Emily Dawes. Union president of Southampton University.
This horrific-looking shitbeast is truly the pinnacle of shitcuntery.
This burnable cunt has taken to fucking Twitter (of course, what else for these socialist shitcunts) to bemoan the presence of the Rothenstein Mural at Southampton’s Highfield building – a work of art dedicated to all the students or academics who were conscripted/volunteered to serve in the First World War. The mural depicts, movingly, the unknown fallen collecting the degrees which they never had a chance to complete.
Enter stage left the terminal cancer of socialism. This deplorable fucking scumcunt has vowed to do everything to get rid of this historical work of art, and even threatened to ‘paint over’ this mural, purely because of the presence of – you guessed it – exclusively white men depicted within.
This is what happens when the twin nuclear strikes of modern, aggressive liberalism and University open-door policy collide; leaving a fallout of highly radioactive cuntitude which will take fucking decades to decontaminate, if ever. I firmly believe that such single-minded socialist extremism and repeated hatred of this country by whitebread fuckers like this would be very much quelled, if greedy Universities went back to admitting the brightest and the best, rather than any spotty fucker who can pay/borrow the fees.
Well, some comfort at least in that this toxic cunt is being hounded incessantly by right-thinking individuals and, seemingly, a large body of her fellow students. Hopefully the fallen students are nodding approvingly as this fucking pondlife gets her comeuppance in the form of national shame.
A special place in hell is reserved for this shitcunt. Though hopefully not before a lifetime of prospective employers Googling her name and discovering anew what a poisonous, treacherous fucking quisling she is to the core. You fucking arch cunt.
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back
Emily Dawes, President of Southampton University Students Union deserves a nomination. She has recently been forced into a U-turn, after her call to have a war memorial at the university removed was met with much outrage. The memorial in question is a mural, which features a group of men in gowns looking on as a young soldier is awarded an honorary degree. It’s there to remember students from the university who were killed in the first world war. Dawes tweeted;
“Mark my words-we’re taking down the mural of White men in the Uni Senate room, even if I have to paint over it myself”.
She also tweeted;
“ONE OF THE WOMEN JUST SAID “it’s nearly armistice day so are we taking down this tapestry??” AND HOLY SHIT. FUCK YES. GRL PWR.”
The University and Student Union have both distanced themselves from this fuckwit’s comments, for which she has since published an apology. I’ll print it here and let you decide for yourselves whether she’s sincere;
“Firstly, and most importantly, I would like to apologise for the offense and upset I have caused with what I have said. I never meant the disrespect to anyone past, present and future. I had no intention of the tweet being taken literally, and upon reflection have realised how inappropriate it was.
My intention was to promote strong, female leadership and not the eradication and disrespect of history. I do not believe that to make progress in the future, we should look to erase the past.
Once again, I apologise for the offense and upset I have caused”.
Like I said, I’ll leave it for you decide whether or not her apology is sincere. In my opinion, it is not. Personally, I think it’s an attempt to cover her left wing arse after her tweets didn’t meet with the approval she was expecting. Especially considering that only a couple of weeks ago, Cambridge University SU hit the headlines after one snowflake cunt suggested that hold a remembrance of ‘victims of war’ around the world instead of marking a remembrance day which would see them having to acknowledge the sacrifice of thousands of young men and women for THEIR freedom. One lefty cunt even crossed out the words ‘Poppy’, ‘Remembrance Day’ and ‘British Servicemen’ from the minutes in red ink. If Dawes really DIDN’T want to cause offence or disrespect, why did she use the words ‘White men’ in her tweet. And why did she post her tweet so close to remembrance day?
Now, some people get angry if someone refuses to wear a poppy. Personally, I have no problem with it. And I say that as a forces veteran. To me, those men and women died for our freedom, that includes the freedom to decide whether or not you want to a poppy. If you don’t want to wear one, fine. BUT, you had better show the appropriate respect for our war dead, because, as I said, they died for US.
Dawes strikes me as one of those disrespectful, white poppy wearing pricks, who consider the wearing of a red poppy to be a glorification of war, rather than as a mark of respect to those who gave their own lives, so that we could live free. And the fact that she had to be told her tweets were offensive, shows that she doesn’t give about those who made the ultimate sacrifice, so that she could have the freedom to be the ignorant, left wing, snowflake cunt that she is.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Emergency cunting for a typical, over priveliged, authoritarian, stuck up, self righteous, lefty cunt called Emily Dawes…
Emily Dawes is president of the University of Southampton students’ union, a title that these days, guarantees unimaginable levels of cuntitude.
The deranged lefty cunt saw a painting in her university that commemorated university students that sacrificed everything for us in the great war.
The rest of us would admire the painting and contemplate the sacrifices made for us by generations that were 1000 times more selfless, heroic and competent that anything around these days.
Not Emily Dawes though.
This cunt tweeted: “Mark my words – we’re taking down the mural of white men in the uni Senate room, even if I have to paint over it myself.”
Well as you can imagine, everyone called her a cunt (us included) and told her to grow up and have some respect.
She then deleted the tweet and posted this:
“I never meant to disrespect anyone past, present and future”.
“I had no intention of the tweet being taken literally and upon reflection have realised how inappropriate it was.”
Ms Dawes said she intended to promote “strong female leadership and not the eradication and disrespect of history”.
For those that may be feeling sorry for her (Yea we’ve all done and said stupid things when we were young), I ask you to consider this:
If someone had written a tweet that disrespected Muslims or women, and then apologised, what would her reaction be?
“Oh that’s ok. As long as you’re sorry”???
“FUCKING HANG THE CUNT!” Would probably be her reaction.
I’d hope that she’d get some kind of comeback and that she’d learn a hard lesson about not being a cunt, but I doubt it.
If she was on the right she’d be fucked. She’s a lefty though so I’m sure nothing will happen.
If anything it’ll probably help her. …Maybe she can hang out with halimo hussein (don’t even get me started on that cunt)…
Well at least we have ISAC…
All together now …. CCCUUUNNNTT!!
Nominated by Deploy the Sausage
UntiI today I had only anecdotal evidence to support the contention that universities have adopted a policy of admitting undeserving, illiterate students to satisfy the bean counters, who have taken over administration of our places of higher learning, in their pursuit of financial profit at the expense of academic excellence, thus transforming the universities into benchmarks of venality.
The direct supporting evidence I would like to place before you comes from the University of Southampton where one Ms Dawes issued an apology for her remarks about “white men” depicted in a mural at the University. Here is her apology:
“I would like to apologise for the offence and upset I have caused with what I have said. I never meant the disrespect to anyone past, present and future. I had no intention of the tweet being taken literally, and upon reflection have realised how inappropriate it was. My intention was to promote strong, female leadership and not the eradication and disrespect of history. I do not believe that to make progress in the future, we should look to erase the past.”
Ms Dawes, I understand, is a citizen of the United States of America, which stands as a mitigating fact, but she is attending a British university and I would have thought that British standards of literacy would apply. Clearly they do not and Ms Dawes is, prima facie, an ignorant, uneducated, illiterate, horse-faced, hairy armpit feminist Yank cunt.
I hope ISAC contributors have a wonderful time parsing the illiterates cunt’s apology for grammatical and syntactic errors.
Nominated by Fimbriations
And here’s another one from our old friend Dio
Did we make a mistake when we released the chain from the kitchen sink and gave women equality ? Give them a fecking inch and all that.
The twats really need to calm down, cunts to a woman.
I would expel the bitch and let any future employers know about her actions in an attempt to blacklist her from employment and ruin her entire life. She tops Alibaba Brown, she tops ‘Moaning’ Owen Jones, she even comes close to topping Bliar. Dear fucking god this woman makes my piss boil so much it could melt steel. The disrespect involved in treating the very people who fought and died for her right to do this shit in such a way makes me physically sick! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Future employers? After this I’ll bet she’s already got offers from the Guardian and the BBC.
bloody hell ! shouldn’t laugh but ………
Tough as old boots, the old boots. Wouldn’t find snowflakes man up.
I think this cunt has now realised that there is one red line that you do not cross in the UK. Take it from me, war does suck, but you do not denigrate the British (and commonwealth) boys and girls that were brave enough to intervene. Cunts like her sleep under the safety blanket that the Armed forces provide.
I rather suspect her parents have given her a stern talking to, lest she gets a pipe bomb in the post.
If she is representative of American libtardism, you can see why Trump got voted in….
Fucking snowflake cunt… The scum of the earth…
Kill it with fire!
The thing is, these easily lead neo-liberal fascist cunts simply don’t get the big picture.
They believe that the elites (political, financial, business and media) are on *their* side. The reality is that the elites are on no one’s side other than their own and will do absolutely anything to maintain their overarching dominion of control over the rest of us.
The difference between neo-liberal cunts like the sorry oxygen thief in this nomination and ordinary folk – unbeguiled by the glitter and the faux virtue-signalling by the elites – is that we understand where all this is heading, but – because of the vociferous nature of these modern Marxist fascists – any attempt to dismantle the elite’s stronghold on western society (e.g. Brexit, Trump and ground gained by nationalist parties in the west in recent polls) is immediately dismissed with cries of waycist, sexist, transphobic, xenophobic and – all together now – Islamaphobic; even when it patently isn’t.
It’s not left Vs right.
It’s not black Vs white.
It’s not men Vs women.
It’s not Old Testament Allies Vs Muslims.
It’s about the “elites” Vs the rest of us.
Unfortunately half of the rest of us have bought into the lies and propaganda spouted by the elites because that is their game: divide/compartmentalise the rest of us into ever decreasing demographics and set them against one another so that no single group has the strength in numbers to challenge any part of the elites’ power structure.
Ask yourself:
Who benefits from flooding strong western nations with third world immigrants? No ordinary person, left or right, socialist or capitalist.
Who benefits from flooding strong western – mainly Christian – nations with Muslims and their doctrine still rooted in the middle ages? No ordinary person, left or right, socialist or capitalist.
The only people who gain anything from the division and confrontation that these things cause are – you guessed it – the elites!
They are happy to destroy countries, nations, continents and even civilisations (eventually) because *they* know no matter how bad things are on the ground, they will remain untouched in their ivory towers that their wealth and/or political power affords them, and that those divisions will actually increase their wealth and power (as these manufactured societies become ever more dependent on the crumbs thrown from the elites’ table).
They promote diversity in all things from race to religion to gender because while the rest of us are bickering over those non-issues we take our eyes off the bigger picture: a globalist agenda promoted by, run by and for the benefit of the elites.
That is why people like Trump, Putin and Kim Jong-un are not the most dangerous cunts on the world stage (even though the elite run media would like the rest of us to believe it). No. The most dangerous cunts in the world are the likes of George Soros and his lickspittle elite minions like the Clintons, Bushes, B.Liar, Merkle, Trudeau, Macron, the entire unelected EU administration, and their Globalist agenda.
Unfortunately by the time the neo-liberal fascists realise that they have been sold a pup and are equally disregarded by the elites along with ordinary folk it will be too late.
Western media – both (anti)social and lamestream – only push the neo-liberal agenda (again funded/coerced by Soros) and so we have to hope that someone (anyone) can come to the party with a common sense outlook who can, if not unify, at least show both sides of “the rest of us” that it’s not us against each other (for some bollocks demographic/social reason), it’s us against them, the elites!
And they keep the rest of us in a state of fear through propaganda and media coverage. Thats the only reason we have newspapers and news channels. And that’s why we need alt news because we are being sold fake news by the BBC and the rest of the shite.
Just signed this petition against 2nd Referendum – currently 55,901 signatures.
Thanks to Kendo Nag for the link.
This is really fascinating Ruff Tuff that 7,000 turned out at the remain rally last week, but here are nearly 50,000 that have signed a petition to stop this undemocratic cuntery.
Even if we did have a second referendum and remain lost , cunts like Vince cable would STILL not except it.
Hate to correct you Fenton, but the estimated turnout was 700,000, so we really need to get the petition up to a million….
Vast over-estimate in my view. Less than half that number.
Agree… and nowhere near the million who marched against Tony B. Liar’s war in Iraq.
Oh yes Ruff Tuff, I missed out a couple of zeros there.
What pisses me off, if this was a remain petition it would be all over Sly News and BBC. But Ive not heard one mention of it. Have you ???
Not one mention Fenton. If the link hadn’t been posted on ISAC I doubt I would ever have heard about it.
Good morning.
Just signed as well, they don’t make these petitions well known do they, the cunts.
Signed it. Just waiting for the knock on the door from someone dressed like Ron Lacey in Raiders of the Lost Ark…
56750 and counting!
Further to the cunt cunted. Many people’s ire is on the university of Southampton site and under her pig ugly face on her students union facecunt page.
I always was a reckless cunt but I’ve just put the link on the students union page.
Good man Alan ?
When I first heard about this sjw mental patient I knew I had to write up a cunting should of known better that its already been taken care of good stuff Empire cunts back, quickdraw and dts a good ol fashioned triple cunting in one
I notice that this moose had a fucking metal ring through her nose like what a farm beast might have allowing the farmer to lead it where he wishes. Fucking appropriate I say.
A fucking prime time cunt if ever there was one. Probably the biggest sacrifice this shitfuck has ever made is putting it’s iphone down for five seconds.
Most sane people would see this mural as a great tribute to those who gave up their lives for the greater good of their country. All these fucking nutcases see is the colour of the skin represented. Fucking stupid. But of course, they aren’t racist because being a white person “is like winning the lottery” (as one fuckhead politician put it here in Aus recently). It was heartening to see so much backlash against this waste of oxygen.