A massive, uber cunting for CNN. In case any of you haven’t seen it, Kanye West met Trump at the White House and to his credit said a lot of true things about Hillary, the left, the Democrats and how they behave. And how did CNN respond? They called him the ‘token n3gr0’ and said ‘this is what happens when n3gr03s don’t read’ – or, in other words, you are a minority so you must get in line and agree with us or else – no leaving the plantation for you! And they say WE’RE the fucking racists?! Cunts!
Nominated by OpinionatedCunt
Cunt news network.
A snowflakes safe space for lies,hatred and consiparcy theories.
The Donald hates CNN, and I LOVE the Donald!
I like him more and more every time he targets the cunts. It’s hilarious to see.
Cunts News Network must be the American version of Al-BBC except the viewing public don’t pay to be patronized by a bunch of EU loving anti-Brexit wankers.
CNN is for Cunts who like the BBC!! Liberal snowflakery at its very worst !!
I used to love Fox News!! The fucking Cunts at sky binned it as apparently only myself and a couple of other people watched it??
Absolute liars!!
Fuck them and their bull shit mind control nonsense….
“Fake news” !!! As The Donald would say Q.
Although I’m not tango mans biggest fan he sometimes really hits the nail on the head!!
I love it when he ruffles snowflake feathers!!
Aye Quis
Fox is removed as no cunt wants it apparently but the likes of TVC News has millions of viewers aye ?
this censorship we are seeing with the deplatforming and banning so called conservative commentators is the new danger to us and no cunt seems to give a shit.
Absolutely SC , there’s a war being waged and we’re not winning it!! Even the express got sold off, don’t get me wrong you need to have balance but I’m afraid it’s all going one way……
worrying times….
Fox is the best! Carlson Tucker destroys snowflakes.
Check out his famous takedown of BLM slag Lisa Durden.And the Pez necked professor who praises cop killers.
Oh and the um bongo drinker wearing feathers in his hair and a “tribal” necklace banging on about repetitions for slavery. I would pay his fare to fuck off on the banana boat. Go pick some cotton,boy before whitey gets angry!
Tucker Carlson is one of my favourite journalists. Second only to the legendary Rod Liddle.
Totally agree……??
I ain’t ever owned no slaves and they never picked no cotton.
I’m putting in a claim and a crowdfund page to claim reparations from the Romans and Greeks.
Had it not been for them thousands of years ago unleashing things like straight roads, education, the rule of law and government we wouldn’t have developed into what we have today and who we are. We would be a happy band of mongrels, never have invaded or built an empire and the blambos would never have wanted to up sticks from Africunt and blame all the ills of their sad pathetic dependent reliance on the white man. Them fucking Romans have a lot to answer for. Imagine all the world repatriated to where they came from. That would be me back to Breton or Germany but at least I wouldn’t have to lay eyes on another blambo.
I blame the dinosaurs.
Krav. See my reply on Cumbercunt cunting….
Will do ,big Al
Just read it! So he will be donating all his money to Africunts,rapefugees and gimmirants,then?
CNN, just like the BBC are uber-cunts of the most divisive kind- playing politics with their own agendas, and resorting to manufactured news rather than giving an objective opinion of what is actually happening.
Digital fascism at its worst
Are the Cunt News Network worse than al-Beebistan? Hmm, they’re certainly close.
Darwinism at it’s most damning.
That’s nothing, didn’t they see the 2011 London riots?
Good for the monkeys, Cuntflap. The old curry-wallah was probably trying to sexually abuse them. I wish we had monkeys over here that threw bricks at Paki-types. I know we have the Darkies who do their best,but they are too busy stabbing each other,stealing shiny trinkets and eating deep-fried chicken to do a proper job.
Fuck them.
Try the cunts on Gib, they are pure evil little bastards. On a return from the Persian Gulf we had a weekenders in Gib and took a walk up the rock. Standing at the top and having previous run ins with the apes we took in the views and did the touristy stuff. An oppo of mine had a sarnie he was finishing off and one of the little cunts tried to snatch it off him, teeth bared looking pretty fucking menacing. Quick as a flash, said oppo caught the cunt right smack on the side of its head and we watched it career off the edge ending up a fair way down on some rocky outcrop stone fucking dead. We pissed off rather sharpish undetected by the tourists and keepers of the little cunts
The Barbary Macaques are the Taliban or IS of the monkey world. Don’t fuck with them, particularly if you have any grub, bags on your shoulders, cameras or glasses. Similar to their closest relative, the blambo, they haven’t moved an inch since Mo was fucking prepubescent girls 1400 years ago.
Ha! Nice!
What dark person/monkey/ape fighting combo would you like to see most, cunto?
I’d like to see Serena Williams vs half a dozen hungry macaques followed by David Lammy and Lenny Henry vs an enraged silverback gorilla, after the gorilla had come home to find David and Lenny running a train on his gorilla wife.
Not some much a fight Mr CE but Diane Abbott vs a chimp playing Three-card Monte.
Why do people have to prefix every Trump statement with ‘i’m not the Donalds greatest fan but’….
Smacks of underlying snowflakery to me. I think he’s bloody good and one of our last hopes in this overwhelmingly lefty world.
Trump’s a cunt. I yield to no-one on that. And if he’s the saviour of anyone, he’s the saviour of Trump – though the cunts who vote for him may benefit slightly too. America First does not mean my own country will be second, third or indeed anywhere. America First does not mean anything is better for anyone else, and Trump’s extremely crude interpretation of the meme means that he is regarded as less trustworthy than the average US President internationally: it’s self – defeating. He walks like a cunt, he quacks like a cunt, he’s a cunt.
As to CNN, glad to see one US outlet at least hasn’t bought the Trump self-publicity, even if it goes too far the other way.
Mate of mine was on a train from London to Norwich last night and found himself on a carriage with a load of remoaners from the Great Traitors March. He said they were mostly hipsters and posh student types. They spent the whole journey posting their days photographs to each other, and absent cunts and, as he put it, “ braying like fucking horses.”
I offered my sympathies but my real sympathies are for these pathetic snowflakes who, one day, will shamefacedly tell their grandchildren that they once marched through London in support of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Deutsche fucking Bank. Left wing my arse!
Excellent point there, succinctly made Freddie. One day there will be a kickback when this generation of fuckwits realise there are bills to pay and children to be brought up, fed, clothed and educated. There was always an idiot fringe when I was a lad, usually the ones who went on to be teachers. They bred poorly and never rose above wearing corduroy jackets with elbow patches or maxi length skirts and woolly tights. The time for aspiration and progress will return but Fuckbook , goggle and microcunts need to be forced to cease this IA bollocks. It will signal the start of end times if these cunts aren’t reined in. A case in point -just watching the cuntbox and “Butterflies” is on. In the 70’s it was a gentle comedy about a married woman having an affair. This ones about some sick cunt of a kid being pandered to by every man and his dog making a very public statement about transgender kids who haven’t had their first hard on yet but know they are in the wrong body. Its followed of course by the usual “if you have been affected by anything contained within the programme, please call 0800bentasbananas”. Yes, I am affected, I am heartily fucking pissed off by the virtue signalling and actions of tiny minorities who need their egos massaged by the mainstream media. Or as I said when my son told me he might be gay. Lets get some chips for a treat on the way to your new foster home
In a nutshell, Freddie, in a nutshell. It’s like the Jock Cong, aka the SNP, getting all revolutionary about being tied to the UK but deciding they want to remain tied to the EU, isn’t it? Bad case of wood obscured by trees, there.
Keep the people in the dark and feed them shit, piped direct by the MSM.
CNN are one of the main propaganda distributors in the world, possibly fed “news and agendas” direct by the CIA.
Good old Barry Obama lifted the restrictions on using propaganda inside the US. What a cunt!!!
A real news organisation would of shredded a president for that, not CNN etc! He’d legalised what they had been doing for years.