Gina Miller now speaks for the British public apparently and is demanding a second referendum on their behalf , the sheer arrogance of this fucking foreigner !! She also wants sixteen and seventeen year olds to be able to vote.
Not overly confident then Gina? You fucking pain in the arse, anti democratic, money grabbing cunt . Fuck off, fuck right off, then fuck off some more, you fucking parasite.
Nominated by Jack The Cunter
Who does the bitch think she is to think she speaks on behalf of anyone except for herself. No mandate in any official/political capacity and not even born here.
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off.
As someone who voted to Leave, the more Remainers who keep insisting on a second referendum make me more resistant to have one. Firstly because there is so much at stake I do not trust our political masters to conduct it fairly and legally (as they must realise the mood of many has swung towards leaving the European Union), and secondly a second referendum is not required as we have already had one.
And the result (Gina Miller) was to Leave.
Bad enough being told what to do by a woman, but when she’s a fucking foreigner as well, my piss begins to boil.
Gina Nadira Singh, proceed away from me.
I think even pissed to a point of total co ordination failure this cunt would still look like a bloke.
There are to many Cunts like this bitch determined to keep us in this federal dictatorship. One can only conclude that it’s vested interest that drives them. It certainly that with Mandleson and Hessletine, they make no secret of their naked greed and self interest.
Sixteen and seventeen year olds being given the vote is a desperate tactic of the left, McKrankenstein tried it in the Scots referendum and had her arse handed back to her on a plate. Under 40% of 18-24 year olds bothered to vote in the EU referendum so they have zero room to whinge about their ‘future being stolen’ by older leave voters. Unless it was the latest of Simon Cowell’s BGT pub acts I doubt many would even bother disengaging from their phones.
I’ll say this much for the arrogant cunt: she’s giving Theresa Maynot a run for her money in the ‘Cunt of the Year’ stakes.
Liebour shouldn’t have too much trouble bribing the pinheads to come out and vote in a second Referendum… how about dropping a hint in an online NME article that the EU might consider taking a look at subsidising the cancellation of all student debt from the beginning of time, etc…
Sounds remarkably familiar Ruff Tuff.
Even if they pledge something in their manifesto you cannot trust the cunts.
Example: Leaving the EU means leaving the Single market and the Customs Union.
Lying fucks.
The whiff of cuntitude follows her around like a rat infestation. Whenever her abhorrent, robotic voice begins, perverting good will, betraying noble honour whilst leading astray and hiding behind distractions, I always think the same thing:
Kiss my fucking piss.
Is that Cuntitude. By Chanel?
Chanel Tunnel, more like…
Dior, actually. From the comparative adjective ‘cunty’, as in, Gina Miller is Cuntdior than most.
She probably does speak for the British public since, nowadays, most of it consists of cunts from all over the world who have never done a days work in their lives to qualify for all the handouts they get, never mind the illegal ones who appear to be just as entitled. They really couldn’t care less who tells us what to do as long as they get theirs, and these fucking rich cunts are even worse, they’d happily sign us over to Nazi death camps for that extra penny.
Of course the fuckers will rig it, just like they are rigging all these bastard opinion polls. They would have done it the first time if they hadn’t been so fucking arrogant. They simply can’t afford to lose.
The Miller bitch is now a professional remoaner. It would be interesting to know who is paying the fucking old whore. The usual suspects I imagine.
I keep saying it. Her husband is a hedge fund manager. Her mates are hedge fund managers.
Who would make a lot of money from manipulating the markets.
Oh, thats right. Hedge fund managers.
One of her favourite expressions is “ the will of the people has changed “ I don’t necessarily agree with that but if that’s true is she advocating that we should hold a referendum on EU membership every 2 years to see if will of the people has changed? ( that’s only fair) How about a monthly referendum to see how we’re all feeling about it?
I’m actually unable to listen to her droning on and on , the media have turned this one trick pony into a celebrity! Why is miller invited on to so many political shows? Why is her opinion so readily sort? What exactly is miller an expert on?
It’s an absolute barrel of CUNT…
Fuck these glasses I thought you had written that Gina’s willy had changed. Right champion of democracy she is.
Indeedy, she is most Mugabe-esque
I voted remain. If we had another referendum I’d vote leave and to add to that, I’d be first in the queue as the polling station opened due to the actions of cunts like this. I question the merits of leaving but I can the other side’s point of view. More importantly I respect the fact that this is how democracy is supposed to work. Miller is a cunt of the highest order and a foreign cunt at that.
I’d love to see how far a shitty campaign like this would work in China or Russia. People like her only have a voice because the British Government are too gay to kick her hard in the sponge.
They don’t need a second Referendum. They’re going to get EVERYTHING they want without one.
The only reason they want another referendum is to give the inevitable outcome (Brino or Remain) a bogus veneer of public respectability.
‘Twas always going to be thus with a Remoaner heavy Establishment: House of Commons, House of Lords, Civil Service, Big Business, Unions and the MSM, all in the driving seat. With Leavers lying low for the most part…
The democratic mandate counts for nothing.
What a total waste of Governmental time, taxpayers money, energy and national mental /emotional health the last two years has been.
The Cunts have made a laughing stock of us around the world.
Agreed…….. ???
I was the first down the polling station on referendum 2016,
I barely slept, like many across the country I had never been asked for my opinion on EU membership, seeing the country changing and powers being gifted away by Cunts like major , blair and Co had left me seething!! After I voted leave I actually walked out feeling happy although I didn’t believe I would be on the winning side I just prayed enough people showed their total dissatisfaction that things would change………
To be fair to the woman,this article was recently in The Telegraph. I think that it shows just where the real problem lies.
Exclusive: Gina Miller says Soros-backed campaign to overturn Brexit is ‘undemocratic’
Gina Miller: ‘I’m a transparency campaigner, it doesn’t matter which side of the argument you are on’
The founder of a Remain-supporting campaign group that is seeking to overturn Brexit has accused the organisation of being “undemocratic” and said it must disclose its financial backers.
Gina Miller, who founded Best for Britain, said the public has a “right to know” who is backing the organisation as she criticised its tactics.
Her intervention comes after The Telegraph disclosed that George Soros, the billionaire known as the man who “broke the Bank of England”, is backing the campaign.
The group is trying to recruit major donors in an attempt to undermine Theresa May. It also plans to target MPs and convince them to vote against the final Brexit deal in a bid to trigger a second referendum or another election.
Ms Miller told The Telegraph: “When I read the coverage I pulled back and thought this is not where I think this should be going. It was a good decision to part ways.
“It [Better for Britain] is undemocratic. One of the objectives cannot be to bring down a Government, not without an election or a referendum.
“This idea of bringing down a Government and guerrilla warfare, I don’t agree with any of that. I’m a transparency campaigner, it doesn’t matter which side of the argument you are on.
“If you are going to have funders who are getting involved in something that could determine Britain’s future then the public has a right to know who is backing it. This is about the future of our country.”
A leaked memo from a meeting of the group says that the campaign, which will begin by the end of this month, must “wake the country up and assert that Brexit is not a done deal”. It is planning a national advertising campaign alongside “guerilla marketing tactics”.
Lord Malloch-Brown, a former Labour minister and chairman of the group, insisted the evening with Tory donors had been a success and raised more than £400,000.
He told The Telegraph that he is “coming to rescue the Tories”. He said: “We are talking about a defeat [for the Conservative Party] of historic proportions. This argument that somehow what we’re trying to do is anti-Tory – I’m the cavalry. I’m coming to rescue the Tories from their own mistake.
“Our feeling is that the general assumption out there was that the battle was over. We wanted to show that there was still a resistance there. We are deadly serious about trying to reverse the decision.”
The group said it reported “all regulated campaign expenditure as and when required by electoral law”.
Patrick Gascard, the President of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, said: “Human rights protections, hard-won civil and labour rights, safeguards on key issues such as clean air or food standards are at stake here for British citizens.
“It is essential that they are informed and empowered to make decisions about the future relationship between the UK and the EU.
You beat me to it Mr Fiddler,George Sorrows truly is the puppet master.
I don’t understand how it’s possible to undermine a PM who has no authority, no common sense, no principles and, most importantly, no fucking idea. Is it possible to get any lower?
Boris Johnson?
BJ is a political animal who follows whichever way the wind blows. I don’t believe, for one moment, that anything he says is anything but well thought out, if not scripted.
BJ creates his own wind, following it assduously…
BJ creates his own wind, following it assiduously…
Exactly – why undermine a PM who is working so hard to scupper Brexit?
Just keeping the heat on presumably.
Aye shes a huge Cunt alright but dont forget that behind her and the Best for Britain mob is the gigantic Uber Cunt,Nazi collaborating,Super Shyster György Schwartz aka George Sorrows.That old lizard is the cunt financing all the undemocratic attempts at overturning the referendum.If only this country in its hour of need could have an Ollie Cromwell or Maggie Thatcher pop up and blast the cunts to kingdom come.
(Cromwell,Thatcher)! thou shouldst be living at this hour:
England hath need of thee: she is a fen
Of stagnant waters: We are selfish men;
Oh! raise us up, return to us again;
And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.
Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart:
Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea:
Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,
So didst thou travel on life’s common way,
In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart
The lowliest duties on herself did lay.
The old cunt will probably end up being a BBC regular, just like Vicki Pryce, who after a short spell in jail now gets wheeled out for her views as a *finance expert*. Another ugly old cunt whose face only suits radio. Both women are remoaners.
Miller should wear a burqa so we don’t have to see her fucking condescending face which looks as if she has just smelt an especially malodorous fart.
Better still give her to old Mangeldbum for anal probing and butt torture.
Vicki Price: 2 seconds in Holloway and she thinks she is an expert on penal reform! Fraudulent bitch. Probably Lessed up in the showers…
She looks like something from Dante’s 9th circle of hell. Or, alternatively, an acid attack victim from Londonistan.
To the tune of Chicory Tip’s ‘Son Of My Father’
Oh Banana-Nana!
Nana Gob!
That works very nicely ??
I remember my old mate birdman saying he wouldn’t mind jumping old Banana Gob…
Fucking hell, the lad must have been on some strong drugs….
Chewbacca Miller, from the jungles of South America, flared her already enormous nostrils, and bellowed ( as only a howler monkey can do ) her battlecry ! Was she about to fight for the people of her country? A Nation full of corrupt and smackhead politicians? A country so full of shit that its National Monument is a Pedestal to Thomas Crapper! No. The imported ugly bitch wants to bring down a Nation that allowed her ugly arse to walk our streets, and grow rich on the pickings from the oppressed.
Fuck the harlot from hell, who incidentally, was a “model” ( if you can fucking believe that ) before her spreading of legs attracted a billionaire with a uk passport. That cunt too, should be tossed out of the fucking country, along with the monger he brought with him.
Cunt, the both of them
What in fucks name did she model? Putty? Mahogany wood filler?
An ex model from Guyana and a Hungarian pensioner are now steering our destiny.
Is that what its come to…?
The very best you can hope for is an already diluted Brexit lite….
Brexit Smexit…I’m done with it…
Imagine trying to explain that scenario to British heroes thru the ages JRC?
Shut up winstone and listen to the foreign model?
Listen lord Nelson this old Hungarian pensioners got a point?
For fuck sake shut up monty and listen to the men from Belgium and Luxembourg?
Today- Christine Hamilton axed from charity over burka tweet
“I am not comparing Muslim women to KKK members and yes, thank you, I do know the difference. I was graphically illustrating how full facial cover can be sinister, which is how many people view the burka”.
BBC News 4 years ago:
KKK outfit worn in Australia Muslim veil protest
Three men, one of them wearing a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) outfit, have tried to enter Parliament House in Canberra.
The men were reportedly calling for a nationwide ban on the full-face Islamic veil.
One of the three was wearing a motorbike helmet and the third had donned a Muslim niqab. The three men were met by a security official outside the building on Monday morning, who told them they could not enter parliament wearing a helmet or a KKK hood.
“It seems that you’re allowed to wear a full-face covering into Parliament if you’re a Muslim woman, but no other group is allowed to have that same privilege” one of the men told local media.
The indications throughout the world are that we are being forced to accept that there are certain rules for white folk, and different, more privileged rules for our Peaceful friends.
The charity in question is Muscular Dystrophy UK. It will never see another penny from me, much as I sympathise with those who are affected by that appalling condition.
With you SW another few quid saved each year.
I’ll just give the money saved to other charities. I’m a good cunt, you see…
As a cunt, I’m spectacular.
My best friend has Myotonic Dystrophy and I’ve never given a penny to that charity. So no skin off my nose.
Not sure whether Gina models for door knockers or gargoyles.
Model? Not one of repute; try to find modelling pictures of her on Google and you will be hunting for an age.
I suspect she may have participated in some cheapo, tawdry Guyanese skin flicks for bread money. Not that any of these VHS tapes are likely to find their way to Rupert Murdoch’s team. A real shame, mind.
Miller has the head and face of a marmoset. Fuck knows how any cunt could find that model-worthy.
They often used to call Soho street women *models*. Imagine Miller in that role “Hello dearie, looking for a horrible time?”
Gina Miller is George Soro’s best money spent she is Pro EU, pro open borders type cunt and as a bonus she looks like one of the chimps from planet of the apes. As Charles Heston famously said “Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!” lol