The BBC [15]

BBC yet again.

Bragging egregiously tonight about their viewing figures for the Bodyguard ( I don’t know – haven’t seen it, won’t watch it on the net, because then I’d have to buy a fucking licence)
Aunty is beside herself that 10.4 million people in the UK watched the finale of this series, and was crowing endlessly on Radio 2 news. Now, apparently that’s a fucking enormous figure, well worth our attention – TEN POINT FOUR MIILION….

Can I just point out, to the BB-fucking-C, that a further 7 million people, yes, that’s 17.4 MILLION people voted, 2 years ago, to get us out of the bastard EU. And yet that figure can be dismissed on a daily basis, by the BBC, and others, as “meaningless”….
Utter fucking CUNTS.

Nominated by Cunt Reviled

My first “is a cunt,” nomination. ISAC is my light at the end of a tunnel every day, of like minded fellows. I lack the confidence I guess, to match the postings of you intelligent guys, so I rarely do
But watching the perilous BBC tonight, left me with two choices. Either escape into my air vent, scream until I was sectioned as insane. Or get it off my chest. ” George Shelley,” some talentless singer, of some boy band, crying, with perfumed tissues at hand, over the grief of losing his sister in an accident. But true to the Cunts of BBC, it was really about his anxiety of being gay. Just another shit head, ruminating down a rabbit hole about the “grief of losing his sister,” as a cover story for attention to the “dilemmas of gays.” What a cunt of an assholes they are. Him & the BBC, to associate & equate grief alongside the meltdown of a gay man in the cupboard as one and the same, is the gutter ideology that BBC will sink too. It’s just not in their remit to broadcast the grief of real victims & families of Terror attacks, Rape, murder, at the hands of peace loving immigrants. World war I , World 11. Too close too the bone eh you BBC Cunts!! As for George Shelley, just another talentless prick, resorting to any publicity to further some career. Grief Mr Shelley!! You don’t have a fucking clue. I could give you a run down of what it feels like. Guess I’ll just leave you, & the Cunts of BBC to rejoice in your own stew.

Nominated by Lost Sheep

Have the Beeb received their mandatory monthly cunting yet? No? Well, then allow me to do it. I was perusing their website earlier and came across this article about a supposedly ‘waycist’ poem:
Of course al-Beebera think anything that criticises their precious ‘refugees’ is racist. Of fucking course. Shit like this is one of the reasons why I decided to scrap my TV licence. Fuck you Beebistan, fuck you – and well done to the girl and mother for standing by the poem. If the Germans have any sense they’ll vote AfD at the next election.

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

31 thoughts on “The BBC [15]

  1. The first couple of episodes were alright but then it became a bit threadbare – as if one episode had been stretched over three hours. The two “leads” must’ve gone to the Pinocchio school of Wooden Drama and as for the ending when he walks through the streets with bombs attached…Psh!

    The BBC simply can’t compete with HBO/ Netflix/ etc as:-

    a.) Everything looks like it’s been filmed on a shoestring because it has been.
    b.) There is a huge dearth of real talent or it goes elsewhere.
    c.) They’re so evidently ticking boxes that any decent story is buried in a quagmire of tokenism and crowbarred-in divershitty.
    d.) There is fear in doing anything that upsets or offends people.

    If the BBC were an MP, it’d be Phillip Hammond. A scrawny, chinless wimp clutching his tiny ballsack, too frantically timid and petrified to behave with vigour and energy.

    • You’re being kind to ‘The Bodyguard’, Captain.

      Now, I’ll admit that I only watched one episode (the last) and that was through eyes that grew ever wider in amazement at the sheer fucking ineptitude of the whole enterprise.

      The acting was woeful, the dialogue ponderous and predictable, the storyline hackneyed, the camerawork, colour correction and editing shoddy. And if you were to ask me, my guess would be that the cast was hired en masse from the discount section of Oak Furnitureland.

      There’s more I could say, but I’ll eschew verbosity in favour of a single-word review of the whole sorry mess: pish.

      And, sadly, that’s all that I expect from the BBC these days. Perhaps once we’ve got Brexit out of the way we could ditch the BBC as well. That could only be a good thing.

      • Unfair.

        Oak FurnitureLand ads had better scripts…

        IF Brexit goes Hard, the BBC will probably commit mass Hari-Potta

      • Stirling, I know the wee laddie can act as he was half decent on Game Of Thrones but yes, here he was as wooden as Emily Thornberry’s teeth.

  2. Slightly off-topic but still BBC-related. Just looking at the front page of the BBC news website, and the number of items devoted to women:-

    Zoe Ball to present Radio 2 Breakfast show – first fulltime female etc.
    Some bint moaning about people clapping

    two sisters who want a civil partnership

    A woman wins a Nobel Prize for Physics, and takes a pop at all the sexism

    Another whinging bint moaning about living with strangers in shared accommodation

    British women who fought in WW1

    Yet another bint moaning about being lonely

    Another cow on a diet for 18 years, and here’s her findings!

    Another woman banging on about Vaginismus

    Yet another moaning about poverty

    … and that’s just the front page!

    I do wonder if the BBC News is slowly turning into Women’s Realm, with all this touchy-feely bollocks. Just give us the fucking news and stuff all that crap on the inside pages

    • Zoe fucking Ball. Five seconds after marrying that DJ she’s banging his mate. Lover tops himself, she’s all over the box telling us how distraught she is, again five seconds later she’s pictured semi naked on a Caribbean beach with a nicely hung young black guy. Emotional support I guess. Skanky self promoting slag, can’t stand her.

    • Exactly right. When I look at news I expect at least 50% of the stories to be about death and how super Aids has just wiped out a couple thousand, and not about cunts by cunts for cunts.

  3. A new BBC consumer programme is currently under production whose aim is discover which of Britain’s cities offer the best value for money prostitutes.

    ‘Bargain Cunt’….

  4. I didn’t see that George Shelly,but can imagine exactly what it entailed. Whining and wailing as if he was the only person ever to lose someone. I detest these public displays of grief,and what;s more I don’t believe them. Most of these types are doing it to make themselves the centre of attention. Self-indulgence.
    I know grief effects different people in different ways,but who thinks that popping up on television to sob and wail is the best way to deal with it? Sobbing and wailing when all your are really doing is indulging your own need for pity. Pathetic and sick.
    As someone said on here recently…What used to be public is now private,and what used to be private is now public….how very true. Every personal tragedy is now fair game. Go on telly,post a “weepy face” on Facebook, inflict anyone not brave enough to tell you to pull yourself together with your maudlin self-indulgence. Truly repellent behaviour by selfish people who only think of themselves.

    Fuck them.

    • True Dick and welcome Lost Sheep

      The public expression of grief is a true light shined on the total breakdown of sincerity and dignity in our society. On the BBC is bad enough but what gets my goat is the number of PARENTS who post on face fucking book the same day their child has died !!!! Wee Angel taken by God or heartbroken my rock has been taken by the cherub

      Fucking hell. Most normal cunts couldn’t abide living anymore if they lost a son or daughter or brother or whatever….. never mind loading up the ol facebook……the numbers are staggering. I don’t have the fucking thing but the newsreader insists on mentioning it everytime this happens

      As for the BBC what a total leftist leaning lying libtard snowflake cabal of cunts of the highest order. Stopped watching 2 years ago

    • Very true. Too much of this fake ‘sharing’ on vlogs and social media. Too many crocodile tears. Get a life, cunts.

  5. Good cunting if slightly low hanging fruit.

    Do any of you cunts read or post on the biased BBC blog? You’ll find quite a few like minded souls over there….

  6. Have to confess I haven’t been turning The Archers off as often as I should lately. Unlike the rest of Radio 4 there’s an occasional male voice (though the unfeminist ones get a hard time), and Freddy, noxious adolescent spawn of privileged tart Elizabeth, (whose loaded toff husband fell off the 400-foot battlements of their castle some years ago – tell me it wasn’t a contract job)…Freddy’s been sent down for twelve months for dealing and is coming painfully to terms with the penal system. Comedy gold. Unlike the total shite presented as comedy, from Just A Minute with undead luvvie Parsons and token unfunny wimminz to The News Quiz, with guest host giggly Bridget Whoshe and token unfunny wimminz.

    Silence is preferable, on the whole.

  7. Cunting the bbc is like being on your feet all day at work coming home making a cuppa , sticking on your trusty slippers then putting your feet up , It feels good, damn good …
    if your looking for 24 hr 7 days a week cuntitude look no further
    Aunties got it covered , tonight’s offerings inc annoying cunt Nick (knows it all ) knowles and his band of sycophantic trade Cunts, Not your thing? Don’t panic up next Lord ( shouty) sugar in the apprentice series 79 with a bunch of fame hungry blithering idiots!!
    Thursday if you don’t suffer from high blood pressure tune in to question time, where a politically unbalanced panel sit in front of an equally unbalanced audience!
    Friday? Room 101 with David Mitchell and Beeb favourite Anita rani ?, if you haven’t fucked off down the boozer to sink a few then maybe graham Norton can tickle your funny bone?
    Saturday it’s SCD presented by 2 atrocious Cunts and judged by 2 birds you most definitely would and 2 fairies, contestants tick all age, gender, ethnicity boxes, there’s even an armless raspberry (ah)
    Sunday tune in for frog faced marr and if you’ve still got a little wind left in your sails tune in for the SCD results show to see what absolute nonentity gets the Spanish archer…..
    Quality but not as we know it jim

    • October is also Black History Month so expect the schedules to be a smorgasbord of celebrating ‘da comoonitees’ achievements.

      • I suppose if there was a White History Month, that would be deemed offensively racist!

      • Perhaps a special edition of “It’s A Niggout’? Events could include blindfold chiggun eating,moped mugging,whitey-wimmin- wanging, dope-dealing etc. all ending in a Grand Chimp-Out where they stab each other.
        I wonder if Stuart Hall is available to commentate? Not sure if he croaked or got Yewtreed?

      • And if they need to freshen the show up they could incorporate drive by shootings and acid chucking……

    • Back History month, LGBTQCUNT month, Typhoon victims’ month, Women’s month, Asian paraplegic’s month, Refugees’ month, shoving cockroaches up your arse month…

      I wish they did a Stop the World, I want to leave month.

  8. Claudius: ‘…to do obsequious condolement is a course of impious stubborness; tis unmanly grief…”it shows a will most incorrect to heaven, a heart unfortified, a mind impatient, an understanding simple and unschooled…”Tis a fault to heaven, a fault aganist the dead’.

  9. The Bodyguard is an ABBC series about the authorities trying to track down a “peaceful” insurgents cell and defending the people from terrorist plots.

    The Home Secretary puts direct actions in place to combat it.

    The BBC even cover it as acts of “peaceful” terrorism, including faux reports by Laura Kuntsberg, et. al., from the AL-BEEB news team. The horror is palpable to them and clamouring that justice must be served.

    The armed police and security services go after the terrorists…

    Needless to say, a pure work of fiction.

    Actual “peaceful” atrocities are often dismissed as “lone wolf” acts by blokes from Kent or “Norwegian” nationals by the ABBC. However an idiot like Darren “fucking” Osbourne is immediately named and branded a terrorist before being sent down to chalky for 35yrs and is covered for weeks, whereas the Manchester bombing gets a whole 24hrs (just to save face).

    The authorities don’t give a fuck and immediately go into “hug a peaceful” mode.

    And the police and security services go on a “hate speech” rampage targeting only non-peacefuls who even dare intimate our indigenous bomb-makers have been a bit naughty. Amjam Chowdry on the other hand is fine. A great bloke and orator, enriching Blighty – as do all of his ilk. Why was he even locked up in the first place???

    That’s the reality.

    ABBC Cunts!

  10. Is that all that steaming pile of cack, Bodyguard got? Ten million?! That’s fuck all…
    Morecambe & Wise got near 30 million viewers at Christmas… Over 20 million watched Dirty Den get his own back on Angie in NeverEnders… Coronation Street in its 70s heyday got over 20 million an episode… Repeats of Steptoe & Son shown in 1989 regularly hit the 10 million mark… And even Brookside on Channel 4 got over 10 million viewers when the Corkhills and the Grants were up to their shenanigans in the 80s….

    The fact that the BBC is bragging about a measly 10 million viewers shows just how low they have sunk… And Joe 90 is a better actor than that useless Bodyguard cunt….
    Would bang the doors of Keeley, mind… Proper Lady Muck vibe about that one…

  11. A Spanish journalist asked Mourinho if Zidane called him to confirm he is not in talks with Man United… Mourinho pointed to Neil Cuntstis [The Sun] who wrote that story and said: “He put a bug on my phone, so why don’t you ask him….”

    First time the cunt has made me smile during his time at Old Trafford… And Custis really is a 42 karat cunt…

  12. The BBC it’s a Great British Institution Is it fuck it’s full of aswipes Yes men and Women Overpaid tossers and remoaners Zoe Ball another untalented Slag who got a job at the Beeb courtesy of her Dad it’s not what you know it’s who you know Button the bastards

  13. Yeah my father in law used to work for the BBC back in the days on shows like the goon show and other such classics. Was a high up sound man did royal speeches recorded the prime minister and lots of live concerts big bands etc. He has a million amazing stories of his career when the BBC really was the world leading organisation we should be proud of. But now he’s actually ashamed of how they have gone so far left and totally PC he refuses to watch our listen to it anymore. And this is from someone who when my missus was growing up was not allowed to watch ITV. So to me that makes the BBC big cunts.

  14. Their wailing about Netflix and Youtube stopping families ‘coming together to watch TV’ says it all; they’re on their way out. Theyve lost almost a million licence fee subscriptions year on year since 2013 and their audience share of radio has dropped below commercial radio for the first time in 2017.
    Rather than addressing their failures, they are doubling down on the SJW bullshit and Remainer woes. It’s all looking very sad. As odd as it sounds, Sir David Attenborough’s death could kill off the beeb, as he is the last remnant of quality they have. Once he is gone, many older people could cancel their licences as they would be alienated by current programming, save a couple of cookery shows and Strictly. The young are not buying TVs.

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