Pro EU Politicians

Pro EU Politicians are undemocratic cunts.

There was a referendum which decided that we should leave this fucking horseshit club !
We didn’t decide to “negotiate “ on leaving. We didn’t decide to continue subsidising lazy French farmers, which we’ve been doing for the past 40 odd years. We decided to leave!
The unelected twats that have any say in this need to be told to FUCK OFF, we’re leaving and don’t expect any “ divorce “ money from us, greedy selfish cunts.

Piss boiling motherfuckers !

Nominated by Jimmy the spaz

65 thoughts on “Pro EU Politicians

  1. We’re being fucked over there us no doubt. But even if things miraculously went my way tomorrow and there was a clean break it’s gone too far. It can’t be forgotten the shit that’s transpired in the last 2 years and I for one look at a lot of people . …. both civies and the elite . . In a different way now. In a way it’s helped confirm some suspicions I had of some folk and it’s completely surprised me with others.

    • My sentiments exactly Squint, I started singling out the Politicians i didn’t trust much but now have an overwhelming hatred for. These cunts like Vince Cable etc have really shown there true colours , but a few people i thought were friends and colleagues who i thought were quite intelligent have become total cunts , refusing to see anything outside their own little bubble, of course not all remainers i know have behaved in this way . But some of them i can’t even have a reasonable debate with anymore. ( YOU VOTED UKIP SO YOUR A RACIST )
      I reply , have you read the UKIP manifesto. NO BECAUSE THERE RACISTS.
      How can you ever get a reasonable debate with cunts like this ????

      • Reason is lost on the unreasonable, Fenton. So why waste your time and breath on them?

        As a certain gentleman (I use the term loosely) of this parish would say: fuck them.

  2. Look at that cunt Cable, immos and snowflakes in the background. He looks like a desperate man and he fucking is.
    One day you’ll get a tap on the shoulder you shameless fucking traitor.

  3. Imagine that we were being asked to vote on JOINING the EU. What their pitch be?
    Vote YES;
    to handing over the say on your country’s future to an unelected Commission in Brussels, and a court in Luxembourg
    *to opening the door without restriction to millions, regardless of the burden placed on housing, schools and other infrastructure
    *to paying billions each year for the privilege

    Fuck off with my boot up your arse, you cunts.

  4. Most politicians could care less about the EU, all they care about is their unofficial retirement fund disappearing up their arses.

    The list of failed UK politicians on the EU gravy train is astounding, either as MEPs a’la the Kinnock clan (greasing a cool £600,000 between them a year before even and expenses cheque is written), or as some officiate in an EU quango role.

    The price for this moolah? Their continued and unwavering support for the EU. That’s it.

    If they could get the same financial remuneration courtesy of “Jack’s Fizzy Ragtime Band” organisation they’d all be on board with that too.

    The EU is the graveyard of the failed politicians of Europe, run by a bunch of unelected, untrustworthy former banking cunts!

    No one would go near them with a bargepole if it wasn’t for the kickbacks, and only even then with a peg clipped to their noses!


    • My question RWAC is where would 2 time loser welsh windbag kinnock and his utterly useless offspring be without the EU gravy train??
      A …. absolutely fucking nowhere! Certainly not earning 100,000,s euros a year doing absolutely fuck all….
      sell out traitors…..
      how can ordinary people support this anti democratic farce? Thick Cunts……..
      Fuck U EU !! ?

      • I hear tell of a certain MEP who turns up daily to sign the register with the car running to claim her 400 euros(?) a day then fucks off to do her shopping. T’was reported to the senior EU commissioner but no action was / has / will be taken.
        The reason? Said MEP is none other than Glenys Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead and her Husband – the commissioner is of course that stalwart of anti capitalism Neil Gordon Kinnock, Baron Kinnock.
        If I were to rob a shilling off the IR or take a carton of ciggies more than the allowance I would have my goods confiscated and be hounded by the IR for the shilling. Can anyone tell me how these two robbing bastards get away with it, have done, are doing and will carry on doing sine di. If the remoaning cunts took a good long hard luck at the fucking corrupt over bloated infestation of greedy cunts at that trough in Brussels and the unelected Judges of the ECJ supported by more mandarins than the queue of blambos making the nightly run from Calais to Dover I think they would stop a moment and figure out that nothing that place does is good to man nor beast. And Barnier has the fucking front to sit there with that Gallic look of smug on his face imagining he holds all the trump cards. Well Michel – the only time in history we ever needed you foul breathed cunts from all points leaving Dover you were never there. Saving your arse from a sling became a national pastime – if ever you think you have one up on an Englishman think again you snail gobbling cunt. If we hadn’t bailed you out twice you would be doing business over a table with your sister Herr Merkel. Ungrateful, spineless, chinless, uppity, lazy, indolent, impertinent, impudent, cheeky, ill-mannered, bad mannered, unmannerly, rude, impolite, uncivil, discourteous, disrespectful, insubordinate, contemptuous, presumptuous; audacious, bold, brazen, brash, abusive, offensive, flip, cocky, lippy, nervy; contumelious, malapert, mannerless CUNT

  5. They don’t come a lot more pro EU than Adam Price (who?) the new leader of Plaid Cymru (??) who told us in no uncertain terms on Politics Live (ABBC’s dumbed down replacement for The Daily Politics) last week that:

    “We must use every means available to reverse this cataclysmic proposal of a No Deal Brexit which will lead to nothing less than a 1930s economic collapse in Wales… and absolutely Remain needs to be on the ballot paper in a People’s Vote, we must take this opportunity to bring an end to this cataclysmic idea…”

    Didn’t Wales vote to Leave?

    Swivel eyed cataclysmic Cunt.

    • After serving as Mayor of Fishguard for 70 years, I can confirm Wales voted to leave the EU.

      Perhaps we should make a second referendum in Wales on leaving the EU conditional on a second referendum on devolution?

      I bet that would make the cunt think twice.

    • A welsh bloke is having a driving lesson. When the instuctor says “can you make a u-turn?”, the Taffy replies “make a ewe turn? I can make its fuckin” eyes water.

      Good evening Ruff Tuff.

  6. Please some body start a fecking war so the British can do what they’re really good at, we all pull together so much better when we’re up against it. Will bring all the duplicitous snidey scum floating to the surface where they can be skimmed off like the top of a pot of boiling guts and snot.

    • I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. Fuck all these negotiations, why don’t we just invade Europe? If you think about it, who could stop us? The Frogs? They’d surrender and collaborate before we reached Paris. The Krauts? Their forces have been emasculated. The Spanish or the Italians? Don’t make me laugh. And the Scandinavians wouldn’t want to know. We could be at the Polish border within weeks, install a puppet government in Brussels and be in a position to dictate terms to the whole European Union.

      • As long as we don’t have a lot of snowflake sleepers hidden in the military if we do they will break down in tears long before they put a foot on the ferry, there would be groups of the feckers forming healing circle of candles and aura enhancing crystals and fecking singing songs of reconciliation and “not in my name” t shirts.

      • Our forces are fucked! Lack of investment, and piss poor leadership at the top! All Chiefs appointed by the politicuians only open their gobs when they retire. Cunts!

    • Now you speak my lingo Civvydog,
      A war in the sense of hacking great lumps of civilisation to pieces without a thermonuclear clean out – maybe a few battlefield theatre weapons – As little as 10 pounds of uranium-235 or 6lbs of plutonium-239 to fry some hard to move obstacles.
      Prior to that I would like to see plans put in place if just such an event were to occur whereby we were to recruit our armed forces and make conscription compulsory. Lets just see how many blambos would fuck off on the next flight home once call up came and how long their “British Citizen” would stretch in taking up arms for England.. That’s the first step in finding out just exactly who the enemy would be. Oh, and at the halt to all hostilities there is no coming back to set up your fucking corner shops and shitty takeaways. I make no Apology that all my oppos in the Navy were white British who I would trust my life with. Don’t know as I would trust a split arse – bit before my time so their mettle wasn’t put to the test. The mere mention of conscription and impending war would see the housing market and a whole raft of other services become workable again. The blambos who decided their shithole in the East was their home will have left or been vaporised, where to and how many I couldn’t give a flying fuck.

      • If any of the new influx population stood to our flag they would be most welcome and would have proved beyond doubt that they are the right sort.

      • Once trained, once armed, our “noo brish ” would be well placed to replace HM with a “Mo”.

        I never did trust the cunts, and never will.

  7. What the fuck IS that picture? It looks like some kind of anti-Brexit festival. Perhaps it was held on Farmer Eavis’s site though instead of being called Glastonbury, it was dubbed BashDemocracy – sponsored by the Liberal Undemocrats.

    – Alistair Campbell on the acoustic stage, drunk on scrumpy, shouting nonsense.

    – John Major in the Healing Tent with Edwina giving Care-in-da-commoonity massages.

    – Clegg busking in the Vibes field playing didgeridoo, practising his future career.

    – Mandelson backstage fluffing up the support acts.

    – Lammy on the storytelling stage telling kids how in the Middle Ages, King Ramses II stole England from black natives.

    – Lord Adonis trapped in a shitty portaloo.

    – Patrick Stewart in the meditation field trying to sell Skunk to 21-year olds, his shiny bonce reddening as he’s higher than a giraffe’s arsehole.

    A festival of democracy-loathing, voter-despising, self-righteous cunts.

  8. Vince Cable looks more like Hoggle from the film Labyrinth every day. The resemblance is uncanny haha.

    • Just had to Google Hoggle. It’s as if Cable modelled himself on the 80’s puppet.


  9. Britain voted. the result was that we leave the EU. It really is as simple as that. if the yes vote had been 1 more than the no vote it would be the same. If you don’t like democracy FUCK OFF TO PNONYANG.

    • 100% agreed……
      I saw baldy wankstain cable on marr a few weeks ago , he said the brexiteers had failed to deliver on their referendum promises so the people should get a second vote?? Well if that’s the case we should rerun every general election in fucking history! How many vote winning election pledges get dumped you absolute Cunt??

      • There was the Great Satan’s “Education, Education, Education” from 97′, some of this years intake for university even know what gender pronoun they prefer.

      • It’s not up to the Brexiteers to deliver on anything. That responsibility falls to the Government, who could not have been clearer when they promised in their £9million Referendum propaganda pamphlet:

        “The Government will implement what you decide.”

        Not the Brexiteers. “The Government”.

        And the country decided to LEAVE.

        Did Cable & Co really expect Nigel Farage to deliver outside of Government? Is Farage Prime Minister? Not that he made any promises anyway. I suppose they’re still going on about the slogan on that bus. Well that wasn’t a promise, it was a suggestion as to what money saved not pissing it down the EU shitter could be spent on. An aspiration at best. No Brexiteer promised anything because they weren’t in any position to deliver. Only the Government could do that.

        Thick cunt.

      • True RTCP
        “ let’s fund” isn’t a promise!! It’s an idea, how they’ve let Cunts like umunna get away with the red bus bullshit is unbelievable!
        Farage wasn’t even in the official leave campaign!

  10. I don’t have a problem with pro- EU politicians. They’re entitled to their view. What I do have a problem with is politicians who are elected to serve the public attempting to subvert the referendum result. We live in a (supposed) democracy where the majority vote should be respected.

    I think that a lot of the problem comes from the complete mess that is being made of the negotiations. It has given the Remain side hope and belief that Brexit can,and will,be reversed/ignored/fudged. They know that there is no real determination to take us out from our “Leaders”, so they continue to push their side.
    I actually have more respect from the politicians who openly state that they want to reverse Brexit than I do for the duplicitous bunch who claim to be working to implement Brexit when it is clear that they never have,nor will, any intention of delivering what was expected. I’d actually have more respect for May if she just came out and said “I’m the P.M. and I believe that Brexit would be a disaster for this country. I’m not prepared to enact it.”.

    Brexit negotiations should never have been left in the hands of people who just don’t believe in it. I find their lying and deceit far more offensive than the politicians who at least are honest and say that they don’t believe that it is in the best interests of this country.

    Fuck them.

    • Agree. Never imagined it would be otherwise in fact.

      What with both Houses of Parliament, the Civil Service and the Government being 75%+ strongly Remain, what else could any rational human being expect?

      • And besides, we’re not dealing with honourable people here. They call themselves the ‘honourable’ this and ‘honourable’ that, but they’re just the opposite. It’s all Orwell ‘doublespeak’.

        Like those totalitarian states that put the word Democratic in front of their names, The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, etc.

        Cunts the lot of them.

  11. Time to drain the swamp.Brexit has proved without a shadow of a doubt that the fuckers in the establishment disdain those they purport to represent.I always thought that was the case but Brevity exposed the extent of the vitriol arrogance and disdain there is for the electorate for defying the politicians and their divine wisdom.They care about what they want over democracy and are spoilt children who will have a tantrum until we concede Utter utter cunts

  12. Here’s a little game you can play to while away a few hours when the boss isn’t looking.
    Go on the internet and try and find a “I’m one of the 52%” T shirt.
    Fucking thousands of 48% themed bastards but you try and find a 52%er. No chance!

    Must be a marketing opportunity being missed somewhere here?

  13. The Term People’s Vote
    “What does that mean”
    2016 We voted to leave
    Can someone tell the Labour Party it’s democracy in action We had a vote We are leaving 48% voted to stay 52% voted to leave We don’t need a People’s Vote We have already voted get on with it tell the EU to fuck off

  14. This from the Express: Belgian FM makes what IMO is a good point:

    The argument is that our immigration troubles aren’t due to the EU but to our own attractiveness as a destination. Well, while the problem is also due to free movement in the Schengen zone and poor EU controls, I wouldn’t want to ignore the fact that many of the cunts crossing Europe do so specifically to come here, because it’s a soft touch. Nice to see an EU politician saying so without being told he’s a waycist.

    Conclusion: Brexit won’t be the end of the story on immigration.

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