I’d like to nominate the BBC for yet again appeasing the do gooders etc. All shortlists for senior roles are to include one ethnic minority.
What the hell happened to you get the job, if your qualified enough. Simple as that. And where does it stop…do all “traditionally” female roles now need to have at least one man shortlisted and vice-versa.
It’s positive discrimination as eluded to in the post about the winner of Britain’s (not) Got Talent. All the ethnics, disabled people, gays, women in traditional male roles and men in traditional female roles will have that nagging voice in the back of their mind telling them they’re only in their job to fulfil a quota and not because they’ve truly earned it.
Nominated by McCunterson
I have to nominate this list of cunts having just read the BBC rich list and I could not believe some of the names on it and what they are paid FFS. Not one of these cunts is worth the money, the list is populated by football taking morons, a newsreader who just does fuck all except read from an auto cue, and the faded wannabe Nicky Campbell who drones on about religion to a TV audience of about a hundred and to top it all a wrinkly prune faced old crone who does fuck all except bake cakes, and Norton who just sits on a chair and talks about himself to his guests, Vine who is the loony lefts mouthpiece on the radio, Nick Grimshaw even his listeners can’t stand him. Most of the rest I have never even heard of
Gary Lineker – £1,750,000-£1,759,999
Chris Evans – £1,660,000-£1,669,999
Graham Norton – £600,000-£609,999
Steve Wright – £550,000-£559,999
Huw Edwards – £520,000-£529,999
Jeremy Vine – £440,000-£449,999
Nicky Campbell – £410,000-£419,999
Alan Shearer – £410,000-£419,999
John Humphrys – £400,000-£409,999
Nick Grimshaw – £400,000-£409,999
Stephen Nolan – £400,000-£409,999
Andrew Marr – £400,000-£409,999
Ian Wright – £170,000-£179,999
Emily Maitlis – £220,000-£229,999
Amol Rajan – £200,000-£209,999
Mary Berry – £190,000-£199,999
Katya Adler – £170,000-£179,999
Ian Wright – £170,000-£179,999
Sarah Montague – £160,000-£169,999
Rachel Burden – £150,000-£159,999
Tina Daheley – £150,000-£159,999
Jane Garvey – £150,000-£159,999
Simon Jack – £150,000-£159,999
Fergal Keane – £150,000-£159,999
Sarah Smith – £150,000-£159,999
Jesus Ian Wright and Alan Shearer paid a small fortune for taking shit about football and of course, Lineker top of the BBC gravy train for being a football-talking cunt.
Nominated by iamnot
Excellent nominations. I hate the Establishment pricks at Jimmy Savile House with a passion.
Just finished reading ‘Posh Boys: How the English Public Schools Ruin Britain’ by Robert Verkaik. The BBC is full of these arrogant, born to rule cockmunchers.
Bastard Bunch of Cunts.
By and large a list of cunts. Mostly irritating cunts at that. What fucking market are they competing in to justify these amounts? Who is going to snap up Evans, Lineker and the rest?
The BBC is a top heavy, profligate, jobs for the cunts, leach, funded by a compulsory tax. The cunts.
Poll Tax.
It’s not really the Poll Tax. However unfair the poll tax was, there was some flexibility to reduce the amount people pay depending on circumstances – this cunt is forced on anybody who has a fucking TV on penalty on jail, regardless of whether they watch the fucking BBC or not. I have a car, and I pay for petrol, but I’m not forced to pay for diesel as well simply because I OWN that car.
I fucking don’t!
The BBC – Bastards Broadcasting Communism
The Big Big Cunthouse
As the country crumbles to its inevitible and sad end. The BBC will also come to an end. As party politics disolve into a nightmarish multiplicity of minor and special interest groups, the support for the Beebistan Cuntbox will fritter away as party’s collapse.
Not before fucking time. This instrument of indoctrination will then have to compete in a very established and cut throat world where “populism” is the success story, and minority preservation societies will be told to fuck off.
The BBC will actually perish at its own hand. Having destroyed the fabric of a society that feeds it, it will fall through the net to be flushed down the lavvy.
I can’t wait for that day to come. Cunts, one and all !
Would be wonderful if HM Queen “decided” to strip this bloody corrupt PIE (etc.) org of its Royal Charter.
Funny, but I read that the BBC can’t publish the pay of cunts who are employed freelance because they are employed by an agency.
Yet some time ago they said they couldn’t do anything about slimeball Linekunt airing his political views because he was freelance. So have circumstances changed? Is the cunt now an employee? Has the cunt shut his remoaning, peaceful loving mouth?
Or were they lying their arses off all along? Which is it I wonder?
Can’t do anything about Linekunt…??
Whatever happened to the tried and trusted formula of pulling the plug. transmitting a high-pitch whining noise (some “male” sports “commentator”), and returning to a blood-and-guts spattered studio ?
Why’s Ian Wright on the list twice ? Does he qualify for a second helping ?
All a bunch of useless overpaid cunts!
Although he doesn’t work directly for the BBCunts, Sir David Attenborough, is worth more than all those cunts listed together; and he’s the only reason why I bother watching that godawful wank channel!
Most of the cunts in that list have never even stepped outside of a studio – all they seem to do is rehearse from other people’s scripts (or read fucking auto cues!); ask inane questions, crack lame jokes while sitting on their fat gummy arses.
At least Attenborough has spent 70 years of his life working for the BBC, exploring every corner of the natural world – risking life and limb in some cases – to inform and impart knowledge of the world around us. And for that I really don’t mind or care what he earns!
But some of the cunts on that list should be ashamed of themselves and should just do the best thing and jump in front of a train and save us all a few bob!
If any party promises to abolish the licence fee, I will vote for them.
You believe they’d actually do it?
Wasn’t that in the last Liebour manifesto?… along with abolishing student debt, and a £500billion boost for the International Health Service…
I’m afraid it’s time for a major shake up at the BBC These people/fat cats for the want of a better word are robbing the licence payer. BBC Studio is the new element to the con People will be paid via this loophole to avoid going on the pay list apparently it’s self funding so does not come under the licence fee scrutiny bollocks it’s a dodge
If the BBC had to go, there would be no more trumpet calls for Grenfell. No more “specials” on “Lil Mwanba” walking 30 miles to collect bison piss. No more Red Fucking Nose Days. No more Celebrity Come Dancing bollocks. No more Liberal fuck you over fests.
In fact television might once again return to “entertainment” ( How fucking novel is that )
Just imagine , a world where Linneker is on the minimum wage! Lily Allen can’t get a slot, coz she is not “entertaining”. And the most popular programme on the telly is the most politically incorrect. Wow! Bring it on !
Carlsberg TV ……..
18 times the BBC has been cunted!! It’s not enough ?
I just saw that hugely annoying cunt naga munchetty doing the sports section with some woman football expert? After talking utter bollocks the so called expert told the viewers to get their bunting out of the bin and cheer England in tonight’s game?? Yeh good luck with that as it’s an afternoon kick off you clueless Cunts! ………..
And the grabbing cunt Pudsey might be offed by an OD of Peruvian marching powder, supplied by Paddington…
So-called positive discrimination boils my piss, for the simple reason that there is no such thing; by discriminating in favour of a person or group you are ipso facto discriminating against everyone else.
It’s insidious social engineering in a Libtard wrapper.
Aside from the nest of cunts who proliferate from Tony Hall’s throne all the way down to the tea boy (who is actually a disabled black muslim woman who identifies as a white 4yr old boy), the ABBC’s programming is truly woeful these days.
Every 2-3 years you’ll get a decent series (a “whole” fucking 5-6 episodes mind) like The Hour, Hinterland or The Night Manager, and the rest is just cheap tat reality garbage like “Cash in the Attic” that must cost tuppence a year to make and yet it pervades every moment of licence fee TV from Victoria Derbycunt (who I’m amazed is not on the list of cunts above) finishing until the 6pm News.
They made a big thing about BBC 3 (now an online channel) and BBC 4, both of which don’t kick in until 7pm and then wrap up not much later. The sad thing being that most of the BBC shite I tolerate watching these days is actually on BBC 4 (and mainly then for the imported Scandinavian “Who done it?” series).
Fucking right-on NeverEnders – you don’t see many stabbings, moped criminals, acid attacks – but it is totally realistic…
Any cunt who is a fringer is immediately idolised and lorded above all others and that’s one of the main reason the country is pissing good money after bad on idiot schemes like transgender bogs and sexless NHS forms (because knowing the sex of a patient is totally irrelevant isn’t it: “What’s the problem Mr Smith?”- “Well doctor my cunt’s itchy!”, FFS), all because of the over-promotion of fringe twats on the ABBC!
Then we get to sport. What do they actually show these days which isn’t just a highlights package? Well we have the Wimbledon fortnight and… and… and… oh, there is that hill running thing from Chester-le-Street they show each year, or has that gone to Sky now as well? I’m sorry, and this is completely sexist, but you knew exactly how much stock the AL-BB-CERA put in sports programming when the appointed a split-arse as Head of Sport!
Wages aside what the fuck are they spending the money on? If 15 million households pay the £140 quid a year fee then that’s over £2bn a year!?!
So where the fuck is the money going? Not on fucking programming that’s for sure!
I’m afraid I’m going to go against the flow here. I agree that the BBC has it’s faults,but any organisation that size,and with such a huge remit,always will have faults. We on this site accuse it of “leftie” bias,interestingly the left accuse it of “right wing” bias. Personally I think that it probably champions the more “metropolitan” stance,but that’s just my opinion. I’m sure others would argue the opposite.
However, my main point is that at £3 per week, I think that the BBC is tremendous value for money. I listen to Radio 2 and 5, I watch the television channels, I access the BBC websites. Fair enough, a lot of their output may not be of interest to me,but I can hardly expect a national broadcaster to only air things that I happen to agree with or enjoy.
Again I say that the BBC might have it’s faults,but when it does something well,such as it’s nature programmes,they are worth every penny of the licence fee as far as I’m concerned.
As for people saying that they should be funded through adverts,well.Fuck that. I’d much rather pay £3 per week to watch, uninterrupted, some good programme that I happen to be enjoying, than have to put up with banal ads every five minutes.
The BBC might not be perfect,but it’s a sight better than most commercial television and radio,which by it’s very nature, must make only output which appeals to advertisers. Commercial channels would never make niche programmes,they couldn’t afford it. The BBC can and do. Admittedly,I might think that most of it is rubbish,but I’m glad that they are able to make those kind of things. An endless diet of only programmes which appeal to the largest demographic….Love Island etc. wouldn’t be my idea of fun.
Slag the BBC if you like. You’ve certainly got some good points,but I can’t imagine that another commercial channel will be any improvement.
Fuck them.
Uncharacteristically fair of you, Dick. But I don’t think there’s any doubt that the BBC has drifted too far in the direction of PC, corporate bollocks and outsourcing its production. while retaining its expensive and incompetent management.
Everyone needs a state broadcaster: fine. Should its function be entertainment at all? If so, then I agree, the license fee should be retained in order to remove the influence of advertisers. But it is still in competition with advert-funded media, and has to supply the same sort of shite. I’d suggest that a reversion to the Reith model is long, long overdue; with standards being set and maintained by the broadcaster, production in-house, an emphasis on education* and a careful eye kept on political propaganda. In that case, it should be a shared burden on the taxpayer, justified at least in part by the essential requirement to have an effective foreign service. It works for RT and PressTV…about time we caught up with them’
Is it any worse to have the state broadcaster as an arm of the state, or as the voice of the Guardian, which is what it currently appears to be?
*Look around you and tell me it isn’t desperately needed.
Well said. Don’t watch it a lot these days, but the little I do is certainly worth the licence fee.
I agree. The BBC employs loads of people and it has just become a reflection of what we are right now – predominantly PC left leaning. Being a purveyor of media it does sort of feedback on itself, but it’s not solely responsible for creating the idiotic state of mind prevalent today.
Bloated and mismanaged? Sure. Don’t blame the organisation though, blame the cunts and cunt enablers with no morals.
Also agree with the niche aspect. When it’s not solely about profit then real creativity can flourish and occassionally you get actual art. That never happens when profit is #1.
It’s particularly galling when one considers the on-going cost cutting the BBC have been making over the years – closing or streamlining regional broadcasting centres and district offices resulting in hundreds of job losses.
Then there’s their website: that’s been pruned down over the years, with the most recent closure of their all important Traffic & Travel link last year as part of a plan to save £15m!
Yet they can still find the cash to fund these useless cunts! If the BBC were trying to economise why have so many football punters on one show, all spouting pointless bollocks for 2 hours work!
Getting rid of a cunt like Alan Shearer would probably have paid to keep the Traffic & Travel site ticking over for another year or so!
Hypocritical cunts!
I agree that, compared to the horrendous shite put out by Sky, ITV and the rest the BBC seems good. Likewise Radio 4 is the only channel I can tolerate, despite some of the shite on it.
However, it cant justify the pay for these cunts. Cant stand up it’s ridiculous management structures and cant justify it’s right-on Metropolitan bias. The cunts.
That money would’ve been far better spent employing Ant & Dec – a mere snip at £29.5 million!
The public has only itself to blame. The insane money- for maybe half a day’s luvvying per week max – reflects the audience figures for the otherwise unemployable nonentities’ lowest-common-denominator output.
And those figures are the tip of the iceberg. There are ten strata of management buggering up the best efforts of those below. (Glassdoor has multiple employee reviews of these, but posting more than one link here leads to automatic moderation, so please Google ‘BBC management’ for this)
Here are the principal offenders:
These are all on £150K plus (plus)
Don’t watch the shit. Tell your mates not to watch the shit. Bin your box.
Seriously considering binning the radio, too. The latest jolly wheeze from the wimminz is to have an all-wimminz ‘comedy’ panel thing in the one slot on R4 where a laugh, if only a weak one, could generally be found: 1830 on Friday. Starts next week. Otherwise it now appears to be impossible to turn on R4 without enduring wimminz chattering to each other about trivia or vaginas.
I’ve just been reading an account of the early years of the SS. Regrettably, there are some damn good ideas there….
Off topic but very much up to date ;
NHS at breaking point
Education Failure
Cuts in social funding etc etc
AND what Is the first Minister of SCOTLAND doing ( when POTUS) is in the country ???????
Being the GRAND MARSHALL of the Pride march in Glasgow
How very very proud I am !
My nation is shamed !!!!
What’s the latest on the Roma community in Glasgow, never hear about them on the so called BBC now. Have they stopped being criminals and parasites? And now for the news where you are. Patronising cock sucking guardian reading CUNTS!
What is the difference between a “head of”, “chief officer” and “contoller of”. What’s the difference between “ Chief Financial and Operations Officer” and the “Head of Revenue Management “. A load of paper shuffling cunts all doing the same job. What the fuck is “ The Member for Scotland “ (and Wales) And which one of these freeloaders is the head of EU propaganda or sweeping the shit under the carpet before it hits the fan?
Bunch of fucking cunts.
Paid only once in 15 years, chap/licence checker guy came to door when I was out and the Mrs paid him.
You’ve also got to consider the massive pensions these thousands of lazy cunts get.
Oh, and the cunts on Question Time get 1500 quid a pop. 1500 fucking quid for lying like a cunt.
Ian Wright? Isn’t that chippy little black snake on ITV’s World Cup coverage?…
I’m only sorry that Schmichel didn’t turn the little cunt ‘Wrighty’ into pulp that time at Highbury….
Really don’t mind Ian Wright Norman.
A fantastic player who did well for himself considering he had the choice to remaining in a gang, or trying to better himself training and playing football.
Previously very much a livewire, living on the edge sort of person. And IMHO he has some character and sense of humour, unlike many drab, humourless, banal pundits.
You obviously know far more about football than I do and I bow to your wealth of knowledge, but have to say personally that I quite like Wrighty.
Also like Shearer but not worth anything like £400k+.
Alan Hansen used to earn £40k per episode!!!! FFS.
And Hansen, at least, knew what he was talking about… Wright once gobbed at an Oldham supporter, but he played the race card and there was no ban from the FA… a year or so later Cantona kicks some piece of Palace shite after being called a French bastard, and he gets a huge ban and is more hated than Hitler and Jack The Ripper combined… I know they go on (and fucking on!) about how ‘victimised’ they are, but being black can be very beneficial…. And Wright has used this ploy a good few times…
It’s a shame that Keane and Wright didn’t beat each other to death the other day,along with the other two braying Cunts,whoever they were.
Last decent Beeb show was Life On Mars, and that was over 10 years ago now… Of course it is extremely unlikely it will ever be repeated in its entirety… As snowflake fannies and not even born then millennial cunts will see Gene and the boys as un-PC, uncouth, and from the ‘Big Bad 70s’…. Was pleased to see the League of Gentlemen comeback last year and their pisstake of all that PC shite…But I doubt if we’ll see them,, or anything like them again… Shame…
Especially liked the blacking up. ‘Your my wife now’
And the tranny taxi driver. And the cross dressing in general.
Add in the gay Kraut and am surprised the twatterati didn’t erupt in offence.
Papa Lazarou the blacked up demonic circus master and collector of wives was the best character ever. I pissed myself when in the last series women disappeared down a hole at the photo booth to create a “wife mine” for him. Sinister and funny at the same time brilliant.
Great idea. But let’s not stop there…
I would rather watch endless repeats than pay these talentless parasites the obscene amounts we hand out to them. It’s abserious abuse of public funds. They say oh if we don’t pay them this kind of money we will lose this talent. WHAT ???? They mean to say that Lineker and Steve Shite in the afternoon are talent ???? I could drag any cunt off the street who could do the same job. Privatise this fucking gravy train the BBC now. And what was wrong with having only 4 channels? At least we got some quality as apposed to quantity.
Serious not abserious, I’m so fucking angry about these cunts that I can hardly string a sentence. Cunts !!!
I know,i nearly choked on my Walker’s Roast Cunt Flavoured Crisps. I wouldn’t piss on any of these cunts if they were on fire…..Cunts.