Penguin Publishing. These cunts – who may I remind everyone are THE BIGGEST PUBLISHING COMPANY IN THE WORLD – have removed the requirement for a degree from all of their jobs in an effort to stop judging on merit and boost ‘diversity’ (unless its diversity of opinion, obviously). That’s right – these cunts, who are practically the Disney of the publishing world, who operate in a field where high standards in terms of grammar and literature skills and the like are not only desirable but necessary, have now removed the requirement for a degree from all their jobs, and in doing so have effectively said that poor literary standards are perfectly acceptable so long as their diversity quota gets boosted. Fucking cunts.
Nominated by Opinionated Cunt
Haven’t these cunts also got some talentless rapper on board to encourage diversity, though obviously not literacy ?
We are in a race to the bottom. The cunts.
I haven’t heard about that. I wrote this one up after reading an article in The Spectator by Lionel Shriver which criticised them for exactly the things I mentioned. Since then the whole thing has descended into a bit of a firestorm.
Stormzy has signed with them. Presumably for a crayoning book.
I haven’t a fucking clue who he is but ‘rapper’ is enough to say how far down these cunts have sunk.
Ugh they’re even bigger cunts than I thought then.
Well, I suppose that’s the last time I buy a book published by Penguin.
Penguin have published more great books than probably anyone else. As for the future…
Meh. I don’t have a degree, but got employed as a paralegal. Fucking good one, at that. But penguins are cunts, so I’ll support this anyway.
It’s more the reason for removing the requirement for a degree – ie diversity quotas and affirmative action – than the actual act itself that I have a problem with.
Likewise – studied part time at my local tech to be a Legal Executive and find myself just as much in demand as over-educated solicitors with their degree and LPC course. No debt either so I’m laughing.
Probably Penguin ought to be looking at whether someone can actually do the job as opposed to some increasingly worthless academic qualifcation and/or being a one legged, lesbian, single mother blambo cunt.
Let’s just cut out the middle man (oops, I mean person…. oops, i mean non-gender-specific) and just not bother with any form of education at all in order to give every thick cunt a chance regardless of colour, creed or what the fuck else!
Seems that having any form of qualification is now seen as elitist, racist and other …ist you can think of. ergo get rid of schools, colleges and universities and thus allowing everyone to have the job they want in order to please the tick-box checkers!
I thought everyone and his dog had a 1st class degree these days… thanks to Tony B. Liar?
Undergraduates time would’ve been better spent learning to read, write and add up.
Pick up a virtue signalling penguin today! Available in all good charity shops…
Sign up to British Gas and you are guaranteed regular visits from a mincing penguin in a duffel-coat.
Seize the memes of production cunters Look at me libtards and fake conservatives I’m the captain now!
So qualifications are becoming obsolete are they? That’s me buggered then. What a shame I’m white and not a handicapped, black transgender sissy boy. My chances of working for penguin are down the shitter.
Can’t say that I disagree with Penguin. Degrees have become so devalued that they are no longer any indication of ability.
Central University of Lancashire are offering a two year B.A. ( Hons ) in Soap Opera,. Based in Preston. They have two modules, one of each for Coronation Street and the other for Emmerdale. The Dean authorized £180,000 spending upon a replica of the set of Coronation St. Graduates are promised a glittering career ? ( star studded dog shit perhaps ? )
Quite agree Dick…..crackers, all fucking crackers..
I wonder if there’s a Central University of North Thames (or anywhere dodgy starting with a T)?
There’s a Campus on Nottingham Trent University. Does that count. Bit like FCUK?
Reckon so, PC !
After all, today anything can mean anything we want…
They probably teach F’ck’uranic Studies. Possibly with a pop-up, fluffy Ladybird book.
Hey that’s the same uni my sister goes to. She’s doing something in sports science though so she’s at least doing a degree they’d somewhat worthwhile.
Standards levels are being relaxed in many things these days.
Political Correctness Rules.
An interesting piece I found earlier today called “The Rules of Political Correctness”. A bit lengthy.
To expose the danger of mindless thinking that causes robotic inhumanity ideologues’ minds are controlled by loaded jargon words combining to create mental algorithms. Ideology divorces minds from thinking, creating mindless, binary robotic humans. Robots do not have to be metal.
These strangely innocent people have an infinite capacity for cruelty and political destruction and can be found in all political hues. They assume everyone else is mindless, under the control of imported theories and rules of thinking, just like they are.
Thus, if they observe one trait that might characterise a Fascist.. out
comes the word. They think everyone else is an ideologue and often jump to ludicrous conclusions. This debases the real horror of what they often wrongly assume is in others and provides a disguise for exactly what they fear is on the way.
Ideologues are a menace whether Trumpist, UKIP, Neo-Liberal, well meaning Socialists, extreme Left or Right. Mindless politics is the greatest threat of the times.
Rules of Political Correctness
(Rules to follow to keep your job and for success in Public Sector, Police, Social Services and charitable organizations)
1. Culture trumps abuse, except for White Oppressor Culture
2. Race is determined solely by skin colour. Melanin is the sole determinant.
3. Only white people can be ‘racist’- modified, 26 April 2018: All white people are born racist; it is impossible for them not to be racist
4. ‘White culture’ is inferior to ‘black culture’
5. Religious intolerance does not exist because ‘it’s cultural’
6. There are only two races: Oppressors who are ‘white’ and victims who are ‘black’
7. All ‘white people’ are morally inferior to those they oppress
8. ‘White people’, being oppressors, are guilty, selfish and arrogant from birth
8a. ‘White people’ are identified as a group. The group is more important than individuals. All are part of the whole and equally responsible for oppression; regardless of individual circumstances- all are equally guilty of oppression. The principles of identity politics apply.
9. ‘Black people’, being the oppressed, are innocent, good and unselfish from birth
9a. ‘Black people’ are identified as a group. The group is more important than individuals. All are part of the whole and are equally oppressed; regardless of individual circumstances.- all are equally victims of ‘white oppressors’. The principles of identity politics apply
10. ‘Black people’ cannot exploit anyone
11. Profit is exploitation. All profit is oppression
12. ‘Black people’ do not make profit and are trustworthy, by definition
13. Only ‘white people’ exploit others including their own kind but it is impossible for a ‘white’ to be a slave
14. Unless fully P.C., anything a white person says about race must not be listened to because it is wrong or, if it looks right, it is a lie, by definition
15. ‘Black people’, being everyone who is not white, cannot be racist between each other
16. ‘Black people’ cannot be racist towards ‘white people’
17. If ‘black people’ appear racist or do wrong, it is because of mistreatment by their oppressors
18. All social ills and wars are caused directly or indirectly by ‘white people’
19 Behaviour determines moral status and not outcomes
20. Where problems arise not covered by P.C., they are not problems unless stated to be so by a black person
21. It is impossible to be right wing and P.C.
22, It is impossible to be left wing and a racist
23. All right wing people are racists even if they fight against racism
24. The rules of P.C. all have the same status. Eg. ‘upsetting feelings’ is as offensive as injuring someone because they are a ‘black person’
25. It is impossible for a white person to be P.C. unless they accept that they are guilty from birth. (This is particularly interesting because guilt paralyses reasoning)
27. Race trumps humanity because it defines everything
28. Where these rules are contradicted by reality, ignore reality. Censorship or oppression to ensure the higher wisdom of PC is correct. Ignorance, where it promotes Political Correctness, is a virtue
29. Unquestioning obedience or compliance to these rules automatically makes you a good and pure person. If you are a ‘black person’ you are already good, by definition. If a black person appears bad this is the fault of ‘white people’. Black people cannot be guilty or responsible for anything because they are victims of ‘white people’
30. All Muslims are ‘Blacks’
30a. All Christians are ‘Whites’
31. All people are not equal. Some are more human than others.
A hierarchy of privilege based on guilt and oppression applies, going from the most guilty and least worthy of social respect, legal protection, status or respect. The hierarchy automatically reflects the degree of fault and incorrectness in anything said by each grade going from total fault and worthlessness to the absolutely correct and valuable. It represents a sliding scale of human worth from the least human to the most worthy and best type of human.
Questioning this hierarchy or any of its precepts is a racist act.
a. Old white male
b Middle aged white male
c Young white male
d Old white female
e Middle aged white female
f Young white female
g. White female child
The above are all white oppressors, guilty and racist from birth.
h. All people of colour are black, by definition. Black includes all Muslims but does not include all Christians or other major religious faiths. Whites who have converted to Mohammedanism do not qualify as they are genetically guilty and racist from birth.
By this hierarchy, for instance, if a black child steals from an old white male this is likely to be justified and correct. However, if a white child steals from an adult ‘black’ person, it is a serious criminal offence of arrogant oppression to be punished and marked on a life-long criminal record.
Likewise, whatever a young black adult has to say about politics is automatically superior and more correct if opposed by or even agreed by an old white male. Whatever a white person says is wrong, by definition, even if in agreement with black wisdom. (Contradiction is a feature of most ideology).
Privilege is absolute. Guilt, racism, dishonesty and a wish to oppress is in the genetics of all white people. Criminal guilt depends on the grade of privilege. For instance, the offence of rape is considered very serious if any white is accused but if it is by a ‘black’, including any Muslim, culture and their superior privilege automatically reduce the nature of the offence and, in some cases, eliminates laws that must apply to whites. Justice is flexible depending on privilege.
32. Only Black people are permitted to say what racism is
33. Only Black people are permitted to convict white people of racism (black people cannot be racist per Laws 3 and 16)
34 Only Black people can determine the right punishment for breaches of P.C. rules but White people are permitted to do so only if approved by someone who is black
35. The laws of P.C. cannot be interpreted by White people without the approval of a black person
36. The laws of P.C. must not be written down or codified to avoid the danger of further oppression from White people
37. Once a White person has been convicted of breach of any PC law there is no appeal. The judgment of a black person is absolute and correct by definition; any appeal would be in the service of White oppression
38. Blacks are a distinct morally superior race to the oppressor White Race. Humanity is not a race
39. Where any part of an established formal legal system conflicts with P.C. law or prescription, P.C. law takes precedence
40. Flying the flag of any ex-imperial nation is a ‘racist’ act. Britain is an imperialist ‘racist’ creation
41. Where considerations of ageism, sexism or any racist attempt to suggest that article 3 and others might be compromised, PC law always overrides. There are no exceptions
42. As an extension of Article 24: all breaches of PC law carry the same offence and are considered worthy of equal retribution and punishment. There is no degree or shade of offence. Breach of any of these articles is equally criminal
43. As an extension of article 12, the word of a black person will always override any statement from a white oppressor or group of white oppressors
44. Cultural appropriation suggests that Black Culture is not the source of moral rectitude and respect. As ‘Whites’ are oppressors and morally inferior, any appropriation of ‘Black culture’ is forbidden.
45. Association with ‘whites’ is suspect and should be avoided. Friendship is a sign you are white inside.
46. Whites, particularly males, claiming discoveries or achievements are fraudulent. As oppressors, the credit for their claims belongs to blacks. All pictures, statues and false commemorations of whites must be replaced them with rightful displays of respect to black people. Where necessary, history must conform.
47. Two wrongs make a right. For instance, one rape justifies a rape in revenge. This follows the principle to be found in the Koran 5:45 and in Exodus 21:24 ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’: revenge is justice.
The Rules:
1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defence. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.
8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.” It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
Fuck me Willie. Where did you get that shit from?
Some early Christmas Crackers ?
But bloody scary, and true.
Wow! This takes some reading but is, sadly, spot on.
First the streets were enriched, then the television, then music, and now we are facing the prospect of enriched literature.
I hope you all appreciate how fucking lucky we all are.
It can’t get any more enriched than the Grauniad…
I don’t know if degrees have become devalued or not. All I know is I had to work fucking hard for mine (Computer Science, graduated in ’89). Glad I did too because that academic qualification was crucial to helping secure a work visa for the US years later. Maybe the snowflakes don’t want to end up with a massive student debt. Maybe they’re just afraid of hard work or being judged against a high standard? Who knows?
I studied every day of the week. Never went to student parties and only ever went to the Student Union in the evening once in four years. To see the band Propaganda mime to a backing tape. I kid you not. Passing the course was not a given. There was a real risk of failure and being asked to leave the course if you weren’t up to snuff. Does that culture of having to work for it still exist today?
By way of example, in our first two years we were taught how to program in Pascal, COBOL, Modula-2 and assembler (Z80 and M68000). Lectures, tutorials, course work, etc. all designed to instill those programming languages into our little brains. Comes to my final year and one of the modules I chose (yeah – the hardest fucking one) was Micro Computer Systems Design. First tutorial, our tutor walks in and says, “This year’s coursework will be done using C so I suggest you go and learn it. See you all next week for your first lecture and assignment.”. He then fucked off leaving us staring at each other in disbelief as the prospect of having to learn an entirely new programming language by ourselves in a week began to sink in. We were all shell shocked, but we all got on with it because that’s what you do. The spoon feeding of the first 2 years was well and truly over. It was a bit terrifying.
I’ve often found that the people who poo poo degrees and claim they’re irrelevant, unnecessary and prove nothing are the same people who don’t have one. Takes all sorts I guess, but I firmly believe achieving a high academic qualification in your chosen field of work is an enormous help. Apart from learning crucial skills and acquiring relevant knowledge, my degree taught me how to think in a certain and very analytical way which has been an essential component to my career success. Without that, I simply would not be as good at my job.
Actually I don’t mind them dropping the degree requirement. Not many of us from the seventies had degrees because Mum and Dad wanted you out in the fucking workforce so you could pay for your room and board.
I found out , when I came to Vancouver, that almost everybody had a degree , fuck me, cats and dogs were given one if they accompanied the student to University.
It wasn’t too long before I realised that my grammar school education to GCE “O” level was streets and streets ahead of the locals with their B.A.s and “Business Administration” degrees. So I got along quite well without one.
This change in policy by Penguin has nothing to do with hiring smart people, it’s just a “black/ diversity” hiring program in disguise.
So now you can expect to have a new, almost illiterate, feminist/minority/gay crepuscular druggie sitting next to you in your Penguin cubicle.They’ll be moaning about how “unfair the cunting system is” at this place while you are carrying the load for them.
Just another fucking PR play, Companies don’t have any fucking interest in society, that’s the Government’s job. Companies are just there to make money and adopt whatever message it takes to make it look like they have social values.
So although I disagree that they should be cunted for dropping the degree requirement I think they are cunts anyways!
I despise any company that lowers their standards in the name of diversity. The great University of Chicago just eliminated standardized test scores when evaluating applicants…all in the name of dirversity. This once great school apparently thinks it needs more urban-savages amongst it’s student body.
We have an affirmative action Justice on the US Supreme Court. Sonia Sotomayor. Put there by the Community Con Artist she is the prototypical, loundmouthed, screaming libtard cunt. Every time she is out-voted on the court…which is often…you read in the press where she issued a “scathing dissent”.
While she’s constantly wrong about the law, by isssuing “scathing dissent” after “scathing dissent” this unqualified affirmative action cunt…and her Libtard Media worshipers…try to project the notion that by opposing the majority…(while again clearly wrong on the law)…she….as that cunt Obama used to say…”is on right side of history”.
As for me…I don’t want an unqualified affirmative action Doctor performing my heart surgery or drilling out my cavity…or flying my 747 across the country. Equally, I don’t want some degreeless Savage…to whom English is a second language and Western Civilization is something to be torn down…editing the works of Shakespeare.
Hi General –
Since we’re on the subject of degrees….where the fuck did graduating from everything in the US come from? People think they graduate from high school. Erm…no they don’t. They just get to an age where they stop going. I’ve also heard of graduating from kindergarten. WTF? A graduate is someone who has a degree. When you leave kindergarten or high school, you don’t have a degree. Hence, you’re not a graduate. And there are no 2 year degrees either. That’s a diploma at best.
Mrs Yank stunned me a few years back when we were talking about the US education system. She has an arts degree so obviously I regularly take the piss. Anyway, she managed to get through her school years (11 to 18) without being exposed to any physics classes. So she knows nothing about electricity, magnetism, sound, waves, refraction, reflection, power = current x voltage, tuning forks, frequencies, etc. How the F is that possible? Admittedly I was sent to a grammar school where we had no choice but to follow the standard curriculum which included (from memory so I might miss one or two) English Language, English Literature, Geography, History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Art, PE, French, Woodwork, Music. My sisters went to the local crap comprehensive school, but also touched on all those subjects as well, so it wasn’t just us snobby grammar school types. I just cannot get my brain cell around how a mainstream piece of education can be completely left out of someone’s time at school. Amazing!
Hey IY,
Was Mrs Imitation Yank actually Miss Real Yank before you invaded our shores and started pundering our resources? Jesus H. Christ Himself! We let you come over and the next thing we know your buying guns and seducing our women. Cunt! With your old world charm! Cunt!
On a serious note I’m not sure I can give you a short answer to the question. But I’ll hit some highlights.
Americans are big on professional credentials. Look up contractors and you will often see “License, Bonded and and insured.”. Doctors are often “Board Certified.”. There’s a Society of Professional Engineers…Society of Professional Journalists and so on and so forth. (Should be a Society of Professional Cunts.). The members all have to pass some sort of on going educational program to become a member. Graduating from something conveys a sense professional competence and learning.
Accordingly, a High School Graduate…as opposed to a GED (General Equivilency Degree…earned if someone “dropped out” of school) is considered to be an accomplishment and the diploma becomes the credential.
As to the actual lack of learning…(Don’t let Mrs Yank read this)…there are multiple factors involved in what many of us refer to as the dumbing down of America.
1. Funding for schools is an issue. Most High Schools in the US are funded by local property taxes. The more affluent the community the money they have. But this isn’t always that simple. Homeowners resent high property taxes. Politicians are insatiable when it comes to money but are reluctant to be seen as raising taxes. This has led to one of the biggest governmental scams in American history…the rise of state supported lotteries to (supposedly) fund education.
Money however, is not always spent as it should be. Graft, corruption, and patronage all drain resources. Accordingly, when there are shortages there are cuts in teachers, classes and programs rather than in political allies.
We need the John Q. Dipshit memorial cafeteria more than we need classes in Art History.
2. Progressives have gained control of the education system. OK…I sound conspiratorial but the reality is the Progressive Left controls American Education. I could go on and on about this but simply put..if little Johnny in Subruban Caucasia High School gets a “better education” than little Dignelious in Inner City Groider Memorial High School, that’s institutional racism.
The solution is not to improve little Dignelious’ school…that costs money. Inner city property taxes are for all intents and purposes…negliable to say the least so often certain classes and programs don’t exist in the first place. The solution is to take funding from Caucasia High School and send it Groider Memorial. Effectively cutting subjects from Caucasia to make up for short falls at Groider means neither is well served. It’s the same “pie” as it were cut into smaller pieces to make up for programs that were either cut or never existed in the first place.
3. The Progressive Left has an Egalitarian agenda. Everybody must be equal. “No Child Left Behind” along with various Title X, Y, or Z Federal mandates effectively means the class is only taught to the level that the slowest student can understand. National standards have been implimented along these lines resulting in a lowering of local standards.
By the way…No Child Left Behind was part of that “compassionate conservative” bullshit pushed on us by Junior. I didn’t hate George W. Bush. I think he was a good man poorly served by his advisors with good…but misguided intentions. But this program sucks.
4. In addition to these guidelines local school boards are often made up of profesional educators, small time political wannabes and local parents. They decide what the curriculum should be and often cut studies based on their own personal biases.
In one case a Minnesota Teacher made white students stand in front of the class and appologize for being white and having white privilege.
In Texas a Teacher made her class sing the Mexican National Anthem on Cinco de Mayo.
In California grade school children sang Obama songs.
Who needs physics when as the refrain from the song goes…”Obama’s gonna lead us.”. (Indoctrination begins with the youth.).
No money…egalitarian mandates…and poitical agendas leads to…
Everybody graduates. Everybody gets a trophy. But in reality…everybody suffers.
Fucking hell General sounds like the USA has got a well and truly fucked up system going on there. And I’m sure our illustrious leaders will see it as a beacon of equality and import it into the UK because we don’t want the lazy jigaboos or thick sand apes to suffer from a bad education so if every body is educated like retards then they all become dumb.
Jobs a good un and the elite can control just that little bit easier.
Along with legalising drugs and braindead TV shows and normalising perversion it’s all just a part of a bigger plan of control.
Cheers for the heads up. ?? ??
Thanks General. As usual your response was insightful and dare I say it, educational.
Yes indeed. Mrs Imitation Yank was a Miss Minnesotan Yank before the suave Englishman swooned her off her feet. She now ‘claims’ honorary British status, but I call BS on that because I’ve seen her passport. Not the same color as mine. Plus she can’t say the word tomato properly. That’s a dead giveaway. 🙂 She does like to go shooting though and has offered to go halves on the pistol of my choice. What a trooper she is!
I wish we lived closer ‘cos hanging out over a beer or several would no doubt be very enlightening and quite possibly hilarious.