Govt Tax Credit Advert

Woman so preoccupied with her FaceCunt account she fails to realise when her half-dunked biscuit drops into her tea.

A Dad so preoccupied with Twatter on his mobile he doesn’t realise he’s pissing milk all over from the babies bottle as he’s shaking it.

A woman so engrossed in her Mum’s Net forum she can’t be arsed to switch off the battery operated squeaking child’s toy, instead – without looking – sticks a cushion on top of it.

“Renew your tax credits online any time day or night. We’re ready when you are.”

— OR —

You could say: “Too fucking idle to drag your bastard eyes away from social meejah? No problem, get free money from the Govt!”

I don’t mean to pooh-pooh tax credits because childcare – even up ‘ere in the grimm north is eye-watering – but for fuck’s sake make the recipients look even 1/2 interested!

Or make it really realistic, show a “peaceful” cunt with a xylophone of kids counting their windfall for have 8 little bomb-makers on the nashy which is netting them £2,500 pcm gratis from our dullard system!


Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

27 thoughts on “Govt Tax Credit Advert

  1. A white, presumably heterosexual cis gendered family with non-trans kids?

    Something is not right!

    • That’s because only “normal” white families are claimants. All coloured families are hard working,productive members of society in no need of claiming benefits…

      • Amazing advert!!
        Whilst every other advert appears to shoe horn every ethnic group known to man like the HM advert with all jelly babies playing music in the garage! and the United Nations Pirelli advert this one deliberately uses a normal 2+2 white family?
        I suppose the government are telling the indigenous white people that they are lucky to have all the other people working hard to support them in times of need, yeh all out working and paying tax? So old whitey can sit at home pouring milk over his children and generally acting the Cunt!!
        Fuck them!!
        Imagine if they showed a peaceful family acting in such fashion? All bimbling around like brainless twats! How many complaints of waycism and negative stereotyping would there be??

      • It’s the same thing with all those scam finance related adverts – pay-day loans, life insurance, funeral insurance – they all feature exclusively white families /individuals, cos the PC advertisers are shit scared of portraying persons of colour as the type of gullible fools stupid enough to be taken in by these rip-off merchants.

        Regarding Govt. Tax Credits ads, Dick nailed it by pointing out only white cunts claim benefits… proud, self reliant ethnics pay in billions more in taxes than they ever take out, innit?

      • Remember boys and girls, white people are stupid. You are told it in almost every advert you will see.

      • Oh fuck just seen your post RTCP, without question for me the most annoying advert at the moment is life Insurance firm beagle!!! It’s shows a young couple unpacking and the bloke is a metrosexual new man pussy whipped cunt!!, he is busy beavering around when his girlfriend tells him to sort his life Insurance out!! , the cheeky cunt is already bored with the fucking wimp and wants him to check out for a payout!! Instead of telling the bossy little cunt he is busy the worm gets on his I pad to do as he is told!! ???
        she appears to be sitting around doing nothing but ordering the dolt around…….

      • Agree Q – that ad sums it up perfectly – the wussy bloke might just as well be wearing a t-shirt with AUTISTIC written across it, while his cold calculating bitch of a wife should have one reading PSYCHOPATH.

        Unbelievable that this portrayal ever got further than the drawing board.

      • Ah you’ve seen that ad RTCP…
        That guys a fucking sissy! Why do advertisers think its okay to potray white men are servile wimps? It’s actually really offensive shit, I doubt there’s a single advert that shows a black, Indian or man of sand getting mithered by some stupid gobby bitch princess ……

      • Think I’ve seen this ad…
        Although it made such an impression on me that it was news to hear it was for govt. tax credits…
        Just looked like same old, same old…

  2. Sorry but I just can’t stay away from this Boris ‘Cunt’ Johnson and the Burka circus. Here’s a reblog of an article by Brendan O’Neill of Spiked Online…

    Can’t help but think the twats who defend Islam are the same ones who attack the religious maniacs of the DUP. It’s what Bill Maher has called the ‘soft bigotry of low expectations’ – religions are fine for those funny brown and black people but vulgar for white people. That Yank twat who went on and on at the last ‘royal’ wedding is a case in point – a white American with that accent and mannerisms would have been crucified by the BBC/Guardian wankers, not given the fawning (and patronising) praise he was given.

    I’ll make a bet with you – if I lose I’ll pay the entire bar bill for the first conference of Rebel’s Common Sense Party. I bet the people who support the ‘choice’ of women to wear the burka are the same people who demanded a ban on Formula 1 grid girls and Page 3 models.

    • Quite right. Just listened to someone from Muslim Council explaining how victimised they all are due to Boris. Veiled women abused in street and surgery. No evidence of course and little challenge from the Today programme.
      These fuckers identify as extremists by wearing a sign of Wahabi/Taliban oppression. Shame they have to put up with a bit of piss taking.

    • If I went out in a Klansman’s hood I would quite rightly be ridiculed and reviled as signifying identity with an unpleasant, repugnant culture.
      The burka signifies identity with the Taliban, Wahabiism and ISIS, which are even worse cultures. Wearing a burka is as indefensible in a civilised country as parading round as a Klansman..
      And the outraged muslim victims and lefty retards should consider this:
      The burka is banned in Chad, Niger and Morocco. It is alien to a lot of traditional Islamic cultures.
      France, Germany, Austria and Denmark have bans or restrictions on it.
      They should wind their stupid necks in a be grateful for Western tolerance which wouldn’t be forthcoming in the heartlands of burkadom.

  3. Fuck the scrounging Cunts,whatever colour they are. If they can’t afford to raise their appalling brats,they fucking well shouldn’t have them. My hobby is going to the races,but no fucker gives me £50 a week to fund it. If these people get their enjoyment from breeding brats,well fair enough,but they shouldn’t get benefits to pay for what is,essentially,their “hobby”….especially when my betting fund is depleted to pay taxes which are then handed over to these feckless scroungers.

    They should make a new ad showing the scavengers stealing out of the wallets of decent hard-working men and then wasting the money buying tattoos, scratchcards,knock-off baccy,drink and takeaways, because that’s all these “claimants” are doing.

    Fuck them…and their disgusting offspring.

  4. Correction:

    Father is looking at his bank balance and wondering what the hell he is busting his balls for.

    Mother is switching between apps, with enticing offers on FaceCunt messenger, Tinder, and Plenty of Cunts.

  5. To be fair, if it was a family of aspiring architects/communidee workers/talented rap artists nobody would believe that the father(s) would be present.

  6. I should be heavily subsidised for not having children. If I did, they’d be absolute feckless idle cunts like everyone else’s*. Childless support, please.

    *present company excepted, of course.

  7. I tried to say this, but in the end put the original post in quotes just to try and fool the system Nazi.

    “That is the problem nowadays. The ‘flakes are strident in their belief that one should be able to produce offspring without the encumbrance of having sufficient financial means to support them and the concomitant criticism of this from poor cunts like me who support them indirectly through taxes.

    Poor cunts like me who claim fuck all from the state but get rogered fucking senseless in terms of income tax, higher tax, VAT, etc, etc fucking etc. whilst trying to bring up my own children. The proof in all this is the fucking national debt, look no further at this as a barometer of cuntitude. This is increasing at an unsustainable £5K+ per second! Recent governments have become like middle-aged, Costa Coffee slurping, wannabee women with credit cards maxed out to £30K+, continuing to mismanage their finances and live beyond their means, buying shoes and other crap they don’t need but paying back the interest only. It can’t go on indefinitely.

    We also can’t keep allowing EU workers in who will work for a minimum wage and claim every fucking benefit going. We are effectively using taxpayers money to subsidise the business tycoons who are maximising their profits.

    Where all this will end is uncertain, but no country can keep racking up £5K+ per second of debt ad-infinitum. The creditor or creditors will want to call it in at some point. Very chilling.”

    • Thing is, Paul, whatever it was that triggered moderation will trigger moderation EVERY TIME YOU POST IT so there is no fucking point in posting the bastard thing SIX FUCKING TIMES !!!!!!

      And it wasn’t anything to do with quote marks incidentally. It was the word ‘tycoon’ which contains the moderated word ‘coon’ – and, yes, we know it’s not the same thing but this is a fucking computer and it has no common sense programmed into it.

      We cleared this one and deleted the other five.

      And just to give you a laugh, it moderated this – our own comment – for the same reason.

      • Thanks Mr Admin.

        If a post goes into moderation then normally it appears visible to the poster but with an ‘awaiting moderation’ advisory on it. This time the fucking post just didn’t appear at all, so I assumed either my system or yours was having a mardy.

        C’mon, at least give me credit for perseverance!

  8. Feck me i got knocked back for benifits, im on 45 -50 pills a day, i fall over on a regular basis got type 1diabetes, twats said i could work in office and use a spaz chariot to mitigate the falling, 40 odd years of outdoor work sees me ideal for office work. When went for assessment there was one other in waiting room with me and he was a honky like me, when i came out the waiting room was full to bursting and i kid u not every one was an ethnic of one race or another and i didnt hear a single word in English.

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