
Cunting the BBC is like putting on that old pair of slippers, or settling back for a wank in your favourite armchair, but nevertheless, the cuntish organisation has a perpetual stream of rich cuntitude to tap into. And so goes the nomination.

Tonight, whilst preparing a marinade for my favourite Buffalo Wing’s recipe, I had the TV on idly in the background and it happened to be Newsnight (25.07.2018).

Even for the BBC, they utterly outdid themselves on tonight’s shitshow; immediately cast to the outer reaches of stratospheric cunt by virtue of Golum tribute act host Evan Davies, the show managed to pack in wall-to-wall pissboiling and right-on cuntitude like no other.

We started with the pressing and illuminating issue of the Pakistani national elections, I suppose relevant for the BBC’s increasingly targeted audience. Half the show dedicated to his fucking bollocks, and the associated profiling of candidate and UK socialite-turned-raging-towelhead Imran Khan.

Then from there, we went into a story on female gang members; and how utterly blameless the little cherubs are even when one (with silhouette protected identity of course) casually talked about stabbing her rivals. 10 minutes of first-hand scumcunt accounts packed with my previously cunted ‘urban’ faux fuckig dialect; every third word a ‘like’ or an ‘init’.

Then we hit the quirky final story – is there life on Mars. Rubber-faced cunt Davies could barely conceal the contempt with which he held for the scientist guest trying to explain in all futility the relevance of the discovery of substantial underground bodies of water on our neighbouring planet.

Oh, and how could I forget – right at the end of the show, Evan Davies issued an apology. Apparently during the piece on Imran Khan and focussing on his cricketing days, they actually showed extended footage of Wasim Akram.

Ironic that the Al-BBC’s researchers should make that kind of ‘they all look the same’ gaff. That won’t please the reisdents of Sparkhill one bit.

Up to my nuts in raw poultry and garlic-smeared hands, I was helpless in succumbing to the horror of an inaccesible remote as the shitshow unfolded. Fuck you BBC for making me endure this type of fucking bollocks, you utter and completely contemptible shitcunts.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

34 thoughts on “Newsnight

  1. I think the sooner the BBC licence fee is abolished the better.

    For the amount of Remain bias shown, for their intentional incorrect news reporting, for the complete omission of significant news items which are contrary to their agenda, for not including the names of ALL persons charged with serious criminal offences (only giving the names of the white British males), the promotion of Peacefuls and all anti Christian religions, for the amount of simply insignificant, pointless snowflake type issues (social media, gender issues) and finally for the positive discrimination against those who were born here by giving airtime to whose who wish to destroy the history, fabric and beliefs of this once great country.

    Take away their funding and see how they get on.


    • How are election results in Pakicuntingstan and Zimfuckingbabwe of any interest to your normal Briton ? Yet the BBCunt spend hours telling us about it. Both cuntries are shitholes, who gives a toss ? I’m sure the peacefuls and darkies, who have escaped them, to sponge a living here don’t.

    • Spot on, Willie.

      That said, I’d go further and simply abolish the BBC by deeming it to be in breach of its Charter. I’d thereafter confiscate the studios, vehicles, equipment and intellectual property – which, after all, really belongs to the licence payers rather than the raving Snowflakes in charge of the organisation (I use the term loosely).

      And that would just be for starters. I’d then conduct rigorous inquiries into the industrial-scale paedophilia committed by Savile and others (we’d get to the truth this time) as well as exploring whether charges of treason should be brought against certain BBC employees.

      Finally, I’d have a team of forensic accountants scrutinise the payments of salaries, expenses and contractual fees paid by the Corporation over the last decade, with a view to commencing proceedings against anyone found to have been defrauding the licence payers and/or HMRC.

      That ought to shake the tree a little.

    • I was going to go for a retort there Willie – but as usual if you get in first you literally take the words out of my mouth / on my mind. Great cunting by ECB and a fine response from Willie. My 2pennyworth – auntie beeb wouldn’t past a fucking moment outside of its luxury funded “tax” bubble. Like the NHS – its old, fucked, not fit for purpose and run by individuals who haven’t got a fucking clue about its purpose or its origins. Yet another nail in the coffin of blighty. :Long ago on foreign shores or high seas the World service was like your favourite pair of shoes or that pint you dreamed of when sand was making your throat as dry as a nuns slit and you longed for that halcyon voice of an Englishman / woman reading news and informing you. None of the “over to cunty bollocks live in Beirut” for a personal view on what they perceived was the news. It WAS the news – casted by folks who’s only reason for being in some of the worlds shitholes was to report the news. The job description was in the name – “News caster” – not “what Robert Peston or the off work sick boy Tom Bradby’s personal opinion is after their “source” told them any old bollocks just to get shut of them.
      Just another brick removed from the wall and a further draining of our separation from the continent as our stoical island nations heritage, culture and pride (no – not “that” pride) is eroded.
      As Dick would say – Fuck them all.
      As I write Channel 4 news (I feel another cunting of that orrible bunch of cunts coming on) Jimmy Paige of Led Zep fame is showing John Snow around his grade 1 listed Londonistan home after raising a compliant about Robbie Williams building an underground swimming pool in the same leafy Hampstead bolthole – utter cuntishness on every level.
      And fuck them too!!

    • And wimminising absolutely everything on R4. ‘Loose Ends’, an amiable opportunity for obscure artists to plug ‘n’ play their latest offerings, with a smattering of humour, formerly presented by Clive Anderson – on the whole not a cunt – has now morphed into all-wimminz artists chattering to all-wimminz guests and wimminz presenter. General effect is that of a hen party for the academic staff of Redbrick U’s School of Media Studies. Strike yet another listenable slot.

  2. Newsnight was only good for the sight of Paxo kebabbing some cunt or other. Evan Davis is a fucking pantomime horse of a presenter.

    And why am I still having to fucking sign in?

    • Perhaps because the ‘remember me on this browser’ box handed your personal details to the Thought Police? If so, we’re as well without it.

  3. Like Willie above I would love to see the TV licence abolished. However, it won’t happen because the BBC know they can’t compete in the free market and would likely go bankrupt within weeks if they became a subscription service. Hence they continue to force people to pay the TV licence in order to ensure they stay on the air. That’s all it is – a cynical ploy by the cunts to forcibly prevent themselves from becoming irrelevant.

  4. “Davis, you’re nuffink! There’s no dolly mixtures in ‘ere pooftah!”

    What a useless, scruffy, ineffective cunt that bloke is. Only got the job because he takes it up the arse and allows politicians to walk all over him.
    Bring back the Paxo man for fucks sake!

  5. Excellent cunting TECB!!

    I particularly like the wrong cricket footage of Imran Khan its a typical BBC shit shower, I posted recently the whole space deal is a fiasco! , trillions spent and not really much to show, cunts like Evan Davies have some romantic fantasy about space, that somehow we are going to find a new utopia out in the universe, when someone throws cold water on this theory People like Davies tend to put their hands over both ears and start shouting La la la like a small child ….

    I don’t believe its ever possible to over Cunt the BBC as it’s such a target rich environment…..

    • “United States of Hate: Muslims Under Attack” is being shown next week by of course, Al-Beeb. In less than 20 years the victim of the worst terrorist attack in human history is now somehow the aggressor.

      I suspect ‘under attack’ will be lumped under hate crimes of being called a towelhead and to fuck off home.

  6. The sooner we get rid of the ABBC the sooner we can start paying through the nose for Sky instead.

    • I have a black and white telly, and a black and white licence, which has risen to £50.50 this year. Thieving cunts. I don’t turn the fucker on from one month to the next sometimes. I suppose if I were an aspiring architect, footballer or kebab deliverer, I’d be ok breaking the ‘law’, and not having a licence at all.

      • Perhaps if they devised a pay-per-view system that might be fairer.

        I probably choose to watch about 10 hours BBC a week, which at 35p an hour would amount to roughly what I’m currently paying in licence fee. Drop it to 25p and they could win me over… but only if it avoided the inevitable avalanche of mindless advertising required to finance programmes if they just abolished the license fee.

        Or maybe Soros or Branson could be enticed to step up to the plate and subsidise it…

  7. …….’Golum Tribute act host Evan Davies‘….

    Love it Empire.

    I read Paxo’s Autobiograhy last year, he had a special hatred for what he saw as the ‘Sixth Form we want to change the world mentality‘ that had infested the production team at Newsnight and their desire to be less confrontation in interviews as ‘it’s not what the public want anymore’, really…

    Id like to see the 2 Tribes video being re made for real every week……

  8. Even though I haven’t had the pleasure for over ten years (long before Paxo left) I am more than happy to take TECB’s unimpeachable word that the misnomered Newsnight is about as close to human excrement as a current affairs programme could possibly get… apart from the One Show, perhaps. And that cross eyed abomination Evan Davies gets on my tits every bit as much as that creepy Alan Titchmarsh cunt (is he still alive? If so he’s in my next Dead Pool) once did.

    Either way, I’ve had more than my fill of Davies, what with the wife watching Dragon’s Den and all that. And then there’s that horrible old Scotch bitch who keeps cropping up on the trailers without any adequate warning – wild fucking horses couldn’t get me to sit for 5 seconds in front of a programme with unintelligible filth like that doing the so called ‘presenting’.

    Long live Brillo!

    • Just seen Cunto’s excellent post – Channel 4 News is another one I’ve managed to steer clear of for over a decade now. Unbelievable cuntishness pedalled in the guise of current affairs news programmes nowadays!

    • I can never get enough of Paul Whitehouse’s parody of Evan Davies on ‘Dragons Den’ staring Ken and Brian from Brianfarnet.

  9. It’s a real shame Brillo is buried in the graveyard slot right after Question Time. A man of his impartiality and talent deserves so much more

      • Got it OC – Brillo also does Daily Politics on Wednesdays (PMs Question Time) and will still be doing whatever replaces it in September.

      • Yep. He is the literal embodiment of the fairness and impartiality that they claim to strive for. Brilliant man.

      • I suspect Brillo will probably be the only decent thing about that Daily Politics replacement and the only thing that stops it from being a full on brainwashing tool.

  10. Of course, if they put Evan Davies in a space rocket and sent it to Mars, there would be life there.

    For about 15 seconds…

  11. I carefully select what’ll be showing on the screen before I get my hands too sticky to use the remote. Nothing worse than some unwanted sight popping up at just the wrong moment and it’s too late for you do do anything about it.

  12. Yeah, The Brillo Pad is the only professional journalist left on the BBC.
    I love the way he asks a question and then looks down at his notes as if to say:
    “yeah, just spout the usual bollocks we’re all expecting…….and here comes my next question cunt.”
    His demolition of the Grayling cunt a few weeks ago was a joy to behold. ( ably assisted by Portillo cunt it must be said)

  13. I cannot watch any of the bbc’s output now as it is so irrelevant to my outlook and only serves to make me agitated beyond belief same applies to their radio output also, celebrity this and fecking that all left leaning cunts, bet they are all dinner party attenders and fucking wine experts, whatever they are they inhabit a different fecking universe than me.

  14. In the interests of fairness and balance I would like to point out something that Newsnight and the BBC actually got right.
    At least they got rid of that nauseating champagne socialist, EU arselicker, pretend enemy of the ruling classes, total fucking fake , James O’Shithead.
    However, I suspect that it was only because the production team found him to be such a know it all, up his own arse cunt that they all threatened to resign.
    I could be wrong of course.

  15. How anyone can mistake Imran Khan for Wassim Akram is a fucking disgrace!

    Just goes to show that research positions in the AL-BB-CERA must have the same “cultural enrichment” policy of “Useless at your job? No problem so long as you tick the following virtue-signalling boxes!” as per the presenters.

    And that must go from coffeemaker (or other menial jobs now given to the non “culturally enriched”) right through to the editor in Chief of the programme.

    Can you imagine if Fox made the same gaff!?! The AL-BEEB and Groaniad cunts would live off that for fucking days. That said Fox still seems to put content, fact and quality over virtue-signalling, so unlikely to happen. But as it’s the AL-BB-CERA nothing is said.

    As a fellow cunters said recently, the only standards your neo-liberal fucktards have are double standards.


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