
A cunting for Sixt please. This is the car hire firm that encourages people to ‘drive smug ‘ ( I don’t fucking well believe it ! ! the fucking adverts just come on !! The bastards are watching me ).

All the actors are cunts portraying cunts, the worst one is the woman who is ‘ off to Margate ‘ with the soppy looking twat sat next to her. When you get there, keep your foot hard on the accelerator until you’re fully immersed, you annoying fucking harpy.

As for the voiceover cunt, he should be in the fucking boot.

That should sort the smug cunt out.

Nominated by Jack The Cunter

34 thoughts on “Sixt

  1. “In 1912, Martin Sixt founded the company with a fleet of three cars, creating the first car rental company in Germany. During the First World War, the fleet was confiscated and used by the German Army. After the war, business resumed, but the fleet was once again seized by the German Army at the outbreak of World War II”.

    I was going to make a distasteful joke about how many Jews can you fit in a Volkswagen Beetle……but perhaps not.

  2. It’s not just a cunt but a massive lying cunt at that. The smug bastard says s/he rented some foreign shit for £70 or whatever. The small print says that the minimum hire is 7 days so that would be £490 not fucking £70. This is blatant lying and I don’t see how the ASA has allowed this.

    • This is a long overdue cunting, car hire firms have got out of control.

      After recently attempting a Sixt rental, £20 a day the adverts crows, I input the collection point of Manchester airport, and the return of my home town. Now I know there will be a one way charge but the Sixt cunts are still telling me its £20 a day. So we hit the reserve button and the new price is displayed. One way fee of £40, which is fair enough. But then comes the ‘premium station surcharge’ which apparently is all airports, train stations and city centre outlets, this is another £40, PLUS VAT. So, its also a minimum two day rental so that £20 rental is now well over £140 ( insurance premium tax and all that shite too)!!!

      Its fucking mis-selling and its fucking illegal. It is NOT possible to pay the advertised prices and the adverts are outright confusing. They persist in stating its £20 per day right up until you attempt to book it, none of the pages state what other taxes and fees may be payable until the end.

      Don’t get me started on Europcar. They were good when they were owned by VW but since that French Venture Crapitalist outfit took over about 10 years ago they went down the toilet, with their fucking fake loyalty scheme. ‘Privilege’ my arse, I was spending £600 a month with the fuckers at one point, and cunts who had never rented from them before and not even made reservations were walking up to the counter and getting the same rate as me. ‘You get express check out and free weekend rentals’ was their retort. Fuck your weekend rentals, I have my own car at home, I just want to get there. How about giving me 35% off like you used to you fucking greedy baguette eating dickheads?

  3. a cunting for that fuckling twat who does the voiceovers for Dacia cars ( you do the maths). and loads of other fuckin ads as well. it’s obviously been decided by some fuckin idiotic ‘ focus group’ that he has the sort of voice us plebs are all going to just luuuuuurve, well not this pleb , i find it fuckin incredibly irritating , just fuck off with yer fuckin annoying voice and don’t fuckin hurry back..

  4. Off topic but I’m glad to hear that the Simpsons are gonna stick it to the snowflakes by getting rid of apu.
    Some Indian comedian started bitching about the character being racist coz it’s a “stereotype” …. JUST LIKE EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER ON THE SHOW.
    The snowflake twatter mongs started a crowdscript project …(?) To create an episode that showed a true representation of South Asians. …. why they’d want to make an episode about goat rape and shitting in the streets is beyond me, but each to their own I guess…
    The Simpsons told them to get fucked and are just gonna axe the character. HA. Good.
    Well done snowflakes…. just coz you have no sense of humour there are now no Asians on American tv.
    Could we do that at the BBC please….. though I guess then there’d be no one left.

    • I wish some Cunt would axe Romesh Ranganathan…preferably right in the back of the head….on live t.v. It’s the only chance the bastard has of ever making me laugh.

      Fuck him.

      • I had to check the cunt out on you tube to see who he was. Mercifully I’ve managed to avoid the cunt up to now. What the fuck is the audience at the Apollo laughing at?

      • You should hear the audience pissing themselves whenever he makes some scripted “off-the-cuff” witty remark on whichever panel-show that the Cunt has managed to force his way onto this week. I wouldn’t care,but he’s even less funny than whichever woman comedienne that they happen to have on to satisfy quotas. Not easily done,being “unfunnier” than some lezza Darkie talking about her wife’s itchy pissflaps or whatever.

      • A better end would be a celebrity fight to the death with that Blue Peter cunt Radzi Chinyanganya. Mud coloured flared nostril pubic headed new European Kalergi pin up boy.

      • Fucks Sake. I wasn’t even aware of this Cunt. Just googled him. You’re spot on, Cunto. Looks just how every European will be expected to look in 30 years time…… “All we need is a great big melting pot…….turn out coffee-coloured people by the score.”

      • I hope this snow flakery doesn’t spread to Radio 4. “Mags, Fags and Bags” is a radio sitcom set in a Glasgow corner shop, the owner of which is Asian, acted by an Asian, compete with comedy Apu accent. It’s funny as fuck. But now I’m a racist for listening to it.

        Funny old thing, but whenever I have lived in London, all corner shops have been run by Hindus, Sikhs or peacefuls… And may it continue. Where can you otherwise buy booze at 1045 pm?

      • Talking about Blue Peter fights to the death, I wonder if the elephant that pissed and crapped all over the studio floor decades ago is still alive ?
        I’d love to see some cuuuunts skidding through that stage-set.

    • Can’t say fairer than that, Freddie. That’s that Cunt dealt with in one succinct sentence. Perhaps he can use your wise words as the inscription on his tombstone.

      • You had my piss simmering at vegan Freddie, like a peaceful Rolf Harris. The flowers and candles are mounting up in Leicester, I assume the big man was a Buddhist and believed in some kind of rebirth after death, maybe he will come back as a pay and display or a bollard.

  5. Hey wait a minute, just realised… I LOVE these adverts! Especially the ‘Triplets’ and the ‘Cult’ one. Must be my English sense of irony*…

    Or maybe I’m just a cunt.

    Coat already on. Just waiting for the taxi.

    (* No, am not Jewish… as far as I know).

    • “Dad I’m just ringing you to let you know that I joined the labour party and I have a Muslim boyfriend that’s taking me to the chicken shop to introduce me to his Iraqi refugee mates….”

      “That’s nothing…”

      • I’m not usually into milfs, but that piece who’s starting a career in porn movies isn’t bad.

      • Would you be into gilfs then Allan? There’s some saggytastic old boots on Pornhub. They are truly vomit inducing. The Russian ones look like Leonid Brezhnev’s missus. Raisa Gorbachev a would be lovely compared even if she is dead……

  6. I hired a mark two panzer a while back from their HQ garage in old Berlin. Went everywhere France Poland Russia. Dropped it off with a cracked windscreen but they never charged me result. Cabbage munching county cunts

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