
What is it about young women and the word ‘like’, like?
Yesterday I went to my favourite coffee shop for a brew of their excellent coffee and a croissant (pretentious, moi?).
Any road, it was pretty busy, and I ended up sitting next to two rather attractive young women. Nothing wrong with that in itself, of course, except that I then became a reluctant earwigger to their conversation, concerning a mutual friend. Apparently said friend had been out a couple of times for a drink with some bloke, so naturally to the female way of thinking, the two were now in what is deemed a ‘relationship’. The conversation went something along these lines, accompanied of course by an assortment of hand gestures and contorted facial gymnastics;
‘so like he said to her like, okay like, I’m like (blah)…’
‘no way! Like he said that, like?. That’s like wow (blab)…’
‘yah, and so now like she’s going to tell him like (burble)…’
Continue in similar vein for about ten minutes until one of them gets a call on her mobile, then it’s;
‘hold on, I’ve like gotta take this… hi! No, I’m like just having a coffee right now…’

At this point I quickly drained my cup and left, as I’d now had about all I could take of this. What on earth has made so many young women latch on to this abominable verbal tic? A cunt is what it is, like.

Nominated by Ron Knee

37 thoughts on ““Like….”

  1. I feel your pain!

    Doesn’t matter if its a pub, a restaurant, a trip to the bleedin’ supermarket et al, I can almost guarantee some cunt somewhere will utter a few “like”s into some random conversation – could be about Corrie, the footie, Shit-Factor, the price of eggs or Drake’s Equation on cosmology!

    But what really boils my piss is when they throw in a few “you know” or “you know what I mean? ”

    This morning was a good case in point: I was in the local Greggs waiting to be served, while the wench behind the counter was having a conversation with her colleague … “So, I was ready to serve him, but he, like, changed his mind, and he didn’t, you know, know what he wanted. So I said, is everything okay, sir? But he, like, just walked out. Odd that. You know what I mean?”

    People who cannot hold a cogent discussion should have either their nipples and/or gonads wired to the nearest electrical generator and buzzed for a minute or two!


    • It drives you mad.
      Another couple of things that drive me mad are guys in cafes who hand me a coffee with a ‘there you go, buddy’.
      A fairly new one is ‘not a problem’, as in;
      ‘bacon roll, please’
      ‘not a problem. Brown or white roll?’
      ‘white, please’
      ‘ not a problem. Any sauce on that?’
      ‘not a problem’

      Just why the fuck would it BE a problem?

      • Apparently none of these thing will be available after Brexit, we’ve been told by remainer experts.

  2. These annoying little buzz words or sentences are extremely annoying….
    in no particular order
    To tell you the truth ….
    At the end of the day…
    Basically ( used in every sentence)…
    Tell you what ….
    literally…. ( used in every sentence)
    I won’t cum in your mouth ( guilty as charged) ?

    • May I add ‘absolutely’ to your splendidly cuntable list?

      ‘well, Robbie (as in Robbie ‘Cunthead’ Savage) do you think Chelsea will be able to take all three points against City today?’
      ‘er absolutely…’

      A simple ‘yes’ would absolutely do the job!

    • You forgot the ubiquitous “So”

      So, SO irritating!

      Afternoon Q, afternoon Ron.

    • Great list Quislings,
      Being a Northern Lad the bastardised words prevalent in this neck of the woods are far too numerous to mention in a simple post but I will leave you these gems;
      Well he turned round and said to me……………..so I turned round and said to him……………………..
      “Its like anything else” isn’t it then goes off on one attempting to draw a parallel that’s like anything else isn’t it.
      Areet – A Prestonian greeting which gets right up my fucking nose.
      Have you not got none? When asked if you are not in possession of whatever it is they want from you.
      Be reet – confirmation that all will be well.
      Can I get…………coffee, pint, packet of crisps – an unwelcome Americanism.
      Listening to two blokes in a pub – both had whippets and lived in Burnley. I honestly thought I had been transported into a different world. They spoke constantly for the half hour I was in the pub, sober as a judge bar the pint I had whilst in there I didn’t understand a single fucking word either of them said.

    • You can add wow to the list closely followed by back in the day and what is it with people constantly moving their hands around when talking?

  3. 14 year old daughter: Dad, can I have some, like, money?
    AF: Do you mean something that is similar to real money but not actual money, something that is, in fact, counterfeit?

    I absolutely, like, totally like feel your pain, Ron, you know what I mean….

    Yes it’s a CUNT!

  4. I’m sorry but if you walk into a “coffee shop” you have to accept that you are about to mix with some of the worlds biggest turds. You got off lightly if you ask me.

    • You’re right Fred.
      Problem is I love my coffee, so I run the gauntlet. I only go to a couple of a local places which are family owned, and where the coffee’s excellent. Avoid places like Starbucks like the plague, where the coffee’s served in prison mugs and tastes like dishwater

      • Trout Mask leaking from earphones better guaranteed to disperse snowflake millennials…

      • RTC and CC
        Good advice, or as my Yank son in law would fucking well say
        ‘sounds like a plan’ (I’d better not get started on ‘Americanisms’ again. No ‘way to go’)

      • Have got an excellent Viennese kaffeehaus (Wally’s) in Cardiff, so Ratsbollox, Prat, Costa can all FO&DO.
        Sad about Costa, though, in my teen years they were virtually all run by Italians, who are trustworthy in the caffe department. But nowadays, you get shitty English cakes on white-hot plates.

  5. OP….If any of you cunters want a laugh check out sky coverage of the Kavanaugh circus….
    sky Cunt interviewing two particularly unattractive liberal woman on a sofa….

    Sky Cunt “ what would it mean to you talia if Kavanaugh is appointed? “

    Ugly woman’s face crumples , she looks like she’s just been told her entire family has died in a plane crash!! She starts crying ?

    UW” it will mean to me ? that this country is more willing to take an angry mans lies over the sincere heartfelt confession of a woman ?”
    Absolutely priceless ?

  6. Side cunting for the smarmy sanctimonious smirk that umpteen millennial princesses (and Owen Jones) give before saying yeah sure grandad, often accompanied by the valley girl eye roll, which is shorthand for your olden generation has nothing to say cus you didn’t like, you know, take trans issues seriously did you? I swear to fucking god I saw the latter comment for real.

  7. God the snowflake display round Capitol Hill at the moment. One sat down just like a 4 year old-‘women(her voice breaking up, managing a whisper)must be(choking back the tears, gasping)heard…’ what’s that love? I didn’t hear you…I wish the Culture War would truly start. With Arms.

  8. Today’s young generation make me despair (most of them anyway); self obsessed, vacuous, rude cunts. Most of them know nothing about anything, unless it’s x factor, big brother or similar shite.
    I’m glad I’m not a child or young person growing up today, but certainly glad to be a 56 year old reactionary with a bit of backbone.

    • I would have gladly and comprehensively agreed with you until yesterday afternoon. Was returning from the Co-op (yes, I’m a commie cunt) and approached one end of a narrow bit of pavement from one end while three kids on bikes approached from the other. Not a good place for kids to dodge out into the road and approaching traffic, so paused to let them through the narrow bit. Each one of them thanked me, without irony or cleverness. Some parents get it right…

  9. Judge Kavanagh WILL be on the supreme court bench. A VICTORY for democracy and not for the 3rd wave femanazi man haters!

    God bless America!

    • Indeed Krav… Viva Big Don and Viva Franco, Jimmy, that is…
      Fuck the Femstapo and the Time’s Up celebrislags…

  10. Has anyone else noticed how celebricunts have these irritating speech repetitions?

    Wayne Rooney has a spasm-like ‘Eerrrrr’ before everything he says…

    Skanklett Johansscunt always goes ‘Ummmmm’ in that dumb ‘Noo Yoik’ parlance…
    As in, ‘I’m gonna – ummmmmmm – stitch up Jimmy Franco, because – ummmm – I’m a cunt!’

    And Paul McCartney… How many times has he said ‘Y’ know’? There’s a bit in the Let It Be film where he bores Lennon to near death, because he keeps rambling with constant ‘Y’ know’ s…. And in his infamous LSD interview, he says ‘Y’ know’ at least 20 times in 2 minutes….


    • As a Brummie, I can sat that’y’know’ is a particularly annoying Brummie trait. It drives me bat shit crazy when I hear somebody say something like
      ‘ I was gooin’ down the road like y’know…’

  11. So, obviously it’s annoying but that’s the way the word is now. Obviously these big words, make you sound clever and basically it literally makes what you say more interesting, obviously.

  12. ‘The pain you’re in, on a scale of zero to ten, zero being no pain, ten being the worst pain you’ve ever experienced, where would you place it’?

    ‘It’s like a seven’.

    ‘Well, is that a six or eight? What’s ‘like’ a seven’?

    A regular conversation. It’ll be a fucking ten one day when I lose it with one of these cunts. And half the time the pain’s fuck-all.

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