be the best army on the planet.
I honestly can’t believe what’s happening to our army. It beggars belief. First we had those fucking ridiculous adverts about praying and crying (I enjoyed cunting them very much). Then the adverts about “you can always get a good hug in the army”… (!?)
Now the army are taking orders from the Muslim cuntcil of britanibad…
Ok well if you want to suck up to the peacefuls, may I suggest that you start recruiting from their ranks? I notice that you’re already trying. How’s that going?
Pretty soon the army are going to lose the ability to recruit from the white working class, and will only be able to recruit from lefty cock gobblers, carpet munchers, peacefuls and communist sympathisers…
On that day we’re fucked. When the army is lost, so is our entire way of life.
So I guess there are 2 choices now.
Vladimir of Mohammed…
…Pour me a vodka and boil me some turnips.
Nominate by Deploy the Sausage
A terrific and timely cunting DTS ! I have waited for this cunting to appear. Every top brass is ex Sandhurst, from a “good family”, educated at a University of Note, and has some political affiliation or ambition. Top posts are political appointments , chosen by the Prime Minister ( Chiefs of Staffs ) These arse crawling fucktards will leave no ring piece un-licked, until their just reward is fullfilled. The top job and a Knighthood.
Are they worthy, are they fuck, administrators who have pen pushed and have seen fuck all of army life since they last attended a Parade in honour of some tin fuck!
As for listening and acting at the behest of a rag taggle of goat bothering smelly smegmatic sand twats, they want shot with shite!
And as a footnote, long live Tommy Robson! Any cunt who upsets the Politicians and the kiddie fondlers is a great national asset.
Going the same way as the police, a few weeks ago some poor cunt from Scotland Yard was hauled over the coals for using the phrase ‘whiter than white’ in a briefing after someone complained. Top brass in these institutions are just politicians in a uniform.
I heard that they fly the rainbow flag during gay pride week, just like the police, though I haven’t seen it myself.
Although I think gays should have the same rights as everyone else and have nothing against them, I struggle to see the connection between gay pride and enforcing the law or defending your country.
Besides. Normal gays are … well … normal, the gay pride bunch are a load of perverts, waving inflatable cocks and dressing in bondage gear. …. the last thing this country needs. And the last thing we should be encouraging.
I read somewhere today that the cops were banned from putting vinyl poppies on their cars, as it’s a charity. They can cover entire cars with rainbow vinyl though, the useless cunts.
I read that too….
Fuckin infuriating!
Nah, that’s bollocks DTS.
….no military unit I’ve been with has flown the rainbow flag
Sorry mate. Just heard that the army were going down the route of the other services and showing their support…..
As I said, I’ve never seen it so I stand corrected.
Perhaps Fake News….it can get the better of all of us. Your own experiences are heartening.
What is wrong with cock gobbling?
I’m quite partial to licking snatch. Once it’s acceptable that I can walk a street proudly with a massive inflated cunt on my head ready for pounding nothing at all really.
Nothing wrong with cock gobbling, marching down the street telling every cunt about it, gay or straight, is sad as fuck. Anyone whose sexuality is the most interesting thing about them is one boring cunt.
Russia could take this country without breaking sweat and be home in time for tea.
Those in charge should be ashamed of themselves, a national disgrace.
This country has well and truly had it.
When I read this article in the paper I thought fuck it the end. I would strongly advise any one who asked my opinion about joining the forces to think of something else quick. I cannot believe how gutless and pathetic the MOD have become they always were a bunch of arselicking cunts but fuck me they have gone beyond the pale this time. Blind to the facts living in a fucking dreamworld the whole shitehouse should be cleared out. Soldiers ain’t saints well very few of them I never met any. The very fact that a person has chosen to defend his country should count for something more than the pained properganda bollocks from a group of cunts who want to totally destroy our culture and replace our culture with some shit from the 7th Century desert. The only real question is who is going to fuck us over first the muzzzies or our own cunty leaders
EXACTLY. The lefties purged every institution in this country. I always had faith that they’d never get the army….
Wishful thinking.
We’re fucked.
Not bothered about the Ruskies. There’s 1800 miles and the Channel between here and Moscow with a lot of Krauts, Frogs and peacefuls in between. Why should we save their arses again? So they can gob on us again? Let the Yanks save the cunts if they want to. Fuck ‘em all to hell I say.
That could prove a problem in the future. One third of US youth are presently found too obese to join the Military
Good! I’d love to see Ivan’s tanks rolling into Berlin again with that slag Merkel in Calais trying to get on the next boat to Blighty with all her peaceful friends.
Good luck with that one bitch!
She’d probably move to Adolfs old hacienda in Buenos Aires via the Pope’s private jet. What a lovely target for Fort Stanley’s ack ack.
Sad to say that I can only add to DTS’s cunting. Can’t say too much, but I have a family member who’s in the British Army and from what they’ve shared with me, I have concluded a couple of things:
1. The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
2. The ranks at or close to the top of the chain of command couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.
Not good.
Great shout Deploy,
Ditto the Navy and the Brylcream boys.
Ships with split arses on board and their monthly tantrums, matelots frightened to death of having a lark (the navy was built on jolly japers and humour) and the MOD recruiting as many kneegers and blambos as its possible to accommodate and of course outwardly open rug munchers and turd burglars.
The day I joined our CPO, a huge hunk of a man with a voice like he was chewing gravel included the following prior to signing on the dotted line.
“Right lads, lets get one thing straight. You all heard the rum, bum and baccy reputation of this Mans Navy. Well two of them are what the Navy has used in abundance since the days of sail and will continue to do so, that’s the rum and the baccy. Any of you ugly lot thinking of joining to get up close to some hairy arsed stoker in the showers is in for a big surprise. Its illegal and immoral and will not be tolerated on HM ships or establishments in any form. A few are rooted out each year and fucking good riddance. We cant have our sailors on operations or a war footing if he’s watching his back because an oppo is staring at his ringpiece. So without further ado, please, if you are of that persuasion kindly grab your grip and one of the ships company will drop you off back at the train station with a one way ticket back to wherever it is you came from”.
Some thought the advent or WRENS on board was a bad enough influence for all sorts of reasons but transgender (as long as they have had the necessary ops) and the limp wristed, plus all colours or hues thereof are not only welcome but encouraged. My younger Brother is still a serving Captain in the Navy and he is literally swinging the lead for his last 18 months then its outside.
God help us if we ever encounter another conflict and as for sailing an armada to retake a lump of rock off South America with todays bunch of blimps – we just wouldn’t be up to it – I am told the present day sailor when asked about life on board is how good is the wifi signal and can they still update facebook via the Navy network – the answer is of course you can.
A Legion Chef de section called them the “playstation generation” as they only now recruit from Eastern Europe and the Balkans by and large. The British contingent who were known as the Mafia Anglaise were any English speaking candidate regardless of where he came from. I heard from an ex oppo that there are now 3 “English” in the whole of the REP.
The top brass and the mandarins of the MOD are cunts but I reserve a portion of cuntishness for the pongos, matelots and crabfat new age servicemen. Our British armed forces are still a bloody great lot but the standards expected, traditions, and the whole military ethos is being eroded for a “softer, gentler kind of serviceman”
As for the relentless TV adverts appealing for Mo and his rag headed chums to come and join I have a very quick fix.
Make it compulsory to sign up to a period within the services (as an object exercise) for 18-33 year olds who may / may not be required to do some form of National Service during that period. It would be compulsory for all UK citizens regardless of race, creed or colour. Then sit back and watch how many of the so called “British muslims” will enrol. If you cant or wont sign up due to a religious conflict between your Queen / Country and your chosen God then whatever country your parents / grandparents hailed from is where you will be deposited upon refusal with your British Citizenship revoked. If we have the bleeding hearts who insist they cannot be made stateless (Emily Thornycunt and Diannasaurus Flabbopotamus) we have some lovely Islands and protectorates down the South Atlantic like South Georgia where you can spend the rest of your days creating how many different ways to cook sea lions, with your British passport and citizenship intact.
Great post cunto.
Never a truer word, and all that.
Excellent post cunto …
A great idea. A bit of national device would help the country but also help so many on an individual level too. Whether they’re poor, with no future, or stuck up uni cunts with misconceptions about the working class it’d be great for everyone.
…and we could sort our friend from our enemies pretty quickly.
Sorry fucking autospell …
National SERVICE
One of Phoney Tony’s favourite tricks, I recall, was to have his photo taken surrounded by soldiers. Are they going to hunt those cunts down for posing with a war criminal and mass murderer ? It puts Robinson’s “crimes” into perspective don’t you think?
Just like Tommy said on one of his videos …
“If they had their picture with Corbyn would they get in trouble?”
The man IS a communist.
He called hamas and Hezbollah his “friends”.
He entertains known Islamic extremists.
He is a fucking trator by every definition of the word.
…But because he’s a lefty the top brass wouldn’t give a shit…
Leaning against an open door on this one as I called out the gutless, appeasing military brass as soon as this story broke on IsAC last week.
Just goes to show you the public opinion on this with 170,000 signatures (and they’ll be real signees not “bots” that the tech left use to artificially boost numbers) on a petition against the military brass’ actions since Tuesday night (and without one mention on lame-stream media)!
Robinson has been bombarded with requests by squaddies in regiments across the UK to go and get photos taken with 100’s maybe 1,000’s of frontliners in an “I’M SPARTACUS!” show of collective defiance to the disgraceful, unpatriotic military brass – who the squaddies seem to despise as much as the rest of us do now!
After all, they can’t sack all of the cunts can they!?! Not unless the “Royal Pink Battalion of Soy Boys” recruitment drive has gone well…?
The Military Brass, the front line in the defence of the realm, showing abject cowardice and capitulation to a bunch of cunts who’d happily see every last one of the British military beheaded!
Squaddies and NCO’s you have my utmost respect but your bosses are total fucking white-feathered cunts!
Gives a renewed glimmer of hope, every time others start fighting back, publicly.
170,000 !!!!
Fuckin yea. …. I’m on that list somewhere, I hope you guys are too.
I was honoured to serve this country for 6 years. However dishonorably discharging a soldier for that is fucking disgraceful. He won’t be able to get a job now with that on his record. The army should be encouraging troops to dislike Islam as that’s what the lads will be fighting like I did, not fucking pandering to the fuckers.
Yes Bob,
Once the “corner has been clipped” (the top right hand corner of your service record is cut off to show a dishonourable discharge) that’s you fucked unless you start from the get go and completely erase that part of your life you spent in HM forces. A despicable act to heave a squaddy for something that years ago would have got you some kudos. There are more sinful cunts masquerading as Lords, Sirs, Lady’s, top brass and ex PM’s who deserve the cunting that Tommy Robinson is getting. The Media (all media) wont give him a chance no matter what his brief. That has now turned into a smear campaign against UKIP and that shit will stick. I think the actions of the SNP, DUP and the Welsh Nationalist agenda is far more sinister and anti English than anything Tommy R or UKIP purport to be. I wish him well. His immediate and automatic internment which happened in one day speak volumes of how this country’s judiciary, government and Police are now dancing to the tune of the extreme left. Common Purpose graduates / masonic lodges and the old boy network is still how its done, its just the goalposts have changed. The more who sit at the top of the pile driving the agenda (multiculturalism, diversity and the rise of the new Mud coloured European) the less likely the proud Englishmen will stand up and be counted. The one thing that really scares them is your vote. The silent majority (for now) still have that arrow in their quiver.
I wonder if Tommy Robinson ever looks at this site. It would do wonders for his ego. He looked a broken man, when he was released from prison.
Na mate, he looked malnourished (The lefties would be up in arms if a terrorist came out like that) but he still had his bark right from the get go.
Nothing will beat or silence him.
This was on his holiday, just after he was released…
The bulldog still barks.
I saw that video too. He looked slightly better, than the one he made on the day of his release. Strain& tiredness etched on his face, and in his voice. His weight loss was shocking. Had no doubts he would bounce back. “looked a broken man”… not is… An easy misinterpretation to make.
Missing: The British Army’s backbone.
Last seen: Beating off the Nazis in 1945.
If found please return.
Last seen. Goose Green, Mnt Tumbledown, Stanley… 1982.
Hear hear Leo,
Marines yomped and paras tabbed, Ghurkhas ghurkered and shivering little Argie cunts quaked in their very comfortable boots. We showed similar spirit in the gulf war 1&2 but by that time and beyond it wasn’t fighting as the British knew it, it was a turkey shoot. I think the tankies worried more about blue on blue than Iraqis or as my old Granddad used to say: we fired the krauts ducked, they fired we ducked, the yanks fired and every fucker ducked
The guys that were sent to Afghan and Iraq deserve respect.
They were betrayed by the politicians (and the whole country in general) but they served their country and in some cases, sacrificed their lives.
ALL SERVING SOLDIERS deserve respect.
….the upper echelons though, are lefty cunts.
One of the most heart breaking things I’ve ever seen was the pictures of the soldiers marching through their town, having just returned from Afghan, and NO ONE was there to greet them.
The authorities didn’t publish the honecoming coz of political correctness or “sensitivity”…. or something.
They came back to the country they risked their lives to defend an no-one was there to greet them.
Breaks my heart that they’re not valued.
Think it stirred people up and things changed from there but those pictures really affected me….
Utterly disgusting. What happened to freedom of association in this country? Spineless lefty cunts. Oh, Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy! Oh, Tommy Tommy Tommy Robinson!
Wahae !!, OC….. way to go! We need more plucky young men like you.
Outstanding and comprehensive Cunting Mr Sausage!
Very little to add… except:
“Every nation gets the government it deserves.” (Joseph de Maistre 1809).
Perhaps the same applies to a nation’s army? And its police force… and its justice system… and its educational system… and its MSM… and its every-fucking-thing else!
It is my contention that Pooting has put something in the water. It’s just a waiting game now for Vlad & the Ruskies…
“There is no man who desires as passionately as a Russian. If we could imprison a Russian desire beneath a fortress, that fortress would explode.” (Joseph de Maistre).
If Vlad is what this nation deserves, then bring the kleptocratic Cunt on. I’m off down the Ruff Tuff bunker.
Be seeing y’all.
I did see something, along time ago, that stated that communism had realised that it wouldn’t take hold in the West so had to creep in …. just like the eu.
….worrying times ahead.
It’s a no brainer DTS… as is this basket case country.
Google up Yuri Bezmenov and listen to a couple of his interviews. He clearly explains the creeping tactics of Russian infiltration and how in one education cycle, 15 years or so, this can radically change the direction of another country.
Sounds kind of familiar when I look around to how different the UK is now from 20 years ago, what do we have in ascendancy? faggotry, lefties, bumfoolery, peaceful appeasement ethnic invasion, crime, falling standards of living, nanny state, spineless cuntish politicians, greedy bankers in charge, pussy whipped police, kids with dog piss degrees (anything with ‘studies at the end of it) from dog piss colleges and massive entitlement everywhere.
War is coming and the UK is fucked.
No need for war Dick – when Corbyn is Prime Minister the Russians will simply walk in and take over… like Ukraine. We won’t even have a nuclear deterrent anymore cos Catweasel will have replaced Trident’s warheads with flowers and chocolate smarties. Cunt.
Beautifully said Ruff Tuff,
I think the Russians are patiently softening the West up with recent events , biding their time untill we do get the Government we deserve. Then strike hard.
We probably wouldn’t notice much difference Fenton, what with all the East Europeans already here, acting like they own the fucking place…
Regards to Mrs Fistula, btw.
not sure if this has been mentioned but have you seen the latest ARMY recruiting TV advert? it shows a patrol coming to a halt while one of its members stops to pray! that member being a peaceful. when he’s finished his ‘ mates ‘ pat him on the back and they continue on their way. have you ever heard of anything so fucking idiotic? its political correctness gone MADDDDDDDDD i tell you.
Yea mate, what fucking disgrace.
I cunted it at the time and ISAC were very helpful in allowing me to vent my spleen.
…. best website in the world by a country mile!
I’ve never seen it happen. I’ve known Muslim squaddies that are cracking blokes, but not orthodox if that’s the right word. So I’ve not met one that’s observed Ramadan or prayer at the regulation intervals. Squaddies are generally tolerant of other cultures – the “hearts and minds approach” serves them well. But an all-round defence so that Pte Khan prays is a little far fetched.
It’s always good to hear another side of the argument SMC.
The Graun and a few other outlets are gleefully reporting that the Antifa wankers have routed a crew of football lads alliance in London. I find this very hard to believe.
As I do with most of the news these days.
Reading between the lines, it sounds more like the police kept the two apart and the little cunts from getting a fucking good hiding.
Ha ha …. Yea antifa (upper middle class soy boys) vs a bunch of stella’d up football fans…
There’s only gonna be one winner and we all know who it’ll be!
Great post, DtS, but desperately sad to see this situation – the tail wagging the dog. If it’s not in ‘The Rules’ then how can somebody be subsequently punished? Next we’ll be speaking French, wearing onion-smelling berets, and eating horses.
I dread to think what’ll happen if a real war ever breaks out….
We’ll end up spending more on councillors and white flags that bullets or weapons.
There was a Monty Python sketch with St Maj in front his two lines of soldiers. ‘Ooh St Maj’ as they twirled around camp style. There’s another one (part of a loop when BBC2 ends for the night) with soldiers doing ballet. Maybe that’s where we’re heading with this new ‘sensitive soldier’-gun practice, drill inspection, ballet class, map reading…
Remember it well Miles.
Ha ha ha … that’s how it’s going mate….
Nice link. Monty python were fuckin awesome. … wouldn’t be allowed these days though. … too white. No trump or brexit jokes.
Comedy is dead.
Except in real life of course. What used to be a joke is coming true…
H.G. Wells, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley missed a trick there…
I see Bonio’s over in Brussels boiling normal people’s piss again:
“Europe is a thought that needs to become a feeling, and I am, as an artist, in service of that.”
Cunt! Cunt! and triple Cunt!
What a cunt.
Maybe he should try some romance in the city of love … gay Paris….
Yea that’s still romantic. … if you’re a rapist.
Yep , those young women were feeling the love on NYE in Cologne.
Thick feckin bogtrotter cannot tell the diff between Europe, which has been around for ages, and the EU, a post WWII pile of shite and p***o jizz. Peat-for-brains gobshite.
The Empire was built by soldiers, not politicians or academics.
I have utmost respect for those that have served.
Now appears to be Lions led by donkeys.
Great thread….
Our freedom, safety and well being is ensured by the soldiers, certainally not by the politicians or “elites”.
Well said, lions lead by cunts…
Anyone see the footage of WW1 troops that’s been remastered and coloured? Very poignant but even more surprising is that its being sent to every secondary school. That should include dumb ignorant thumbsucker’s at uni’s too.
Yea that was a very poignant series.
We always think of it as so long ago that it doesn’t matter but when you really watch you realise they were just the same as us, and if I was born 100 years ago, I’d be in a fucking trench, suffering for the county’s future….
Makes you think.
When I moved to Yorkshire one of the first things I noticed was the war memorials in EVERY town and village, no matter how small.
They should always be respected, they went through hell for us.
no there is a new film going to be shown on the BBC called ‘ they shall not grow old.’. it’s absolutely astonishing. they have taken old speeded up black and white film, slowed it down so it appears absolutely normal and coloured it, it’s like it was shot yesterday. they have also employed lip readers and dubbed what the soldiers actually said. . its fuckin miraculous. don’t miss it.
Vandalism of World War1memorials in Bargoed & Bridgend. Silent Silhouettes of Soldiers have been trashed by Youths. ” They did not realise their importance!!” was local Mayor’s response. Same as youths hurling bricks and wood at our Fire-fighters, whilst they are actually struggling to put fires out. Stepping on the equipment to prevent flow of water, and stealing out of Fire Engines. More like organised thugs, who light the fires in the first place. Turn a Water Cannon on them, and the parents, who don’t give a shit where they are, or up to, as long as they are not bothering them ***
Guys off topic but I just saw that the public will be able to vote on who they want on the new £50 note!
Unfortunately we can nom ourselves (Tommy would be my vote, just to aggravate the lefties) but … can’t you believe it…. THATCHER is on the shortlist.
Oh how they’d cry if she won….
I wouldn’t of bothered to vote but I will now…
If Comrade Corbyn gets in we’ll all be taking a wheelbarrow load of 50’s down to the shops to buy some bread.
Yea too true.
And Owen cunt face Jones will still be praising the success of a socialist economy…
..on the beebistan…
…which will be doing exactly the same..
There’ll be no bread thanks to Brexit, we’ll have to eat cake instead.
Can’T …. Sorry my autospell keeps changing the words I rightly type to whatever it decides ….
Who the fuck designs this shit?
Autospell should only activate when you spell something wrong not change the fucking word you just tiped to whatever it feels like.
……fucking Koreans…
Why not just turn the fucker off?
Coz I’m drunk.
Ah, but drunken rantings are often even funnier than auto-correct fails.
Only leader with a pair of balls since Churchill!
Every cunt to succeed her – from Major to May – has been as weak as maiden’s piss!
Yea she made one mistake …. selling off the coucil houses, which transferred taxpayer’s assets (wealth) to the middle class.
Apart from that she was great and a badass …
Feminists should praise and emulate her but instead they hate her.
Scarface (What a film, don’t make ’em like that anymore):
“There’s one thing in this world that gives orders …. balls.”
Not physically but metaphorically … BALLS is what gives orders.
If only our current establishment realised that.
The ruskies, muzzies, chinky commies, the eu dictators … the lot … are laughing their bollocks off at us.
The ruskies wouldn’t have used chemical weapons on British soil when Thatcher was in charge!
…. not that blatantly anyway.
We need a Thatcher or a trump.
I did post a comment but it vanished and it was quite long.
The main point was ..
“The only thing in this world that gives orders is balls”
Metaphorically of course.
If the cunts running us now had that we’d be doing so much better.
Thatcher had balls (metaphorically), the feminists should be trying to emulate her, not hate her.
She was 100 times the woman that they’ll ever be.
I wish my original post hadn’t been scrubbed, it took ages to write, as I’m quite, quite, drunk.
We need to make it happen. I can just imagine them out on the streets burning the notes!!
Never too sure if the votes won’t be rigged, and we end up with some undeserving snowflake prick.
ISAC is a great site, in fact it is the only one I go on. I appreciate what Admin do and if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t get my kicks, sad cunt I am.
It is both informative and funny and I would miss it if it were to finish. I like the fact that I have found fellow cunters on here that share the same feelings and thoughts as me. A lot makes my blood boil nowadays when previously over the years I didn’t get so wound up. Two things that have got me reeling this week was that cunt of a deputy commissioner for the police and the top brass of the army. Both look fucking spineless and yet they are the ones that hold authority. Never had problems with people of different colour or race before, but, these Muzzie cunts take the biscuit, I fucking loathe the cunts with a passion. This is our country, not some peaceful, sand dwelling sharia law loving goat shagging fuckheads.
A cunting needed for Cambridge University students union.
Two members of the University Conservative Association, a rare breed I would think, had put forward a motion to ensure “Remembrance Day becomes a well established and well marked event”.
Sadly, it was rejected by the student union as they didn’t want to promote Remembrance Day, due to the fact that Poppies “glorify” war.
Fucking uneducated cunts. This country, as other cunters have rightly said, is FUCKED.
Cambridge University students union, you are cunts, simply because a brave generation fought and gave their lives for you and you claim that the Poppy glorifies war……well if the cunts want to learn anything they ought to start by reading up on WW1. But they won’t, fuck them and the rest of the dole bludging Steptoe loving cunts.
I’ve had fights with squaddies before, they’re not saints, but any man or woman that goes to war for this country deserves respect.
None of these lefty cunts would ever consider risking a brass penny for this country, let alone their lives.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,
Shame these lefty cunts don’t have respect for anything…. even themselves.
The irony of this, is that if he’d been photographed dancing with a bunch of transgender freaks, he’d have been promoted to General. The Army has certainly a LOT since I left, and not for the better. I’m glad I served when I did, because there’s no fucking way I’d even consider enlisting in the ‘modern’ British Army. The signs were there that change was coming in my last three years, but I had no idea that the changes would be this bad. The current bosses of the Army are nothing but a bunch of soft, PC pandering over-promoted dickheads.
…who lick the arses of baneful politicians, as they feed the ducks in ponds built with stolen expensive funds. To name just one way they profiteered.
From an older cunting of mine…
i was just watching Sly News and their running this story about EXTREME RIGHT WING Tommy Robinson getting cheered on by some young soldiers, Sly have now put the army in a position to fire the said solders . Sly have never let Mr Robinson actually come on and speak. But no, the public might start thinking Tommy speaks a lot of sense and thats the last thing they want.
Sly News are now more cunts than BBC for their pro eu and protectionist attitude towards peaceful cunts.
Too true FF. I remember watching a video of said Tommy Robinson, giving a talk at an Oxford University. (hard to imagine, isn’t it, anyone inviting him now.) At his introduction, the applause was week. After explaining all the “whys & wherefores” of his beliefs, news propaganda, lies, misrepresentation etc, it was met with a loud depth of applause. Just a shame the same students, needing the truth laid out in black & white for them. Instead of researching themselves. Too busy seeking mindless “likes” in mindless boxes of mindless social media.
They smeared him a while ago and had to issue an apology…
I heard the smear ( shouted loud as one of the top fucking stories) yet I didn’t hear the apology.
They must’ve whispered it to a lawyer….
Fellow cunters, do not despair too much about the state of the Armed Forces. The young lads and lasses are still capable of doing the hard graft. Both ORs and officers. Kneegros, peacefuls, LGBTXYZ and flakes are not joining in numbers that will cause damage. What is damaging is the erosion of what was good about serving:
The loss of barracks so that the land can be sold off to cunts for housing developments. This restricts posting opportunities to just a few super garrisons.
The loss of married quarters because the policy wonks think military personnel should buy their own houses.
The now shit pension and pay structure. Truly shit compared to when I was serving.
Idiots who introduce stupid policies like females being integrated into the infantry. PC it is, but just fucking stupid for reasons of biology.
If we need money for the armed forces then switch off benefits. I was in a supermarket the other day. Every other fucker was Polish. There’s plenty of work for British feckless cunts.
I was married to RAf officer, when this was just in its infancy. Engineered by Diabolical politicians. Many army & RAf families, losing their homes at the drop of a hat, despite their many years of loyal service.
I’ve never been in the military st Maj but I worry so much because it’s so important.
I hope you don’t think that my (ok, second) cunting of the army means that I’m against them in any way. I feel so strongly about a young soldier, signing up to risk his neck for us, getting thrown to the fucking dogs coz of some pc cunts up high….
I’m pretty sure the image their portraying is a million miles away from reality but the army need the working class white guys to populate their ranks and I fear that if they alienate them, they’ve got no chance of recruiting..
When they’re fucked, so are all of us.
Thanks for your service mate.
And I agree that soldiers need housing and support.
The government seem to be more concerned with cunts that have done nothing, they throw our heroes on the fucking slag heap.
Fucking disgraceful.
DTS, you’re cunting is spot on mate; the libtards are trying to impose their will on this great institution, sometimes forgetting the purpose of it. Libtards, as we know, are destroying every corner of lives.
The army has always come down hard on soldiers who have association with the far right. But that has been the proper fascist looney organisations, not Tony Robinson. But the army is so fearful of reputational damage that, goaded by the Muslime Council, they must have felt compelled to take action. That’s a cunt and they’re cunts.
The government is definitely getting it wrong with recruitment. I dunno why. The army used to take up the guys who couldn’t tie down a normal job and wanted to do something different. That was me. So why won’t the young unemployed jock leave his council estate and follow in his grandad’s footsteps? The Scottish regiments are desperate for recruits.
It could be the pay, which is awful now, the pension likewise. The recruitment process is awful, run by civvies rather than blokes in uniform. On the plus side, the equipment is better than ever, so what’s going wrong?
Maybe libtardism and flakism has so infected our society. I wish a knew the answer.
Thanks for all your support DTS.
Opinionated Cunt above. The squaddie (lawyers for) that was dismissed should prosecute the army for the denying/ infringing his human rights to free association. It might even become a ‘test case’ and galvanise people.
If Tommy is far right then I love minge and am not a poof! He speaks the truth.
I have met him several times,professionally ( can’t say how) He may not be exceptionally articulate but his message is sound.
He is also a bit of a gay icon…
Watched the first few minutes of Dr Who. It is now FUCKED. Peaceful plod,um bongo drinker with neuro diversity…
I never knew you was an iron krav, bloody hell you should have said something, mate;)
Yes I am coming out!
Taking pictures with a neo nazi zionist like Tommy robinson who is outraged by parki grooming gangs and the shitehead judges giving these scum laughable dinky sentences for human trafficking and sexual coercion Nope nothing to see here just memory hole it, thats the real reason they have to disassociate with Tommy
Seems they are unpersoning these soliders for this selfie big brother wins again unfortunately…
Have long been orf the opinion it is high time for another World War. Get old Blighty back orn a war footing and get the economy booming again (pun intended) with jobs for all, get all the shite bombed oit for free and start again. Enjoy a few golden decades to call a wog a wog, a frog a frog and a pooftah a pooftah before starting all over again and again. Thirty years peace – give or take – is aboit right. You Know It Makes Sense.
This vanished without trace so as ever in the face orf censorship we have another pop.
Have long held the opinion it is high time for another World War. Experience shows that 30 years orf peace – give or take – is aboit right then orn to the next one. Get old Blighty’s shit cities demolished for free and outstanding stumps like Coventry sorted oit. Get the economy booming again (pun intended) with jobs for all and Workers Playtime back orn the wireless. Enjoy a few golden decades orf free speech to call a wxx a wxx, a frxx a frxx and a pxxx a pxxx and then orn to the next one.
How life used to operate in times past – 30 Years War, 100 Years War ect ect. Have a good old excuse me then back home to do a spot orf ploughing, shag the wife then after a nice Christmas and the spring planting pick up where you left orf. Very civilised. You Know It Makes Sense.