
I would like to cunt India.

Fed up of hearing and reading how its gonna “overtake the West” with cutting edge IT and massively successful industry.

Utter bollocks. Won’t happen.

This is the same place that still relies on 70 year old ex-British Empire railway infrastructure ; suffers power cuts most summers because too many fuckers are illegally tapping it or have bought aircon units so the power network can’t cope.

Today there’s news of 300 odd drowned in the annual (and thus entirely predictable) monsoons (which is really 500 cos they don’t really give enough of a shit to count the bodies properly). Buildings and bridges fall down with monotonous regularity in a way the Italians would envy!

Hilarious when Guy Martin once visited that truck stop where these 10 Rupees a day old biddies were cutting up trucks to cannibalise and put back on the roads-bald tyres and all- perfectly legally !! Looming over them was this huge mountain of unprocessed, steaming pile of shit!!!

I went there 25yrs ago and said to the missus that it would still be the same shitheap in Year 2100 and I know I was being generous.

99% of the population scrape by hand to mouth ; 1% live the life of Riley on the back of it. Open sewers everywhere; rubble; litter; heat; flies; begging; poverty. The Ganges is a polluted dead river, a blot on the landscape.

Yes, India is a venerable cunt sized, world class dump.

Nominated by Isaac Hunt

43 thoughts on “India

  1. But that’s okay because the UK still insists on handing over billions in “foreign aid” to these backward shithole countries, while at the same time millions of these “doctors, engineers, IT whizzkids and scientists” end up over here trying to turn our towns and cities into the same fly-infested shitholes as they have over there.

    It all makes perfect fucking sense!


    • Indeed not, she’s all womsn, just like the other paragon of athletic feminine beauty Caster Semenya.
      Once thing’s for sure though: s/he is sure one uppity jigab00.

  2. The Indians aren’t generally the problem in the UK. It is the Joe Dakis. All of the Indians I know are hard-working, family-orientated, successful Sikhs who integrate and they look after me in business too.

    The Joe’s (Mudslimes) seem to be a tad workshy and have a habit of turning everywhere they inhabit into veritable manure holes.

    I agree the splurging of tens of billions of pounds to India needs to stop. The Indians did tell the Tories they didn’t need our aid.

    • Agree completely with the above sentiment re: Indians Vs Parking Stanleys.

      The former integrate, work hard and make a positive contribution to society.

      The latter don’t.


      Speaking of “peaceful cultural enrichment”…

      I see a stabby “peaceful” Afghan immo kicked off in Paris injuring several with a knife and iron bar before taking one upside the head with an accurately thrown boule.

      The AL-BEEB’s slant is that there is no evidence that it is an act of terror or is in any way associated with the religion of “peace”.

      Just another one of those misunderstood types then I guess…


      When will the countries of Europe realise that this scum are the biggest threat to our society – both imported and homegrown – and need to be dealt with post haste!

      Poland has the right idea.

      • The Left will find a reasoned excuse for his behavior – the usual racist abuse, feeling isolated and lonely, misunderstood, etc.

        Inevitably the libtards will want to bring him to this country – perhaps Lilly Allen will take him in, so that he can make a fresh start with his fucked up life!

  3. Having grown up in Leicester I can say that Parkistarn, as al-Jabeebies calls it, is a cunt. There’s evidence of the exported animated sewage everywhere. The Sikhs and Indians are smart, they left a shit heap behind and get on with it. The Falarakis are just into sub slave wives and breeding worse thsn rabbits. We need to out breed the cunts.

  4. It’s a wierd conundrum… India as a country may be a shithole, but in my experience the Indian community in the UK (my missus is of Indian descent) are generally hard working and highly aspirational, much more so than their white counterparts.

    My wife’s parents and siblings (her sister married a Yank and is an American citizen, her brother married a Jap and lives in Japan) have never claimed benefit or been involved in crime. And the older generation mistrust and sometimes despise the peacefuls more than many posting here.

    For what it’s worth my missus also considers India to be somewhat a shithole and though not religious she thanks God daily she was born in the UK. She also believes on balance the British did more good than harm in India, as do many of her relatives, even those living there.

    I suspect much of India’s problem is down to their rigid Cast system, religious mumbo-jumbo, and powerful belief in fate.

    • Brits colonizing India was not some evil thing most lefties would convince you of, we brought modernity and tried to bring civility to it, we didn’t rape the resources and bleed the country dry, although some government corruption did happen. We lost money on colonizing them

      • Don’t agree we lost money colonising them – India was not known as the jewel in the crown of the British Empire for nothing.

        Agree with your assessment otherwise.

  5. India is indeed a monumental shithole, with the rich and powerful living back to back with the impoverished. It is possible to walk down an open sewer passing mansions and hovells within a few yards of each other. My Colleague ( Indian) has always told me that India’s wealth, is its poverty. What other country uses its peasants as arsewipes?
    I have seen racism beyond belief, barbarism, even killings over an egg! India as a global leader? Nah ! Not in this dimension. Its a shithole. A bit like Barnsley on a friday morning.

  6. The place is a fucking dump… Polluted to high heaven (even the supposedly sacred Ganges), more rapes than Sweden (well, almost), and parts of it are virtually lawless… Went to shit when the British left and hasn’t recovered since…

    That said though, the Indians in Britain are mostly top people… They came here, learned the language, attempted to adapt and integrate, and they bloody worked…. They also despise the peacefuls and parking stan lees as much as we do….

  7. Novak Djokovic was asked about Serena Williams’ outbursts after he won a third men’s US Open title on Sunday…. ‘The Umpire should not have pushed Williams to the limit’ he said… – So, is Djokovic scared of the prospect of a raging and rampaging Mighty Joe Williams at his door? Or is he just yet another snowflake diversity loving pussywhipped cunt? Probably both…. Twat…

    • Having heard the exchange, from what I could tell, the umpire never responded to her vile harpy attack, kept his cool, then simply gave the cunt her penalty as the silly arrogant cow kept hanging herself. The way the White Knights are sticking up for her is as low and shameless as it gets. Spineless cunts.

      • That fine was a mere slap on the wrist – £13k out of £1.4million prize money? Peanuts.

        Shemale sub-primate bitch no doubt considered it well worth every penny. Wussy fucking umpire.

    • “Mighty Joe Williams”


      As soon as anyone believes themselves bigger than the sport they represent it’s time for that person to retire.

      Carlos Ramos is considered the finest tennis umpire in the world today and to mark him as being sexist or waycist is a nonsense.

      Well Serena, I hope your consolatory glass of wine helped with the disappointment. I hear it was a good vintage made from pure sour grapes!

      • Grand slam tennis is a cunt, especially the elite cunts who turn up for the final.

        The umpire was spot on. Selena’s coach cheated. He admitted to it. Whether she saw it or not is irrelevant, as is his comment “everyone does it”. This is against the rules.

        Disgraceful fucking rich American scum should be ashamed of themselves.

        The presentation ceremony should have been about the tournament winner Osaka, but instead the partisan tossers in the crowd decided to ruin what should have been a joyous moment for her.

        Fucking disgrace. But what else do you expect from rich up themselves yanks.


      • When I was a kid I loved tennis. Our school (pretty fucking far from a silver spoon gaff) had its own courts which doubled for netball.

        After I left school I never played again untill around 6yrs ago where I found a local club which charged the princely sum of £35 quid to use their excellent and partitioned courts.

        £35 a year that is!

        And if you had no gear racquets and balls were provided.

        Like golf, tennis is perceived as a rich man’s sport, and yes if you’re vacuous enough to want to be a member of Wimbledon LTC or Wentworth GC then you’re probably one of the over-rich cunts in society, but at the grass-roots level both tennis and golf can be enjoyed even on a tight budget.

        So don’t consign all tennis and golf players to the cunt list. Most are just ordinary Joe’s like a lot of cunters on here (Sir Limply excluded o’course) and who often pay far less per month for their chosen hobby than what most folk piss away on a night on the booze (that no one bats an eye at).

        Just saying.


    • We can conduct Serenas conduct on the tennis court until the cows come home, but I doubt a man here could deny she was fantastic in ‘the green mile’.

  8. Indian fucking call centres. Hello, I’m Brian, stop you there Gupta you lying cunt. The abuse you get back fucking brilliant. Mums 80, gets loads despite the TPS thing. Pay us 500 quid to fix the computer problem we’ve detected. Here’s a thing, Brian, she doesn’t have a fucking computer. They’re totally open about the scamming of course, perfectly acceptable career for the amoral bastards. Getting Yanks to top themselves after lying to them that they owe the IRS 5 grand and will shortly get a knock on the door. Fuck I hate these vermin.

    • I love Indian classical music. Ever since the Beatles and George’s Within You Without You. However, Hinduism is a cunt.

      • Hinduism is indeed a cunt, and a wide playing-field for charlatans. And the gullible are thicker on the ground in India than anywhere I can think of.

        Still, religion in general’s a bit of a cunt IMO. Can’t see much to choose between a god creating Eve out of a spare rib* and a god who is a blue elephant with eight arms. Each to their own.

        *he didn’t get her mitochondrial DNA from anything formerly in Adam, at any rate. Trickery was undoubtedly involved.

  9. “This is the same place that still relies on 70 year old ex-British Empire railway infrastructure”

    Also the same place where street shitting is still a thing…, the dirty fuckers mostly avoid available to use toilets and just shit wherever they want too many people not enough toilets

    Also the same place where cows are considered divine but the gange river is filled to the brim with toxic biohazard waste!

  10. The funniest are the Western Hippie Cunts who flock to India for spiritual enlightenment and to find the meaning of human existence.All the cunts have to do is take some LSD and they could save themselves the expense and hassle of risking their health and wealth in a Turd World shithouse. The Injuns did have a great civilization once-but like the Greeks and Egyptians they peaked far too early and its been a downhill sprint for the past 2,000 years.India is best summed up by Bollywood-full of beautiful actresses that dont look nothing like 99.9 % of ordinary Injun women,basically a giant illusion.

  11. The Indians are only interested in lining their pockets that’s why they don’t give a fuck about paying taxes infrastructure and environment. Nothing has never produced anything other than snide crap.

  12. India might be a shithole but there is hope and progress. They are not shackled to Islam and the Indians I have worked with have generally been bright and resourceful.

    • Have never worked with any Indians however totally agree from those that I know. Hard working, diligent and as you say resourceful.

      I know that Indian parents want the best for their children and work hard to instil a high level of work ethic, whether it be in educational study or in the workplace. My son plays competitive badminton and many young players are Indian. From what I can see generally very decent people who are relatively happy to integrate into the British way of life.

      Very much wanted to visit India, never did, and looking back actually relieved that I did not go. My mother and father went in the early 1990’s, my mother was particularly shocked at the extreme filth, poverty, begging and harassment resulting in her spending much time in her hotel.

      From what I have seen on travel documentaries India seems to be a complete shithole with too many people with fuck all fighting to stay alive. Being born there into a poor family and low caste would certainly not be the best recipe for a great life as I suspect no way of escaping their situation.

      • I’m just waiting for that unbearable slaphead pissflap Chukup Omunha to declare the caste system to be ‘institutionally racist’. I’m not holding my breath…

  13. Agreed, they have a space programme which we’re paying for. How that benefits this country is something I haven’t managed to work out. Maybe the four billion pounds we’ve given to Africa will help them to develop space programmes too. If it means that immigrants from these third-world shitholes will be sent into space rather than here, it’ll all start to make sense.

  14. Delightful, but this only accunts for India being a shithole, not a cunt. See, it’s a cunt because it breeds its citizens like lab mice, these (often diseased) citizens then act like they’re Vishnu’s gift to the universe and spread like dust to every nook and cranny of the fucking world and then act like they’re doing YOU a favor for it all. Also, they’re cunts for conning the world into believing they speak English (talking to you asslips, corporate call centers) when, in fact, it’s a intentionally garbled parody of what they think Victorian English was. If they were so cunting world class and modern, they would be able to recognize this.

    (This goes for Pakis and Bangladeshis, too…I should specify this cunting is for the former Raj, not simply India. )

  15. I fucking love India, been there plenty of times and always had a blast!
    Agreed the majority of big cities are shit holes but get out of them and it’s a great country especially up North and into the mountains, excellent food and even better drugs all for next to nothing and the cunts love their cricket. Never had a problem with the people or the country so can’t really agree on it’s cunting i’m afraid.

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