The NHS [3]

The NHS is due a uber cunting.

Even after various scandals including Harold Shipman, Mid Staffs and now fucking Gosport they STILL have the arrogance and the sheer gall to think they’re above criticism and are incapable of making mistakes and have absolutely no reason to improve because they see themselves as some omnibenevolent, morally virtuous, beloved public service who are the guardian angels of British society.

Well, they’re not – they’re a bunch of bureaucratic cunts who keep squandering the British taxpayer’s money on yet more measures to paper over the cracks, all whilst repeatedly ignoring the serious systemic issues at the heart of the organisation and treating anyone who even so much as dares to bring up these issues or suggest improvements as pariahs. And that’s just scratching the fucking surface – if I went into detail this would become as long as a QDM cunting!

By this point, I would honestly be in favour of privatising our complete and utter deadly farce of a health service. Fucking cunts.

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

The NHS in England has decided it is going to stop providing treatment where it considers it ineffective – for which read not cost effective. The 17 treatments it plans to remove will, apparently, affect about 100,000 people every year and free up an estimated £200m.

Great unless you’re Mrs D who is waiting for a steroid injection (after the referral was fucked up and we’ve been waiting 16 weeks for an appointment that hasn’t been requested!) and for treatment for varicose veins (which the GP says is urgent because it could lead to potentially fatal DVT or blood clots).

Have any of the cunts running this pile of crap actually worked out that if you don’t treat some of this stuff, then it could lead to conditions further down the road which involve treatments that potentially cost even more than money they’re saving on minor procedures? No, of course they haven’t.

I’d give the fuckers the finger, but that would be difficult as they’re also going to stop treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Bloody idiots! The lunatics are running the asylum (assuming it hasn’t bee replaced by social care on the community, of course…)

Nominated by Dioclese

I am currently in Royal Surrey hospital waiting at outpatients. I have never been here before.

If the NHS is so fucking great, why is there a cafe and an M&S by the foyer? Why does it look and feel like a motorway service station? Why is there an open backed gallery in a corridor (where it’s supposed to be clean)? And why the fuck does the stench of bureaucracy fill the air like an oppressive macro-infection?

The apparently wonderful NHS is a perfect example of why big organisations are not only bad, but enherently evil in their impersonal and dismissive nature.

To think that this thing, so obviously corrupt, inefficient, and downright awful, is anything more than a pile of old wank, you must really be a cunt.

Nominated by Cunting Rank Wags

49 thoughts on “The NHS [3]

  1. Contributed to it with every taxed quid I’ve earnt yet a greasy fucker from Bucharest who’s claiming free housing and weekly free money whilst working cash-in-hand, complaining and loathing Britain, selling dugs (and therefore earning a fortune) is allowed to have free health, free childbirth or free (six figure) operations despite having contributed £Zero to the untouchable NHS?

    Nonsense. Next you’ll be telling me I can have vanity procedures on the National Hallowed Service, like a nose job or cutting off my lampton and beanbag before changing my name to Lady Magnanimous.

    • Your lampton, Captain M?
      Ho ho, never heard it called that before!
      Where does that expression come from?

      • It might be one of those words which hang over from childhood that you make up, although isn’t Hampton Wick supposed to be rhyming slang for your Pocket Monster/Baby-Maker/Purple-Headed Warrior? How else should a chap refer to his Bald-Headed Yogurt Slinger? I’ve always used ‘Lampton’ when talking about my schlong.

        You probably say, “I’m just off to syphon the John Thomas The Cunt Engine” and that would be entirely appropriate.

        As my Grandad used to remark, “Don’t let your Dingle Dangle, dangle in the dirt.”

  2. Held as a sacred cow, particularly by Labour. I support it as an ethos but in practice it is highly inefficient, overstaffed in the wrong areas, loaded with management consultants who are fucking clueless as they are in all areas. But of course, extremely expensive. I will save a cunting of these fuckers for another time.
    We have executives of failing hospitals earning 6 figure sums. They fuck up and move to the next one.
    The drug companies screw the NHS because they can.
    Nursing has become a Uni educated speciality where actual care has gone out the window.
    The whole edifice needs sorting out but politicians will continue to fuck it up. The cunts.

    • That’s one of the major problems – it has far too many fucking bureaucrats and managers which consume a vast sum of the organisation’s total cash. Contrary to what I said in the cunting I really don’t want to go down the privatisation route, but if it fails to sort out its own shortcomings then that may be the only option left.

  3. I have a sneaky suspicion it will just about hold together until the majority of boomers have died, then it will fall apart completely or become a pay to use service.

    Everyone is abusing it, not just the politicians. Having been potentially exposed to asbestos whilst working in one of their hospital basements I don’t have much time for it really.

  4. Too many people in this country and too many of them are poncing fucking foreign freeloaders. Too many rich cunts sucking money out of the bank that never closes. All down to fucking stinking corrupt politicians.
    See that Jeremy Cunt bastard? I’d like to rip that NHS badge off his expensive suit, heat it over a gas ring and ram it up his fucking arse! CUNT.

    • Did you have the misfortune of seeing the identikit virtue signalling Liebour cunts at PMQs last week? Row upon row of the conformist crooks with their NHS 70 badges as if they owned the whole kit and caboodle (perhaps they do, don’t mention PFI).

      Either way, you can be sure that if the recent scandals had been happening in private hospitals Catweasel would be happier than a sand boy having multiple orgasms, creaming his piss & shit stained long johns all over the MSM and the House of Cunts.

  5. It was never intended to be successful, and each and every Government has fucked it over. Labour? They are the most destructive element in the debauchery. Vapid ideology and deliberate mismanagement, awarding contracts to party donors, sleazy deals and wanton underinvestment.

    I have my pension now , and really shouldn’t give a fuck. But I do.

  6. As I pay for it but largely dont use it ( thank you ) I am not sure why I do pay a premium to have the facility to use a service regularly abused by a raft of health tourists. Bluntly, I dont care if they die. Dont come here and use stuff I pay for. Fuck Off and Die in your own third world shit hole. Can we have private health insurance or have the chance to opt out? I dont want to pay for needy Cunts.

  7. My brother’s worked there since he left school (well turned up every fucking day for the last 35+years!)

    In line with the celebrations they’ve asked him write a few words as to why he’s there? No, it’s not because of the fuck-off pension that’s heading his way. No, he’s apparently said that after our father died there he got a job (I use the word ‘job’ loosly, very fucking loosely. LAZY CUNT!) because he wanted to give something back for the care the NHS gave our old man.

    What a crock of shit! He’s always been a cunt as far as I’m aware?

    He’s also onto his third partner, all of whom he’s met there. According to the roumers we’ve heard, he’s meant to be the life and soul of the party! Have I missed something here? This is the cunt that sexually abused our sister when we we’re young. Although he’s never admitted it, I know he did it. It’s something the cunt’ll have to take to his grave.

    If he’s fucking funny, then why did the first wife fuck off? His second partner resembled some fucking corpse that he probably stole from the morg! Although married, he’s currently the ‘cock lodger with his third partner as he’s living with the in-laws. Strange cunt!

    Needs to be privatised to prevent cunts like this from raping the public purse. Same goes for the AL-BBCERA.

    Cunts the lot of em!

  8. Just listening to all the right on Snowflake Cunts rambling on about the nhs on the news… strangely no one mentions the abuses of the system due to fraud by inelligible outsiders or other dross… the over staffing and general waste… What a load of total Fucking Wank…

  9. As it happens Guys & gals, the NHS was in debt 18 months after it started.
    I think it should be strictly for emergencies, heart attacks, accidents , broken bones etc. Not for fucking fat cunts who want there guts stitched up or sex change ops and health tourism.

  10. Breast reduction…looks good on a list, but probably something they do very little of in reality. Why not make a start charging ALL non UK nationals. And stop pissing away valuable resources subsidising expensive lifestyle choices like IVF, removing cunts’ tattoos, enlarging otherwise perfectly good tits, & as you mentioned, gender reassignments, liposuction, gastric bands, etc, etc. Scams like Homeopathy – give the cunts placebos FFS!.

    Then there’s the colossal waste…

  11. Heard a story about the cunt Jeremy Cunt. A female journalist was at some drinkie-poos posh party with the cunt. He didn’t know who she was and assumed she was the wife of some rich cunt.
    He overheard her moaning about child care and told her :
    “Free up one of your en suites, get in a nice Polish couple. She can be the cook/nanny, he can be the gardener/chauffeur. You can write it off against tax and it will cost you next to nothing.”

    This is the world these cunts live in.

  12. And if Labour get in they will raise taxes to the hilt to fund it and if you think it’s inefficient and over funded in the wrong places now , it’s nothing compared to what they will do.

  13. I do wish cunts would stop saying the NHS is free. That shithole of an organisation costs us £125 billion a year. But those incompetent whiny fuckers still come back every year demanding more money and going on strike until they get it while delivering ever worse service. When an animal is sick and lame it’s much kinder to just shoot it rather than prolonging it’s miserable existence. The NHS should be treated no differently.

  14. Just heard on News that Tory Euro-sceptics have accepted May’s latest Brexit sellout. Quelle surprise. That’s it then: Brino… worst of all worlds. Fuck them.

  15. It’s the worst deal imaginable. May has stitched up the electorate big time and the So called Bexeteers have rolled over and taken it right up their cowardice arseholes. what a fuckin mess.

    • Here it is, the Brexit screw-job we’ve all seen coming.

      Anyone got a cunting for May ready?

  16. It seems the Tory Party Brexiteers’ balls have shrunk. Zelda The Hunchback held a gun to their head to obtain a soft Brexit which keeps Britain closely aligned with the customs union and single market.


    Labour’s Chukka UmbigFit is already calling for another referendum (sigh). He can almost taste victory because no decent Brexit-supporter would now vote for the Conservatives. Cunts.

    • I wish I had put Spear Chuka in the ISAC Deadpool, I well and truly despise the cunt and would pay good money to see him get locked in a room full of white supremacists.

      • A room full of talented rap artists, aspiring architects and communidee yoot workers would do me.
        Let the cunt scream raaay-sism then.??

  17. If a GE is on its way, I think I can see the Cons heading into the wilderness, unless they have a night of the long knives, and get shot of lizard-woman.

    I know that UKIP probably don’t stand a cat in hell’s chance, but if no-one votes for them, that would be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I am NOT going to be blackmailed into voting for a party that couldn’t organise a fish-shoot in a barrel.

    • Could any of them? Party politics boil down to varying degrees of disorganisation, dissemblement and incompetence.

    • There’ll be no election until they’ve got their disgraceful sell-out signed,sealed and delivered. Conservatives will then drop May before the next election and appoint a “clean” new leader such as Sajid Javid with Ruth Davidson as deputy.

      The only good thing is that Boris fucking Johnson will never be P.M. I detest him and Cameron equally.

      • I’d rather see No.10 empty than have Boris as PM.

        A Japanese sex robot would do a better job… and carry far greater credibility.

      • It’s one of the few good things to come out of this whole Brexit affair.Johnson has been exposed as nothing more than some common career politician prepared to say or do anything,and sell out anyone in his determination to become PM.
        The man lacks moral-fibre,courage and honesty. An utter disgrace just like his old school “chum” Cameron.

        Fuck them.

      • After this performance from May and her cronies we are definitely a laughing stock on the world stage. Johnson is a self centred windbag with no balls, was there ever any doubt ? Shower of cunts. Fuck voting.
        Good morning.

      • And isn’t BoJo some sort of Turkcunt ??
        Explains a lot. Obese bastard.

      • Yes, Dick, I’m sure you’re right there.

        Any GE before the sell-out is finally concluded might, just might, give us a PM with some semblance of spheroids.
        Am now totally convinced that the Maybot, like any brainwashed europhile, is putting the Berlaymont-Berghof and her putty Charlemagne medal before anything else. Bitch.

        Mind you, I think she still has to “present” this to parliarment, though I doubt that there’ll be any major probs there for her. I think that she cares so little about the party she allegedly leads, that she would not care one iota if it went into the wilderness for a couple of decades. After all, she’s sorted…

        If I won the lottery, I’d fuck off back to Switzerland like a bat out of hell.

        The writing is once again on the wall, and what does it say ?

        “We’ve fucked you over again. Suckers.
        Best wishes from your most caring elected representatives”


        Good morning to y’all.

  18. It doesn’t matter what Mavis and the Traitors ( great name for a band ) come up with it won’t be accepted by the EU. Why are they going to give us something they don’t give their members?Ain’t gonna happen.
    I’m starting to think 2nd referendum…….a rigged one this time.

    • I share your fears, Freddie.

      The mumbling old cunt Baaaarrnieer was on the news this evening, muttering that the UK couldn’t cherry pick and treat the EU like a supermarche.

      The EU a supermarket? Fucking Netto or Happy Shopper. Mavis has already capitulated on allowing the ECHR make decisions for us. All she needs to do now is cave in to Brussels on freedom of movement and then with a single leap Mavis is home and dry.

      Cornyn must be already picking new wallpaper for No 10.

      The Tories are slagcunts to all.

    • ‘Freedom Of Movement’ now rebranded ‘Mobility Framework’, apparently… ?

      • “Mobility Framework” ?? Fuck me !!

        Sounds loike some sort of Zimmer frame.

        I guess that’s what it really is, though… some sort of crutch for the terminally inept and useless to lean on…

      • According to 6(h) and 6(i) of the Chequers Declaration, the government promises to “end free movement” in 6(h), but offers in 6(i) “a mobility framework, so that UK and EU citizens can continue to travel to each other’s territories and apply for study and work – similar to what the UK may offer other close trading partners in the future”.

        So that’s EU immigration sorted then…

  19. I like many others feel fucking cheated, but not surprised by what has or has not happened since the EU referendum. Simple question two years ago… you want to stay or leave the EU. As we all know the result was to leave. As far as I know we all knew at the time that if we voted to leave we would leave the whole damned thing. That is when this fucking useless prime minister and its government dragged its feet and stuck its middle finger at the leave voters. Utter fucking cunts the lot of them.

    • Mavis well known for her dithering and failure to deliver. That’s why the establishment chose her.

      Wonder what they had on Andrea Leadsom to make her duck out of the Tory leadership competition?

  20. Fucking Corbyn. Such an immaterial cunt that the spellchecker doesn’t recognise his name and autocorrects it thusly.

  21. The thing is the NHS are mint if you are about to clap it but… pretty fucking dire doing the run of the mill stuff.

    I am a chumly fucker, obese if you prefer. No I don’t waddle about like fuck or have a Mobility buggy but am “technically” obese. I’d love to see the cunts on “My 600lb” life play tennis twice a week (a’la a previous cunting) and walk tha’ links twice a week while carrying their gear… I digress.

    I wasn’t always that way, I was as fit as a racing snake and then I fucked my back in.

    I was fobbed off by the usual shite from GPs (just a bit of “…soft tissue damage…” shite).

    At the time I was playing footy 3 times a week and doing Jap-Slapping at least twice a week. I was the fittest I’ve ever been.

    6wks later and with no progress I went back and saw the senior practicioner at my GPs and he said: “Ok I’ll get you some physio but it’ll be about 8wks waiting time.”

    Well obviously I couldn’t wait that long so I went private and the senior GP recommended his own physio practice who also did Stoke Shitty and Port Vale (best team in the world – even if Robbie “cunt” Williams pretends to support them) footballers.

    Well my-de-my, I’d broken my back. I ended up on traction for a fortnight (to pull what had started to heal badly into the right place before therapy could begin).

    After 6 months I got the feeling back in my right leg but I was never the same again, in anything. And that cost me five grand paying private for the privilege of being able to get about again.

    And, up to the traction, I never lost a day’s work unlike some feeble cunt snowflakes of nowadays!

    Since then – which is over 20yrs ago now – I have troubled the NHS twice since. Once for an early diagnosis of pneumonia – treated with over the counter antibiotics, again losing only 3 days of work (as a contractor so I’M the only cunt losing out there) another for a fucked knee which – after the usual shite from GPs – I decided to get sorted myself from the bloke who does the Newcastle rugby team.

    So yes, I may be a fat cunt but I’ve overpaid my BASTARD way in CUNTING society. I’m not on one CUNTING tablet for diabetes or statins or owt as I have normal blood pressure and cholesterol counts.

    I work stupid fucking cunt hours a week including commuting to that cunt of a hell hole Lutonistan on a weekly bastard basis and haven’t had a fucking cunt day off bastard work – other than cunt no-pay bank holidays – in 3 CUNTING years!

    So when it comes to the NHS – after all of the tax and NI contributions I’ve made including VAT collections – I’m well in the black with those cunts!

    I am in agreement with a comment made above, no free treatment for cunts who simply land here!

    How many cunts from Africunt/Asia (and we know which “Asian” cuntry that is, begins with “P”) turn up 8.5 months gone, drop there load here – courtesy of the nashy I’m paying for – and then down the line claim the sprog is British!?!

    Well if a dog is born in a barn it don’t make it a horse.

    Then you have cunts turning up with known heart/AIDS/whatever conditions who drop into a drop in centre and then are immediately fawned about like CUNTING Bambi!

    Well FUCK OFF!!!

    Heartless as it sounds we should let the cunts drop their sprogs in a holding area. Have their heart attacks in a holding area. Have their anti-immuno collapse in a FUCKING holding area because the more we look after these unwanted cunts to the detriment of our own the more they’ll come in droves and then there definitely is going to be no money for Mrs D’s steroid injection, my back or some other UK cunts affliction.

    And guess what, we’re the cunts who’ve PAID IN for fuck’s sake!

    Heartless? No, Common Sense!

  22. Many people don’t realize that as a retired (deceased) General, I have may connections to the (so called) “Intelligence” community. This includes the super duper top secret British Intelligence Agency known as MI8. (No typo. MI8 ranks above and is even more super duper top secret than the previously unheard of (simply) super top secret MI7. Every cunt in the world knows of the not so secret MI6.)

    As such when I read that our hero…the legendary Dioclese…was in the Hospital…and knowing how guarded he is about his privacy I contacted a Qunitiple 0 Agent and had him install a secret camera in Dio’s room so those of us who “love” him…in a manly, platonic, kind of way…could stay aprised of his condition.

    The following is a short clip that has been declassified and approved for viewing by the British public. It is rated C…for cunt. Younger, more sensitive, and millenial snowflake viewers may be offended.

    For these of you wondering who the woman in the chair is. It is none other than ISAC’s own charming and deceptively lethal Pedantic Cunt. Of course she’s in disguise and playing a role. But as back up nothing beats “pumps on the ground” as it were.

  23. Having a hard time with the NHS at the moment the wife has just been diagnosed with a tumour in her cervix and will need surgery obviously we are scared but hopefully it’ll be sorted out and a good outcome but her appointment was cancelled and put back 10 days by some scumbag stroppy consultant who said she was late for her first appointment which she was but only because the queues to get in were out the door. And the receptionist was deaf to her saying ” I’ve already got an appointment”
    And much less seriously I’ve got two knees that are shot and I’m on long term medication Methotrexate works for the swelling but needs regular blood tests and monitoring for safety reasons. But what gets my back up is I’m a skilled engineer working for a small company in the Aerospace sector and all the employees have a part to play. I pay tax and national insurance and will do until I retire but I’m not seen as a priority for new knees. But if I’d just fell off a boat from the med or out the back of a lorry from Turkey the NHS would treat me like I was a fucking VIP.
    NHS is a busted flush and like the benefits system which pays cunts to have kids needs a major overhaul. Oh and as some other cunters have said I’d go private like a shot.

    • Yes my point exactly.

      Enter the UK as an undocumented Africunt economic migrant (40yr old) child, having paid fuck all into the system, and immediately it’s to the top of the list for all your ills.

      “Peaceful” cunts 8 deep with a xylophone of kids who now don’t have to work cos the “free” child benefits now pays their keep with a free mansion and £2,500 grand a month in benefits = no money – again – into the NHS.

      Cunt snowflakes demanding all kinds of (expensive) self-mutilation treatments to feed their gender identity mental illness, most of whom are paying fuck all into the NHS cos they’re still £60k in debt after a degree in “Gender Studies” at the University of Who Gives a Flying Fuck!

      O’course work 40yrs, pay into the system like a loyal subject, dare walk into their establishment for something trivial like being able to walk again so that you CAN work and all you get is: “Get to the back of the queue you ‘Gammon’ cunt! Your knees are waycist and you probably voted Brexit, so fuck you! Keep paying the taxes though as M’Tembe’s free dental treatments need to be paid for and Mrs Mohamed is having her 9th in the maternity ward.”

      Fucking stinks and that’s without all of the (mis)management waste of money and pointless bureaucracy (like “gender neutral” forms – WTF – like knowing the sex of a patient is unimportant FFS!) which is endemic within the whole Govt funded Ponzi scheme.

      The front liners (doctors, nurses) – in the most part – are great it’s the other cunts who make their job virtually impossible.


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