What the fuck possesses some people to Dress up their four year old sprogs in a fucking waistcoat or tux or ballroom dress just because they are leaving their pre school or nursery and going to the big wide and dangerous world of reception class in September. This is cuntishness of the highest order. You can bet Cuntbook will be alive with pictures posted of some smug little four year old prince with parted hair holding hands with some princess in a fucking meringue with some sappy caption underneath.
To coin a phrase from a well known poster on this site, my piss is boiling at the sheer fucking, look at me, ineptitude of these cuntish parents. And while I’m at it please add an extra cunting to the the grandparents who buy them a fucking graduation gift. They should know fucking better.
Nominated by Cuntsince1066
Yet another gift from those good ol’ translantic boys. Utterly over the top dogshit. Bear in mind many of the poor kids are just about 4 years old so they won’t have any idea what this poop is all about.
Just an excuse for precious parents to indulge themselves and probably willy wave to others just how considerably richer and successful they are than all of the other scum-spec parents.
Designed by cunts and attended and enjoyed by overindulgent cunts. A true spectacle of cuntitude.
And most if not all PM raised in Gluten, germ free, dish washing yogurt pots of parents. What’s very sad, is these germ free, liberal musketeers of parents, are laying their offspring wide open to Leukaemia, due to lack of immune defences necessary to fight diseases. (BBC news, not so long ago.)
Rolf Harris is free to do the entertainment.
I understand his didgerdy doo, is primed and ready for action again, the dirty old cunt!
Not to mention his Jake the peg with an extra leg encore
Forgotten about that one KC! ( never quite worked out how he did it though ? )
Viagra of course! He’s also getting 2 little boys and asking them to tie his kangaroo down. If the police catch him again he will claim he was just passing by
A school nearby, is seriously considering introducing “Sorority’s” to engender sisterhood among women and to “afford them protection “. Against what is not stated. Pre school balls are exactly that ! A load of Balls !
It’s a classic chav battle.
Skanky whore mothers battling other skanky whore mothers to see which turd polishes up the best.
Meanwhile another vulnerable child murdered by loving parent following months of abuse – right under the noses of PC Social Services, after 15 home visits!
No-one held to account of course, CUNTS! Lessons will be learned again…
Gays. That’s why nobody dared question the catalogue of abuse that preceded the child’s murder.
I’ll never accept that children should be raised in a “Gay” household.
The cost of so-called progressiveness is never borne by those who promote it.
Don’t disagree with that Dick… but what is worse, in their PC haste to place the child with a Gay the Social Services appear to have turned a blind eye to signs of their prospective client’s psychopathic tendencies.
Following every seemingly preventable tragedy, PC authorities assure “lessons have been learned and it must not be allowed to happen again.”
As long as they continue to push their PC, social engineering agenda, it’s fucking GUARANTEED to happen again!
Gay adopter? Perfect!
Psychopath? No worries… so long as he’s not lying about being gay.
Subsequent catalogue of abuse? Accidents happen. Baby to blame – falling down stairs, breaking legs and constantly walking into doors all part and parcel of a healthy family life.
Social Services – another common sense free zone. Cunts.
Agree with everything that has been said on this subject, and sadly even we on this hallowed site are fearful to call these cunts what they truly are (queers ) not gays.
I used to oversee the books for certain departments in children’s services of a local authority in the northwest before I fucked it all off and retrained as a Quantity Surveyor. And the amount of money that was squandered on paying for taxis, meals out, fun activities, B&B’s, interpreters, court proceedings, counselling, mediation…..You name it, they pay for it. All this and more for countless refugees and indigenous bagheads whose lives are so fucked up and chaotic that they aren’t allowed near their enormous brood of children. Yet all this is forked out because it’s supposedly in the interest of the families. The sheer amount of money pissed away by just one LA in one year is enough to make you dizzy. If people were actually aware of how much money is wasted by social services there would be riots, mark my words.
“Passed the rigorous adoption process.”
Rigorous my arse. He was a fucking gay which makes him a hero in the world of the libtard. They would have been falling over themselves to make it easy for this “victim” of society.
If the cunt had been a smoker or a member of UKIP……….no fucking chance!
As a poof I tend to agree.
It’s depressing how schools (or in this case pre-schools) have become institutions of complete and utter cuntitude. From infesting them with gender-bending politics, to cotton-wool sickly schemes just like this ‘pre-school ball’ heap of unearthly shite, is it any wonder that we are turning out a conveyor belt of blue-chip millenial cunts?
I also can’t believe that schools would enable events that allow the more wealthy parents to show off in such a crass fucking manner. I’m curious to know whether these grad ball events are commonplace in pre-schools or just limited to a select few bastions of cunt – eitherway, what a fucking monumental load of rollocks.
Don’t forget the “gender neutral” bogs. Yet another waste of time and money
There are now over forty schools in the UK, TECB, who have a gender free ruling. GIRLS are no longer allowed to wear skirts!! Only trousers, and even in the hot weather. More than a hundred schools haven’t sunk that low….errr…. their gender free policy allows girls to wear skirts, and boys also. Mmmm, kilt lifting set to increase in Scottish playgrounds?
When I was very young and my parents couldn’t get the regular babysitter, they would draft in some weird old uncle to keep an eye on us, a real filthy cunt.
Every time without fail he would come shuffling out of the bathroom and say…”I’d give it five minutes if I was you”…
That’s how long it took my little sister to find her knickers and stop crying….
I’ve seen “Carrie”. Apparently Graduation Balls can actually have a really positive outcome. I’m all for them.
One hopes there’s a rebel in the ranks who decides to accidentally fudge his huggies and stink out the whole charade.
To borrow a phrase from G. Carlin, this is nothing more than sophisticated child abuse.
More modern day imported bollocks!
They can cock off……..
utter nonsense… ?
If we’re going to import American culture into our schools let’s go all the way and bring in school massacres. Pick out a couple of likely lads, give them semi-automatic weapons and let them get on with it. There are too many people in this country anyway.
Of course you can’t do it in peaceful schools……..they’ll turn the fucking things on us.
It’s this miasma of enforced: “We’re all friends!” – just being forced on kids made to be automatons at an even earlier age by the neo-liberal teaching Stasi.
So basically setting kids up for huge falls throughout their lives before even entering adulthood.
Leave nursery “Happy Happy” enter infant school where is lasts 2 minutes before some cunt kicks or bites you until the teaching Stasi build up the “Happy Happy” delusion again just before you’re off to junior school, then high school, then college, then university.
All they’re doing is preparing their kids for huge falls in real world life where not everyone is “Nicey Nicey Happy Happy”, no, most people are cunts. There IS a social structure, and no cunt owes you ANYTHING that you can’t fucking earn yourself!
Throughout my school years from infancy through Polyversity I always knew those kids I would be friends with, those who I’d play with – but not much beyond that – and those who I couldn’t abide.
This is very natural and it is this human nature that the neo-liberal fascist educational Stasi are trying to eradicate, much to the detriment of society as a whole.
I carried my impressions of folk – learned in my formative years – throughout my life and that has given me intuition enough to know – within 5 minutes of meeting them – if I like, tolerate or hate them.
Of all the cunts I’ve met during my time on planet earth I think I have been wrong about 3 times and then only to move from like to tolerate, or tolerate to hate. Never the other way.
So when these “Little Angels” grow up (if ever) and see that society is not fair, don’t blame the folk in that society, blame your teachers for deluding you into thinking that they world is a universally nice place.
It isn’t, it’s a cunt!
Off subject but Carney is at it again. Part of Whitehall’s concerted project fear. And apparently when he told us the sky would fall if we voted Leave, he was actually right, although his reasoning escaped me.
Off road ….. ?
just when you thought the stooping hunchback could get any lower she’s cut short her holiday to pop in on EU cock goblin macron, more humiliation awaits the clueless MAY……..
Can you imagine Appeaser May ever meeting Hitler? It would be over in seconds…. May is so bad she even makes Neville Chamberlain look good…
Capitulation of our time. At least hunchback is a bit young for the oily baguette snaffling turd so there will be no special ‘deals’.
He might be fancying a fuck. She’s his target demographic.
May and Mrs Macron might have a good old granny to granny natter… Like Les Dawson and Roy Barrowclough in more flashier surroundings…
‘Oooh! Mrs Macron… That Jacob Rees Mogg… I hear he wants a (dramatic pause) Hard Brexit!’
‘Oooh! He never does?!!’
Modern parents (usually thick as fuck wimmin, but also some men) are mongs… The amount of daft slags I’ve seen on the move, looking at Twatter or Facefook on their phones while their toddlers are kept quiet by stuffing themselves with crap like ‘Maccy-Dees’… And these cunts are walking through a busy town centre, where it only takes a second for a kid to vanish and end up in the wrong hands… These daft bitches also will put their brats all over social media… So they can be seen by every weirdo and Joe Ronce in the world…I despise Facebook, but I wouldn’t even put my cat on it, never mind my kids…
And this ‘ball’ thing? It’s the typical ‘Keeping up with the daftslags’ fuckwittery most modern parents get sucked into… Some daft bitch gives it large (for Halloween, Christmas, Guy Fawkes, or a pre-school ball) so all the other dizzy bitches follow suit… Like monkeys jumping out of a tree because they see another monkey doing it, stupid as fuck… Also, spoiling their horrendous named after darkie rappers and Hollywood celebrislag brats shows their spineless stupidity… Give in to the little turds once and they’ll expect it every time… Cunts, one and all…