New treason laws

I’d like to cunt the proposed new treason laws and the think tank that thought them up. Ostensibly, the update to the law is being sold on the basis it would make it easier to prosecute Jihadists who go abroad and fight for Isis but buried within is a catchall that as gleefully pointed out by some fuckatrd on LBC means that anyone saying negative things about another community and so causing fragmentation of the nation would be guilty of treason. She wet her pants explaining that the EDL would be a prime target. oh and also some Jihadists.

The updated law would it seems to me to be a way to totally curtail free speech and is itself a treasonous act against the people allowing the state to perform any level of social engineering it wishes and and any response will be considered in the light of the new treason laws. A lot of the thoughtful well researched fact backed posts on this site would be prosecutable under the new treason laws. Of course they may choose to go easy on us and just use hate speech laws instead. 1984 may be running late but it is certainly en route.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

114 thoughts on “New treason laws

  1. Thanks for pointing this out Sixdog, I didn’t know these laws were being updated (to benefit the non-British, British hating cunts amongst us).
    Well allow me to be one of the first to break the new law and say, “I fucking loathe and despise all you bastard foreigners who come here and turn my country into a cesspit. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from, and rot in your own hell where we don’t have to smell you”.

    • Who is going to legislate on and pass these laws?

      Not the same bunch of cunts in the house of liars that are doing their utmost to deny democracy and thwart BREXIT?

      Well, to me, if they don’t deliver on BREXIT then why should the majority be beholden to any other law they pass?

      Anarchy, chaos and the revolution will follow. And not a moment too soon.

  2. So.… these ”treason laws” happen to shield the sort of cunts who would get done by proper treason laws huh?

    Why doesn’t this surprise me?

  3. I found the IAC site by accident. I was doing an internet search for *James O’Brien is a twat* and stumbled on in here (it’s true!). Then I went and lost you again when I updated my Firefox browser, losing my bookmarks. You’re not easy to track down.

    My facebook account had been disabled. As I never criticized anyone on there (apart from JOB), I can only assume my permanent banning had been because I posted a picture of the EU flag – with the stars replaced by barbed wire. I took the banning badly, as I wondered why someone had objected to a trivial ‘joke’ so much.

    What I’m trying to say, in my hamfisted way, is how much I appreciate the freedom of being able to speak here. It’s a big deal to me. I realise that what is said on here wouldn’t go down well with the PC brigade, and accordingly I don’t mention it elsewhere. (The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!)

    I worry that the lines between treason/hate speech/free speech might be muddied. In fact, I don’t know how you (we) get away with saying what we do on here.

    • Never mind treason laws, West Yorkshire Police have their hands full with yet another bunch of sexual deviant dune c**ns.

      • Covered by ALBBC and ITN news at one. Limited to a split arse reporting from Huddersfield on the dirty goat bothering cunts with one omission and that was the fact that every cunt to a man and one female almost certainly hailed from the shitholes of the third world and were all followers of that religion of peace. 19 were named and 12 withheld for “security reasons “. What have social services, the filth, those who knew what was going on done about this archaic and animalistic bunch of blambos? Nobody seemed to give a fuck about young white kids with problems in the ghettos of the North. No protest or marches to display their oh so fucking righteous disgust as would have happened if a gang of white guys had been fucking around with some blambo in a burka, but then white equals trash in the eyes of the home counties mortgage paid liberal luvvies and cunts like Linemepockets and the tax evading cunts of his ilk.
        Sooner or later its going to kick off like it did in Tottenham and Toxteth, only this time its the blambos who will be on the end of a kicking. Its time we claimed our country back, to stand and be counted. There is something very wrong with a country, steeped in tradition and history has to renew and update treason laws. The greatest treason is committed daily by both houses of Westminster and the police with powers that would be the envy of a banana republic. Once you have to update laws such as treason you have to look very carefully about not only what is given but what is taken away. I see and hear treasonous acts daily. What scares me is who is being protected by this update and who will be regarded as treacherous overnight? Blambos and the left can stand easy as I have a feeling they will be the best protected and largest benefactors of any change. Its ominous and darkly sinister.

    • I have little doubt that even this gloriously murky corner of the internet will,eventually,be declared Verboten in the not so distant future, Ladytwat. Even within the time I’ve been on here,Admin. have been forced to tighten up on certain words and sentiments which were “acceptable” in the past. Although I will say how much I appreciate everyone who keeps,and has in the past kept, this site going.
      Best make the most of it while we can.

      • Yep, and unfortunately I don’t believe it is that far away. The heavy hand and probing tentacles of political correctness won’t rest until every last stone offering protection to free speech is unturned and the perpetrators vanquished.

        The odd thing is that speaking to many people they just don’t see it. All you really need to do is keep your eyes and ears open.

      • Good evening Dick. If the site is banned perhaps it could be relaunched as Is A Rotter, but we’ll all know that rotter means cunt . It would also encourage some creative, suggestive, nudge, nudge, wink, wink prose.

      • I use Tuesday instead of cunt when in polite company, which is usually rare. This is based on the old phrase “See you next Tuesday”. However, a considerable proportion of respectable ladies of my acquaintance are not stupid and have worked it out. Interestingly though, Mrs Frenulum tells me that a lot of them have taken to using Tuesday themselves, which is excellent. On another topic, Ian Wright saying Raheem Sterling is only criticized because he’s black is a load of shite. The little cunt got the lowest ratings at the World Cup because he was useless. Anyone who dribbles and loses the ball one hundred percent of the time, couldn’t score in a brothel with a bunch of £50 notes, runs like a girl, never closes down opponents and rarely passes the ball would be called a useless cunt too, never mind what colour he is. Ian Wright was a far, far better player than Sterling and he wasn’t that good. Bunch of Tuesdays.

    • ISAC is the only thing that keeps me from going on a killing spree the likes of which has never been witnessed before in the UK.

      • You’ll at least be better than yesterdays effort, didn’t some cyclist graze their elbow?

      • I know how you feel, Ruff Tuff. I had been looking on the internet at methods for soundproofing a room – so I could have somewhere to scream. It proved to be too expensive. Instead I settled for self-harm; I go out into the back yard to feed the midges… with my thighs.

      • Stop it Ladytwat – you’re giving me the horn!

        Btw, I found this site by typing “Nicola Sturgeon is a cunt” into my search engine… boy was I richly rewarded!

      • For me, it was “Emma Watson is a cunt”.

        And the other Emma is woefully over-advertised in some new filum.

        I reckon the old bitch would be a shoe-in to play Killary…

      • Googling ‘Cherie Blair’ used to be pretty reliable, even if unaccompanied by ‘cunt’. She seems to have dropped off the map lately – probably needs another cunting, or maybe Google had registered my opinion of her. But – forgive the bleeding obvious – ‘is a cunt’ infallibly gets it on the first page.

      • Maybe we could run a little ‘My First Cunt’ feature around the festive period.

        For the record David Camoron brought me here.

      • I stumbled across this superb site after doing a random search ‘why is Gary Fucking Lineker such a smug faced jug eared sanctimonious lefty twat crisp pushing democracy denying cunt?

        Oh, and TBlair, A Cuntbell, that old cretinous cunt from the illiberal undemocratics aka cable, lily Mong, Geldorfs, Bonio, Miller, far wrong, smeggy Clegg, Pantsdown, treezer spineless May, junker, Danny dyer, Mohammed, Uncle Tom cobbly and all

    • I stumbled here by accident too. I typed in I think it was Diane Abbott is a cunt or something like that and lo and behold this site was the top result. Or on second thoughts it might have been Beckham – can’t remember.

      • St Lineker was mine, once a mildly inoffensive dull pundit and part time crisp salesman, Brexit transmogrified him into ISAC infamy.

      • I stumbled upon this site after researching if someone had posted on the tinterweb, that the individuals I had considered cunts, were cunts too.

        I was pleasantly surprised to find they had. The quality of posting on this site has also taken a quantum leap from the early days of the simple “oh, yes, he is a cunt” to the colourful and flowing poetry we see now from many of the erudite contributors.

        Luckily where I work is a small company with a bastion of cunts like me. We don’t do PC ‘ere!

      • I also find this site by accident. Coincidently I also typed James O’Brien is a cunt into google and here I am. It’s a refuge from the daily madness out there, and a good laugh as well. It’s good know I’m not on my own in the way I see things.

      • An opportune moment to slip in a quick Abbott joke if I may? OK, I shall.

        Diane is visiting her GP with a stomach complaint after returning from her holiday in Africa….

        GP: ‘ Would you like the good news or the bad news Ms Abbott?’.

        Diane: ‘ The bad news please Dr’.

        GP: ‘ You contracted Ebola from infected bushmeat in the Congo, and only have 4.5 days to live.’

        Diane: ‘ OMG, only 4.5 days to live? What’s the good news?’

        GP: ‘ You understood the bad news.’

    • Recently joined wank club, and on my first visit to wank club, forgot the first rule of wank club.

      You don’t shake hands at wank club….

  4. Treason is any act that actively causes physical harm to the country and its citizens. Being mean towards other communities does not count as treason. If these laws do go through I doubt they’ll be used against Flabbopotomus, Bergdorf and other anti white, anti male, anti British hate mongers and will instead be selectively targeted towards ‘wrongthinkers’ who don’t hold the ‘correct’ opinions.

    • Good spot OC – stuff like that will be covered by simply declaring it a “hate crime” using “hate speech”. We are so fucking sterilised and sanitised in this ere new millennium that even a gesture can get you lifted – raise hand and drop wrist in that fucking irritating thing that camp pansies do and you will be lifted. Fuck knows what the blambos who suffered real discrimination (sanctioned by some states to the point of encouragement) in the 60’s make of todays melt in the sun snowflake easily offended liberals. When they couldn’t get on the same bus or drink from the same public water fountains as white men or the KKK had bigger attendances marching through New York than a World cup final – some senators and even presidents were avid and active supporters.
      Thankfully (and I am a proper right wing cunt) we wont ever see those days again but one thing has me thinking – maybe those days will return but it wont be the blambo who is downtrodden and abused – it will be the white man with the mud coloured cunts doing the persecuting. I look at the news today and the pattern that has developed around the raping, sodomising, abduction, pimping and general mistreatment of hundreds of young white girls by the filthy Asian cunts – carried out with abandon over years with no remorse, no real penalty and certainly no “justice” for the young kids involved. Strange we will send £3 a month to some fucking charity with Execs on £150k a year+ to supply a mud village with a well or save some fucking animal or other on the promise of a letter and a cuddly toy but right here at home our own kin are being abused by cunts who haven’t progressed from walking on all fours and swinging through trees. The sooner there is an “enlightenment” phase in our trust of all things “multicultural” with the realisation that you can dress a pig in Armani but its always going to grunt and stop this senseless butchery of our race the sooner we can get back to realising that nothing ever came from Asia, the sub Sahara, anywhere East of Lowestoft Ness or South of Lizard point that served us anything but ill will.
      Hand on heart, I wouldn’t or couldn’t care less if I never saw anything other than a white man again. If I want to see how blambos act in the wild there are things like nature programmes and places like the natural history museum, sadly that’s in Londonistan and not a place I would go near for a gold clock because? – Yes, you guessed it – Blambos.

      • Honestly, this shit keeps pushing me more and more to the right every day. Proper liberalism seems to be right wing by default nowadays.

      • Nowadays anyone right of Ken Livingstone is deemed to be *far right*. (That’s also the ultimate insult, along with *gammon*).

      • Oh most definitely. I used to consider myself a pretty moderate and just slightly right of centre. But these days I would fall into the far right category, not because my views have really changed, but because of how the Left have gone absolutely hysterical and completely shifted the spectrum to where even free speech is a radical right wing fascist philosophy. They’ve just lost their minds. This must have been similar to how the ordinary citizens of the Russian Empire felt when Lenin’s bolsheviks started taking over and we all know how that ended.

      • I still have some strongly leftwing opinions (anyone notice?), but the touchy-feely unrealism of what passes for the Left these days sickens me. Colour me populist nationalist revolutionary Marxist.

  5. Well, if they’re going to go on a new treason trip, then surely going against the will of the British electorate, what they actually voted for, and trying to subvert democracy by demanding another EU Referendum is a huge act of treason against the British people, the British Crown, and the British government?

    So that means Smarmy Lineker, Banana Gob, Dickbrain Branson, Lily Mong, Damon Allbran, Fanny Izzard, Hairy Mulligan, Slob Geldof, Benderdict Cuntberdinck, Jim/Jed/Joe/Jack Monroe and so many other cunts should be charged with the highest of high treason… Fat chance though, eh?….

  6. Banana Gob has committed enough treasonous acts to do an Anne Boleyn on her ten times over, the anti-British parasitic cunt…

  7. I rather fancy being charged with treason. So much more classy than the “drunk and disorderly” or “using foul and abusive language” which normally announce my arrival to the Magistrate’s Court.

    Fuck them.

    • Oh the days when the peace of the village fete was shattered by a refreshed Mr Fiddler. Waking up on the village green with an empty bottle of Bushmills, tractor idling in a hedge and the cricket pavilion flattened.

      • Fucks Sake, L.L.. You’re giving me a horrible feeling that we’ve met…either that or you’re bloody good at guessing games.
        :). .

      • Our village bus shelter did actually get destroyed, a teenage yobo and too many shandies as far as I can remember.

    • I would be quite prepared to be dragged from the public gallery whilst shouting ” Give the cunts hell Dick !! “.
      Sounds like a grand day out.

      • I actually had some “friends” who were ordered to leave the public seating who,after fuelling-up in a local bar,decided to shout out “Bring back hanging” and “The man’s a beast” as the Magistrates retired to consider the level of my fine.


  8. But the way admin, if this site does get taken down are you planning to set a new one up with a slightly modified web address?

  9. As Orwell pointed out all those years ago if you control words and speech you control ideas , if you control ideas you control people.
    Just heard on the radio that Luton Town FC are being threatened with fines because their supporters keep singing songs in support of Tommy Robinson. Well we all know why people from Luton would be doing that but I don’t know what they expect a fucking football club to do about it.
    England (the FA) had similar threats from FIFA in Russia because of pro-Brexit songs. (You can stick your fucking EU up your arse was a favourite I believe)
    Control of free speech is already here my friends. It won’t happen overnight but it will creep up on us like a fucking disease.
    In Nazi Germany they had an expression….”this is a five year joke.” That meant the joke i’m about to tell you is so good if the government (or their snitches) hear it i’ll get 5 years in a concentration camp.
    That’s where we are going my friends.

    • Good on the Luton Town fans. Would be nice to see them get back to the Championship after all these years. And fuck the people who are trying to control what paying football fans who have gone to watch their team have the right to chant at their own club’s matches.

    • Law changes like this will only hasten the onset of the race war to come. Maybe the sooner the better, get it over with.
      Helter Skelter.

  10. Orwellian bureacracy at its finest.

    For some reason it makes me think about Sweden’s skyrocketing rape statistics. Sure, a great number of these are down to raging towleheads enrichers on the rampage, but the figures are also boosted by how Sweden has started to define ‘sexual assault’ in recent years; unsurprisingly, greatly lowering the threshold of the definition in line with feminist overlord diktat.

    The day will come when you can be charged with Treason simply for using the expression ‘raging towelhead’. Better call Saul.

  11. It’s hard to imagine the average ISAC Cunter not falling foul of any proposed new legislation on an hourly basis. I wonder if they’ll also reintroduce the death penalty for Treason – conveniently abolished in 1998 by treasonous cunt Tony B. Liar, though not for his own benefit I hasten to add, haw haw!

    I may have another 20 years of life left to endure. If so would probably choose to check out early if the powers that be further curtailed our freedom of expression even more than it has been already… mind you, at least that would mean not having to hear Cressida Strap-On and Suckdick Khunt EVER AGAIN droning on endlessly about pedestrianisation and diversity barriers as their panacea for defeating terrorism. Unless a tape loop of those cunts is what awaits us in Hell…

    • Jesus, you read my mind (re: Death Penalty), as I was typing my observation below.

    • If you do decide to check out early, do so with a lead spitting Uzi in each hand and a sneer on your lips.

    • Old Suckdick was of course talking yesterday about all the right wing terrorist attacks they’ve stopped this year when we all know what he really means is they arrested some poor white guys for mean tweets. Obviously a far more serious a threat than the peace-mongers of Islam.

  12. This new law is dressed up as a “warning to Jihadis” but the reality is a thinly veiled suppression law against free speech.

    The clincher will be when UK Govt advise FaceTwat, et. al., what the “treason” filters should be for UK based posters, policed by “Triggerly Puff”, gender dysphoric, neo-liberal fascist types.

    Well there’s no guessing as to who the targeted demographic will be is there!

    This law is an attempt to suppress the kind of sentiment which they’d rather hush-up than actually do anything about the underlying cause.

    Tommy Robinson pointing out some facts (read from an AL-BEEB article – don’t see Sir Tony doing bird for that article), jumped up charges of “breach of the peace”, sent down within hours and kept their for weeks until it was ultimately thrown out of court.

    Following this legislation passing through both houses (and it will unanimously), Tommy Robinson would almost certainly be charged on treason against the state. That’s a whole different ball game. Treason against the state by a patriotic individual. Hmmm, funny how that works eh!?!

    Then how long would it be before they decide: “You know, Tony B.Liar shouldn’t have revoked the death penalty for treason…” (no, because his actions against this nation should have seen him hanging from a rope Saddam style – THE CUNT!) “…I think we should bring it back for these most nefarious of criminals!”

    I.e. folk who point out the uncomfortable truth really need to be removed from society in the fullest sense. Isn’t that right Big Brother.

    “Oh that’ll never happen, don’t be ridiculous!”

    No? 15 years ago “Gender Neutral Toilets” would have been fucking ridiculous, and yet here we are…

    To quote my favourite Cronenberg movie: “Be afraid, be very afraid!”

    • Neoliberalism is the greatest threat facing our society today. At least with communists they’re still just about fringe enough that most people can see they’re crazy.

  13. Naomi Wimbourbe Idrissi is a total scum cunt. If Jezza was caught in full SS uniform wrapped in a swastika flag and carrying a copy of der sturrmer she would call it a Jewish conspiracy

  14. Went to the hospital this evening and saw a fucking rainbow flag flying from the flagpole.

    • Evening Jack. The NHS raises that flag every time someone has been brought in after being brutally sexually assaulted. The “Barrymore” flag, they call it.

      • Perhaps they should fly the Lubbock flag next time; this looks very similar to the Japanese flag, although the red spot is somewhat larger.

      • Good evening Thomas, hope you and your family are well (apart from your horrible wife ).I think they raised it just to piss me off, the consultant who I have crossed swords with looks like a willy woofter.

      • We’re off on holiday next week…a whole week with that ghastly cunt and no escape! Aaarrrggghh!
        Maybe I could leave her with Dick Fiddler and go off with just the kids?!
        How about it, Mr F?
        Do you offer wife kennelling services?
        She does eat rather a lot though…

      • Take her on an adventure holiday Thomas, rock climbing is good, but make sure you check that her climbing gear is ‘ fit for purpose ‘.

      • Although I feel sure that Mrs Cunt-Engine is a delightful lady who rather regrets marrying beneath her, I’m afraid that I’m still recovering from the last time that I kindly offered board and lodgings to another man’s livestock. It didn’t end well. Quite literally a case of “One bitten,twice shy.”
        Are you taking the caravan anywhere nice? Blackpool,perhaps?

      • Alas, no. We’re banned from from Blackpool ever since Mrs Cunt Engine sat on a donkey and compressed the poor creature thinner than a sheet of graphene.
        This year, I’m going to bundle the family into the faithful old Carina and make the trip north to take in the picturesque delights of Ferryhill, Keighley and Carlin How.

      • Mr C-E, you may be able to sell her to some peacefuls in Yorks. If you chuck in a goat as well, that might seal the deal.

        Good luck !!

  15. Two posters over at that other site (“the corner”) were having a spat recently.

    One suggested to the other that he was “a racist, knuckle dragging, Tommy Robinson fan like those cunts over at ISAC.”

    Felt very proud….

      • I have met him. He is also fit as fuck and a lot of us gays would do anything for him….

      • Serious question Krav:
        Do peaceful gays actually exist in this country?
        If so, I’ll bet they’re harder to find than Sean Connery buying a round of beers…

      • I’d love to meet the guy. He’d be fascinating to talk to and have a pint with.

      • An interesting article. It always amazes me that people who blatantly piss all over their sky fairy’s rules , and suffer the consequences from their fellow sky fairy believers, still can’t let go of their sky fairy. Somehow, their sky fairy will forgive them.
        Fucking mental cases if you ask me. The cunts need to be sent to meet their sky fairy as soon as possible. I like helping people out……. makes me feel good about myself.

      • Gay peacefuls ?

        I guess the wearing of a sexy black leather burqa, with face totally obscured, could be advantageous, and quite “Tom of Finland”

        On another note, Austria sent an Afghan, who claimed to bat for the other side, back to where he came from on the grounds that he wasn’t “flamboyant” enough, wasn’t sufficiently “gregarious/bath-house” , and didn’t mince credibly; therefore was at no serious risk back home.

        Bugger it, almost typed “mice” there – I suppose they’re cheaper than gerbils (see various cuntings passim.).

      • Fuck me, we’ll soon have all the celebricunt luvvies giving lessons to peacefuls on how to mince about like a poof. Of course that, in itself, is a terrible example of stereotypical prejudice, but i’m sure the libtards can find an excuse and make themselves out to be the heroes.

      • Fuck me – not literally of course – those mincing cunts who thanked the ginger dry Bob for stepping in to defend their honour outside that club in Bristol were the epitome of mincery. Is there a fucking school somewhere, is it inherited, taught, picked up? They make my flesh crawl.

  16. Probably but I would not touch one. The kind of bang they might generate could be fatal…

  17. Dick Fiddler won’t like this, but Herut-Likud have relaunched in the UK. A militant Zionist group who have already started attacking our Worzel Gummidge tribute act…..

    God bless the Queen.

    God bless America

    God bless the IDF and the State of Israel.

    • Ah, the Worzel Gummidge tribute act… the act that keeps on providing ammunition for it’s own firing squad.

    • Yes,great news Krav. Another group of extremists spouting their bigoted rhetoric. Never mind,if anyone disagrees with them they can just pull that great big juicy “Antisemite” card and demand special treatment.
      I really can’t see why you think that a group which you yourself describe as “militant” should be celebrated. Are bigoted militants only anathema when they are anyone except Jews? Really, you come on here screaming about bigots and then show yourself to actually be the worst example of bigotry on here.

      • Oh, Don’t worry, Krav and I both know just what we’re doing. We’ve enjoyed some memorable moments on here in the past.

        🙂 .

    • It would lead to less suspicion as to where your primary loyalty lies if you could spell ‘Britannia’ correctly, Krav.

  18. I’ve not read all the comments but I bet that cunt on LBC when you say she……….. was fatty Sheeeeeeela Fogerty,correct?……ex BBC whore!!!

    • There’s an even worse one – Beverley Turner. If ever there was a need for duck tape!

      However she’s a lot easier on the eye and does have a pretty serviceable pair of knockers.

      • I’ve occasionally listened to the sex show on sat,Dy night,I want to email in about my scat fettish but I’m not sure she’ll read it out

      • Yeah… Lucy Beresford… she’s a dirty cow. She reads out EVERYTHING. The pervier the better.

        Go for it Smasher!

  19. Policy Exchange wants to recreate a crime in order to bump up the Terrorism Act?

    This is pandering to terrorism. We’ve changed our laws, reduced the liberty of the individual and made public transport hubs a place of humiliation and paranoia for everyone. The objective of terrorism is to terrify us. Congratulations, terrorists – you’ve succeeded!

    As Farage, responding to the latest Westminster nutter, suggests:

    Simple algorithm to be adopted: In the UK we’re free. The price of that is that you are NOT free to come here and fuck up our freedoms. So sorry. Suck it up.

Comments are closed.