Yes yet again the Motherfucker Supreme has delivered another sermon on the mount.
Interesting that he has had his chat-ette the day elderly cunt Vince Cable has announced his *movement for moderates* (and also suggested that he will not be staying for the long haul as leader of the LibDumbs).
Notice Blair is using his most *pleading* i.e. pansified voice. Could it possibly be that the grasping, opportunistic wankstain has now tacitly accepted that Brexit will happen and instead of replacing piss-artist Juncker, which would be impossible for him after that, Blair sees his second coming as leader of the new *moderate* party? (the new SDP and we all remember what happened to that).
I am glad I am not a moderate if only so I don’t have to entertain the idea of Blair and Mangledbum talking down at me.
Why don’t these old has beens (especially Blair) just fuck off with their ill-gotten gains and shut the fuck up.
Nominated by W.C.Boggs
Once he and Mangledbum get Alistair Campbell on board, election victory is all but assured!
Seriously, other than kiddie fiddlers, are there three more people deserving of penile and rectal cancer than these cunts in the world?
Semtex the cunt.
He’s beginning to resemble Jonathan Aitken, who always had a pic of his Mummy on the bedside table, while he was being whipped with a length of cable (electrical, not Vince).
BLiar appears to have lemonsucker lips.
The day this Teracunt carks, there simply won’t be enough booze for the jollifications.
We all them cats asshole lips down here ?
…and of course, to accompany the gruesome twosome, pompous old slack-jawed, slap-headed motherfucker Chukup has leapt on the bandwaggon today. Surely there is a cotton field somewhere that needs unskilled casual labour:
That’s no way to refer to The Flabbott and Laydee Thornpiggery.
And a gross slur on our decent canine friends.
If Blair has anything to do with it this new “moderate party” is already dead in the water. Who, in their right mind, would want this cunt attached to their cause? He’s the kiss of death for fucks sake.
Nobody wants to see or hear anything about Blair until the day they cremate the bastard. I say cremate because I can’t see him having a grave. There would be a 24 hour queue of people lining up to piss and shit on him. If it happens i’ll be there, don’t you worry about that.
To sum up my hatred of Anthony B. Liar, all I’ll say is this – I measure how much I hate people or things by how much I hate him. He is my barometer for hate.
There’s nothing fucking ‘moderate’ about taking us to war in Iraq under false pretences and opening the door to unlimited EU immigration and destroying the education system and…
In memory of John Smith, Robin Cook and Dr David Kelly… amongst others.
Pure coincidence Mr Creampuff
Yeah, I guess you’re right Willie… innocent until proven guilty, and all that jizz.
But wait a minute… Bliar destroyed the Justice System too!
And abolished the death penalty for treason in 1998…
Still all pure coincidence?
All absolute coincidence Mr Creampuff.
Or are you insinuating Mr Blair has been up to something ?
I honestly wouldn’t put it past the evil cunt.
Jeremy Thorpe attempted to bump someone off who got in his way…
Compared to Blair, Thorpe was positively benign!
Oh Christ no! It’s less than 10 years since Britain’s second Dark Age under the Prince of Darkness himself!
Does the cunt not realise that the reason Steptoe got in is because the grass roots Labour supporters were completely disenfranchised by these “Old Tories in Red Clothing” twats who talk about championing the “working class” but who actually hate everything about the great unwashed.
Every fucking one of the sly cunts from an Oxbridge background and – more often than not – educated in the highly dubious and unscrupulous legal profession!
Fuck off Tony Blair you dangerous power hungry cunt! We all know your game and any such notion of a 3rd Party will be funded by your lying lips pressed firmly against George Soros’ ring piece!
I don’t often say I hate someone but you Blair – you treacherous, sellout, UK hating CUNT! – I hate with every fibre of my being!
Mavis May may be the worst PM ever due to total incompetence but you are the most dangerous cunt this nation has ever had the misfortune to suffer.
At least the last time we were invaded in 1066 it was a fair fight and we tried to defend our borders, King Harold didn’t stand there holding the door wide open for the cunts to walk in with a pat on their backs and all the groats they could take from the Britons free of charge (in lieu of there vote, a vote against the indigenous working man).
No, not like you, you wretched fucking CUNT!
I wish no harm on anyone, and chances are a traitor like you will outlive my measly carcass, but if I do outlast you – you CUNT – I’ll take great pleasure in spitting on your bastard grave!
Please understand this is my tempered reaction to the thought of you being anywhere near British politics again.
My true feelings are much more severe, and I’m not in the minority either!
So feel free to take your shovel f’yaced legal cunt of a wife, your cannabis smoking eldest and the rest of your brood (who probably don’t realise how much of a cunt you are) and fuck off to Syria, Helmand Province, Baghdad, Tehran or some other “peaceful” shithole where you will be welcomed with open arms I’m sure.
Fucking cunt of the millennium!
A thoughtful and well written posting Rebel.
It’s curious that so many actually hate this cunt. In the original meaning of the word, not as a casual indication of dislike. Me too. I can’t think of anyone else I hate in this sense. Mandelson, Cherie and Umunna (eg) revolt me and I would give several world leaders a thumbs-down from the emperor’s seat at the arena in which I had ordered them to fight each other with poisoned swords, but I genuinely hate every single aspect of Blair down to his choice of tie, and would cheerfully, as a matter of natural justice, encompass his doom.
Spot on, K.
And what baffles me, is that he seems unable to comprehend why he is so hated, so despised, considered to be such a cancer on the ringpiece of humanity’s arse…
You mention his choice of tie, I would add his choice of wife.
Narcissistic, socopathic, psychopathic, devious, murderous…
The BLiar Foundation should have its numerous accunts emptied, in order to fund world-wide research into a cure for BLiar, this appalling disease which afflicts our planet.
It’s not fraud just a misunderstanding I’m sure, and it’s waycist for you to even point this out.
Totally agree FTF
As I previously posted this new centrist party will hopefully act like a guiding light that attracts all of the worst pond life into one completely unelectable party.
Fingers crossed Blair’s in it up to his eyeballs as that’s guaranteed to alienate even sympathetic voters , if that grinning cunt doesn’t turn people’s stomachs they can always take their pick from a smorgasbord of the U.K.,s most disliked political Cunts like umunna, soubry, Nicky Morgan and amber dudd and Co, doddering old fool cables idea to host this band of turds inside the Lib Dem’s is even better, expect this ship of shite to replicate the titanic on her maiden voyage…….
He looks more like the Grinch every passing day. The cunt.
Yeah he hasn’t aged very well. All that constant grinning has creased his ugly face up. Laying about in the sun on his rich pal’s yachts hasn’t done his skin any favours either.
Skin cancer would be nice but as long as the cunt is dead, dead, dead I don’t fucking care. Run a stake through his heart, nail the coffin lid down and bury the bastard in concrete.
I like to believe we’ve played a role too by directing unrelenting psychic rage in his direction. When he does finally fuck off this rock for good I hope his trip to oblivion is slow and tormenting.
Partly disagree. The tan is usually fake. What’s done for his skin is the dry cabin air in the aircraft in which he spends much of his time. Possibly aided by the increased radiation at high altitude. Incidentally, on his last couple of outings he’s sounded very hoarse. I do hope it’s serious.
Apparently, throat cancer is extremely unpleasant, leaves the sufferer fighting for every (possibly last) breath. Any sort of cancer chez BLiar could surely just be labelled as cancer of the scrote.
Cable is retiring for the very reason that he’s likely going to promise something (to gain a few votes) he has not intention of delivering. It’s a standard lib dem practise. Same with Bliar, when did he hand the keys to that one eyed wanker? Right after he knew he’d fucked the finances and wouldn’t be able to deliver on the 3rd term manifesto promises.
Taking the worst bits of far left socialism (like free money to gimmis) and the worst bit of far right capitalism (like unfettered cheap labour to depress wages) and gluing them together does not “even you out” to a centrist, or a moderate. It makes you a double cunt.
Neoliberal = untrustworthy.
Moderate / centrist = neoliberal.
Cable = cunt moderate
Blair = untrustworthy centrist.
Only fire will solve our problem, and lots of it.
This man is fucking evil! He is to blame for what Britain has become… Military graves, terrorist attacks, closed pubs, smoking bans, grooming gangs, hordes of parking stan lees, peacefuls, bogo-bogos and eurofilth infesting the UK and its system, and now he’s trying to fuck up Brexit… If there was a British version of the devil, then Blair would be the closest thing we have ever got to it…
You forgot the Communications Act of 2003, that bastion of liberal democracy which polices what you’re allowed to say.
Cottaging cunt, I hope his ringpiece drops out.
Good afternoon.
Aye aye Jack me auld cunter.
Good afternoon.
Just 4 deep into a gift box of Corsendonk Summum Brood 8 Bruin courtesy of Lidl.
8% — well, it will get you there won’t it!
It’s Belgium beer but it’s lush. Hopefully made nowhere near Brussels!
Be careful with some B beer – I believe it is made by infection with natural airborne yeasts directly into the open vessels.
Christ only knows what we might be drinking.
After what my dermatologist in Vienna told me about my infection – “It’s a hot summer, and it’s in the air, everywhere. Loads of people have got it, not categorised as std.”
Well, I was relieved – but I wouldn’t pay to drink a pint that’s been brewed like that !!
Well my cock hasn’t fallen off…
Enjoy Rebel, enjoy.
Can’t someone kill this cunt?
I hate and despite Blair, and his ugly fucking missus. He should be in the Hague answering charges of genocide and being an arrogant cunt of the highest order. But instead he is still earning millions on the lecture circuit and talking bollocks that he really doesn’t believe in.
Come on ISIS, track down this cunt, slit his throat and throw him into the nearest shitfilled sewer!
ISIS may be backward, but I doubt even they would be foolish enough to kill a useful idiot as valuable to them as Blair.
And there is the truth.
All hail the cunt king ,the well spring from which ALL cuntishness comes, roll on the day its announced he is diagnosed with a particularly virulent form of cock cancer.
When he dies I might actually travel to wherever he’s buried or has his ashes interred to literally dance on his grave. With a cider in hand of course.
I shall meet you there OC .
Please turn your backs and preserve my modesty as I take a dump on that grave.
Oh, and he’s also the worst PM in our history by a considerable distance. Throw the fucker in a prison cell and let his fellow inmates deal with him – I’m sure they’d be happy to oblige.
The retarded fuckwits of Sedgefield have so fucking much to answer for in the part they have played in mass corruption and mass murder. To elect this fucking bastard once was a stupid cunt of a mistake. To elect the offensive piece of shit 3 times , is the hallmark of a rabid bunch of retarded fuckwit cunts.
Sedgefield still exists. It should be shovelled into the fucking sea as far as Im concerned. As for Blair no fate is too painful, too grotesque for the cunt. And for his spawn? Well now, something tells me that their names will no doubt be cunted on this site in the years to come. Satans shithole.!
Well I don’t live to far from Sedgefield and I can attest that it most certainly is a place where cousins go to marry!
Sedgefield was 59% for Brexit. Its present Blairite MP, Phil Wilson, voted remain, and has just opened a trust fund with the apparent intention of fighting Brexit. (Blair will be attending its fundraising evening on the 12th. October. Submit your names in advance: they’ll be throwing out Corbynites) Why did the constituency vote for Blair, or him? Because after the Northeast’s industry was trashed by Thatcher, they’d vote for a pig in a wig with a red rosette. Which I can understand.
The rot remains untreated.
Think of what would have happened if John Smith hadn’t died. We wouldn’t have had this cunt as PM. Think of that – a world with no Prime Minister Bliar! With no Afghanistan or Iraq! With no Communications Act or unlimited mass immigration! That’s the world I want to live in.
I’m blue as they come but compared to John “Bull” Major I’d have voted for John Smith.
Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER trusted that grin on a stick B.Liar and his nefarious hangers-on (Mandlecunt and CampbellEndCunt).
He died a couple years before I was born (incidentally, I was unfortunately born in Bliar’s election year which gives me an extra reason to despise the cunt) but my parents have always spoken highly of him. And that’s despite the fact the old man can’t stand Labour.
That’s BECAUSE your old man can’t stand Labour, I think. Tony’s no more Labour than Arron Banks. Labour was just a useful stepping-stone for the cunt, and he turned its principles upside-down to make sure of that.
In a way you are lucky being born in 1997, because you can’t remember the horrific scenes in London, as dawn rose John Prescott, the Les Dawson lookalike with a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, jigging up and down to the strains of “Things Can Only Get Bet-tar” and Mangeldbum the true queen of the May, looking as happy as if he had a dick up his arse (perhaps it was the butt plug, or the thought of gay days with his master?). I’ve often wondered if Mandy bottomed for Blair, or Blair for Mandy, or if they swapped. Then later in the morning the People’s Princess Queen Tony arriving made up like a heavy handed amateur dramatics pansy (I bet that’s where Lady Izzard first got the idea), arriving in Downing Street to shake the hand of especially selected pretty telegenic sambos and other effnics. Then of course the parade of the Blair Babes (Tony’s Tarts) all grins and wet knickers entranced as they met their pimp. Hattie Harman and Jacqui Smith creamed their Tenalady’s. It was a revolting day. Just imagine the horror if the slimy old cunt ever made it back there.
If he did I would honestly have to consider topping myself.
Come to think of it though its odd to think we’ve never had a Prime Minister Smith considering how common the name is.
More likely to be PM Khan or Waheed or Mohammed these days…
I’m sure I remember that not only did he pay his council tax on his house in Sedgefield on expenses but his fucking tele licence too. I mean, a gazillionaire. To me, it’s as shameless as robbing the grannie next door for your drug money. A total cunt. Shame you see, not one of them feels it, if I had done any of the things that he, Mandelson, Flabbot, vaz, Butler, Corbyn, Clegg, Bonio, I mean the list is endless, but if I had, I’d be ordering a revolver off the dark web to finish myself off. I genuinely don’t know how this lot can sleep at night. All psychopaths do you reckon?
Of course they’re psychopaths. They’re politicians.
Movement of moderates, Blair can you tell me what part of open door immigration was moderate? Likewise the cuntshuffle which is the human rights act.
Stupid cunt fuck off have you not made enough money. Hey, may not be wasted he could be a peace ambassador to the troubled youth gangs of Londonistan had a great record for peaceful shit in the Middle East if I remember.
Perhaps he’ll get a dose of *Monkey Pox*?
I feel more culturally enriched already.
Someone mentioned Dr Kelly. I’m not remotely a conspiracy theorist but this ain’t right. He was a God botherer by all accounts and would never have topped himself. He’d taken a few cocodamol and cut himself slightly. I remember a letter from a gaggle of cardiovascular experts having seen the evidence saying there’s no way he should have died. I wouldn’t trust Blair to tell me the time of day. The spooks murdered him. I don’t want to believe it, but I do.
Don’t think you need to be a conspiracy theorist when it comes to Kelly. Open and shut case imo.
Thorpe? Cyril Smith? Janner? Those cunts in Westminster always shield their own.
I think all the files are locked away for 50 years, which, for me, is usually good proof of burying any disagreeable truth.
To paraphrase Tom Lehrer;
“One man deserves the credit, one man deserves the blame,
and Anthony Charles Lynton Miranda Blair is his name.”
David Icke’s reptillian bastards (no offence Komodo) made flesh.
In that picture the latex mask looks like it’s about to fall off.
When the Bliars have a dinner party do they swallow small furry animals whole, “V” style?
Wouldn’t surprise me.
Utter, evil, monstrous cunt…
No offence at all, and thanks for the mention! As reptilian bastards go, the cunt isn’t even in the same league as me…
I’ve been following Blair’s antics for some time, and what reaches the public domain can be found here, for reference:
At risk of offending some further-right cunters, I’ll also mention George Monbiot’s Arrest Blair site (google it, as ISAC doesn’t like multiple URL’s) There is over £10K in the pot for anyone performing a citizen’s arrest on the cunt for war crimes. Caveat; I’d be inclined to arrest him on a solid holding charge such as misuse of position.
I’d also like to cunt some of his lesser-known friends: Michael (Junk Bond) Milken, Naguib Sawiris, on whose private jets Blair is a frequent flyer to Africa, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, president of Egypt, whose courts have just sentenced 75 peaceful protesters to death, and who employs Blair’s Institute, the royal families of Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Bahrain and particularly Saudi Arabia, which has just handed Blair £7M for image-massaging services – all known for their human rights record – not forgetting Bill Clinton and his contentious Foundation, unconvicted war-criminal Paul Kagame, president-until- 2034 of Rwanda and various Balkan sleazeballs. ‘Todoric’ is a good name to Google – Cherie’s defending him against an extradition warrant on charges of fraud and corruption – and another is ‘Ghita’. I leave it to you.
You can tell how interested the gigacunt is in anything remotely resembling democracy when you check out his cherished acquaintances
The true scale of this man’s overweening cuntitude will only be known when someone busts the security surrounding his activities, which are often conducted on a nod and wink by HMG. He cannot be cunted enough….but that is not enough.
With thanks to WC Boggs for again raising the matter.
Thanks for that. What will fascinate me til I croak, is how if the spotlight falls on you the world will have you, but for many, a number of ex Nazis for example, and Blair, Mandelson, they swan around without a care in the world as if they’re untouchable. Are they in league with the fucking Devil?
I’ve seen that Arrest Blair site. Never thought I’d actually agree with a guy like Monibot but hey, that’s just testament to the monumental cuntitude of the most evil man in Britain. He’s our very own Mr Burns or Blofield.
Tony Blair needs whipping with a sock full of piss. This cunt has destroyed safety for the world. Hopefully all the hairs on his arse turn into drum sticks and beat the shit out of him the cunt.
Fully agreed. My sheer, visceral hatred of the guy knows no bounds. I hold for him a pure, untrammeled anger for him the likes of which I reserve not even for the likes of Jones or Soros or Flabbot. I feel nothing but complete, utter, unrestrained fury for the cunt the likes of which I can’t even put into words.
I genuinely believe that TB is the Antichrist. I’m not a fatalist, but now that 20 years have passed, on reflection it becomes clearer than ever. What he set in motion is making the earth scorch and burn in ways we’re only just seeing the beginning of. I could weep that people keep having children – either they, or their descendants, are eventually going to get caught up in the most almighty holocaust in human history. Thanks in the main to this CUNT.
Hang Draw & Quater the cunt Never let this bastard into politics again he should be prosecuted for war crimes