There are some people out there who really do need to get a life and this one of them.
Siobhan O’Dwyer who petulantly slammed Qantas after a flight attendant mistakenly called her Miss instead of Doctor has hit back at trolls who have mocked her for having ‘first world problems.’
She has a PhD in Philosophy and is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter medical school. She said the incident would never have happened if she was a man. Well that’s bullshit isn’t it.
In the original post Dr O’Dwyer said ‘Hey @Qantas my name is Dr O’Dwyer. My ticket says Dr O’Dwyer. look at my ticket, look at me, look back at my ticket decide it’s a typo and call me Miss O’Dwyer. I did not spend 8 years at university of be called Miss.’
She defended her post, saying it was not about ego, but rather ‘highlighting one of a thousand instances of sexism that women encounter every day’. More bullshit. It’s about her ego.
What is it with these fucking academics that makes them feel so self important?? Proof positive that just because you’re highly educated you’re not necessarily highly intelligent.
Grow up you daft cunt…
Nominated by Dioclese
Thanks for introducing me to this entitled harpie Dioclese… not.
I bet she didn’t spend 8 years at uni to be called cunt either, but it’s happening.
Miss Cunty McCuntface.
Is she O’Irish, by any chance.
Knew a similar F years ago, O’Irish, doing a doctorate (Univerity Cuntabrigiensis, no less) in some pointless “-ology.”
Another right gobby cow.
I have a BA, but don’t expect anyone to address me as Bachelor. If I had a Master’s degree, I wouldnt expect to be addressed as “Master”, either. It’s something about the “doctor” tag that triggers them.
Oddly, medics can’t wait to be referred to as Mr, Mrs, M/i.s/s, and drop “Dr.” as it apparently means you’te higher up the tree, and Dr. is a description, rather than a title.
And as the Monty Python Aussies said…
“Philosophy’s for poofters.”
Daft bint.
Ahh the snowflakery just keeps mutating like some aggressive malignant cancer.
I’ve just read an article from last weeks ST magazine entitled ‘The making of Generation Snowflake’ and the following extract nearly made me piss myself.
‘What happened to the generation of ‘68, when Columbia’s radical students occupied university buildings in Harlem and fought with Police to protest against the rise of gentrification? In just over a generation they’ve moved from marching with Black Panthers to petting therapy labradors called Mollie’
Booooom, bring on the Revolution!
I read that too. Safe spaces and petting dogs. Fuck me.
In the long ago, when I went to uni if you failed first year and were about to be fucked off for being a bone idle stoner your only recourse to stay out of having to earn a living on your feet was to transfer to philosophy, women’s studies or aboriginal studies (taught by white grey beards, written a 100 years ago by white grey beards and I’m reliably informed by native folk completely made up bollocks, usually for a laugh).
This cunt reminds me of the old cadging perpetual students whom could never earn a living and just did degree after degree in uselessness never having to pay back the state.
Yes, I think we all know of at least one useless ‘perpetual student’ cunt who either hid away in university, collecting worthless degrees in pointless subjects. Or failing that, never actually completing a course at all.
Usually hard left wing and found dossing in halls of residence, spouting Marx and scrounging everyone else’s drugs.
A whimpering ponce of a walking speech impediment cunt who runs away to Australia and now works in IT.
The useless cunt
Fuck me ive just had a proper look at her and she looks like my sister, after reading your post Dio I didn’t think I could hate her anymore but bugger me, I can and I do.
Same kind of thing…..I did some tree work for a bloke who got upset when the lads just called him Mr. Simpson. He’d been in the army years ago and thought that he should still be addressed as Capt. Simpson. Told the cunt that we also did a lot of work for a retired Brigadier who, when we first turned up, introduced himself to everyone as “Peter” and was a real Gentleman. If using a christian name for a Brig. was acceptable, I felt sure that the good Capt. would survive being called “Mister”. That knocked the wind out of the jumped-up fucker’s sails.
Fuck him.
So does this mean everyone has to call her “Doctor”, even her friends and neighbours?
She really is a stupid cunt and I hope when she gets gang banged by 15 peacefuls the local plod stand back and let them get on with it for fear of calling the entitled slag, “Miss”
Would have thought she might have used the “Do you know who I am” line that most of the pretentious jumped up pricks use.
And why would it not have happened to a man?
Daft bitch.
I remember seeing signs in pub windows which read ‘No blacks or Irish’ I liked those times. (Peacefulness hadn’t even been heard of then)
“ Defended her post by saying it wasn’t about ego “ ? Oh really!
What a pathetically small minded uppity bitch!
Well that’s the Aussies for you……bloody rude and no respect for women.
Now get that top off and show us your tits you little tart!
Obviously that time of the month, fucking cunt grow up, she could well be in transistion though, I have my suspicions
Fuck me. Imagine living in a world so up your own arse that this matters.
Wouldn’t have happened to a man, my arse. They’d probably have called him,er, you know, ‘Mr’, and it would just have been by mistake, as it was with you, ‘Doc’. Sexism, honestly! This was ALL about your hugely inflated sense of self importance, you facile cow.
A superb piece of cunting Dioclese, straight at the jugular of one pompous, jumped up little madam.
I’ve seen 3 photos of her on tinternet carrying home made protest signs:
We stand together
Don’t let retirement become a myth
Fuck knows what all that is about but obviously she is a professional snowflake, always looking for an injustice to protest about. Well she’s found one that got her in the papers so she must be well happy now.
Fucking soppy bitch.
The only person I call “Doctor” is the one who treats me when I’m sick.
A Doctor of Philosophy might get a “Professor” out of me but only if I respect him.
Otherwise it’s Mr. or Ma’am
What if she had been hospital consultant she would expect to be called Miss then, you can’t win with some feckers
She’d still be called cunt.
If she condiders not being addressed as a Doctor, when she is a Doctor, such an horrendous life changing event, maybe she needs to look at the cards life has dealt others.
My mate was involved in a serious accident, resulting in a complete and permanent loss of speech and was paralysed from the waist down,
and does he make a song and dance about it?
Does he fuck….
You would have thought there’d be a cure for dyslexia by now.
It’s not exactly brian sugary….
Another Grenfell victim banged up today for…..Er……not actually being a victim.
90 grand this cunt pissed up the wall.
This must be the most expensive fire in history.
I fucking despair of this country Freddie.
Actually for most of the day if the truth be known.
The expression on your face says it all Willie…
Surprised Dog Biscuit and his munchkins haven’t done a new version of ‘The Unforgettable Fire (Grenfell Mix)’….
Grenfell Fraud cases so far
Anh Nhu Nguyen £12,500 jailed 21 months
Joyce Msokeri- £19,000- jailed 4 and a half years
Tommy Brooks and Elaine Douglas more than £125,000- jailed 3 years each
Mohammed Gamoota £5,000 + free hotel stay- total £6784- jailed18 months
Yonatan Eyob £87,000- jailed 6 years
Jenny McDonagh, (a former boss at Kensington and Chelsea) £62,000- to be sentenced
Many, many more greedy amoral bastards court cases soon to follow that you will be read about. And many more that you wont, because they simply will not be reported.
Kensington and Chelsea council. Incompetent gullible fuckers aren’t they.
When I learnt to swim at 1ry school, there used to be signs up at the baths stating “No petting”…
I guess with the goat-botherers, the signs will become relevant again.
If I were to convert, would I get my own free goat?
It would have to be a looker to tempt me to convert.
What pisses me off with old hags like this one is the way they try to pretend it is not about them, but she is making a stand for wimminkind as a whole, when this is plainly not the truth.
The little tart is a hypocrite – a bit like those millionaire Remainers who pretend they are making a stand for *ordinary* people, when in truth all they are doing is speaking for themselves. I wonder how many times she got pissed during those 8 years at university, probably at our expense?
the way they try to pretend it is not about them, but she is making a stand for wimminkind as a whole, when this is plainly not the truth.
As Hillary did.
Why she lost.
Just read a little about this storm in a tea cup , after all the criticism a colleague of paper thin skinned O’dwyer called DOCTOR!! Saunders has jumped to her defense calling the trolls? ( people that think she’s overacting) Out for anti intellectualism??
With friends like this pompous Cunt who need enemies?
Needs………… ?
Another cunt with a cunt.
A flight attendant failed to call the petulant slut Doctor? That sort of thing happens to me all the time.
Last run in I had with the police they addressed me as “Oy, come over here.”
Yet I’m a Doctor of Psychotic Enlightenment ffs!
Did I make a complaint? Fuck no, I just said “Sorry, it won’t happen again.”
Did my harrasser complain of not being called ‘Officer’? Of course fucking not. Nor was he wearing nail varnish at the time.
Uppity tart – someone needs to don a pair of golf shoes and kick her highfalutin chuff in.
Lets cut the confusion. Beef or chicken you obnoxious cunt.
Senior lecture at a medical school?
Put her in a busy A&E on a Friday night or a fun-packed GP practice. She honestly then shouldn’t give a squirting Cowpers Gland what she was called after having to do a real doc’s work. If that is all this silly bint has to complain about then I would say her cunting was very well deserved indeed.
I hope the Quantas Koala took a shit in her in-flight shepherd’s pie.
Surely a cue for our great Komodo to do some projectile vomiting…
Surely these cunts can only go so far before the real world takes over and puts the fucking boot in. Dear Dr O’Dwyer can you write me a prescription for some temazepam, if the answers a no then your doctorship or whatever it’s called is worth fuck all in my eyes.
At the same those unsung heroes who have come up with a possible cure for someone’s son or daughters Leukaemia then please step forward and get your damehood or knighthood notification. Oh sorry you can’t make Buckingham Palace your to busy being real doctors.
“Dr Evil, I didn’t spend six years in evil medical school for nothing!”
Airlines check if self-nominated Drs are actually medical doctors, and for those that aren’t:
(i) staff address them by general honorifics to avoid confusion and
(ii) if they make a fuss are addressed as ‘Cunt’ instead.
(Obviously) the bigger issue here is that in Inggris (and Strine), there is no soft B.
So if the hostie tried to pronounce her first name as written it would have sounded as “See yob Han”; which I am sure would ended with an in-flight tasering of Ms “locked and loaded offense taker”.
If at departure Qantas Staff had spelt it phonetically (“Shivvorn”) the tasering would occur instead in the check-in hall.
I will go further if I may Dioclese.This woman is a jackass. A jackass who has spent much of her adult life in the ivory tower of acadmeia. In other words, she has arrested development. Secondly the daft snowflake cunt ( first use of this word) seems to think that hiding away in academia while the rest of us strive to make ends meet in the real world, by working real jobs as oppossed receiving grants from Governments, sorry I meant to say , receiving money from other people who are up at 6 and working all day fucking long to keep this cunt ( second use) in the luxury she has become accustomed to, is some sort of accolade( see ‘I didn’t work at university for 8 years to be called Ms). Fuck you you dopey cow and fuck off if you ever come to me for a job you stupid entitled bitch.