The Royal College of Nursing

The Royal College of Nursing has now involved itself in the Brexit debate calling for a second referendum.

How it openly spits in the face of it’s members many of whom voted leave.

According to the RCN the NHS will fall apart post Brexit. It’s taken this glorified Union two years to reach that conclusion?

I’m proper fucked off with organisations speaking on behalf of people without bothering to represent what proportion of their membership support their view on Brexit.

It was a vote every eligible voter who felt strongly one way or another was free to participate in, the majority who voted chose leave! It was a UK wide vote for individuals so the SNP can fuck off as well.

All these organisations have achieved is weakening the UK’s hand in Negotiations. A bad deal or no deal will be directly attributable to the many cunts who have been undermining the Brexit process since the vote took place. If the UK is fucked post Brexit these remainer cunts will still blame exit voters and not acknowledged their part in our divided downfall.


Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

19 thoughts on “The Royal College of Nursing

  1. If we trained enough British nurses, we wouldn’t need anyone else’s. And who is responsible for training nurses? The name would seem to suggest the Royal College of Nursing. Correct me if I’m wrong, please.

  2. Of course the NHS will not fall apart post Brexit.

    We simply choose and give work permits to those who wish to come and work here and who have the necessary qualifications and experience to do so.

    We do not need to let in millions of unskilled, unqualified workers who have nothing to offer for this to happen.

    How fucking hard is that for the NHS to understand.

    • Of course one of the main reason the NHS needs foreign nurses is to cope with the hordes of other foreigners coming to this country and using all our public services. Fix the immigrant problem and everything becomes easier.

  3. All the institutions and corporations lamenting Brexit because of a smaller potential employee pool to choose from can go fuck themselves.

    Skills shortage. Worker shortage. This is merely the institutions and corporations whailing because the easy cheap option is about to vanish.

    Train up and invest in those already here, you cheap cunts.

    • Curbing immigration and taking the necessary steps to put unemployed Britons back to work would benefit the country as a whole. For starters, it would reduce the cost of providing social security benefits whilst simultaneously increasing tax revenues. But that’s only the start: the retail sector would benefit from a greater number of people having enhanced purchasing power, which in turn would also ensure that additional sums were raised for HM Treasury via indirect taxation. The NHS would be the recipient of a double-whammy, firstly through an easing of demand for services commensurate with lower population growth, on top of which a reduction in the number of unemployed people should lead to an overall improvement in sickness rates, further easing pressure. Other public services, such as social work and education, would likewise benefit.

      Alas, it’ll never happen.

      • Steady on there Sterling… that sounds suspiciously like Common Sense to me. Presume you’re a fully paid up member of RWAC’s party…?

      • Too logical and sensible Sterling.

        Those in power would never go for it.

        Since when has the government ever done anything that makes the slightest sense.

  4. This EU loving government has made sure we have to nick other countries nurses because 2 years ago they made would be nurses, midwives and health visitors start paying for their tuition and training. Who the fuck is going to pay 40 grand to end up working like a dog for fucking peanuts?
    Oh no, we’ll nick nurses from the poor countries of the world. Er…… but don’t the poor people need nurses even more than we do Minister? Oh, we’ll just send them some Foreign Aid….don’t worry about it…… we know what we’re doing.
    Of course they do….. fuck up the NHS so our pals from Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan can move in and suck up all that taxpayers money. Lovely Jubbly!
    The RCN are right, but right for the wrong reason. They’ve been mugged off and done up like a kipper. In or out it’s going to happen anyway.

  5. When my auntie was matron at Booth Hall Hospital in Manchester she had no problem with or getting commonwealth nursing staff… Indians, Aussies, Caribbean, Hong Kong etc… You name ’em, and there were plenty willing to do the work and do it well… Commonwealth labour should still take priority over the EU lot and British labour definitely should… The Royal Cunts of Nursing are complete wankers, it’s fucking outrageous and my auntie would be turning in her grave….

  6. My recent experience of hospital was:
    British nurses, doctors, porter, x-ray staff.
    2 Asian doctors
    Chinese doctor
    1 Spanish nurse. One. So that’s 1 EU national out of a dozen or so people I was involved with.
    If outside EU nationals can work in the NHS then why the fuck shouldn’t European nationals work in the NHS? Brexit is fucking irrelevant for this particular scare story.
    The biggest problem is the fall in value of the pound against the Euro thanks to Osborne, Carney, the CBI and their mates in the city.

  7. “Washington without John McCain is a lesser place. He was a human landmark; an American hero whose broken body personified the Land of the Brave. The BBC provides a striking example of Vichy journalism:”

    John Pliger… Not a cunt, greatest journalist ever, and still at it….

  8. All unions are cunts. Here’s an idea – TRAIN OUR OWN! There’s no reason why we can’t train our own doctors and nurses to the same standard when we’re one of the most developed countries in the world!

  9. It was the RCN that destroyed Nursing in the UK in the first place, and orchestrated the implemetation of “pay up ” or be unemployed. By the way, most of its fees are either a) Invested ( but no cunt knows why b) To the legions of Barristers and “consultant advisors” it retains. The RCN is a cunt, a fucking cunt, and is responsible for nearly all of the ills in the profession. Fucking bastards.

  10. As I’ve said before, no cunt in power is prepared (or dares) to identify the demand side of any bastard fucking resource in this country as being THE issue.

    Scarcity of housing, bursting classrooms, roads chock-a-block and the jewel in the shitstorm: the N H fucking S!

    Well I’ve had my fill of it!

    Every fucking cunting resource in this country is stretched to fuck because of pointless immigration – whether from the EU or from Africunt shitholes or by the absolutely fucking ludicrous concept that if one cunt gets here then the rest of their (invariably distended) family gets to come too!


    If HM Govt were that keen on Doctors and Nurses we’d grow our fucking own but the truth of the matter is that most places in medicine goes to the lucrative foreign student business.

    UK and USA medical teaching schools are considered the very best in the world and yet – even with all of the correct exams results – it is fucking nigh on impossible for our own to get places in these colleges unless they are silver-spoon fuckers or have family in Government.

    I know this to be true as my nephew had to fight tooth and nail and work like a cunt to get into one of these fucking places while the RoW’s future Dougie Howser’s are welcomed in with open arms (so long as they have open cheque books too).

    And here’s the fucking irony of it all: after 2yrs internship the indigenous ones fuck off out of the UK while the RoW flotsam (not trained here) flood in en-masse to bolster the creaking NHS because there are too many cunts here with artificially inflated population number because – SURPRISE SURPRISE – of unchecked pointless immigration!

    So, let’s pay for our own to be trained in our own colleges and tithe them to a term of service (not uncommon in military circles). Any spaces left then we’ll happily let RoW aspiring doctors pay for their qualifications and hopefully do good in their own – and no doubt – needy countries.

    However, as much as this idea is common sense, it will only EVER work if the DEMAND side of the equation is checked as well.

    So – all you Remoaning NHS cunts – instead of crying about Brexit and the myth that it will impact of the SUPPLY side of the equation, how about investing that effort in campaigning to HM Govt to “grow our own” NHS numbers instead of paying eye-watering amounts for relocating foreign Doctors and locums, foreign Doctors and locums much needed – no doubt – in their own countries, and arguing that the demand side (inflated by a pointless and – to be fair – unworthy immigration policy) is fucking ridiculous.

    How novel is that?

    Alas it’s too common sense to be palatable to neo-liberal leftists like Owen cunt Jones and racist Labour bastards like Abbott – wanting their guaranteed vote (while the rest of the country turns into a foreign shithole).

    Fucking sell-out cunts!

  11. I voted to remain. However, even if leave had won by one vote then that is that.
    Am now a staunch leave supporter.

    Would happily ram an EU flag up James O’Brian’s arsehole.


  12. How, pray, can something in shredded tatters fall even further apart?

    What the Marxist Cunts mean is, “We haven’t got enough money for staff diversity indoctrination”.

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