Now that the school holidays are here, how about a junior pre-watershed cunting for this 14 year old drag queen.
The little fucker likes to prance around like this, encouraged by his mother (all lads like him seem to be under mummies domination) because it puts the little wanker in charge of his *other side*.
What is wrong with kids these days?. When I was at school turning up like this would have been an invitation to have your head stuffed down the bog.
The same story extended appeared in the freesheet Metro this morning where Master(bate) Lewis declared himself to be *gay*. I was shocked….. whatever happened to the “phase”. Junior says he is fucking gay so the silly old cow takes his word for it.
But seriously, young or old, shirtlifters, seem to be so exhibitionist, they want attention and this little cunt has certainly received it, and he has been rewarded. Surely a trip to the psychiatrist would have been better for him if mommy dearest really cared about him.
Nominated by W.C. Boggs
Tbf to the guy he probably doesn’t have that much agency in this.. My guess is that it’s the mother who’s driving all this and is the real cunt here.
Someone should alert Social Services!
You’re not alone OC, lots of us still having to sign in manually.
Perhaps they’re trying to weed out the Cunters with Alzheimer’s? Takes me about an hour to be sure I’ve signed in correctly each time…
Yep, these are the cunts the SS should be targeting.
I took your advice RTC and rang Social Services …….
Me ..Hello, Social Services ?
SS …..Yes
Me …..I’m ringing to let you know that loads of cunters are having to manually type in their details on ISAC
SS ….. Are you a person of colour ?
Me ….. No
SS ….. Are you part of any ethnic minority ?
Me … No
SS ….Are you gay ?
Me …No
SS …. Bisexual ?
Me ….. No
SS … Lesbian ?
Me … No
SS ….. Trans ?
Me …. No
SS … Asylum seeker ?
Me …. No
SS … White, Anglo Saxon ,middle aged, straight male ?
Me … Yes that’s me !!
SS … Well get off the line and stop wasting our time !!!
Just on the iPad Jack. Name and email address showing automatically so perhaps problem now resolved?
Still no joy here Willie.
But not from iPhone.
Or desk top.
Don’t know what is going on.
Well at least you tried Jack.
Btw, is it just me or does that thing in the picture look suspiciously like Caroline Lucarse? Would not be surprised if she was the cunt mother behind all this.
It does a bit doesn’t it ?
Oh dear gawd. Is this what our country has come to? I despair. I just fucking despair.
I reckon an early suicide for the freak.
If he went to a rough tough Comprehensive like most of us probably did he wouldn’t have to top himself.
Anyone got Barry Chuckle of the Chuckle brothers in the dead Pool ?
I always thought he had Aids or was an Aushwitz survivor.
I had the semi-mong a while back,don’t think anyone had him this time. I always thought that he’d be appearing in Crown Court long before he appeared in the Death Column.
A great loss to operation yew tree (probably)
Please don’t be too rude about Barry Chuckle as his brother, Gary, is still living and is devastated. After his calamitous attempt at football managing in Spain and his woeful footy commentary, this might push old “Neville” over the edge.
Can somebody turn the light off on the way out.
Jesus fucking Christ
BBC: Matteo Salvini- Can Italy trust this man?
The reason for the headline is that he is against the EU, the Euro, the EU’s policy on Asylum seekers and ILLEGAL immigrants. Described by the BBC and the Guardian as having far right views.
What’s not to like? Sounds like common sense to me.
Donateli Trumpetino, the fact there are right-wing parties in power/coalitions or in the running in several EU countries tells you all you need to know, people are waking up and the lefties are shitting bricks.
Trumpertino? Ffs ?
Move over hunchback!!! ?
Gay at 14 years old? How the fuck can he know that? Unless “Uncle Jimmy” has already introduced him to the rather dubious mechanics of having a 5 inch girth cock shoved up a 3 inch girth soil-pipe, he can’t really be sure if the “Gay” lifestyle is really for him, I’d imagine… perhaps the Mother does him with a strap-on,she certainly looks the type.
The nasty little freak should not be allowed amongst normal children. It can only lead to the weak ones being interfered with by this deviant,or the decent ones getting into bother for knocking the Nancyboy’s teeth out…although he may be grateful for that in later life when he’s selling £5 BJs to homeless people.
This bumfoolery all stems from decriminalising homosexuality. Originally in 1967 it was made legal between two men over the age of 21 in private. Not now,it seems to be legal,even encouraged, for children to be corrupted and to fuck with the “in private” part. Apparently this deluded child and his publicity seeking Mother are to be given pride of place at some Bummers’ festival…a 14 year old child FFS. Of course this has always been The Gays agenda,the lowering of the age of consent. They wont be happy until a child the age of Tom Daley’s “son” is fair game.
The child seriously needs removing from it’s home and reeducating and the Mother locked up for child abuse. Nobody at the age of 14 can decide that they are “Gay” unless they are getting encouragement from some very seedy people.
Fuck Off.
Fuck 14 – I knew I was a straight pervert by 12!
As did your unfortunate neighbour,no doubt.
My unfortunate neighbour? Please expand.
She’ll have worked out who was pinching her knickers off the washing line.
I’m not fucking Arnold Layne ffs!
I did have a wank wearing my mother’s stockings once though…
Did you have the stockings on over your head as you eavesdropped at the neighbour’s downstairs toilet window,furiously hand-humping as you breathed in the intoxicating odours while listening to the gentle “plop” as she logged out?
Seems I’m not the only pervert posting here… or indeed the worst.
As a matter of fact I had a very nice pair of pins in those days… and the stockings helped give the illusion they belonged to Clodagh Rogers.
It all got pretty intense I can tell you!
Fuck me. Clodagh Rodgers. There’s a blast from the past. The dirty bitch.
She joined me in the school bogs on more than one occasion…
I knew at a very “Adrian Mole” age – 8 3/4 years old.
That stable-girl was luscious…
The boys and male teachers at his school should be checked for traces of lipstick around the pubic area.
This Cunt would probably volunteer to do the checking.
Vladimir Putin passed laws recently forbidding school children being taught the insidious art of Bummery in Schools, parents can rest in Russia now knowing this degenerate life choice is not going to be shoved down their children’s throats ( excuse the pun )
I am gay, but not like THAT ! I don’t think anyone would suspect if they saw me in the street. It took me until I was 26 until I succumbed (not a spelling mistake) to the fact that I preferred cock to minge. I’m not proud of it, but that is the way I am. These mincing flappy transbender fluid types give us normal puffs a bad name.
I’m sure that’s how it is with the vast majority of you as well – so far as I know most gays (my sister included) just want to get on with their lives and not have this identity politics crap shoved down their throats.
I’m not proud of my sexuality (straight) either, but nor am I ashamed of it. And neither should you be Iwouldnot. You are what you is.
Think I’ve mentioned this before, but we’ve had a gay couple living next door since we moved in 17 years ago. Couldn’t hope for better neighbours… if you passed them in the street you wouldn’t have a clue as to their sexual preference.
Damn sure they despise the attention seeking, narcissistic, militant trans/LBQTWTF bollocks every bit as much as the average Cunter posting here.
Well almost as much…
Wouldn’t you just love to transport this freak back to 1980 into a comprehensive school near a council estate and see how long it would last before receiving the nuclear-level kicking-the-fuck-out-of it so richly deserves.
I’d have put the little attention seeking freak on the Stretford End in 1975… His cuntish parents would have to take their little abomination home in a bucket…
It’s corruption of a minor and total depravity, end of…. She/he/its parents should be arrested and the key thrown away… Of course the BBC lapped this up, and this horrible narcissistic little creature is now in their deviants and circus freaks hall of fame… I know all about Sir Jim’ll (who doesn’t except Esther Rancid?) and all that, but I reckon it’s only a matter of a decade or two before the ‘Corporation’ runs warm and fuzzy stories about kiddy fiddlers/fuckers, alongside all the other weirdos they cover already… What a disgusting place Britain has become…
There’s one way the Marxist Left is going with this sexual ‘fluidity’, mark my words. Enough to put one off ‘pizza’ for life.
All that make-up would look just fabulous on the inside of his schools finest porcelain convenience.
A colossal swirly, perhaps followed by a swift soap in socks battering should straighten things out.
Yet again another product of the neo-liberal educational Stasi where any fringe or minority is to be over-promoted as the norm.
It’s also being over-promoted at younger and younger ages with boys as young as 5 being dolled up and cross dressed to parade out in front of gay pride marches, etc., where the more vociferous types are all muscle bound, oiled up, and naked…
Not an eye is batted as the Police get in on the act with LGBTQIA friendly rainbow coloured bibs as they walk alongside the parade.
The sad thing is most ordinary gay folk are equally horrified by these fringe loonies and their antics as straight folk are.
No doubt the Police (fuelled by Cresida Strapon’s mandate) will be even happier when “P” gets added to the ever enlarging list of LGBTQIA letters.
No more having to investigate those awkward underage grooming gangs which are generally “peaceful” in nature.
That way they can double their efforts on stamping out common sense nasty tweets and free speech by ordinary British people who no longer matter in British Society.
And when Shariah Law gets in I wonder what this flake cunt will think then (as invariably these types are all for the “peaceful” invasion of the West – they’re not all bad you know…)?
Maybe they’ll give him a choice of building to be slung from??
Deluded Cunts!
Having worked in schools for 35 years, I can concur that this snivelling little scrotum would have been punished by both pupils and teachers alike. Especially the PE staff; mean bastards one and all. I once remember them running into a changing room and pulling their eyes into slits and screeching like coke-fuelled Asians, “Toneeeee Lodgers, Toneeee Lodgers, what do you chink of theees?” simply because poor old Antony Rodgers had the tiniest look of the Chinese about him. Very funny but very cruel. 1992, if I remember correctly.
This blatant display if poofery is demonstrative if the moral breakdown n if society.
As an experienced homosexual myself I wish this little fruit would SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Whooops! Am I blocked ????
No sign in ?
It seems to be a site wide problem. The rest of us are having it as well.
More cuntitude.
Equality and Human Rights Commission ?! THEY can fuck off for a start. We are NOT equal, and some types of person barely register as HUMAN in my book. Obviously an organization created by cunts to give themselves a job, because no one else would employ them. With the intention of cunting everyone else off.
Fuck me sideways my wife has just had a biopsy and it’s taken 12 fucking weeks from her original doctors appointment to get that done. We waited from 7.30 am till 3.30 pm before she went down for her op and hadn’t eaten since 6.00 pm the day before.
My first wife died of pancreatic cancer just six weeks after her diagnosis.
The NHS is on its knees due to immigration, health tourism, and bad management and now we have this complete lunacy.
It’s about time we all stand up and do a Howard Beale.
Come over to BG and have all tests done here, have a short holiday, visit private hospital 30 or 40 quid later all tests done same day and written results to take back to the UK.
This kid was on Sky news this morning.
He made the news because his school wouldn’t allow him to perform some drag act in a school show.
The school made it very clear that the decision wasn’t anti gay, anti LGBGT or anti drag but was considered “age inappropriate.”
How can you argue with that..?
Don’t worry the neo-liberal fascists will find a way.
A couple of weeks back, this fucker was on the Jeremy Swine show on Radio 2 … the article previous to this Cunt, on the show, was from a 96 year old chap who had to jump into oblivion, from his Lancaster bomber, with what was left of his crewmates, as they were being blown to fuck over ‘the Fatherland’ … I figured the 96 year old may have been in his early to mid- twenties when this occured … usually for me the radio is on in the background for a bit of music or whatever …. When this old cadger was being interviewed I stopped what I was doing, turned up the radio, and listened … fuck me, the shit these guys went through … all dealt with in a ‘ matter of fact’ fashion now … made the hair on the back of my neck stand up …
Next article … Fanny Boy here …. Jeremy Swine couldn’t gush over the Cunt enough … from his mother saying how good he looked in a dress coming down the stairs, to how hard done by they felt he was being treated ……. Jeremy Swine said ‘He could talk to him all day’ …
I, meanwhile, am launching the radio out of my shed, screaming … ‘What does your Dad think, what does your Dad think .. of this Cunt for a son ?’ … then I remembered, Dad won’t be in the picture.
As an aside … I’d a visitor from New Zealand with me the other week , on tour. His first visit to the UK in many years … This time he’d spent 5 weeks in the UK … He said that he’d always belived the BBC to be ‘ straight down the middle’ … He asked .. ‘What the fuck with the Liberal Left attitude of the BBC these days ?’ …
Gentlemen … we are fucked.
I don’t get it. If you are gay you want to have sex with men right? So why try and look like a bird? That’s not going to attract other gay men is it?
Surely that will only attract straight men who , when they discover you are packing the meat and two veg, are going to kick your head in.
Am I missing something?