Lefty birds on dating sites

I have noticed a tendency in the last few years on dating sites such as Tinder and Plenty of fish for shear arrogant, ignorant, tribalistic, inflexible intolerance by lefty Snowflake women who (no doubt claim to be tolerant, knowledgeable and enlightened) who often state on their profiles “Tories or Kippers need not apply”

………translation – “I’m a shallow-minded bigot with deeply-held, irrational beliefs which I can’t defend with logic, reason or facts as to do so would force me to re-evaluate my beliefs or even concede to a man that I may have been wrong.” This is essentially the adult equivalent of fingers in ears “Lalala I’m not listening”

Now come on ladies, do you not think some men who aren’t Tories or Kippers might be put of by the intolerant bigotry for which you haven’t even done the due diligence of explaining your reasoning?

Do you not also think that potential suitors might think “Holy shit, if she’s this inflexible and insufferable when single, how bad will she be in a relationship? And what if my politics go more rightwing as I get older? Will she dump/divorce/castrate me if I go rightwing? Best steer clear, left swipe”.

Dopey tarts need to exercise some fucking self-awareness otherwise will become cat-ladies. I just checked the profile which instigated this cunting and she’s 35 (almost over the hill) and does indeed own a cat, make of that what you will.

I might point out that many of these women tend to have been university educated and now reside in the public sector (often nurses, psychiatric nurses and doctors) which I think betrays a certain degree of visceral self-preservation (re tories austerity) but also a degree of tribalism (re the unholy trinity of public sector workers/socialist unions/labour voters) and lastly a degree of self-entitlement (we the tax payer fund your fucking wages Bint!).

For all his faults, Milo Yiannopolous had it right when he said women should never have got the right to vote as they vote almost universally left (they also tend to be smug and pompous about it if they happen to have a degree).

So in summary – lefty, uni-educated, public sector worker women on and off dating sites, you are cunts.

Nominated by Two In The Stink

92 thoughts on “Lefty birds on dating sites

  1. Fortunately, at my age and with 8 grandchildren I’m well past all of this shite of modern times. I do see however, on a daily basis gobby, loud ,bigoted, and heavily tattoo decorated obese wimmin who quite frankly scare the shit out of me!

    Give me the old days. Curvy women, quiet and obedient……

    Today’s women ? Fuck off !

    • They usually wear black singlets as well to display their cheap body decoration, but as they tend to have non existent tits they look like men who have just come out of a gym, didn’t bother to shower and smell rank as well.

  2. You’re gonna love this: https://everydayfeminism.com/2017/12/intersectional-feminist-first-date/?utm_content=buffer72f3b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

    I reckon most women are fundamentally lefty as they hold the basic premises held by left wingers (emotion trumps logic, lack of self-awareness and honesty, short term thinking, denial of hierarchy in public but adherence in practice, appearance over substance).

    There are good women though, does anyone know any?

    • CaliAngel is a good woman…and Pedantic Cunt… most of the time… and Mary Hinge… and Julia Hartley-Brewer… and Judge Judy…umm…

      Have a nice day y’all.

      • Brewer”s breakfast show on TalkRadio is great to listen to. Certainly a nice alternative to Nicky fucking Campbell

      • Could I please add Isobel Oakeshott to the list of sound women.

        Not only does she look a peach, but she gives the lefties a severe pain in the arsehole.

      • Good shot Paul.

        Might I be so bold as to add Germaine Greer (sharp intake of breath) to the list?

      • Good point, RTC.
        Without trying, she got up the collective shonker of the Millie Tant brigade, when she said quite rightly that transbender wimminz are not proper women.
        I think there ARE a lot of decent women around still; it’s just that the scare tactics so prevalent these days are driving them “underground”…

      • These sort of people can’t be cunted enough..I am fucking sick to death of feminists. The worse thing is the way they try to claim you if you are a self reliant intelligent sort of female. I regularly have to tell one or other of them to piss off. I said to one the other day that her politics were all about her personal disappointments and nothing to do with helping other women. She went into a meltdown of course. They seem to also be suspicious of anyone who takes care of their appearance and can’t see the benefits of this. Looking like a bag of dirty washing on casters is obviously much preferable.

      • Fortunately I am married to a good one who, despite being shit on by several utter twats over the years, including her arse of an ex husband, has never morphed into a man hater. She is stronger than any of these hysterical bigots who tout themselves as “feminists” unlike my first mrs who was an utter cunt. Not seen Mrs Bastard mk1 in years thankfully but would guess that she would be on board with the whole neolib feminazi thing.
        She found Tony Blair “attractive” so nuff said, the cunt..

      • Also Mrs B mk2 is much better looking. Can still turn heads at 55 whereas her predecessor can no doubt only turn stomachs…

      • She found Tony Blair attractive?! Well, someone needs to go to Specsavers.

    • Fucking hell! Intersectionality, now there’s a thing. Everybody is wonderful except white males and Jews!
      Well that’s simple enough.

      • Err.. the Jews are wonderful, and anyone who says otherwise is an antisemitic racist. It’s just white males, then.

      • The mainstream media is always very conflicted with Jews. One one hand they’re not white Christians so that means they should be wonderful. But on the other hand in Israel they absolutely excel at obliterating the fuck out of all the peacefuls around them and as we all know, there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism, just poor misguided individuals, so killing them is wrong. And it looks like more fighting is kicking off in Gaza, I for one look forward to the fireworks.

      • Well, of course, criticism of Israel is absolutely verboten, isn’t it? And it’s largely populated by European and Russian *white* Ashkenazim, who run the show, so that rather destroys the case for white victimhood too, doesn’t it?

        PS. Criticism of Israel isn’t fucking antisemitic, and it will take a lot more than the holocaust industry to convince me otherwise. I hope Labour stands up for itself for once on this one.

  3. Surely this splendid cunting could be expanded to include all wimminz aa they’re clearly all fucking mental cases. Modern wimminz have no reason to temper their behavior or attitudes because the establishment is entirely on their side in every facet of life.
    All wimminz fly off the handle with practically no provocation, refuse to take responsibility for any of their action, they nag, whine, have utterly no sense of humour, will sponge a man’s last quid and still be ungrateful and want more.
    But worst of all, in this cunter’s opinion, is that nothing a man does, ever, is good enough for them.
    Fuck women; I hate them all and wish every day that my cunt wife was dead.
    My apologies for the obvious bitterness of this mini-rant!

    • I happen to be single, with no kids, and in my early 40s. I used to think that would be a bad thing, now I thank my lucky stars that I have no wife or children. You have my condolances, I know several married men, or those in long term relationships, none of them are happy, only one of them doesn’t moan about their partner.

      I won’t go further in reply to your post in case the wrong person sees it, but there is a lot to be said for calling out a lot of the behaviour of women, particularly because of the long term consequences. Kids without fathers (it’s their body remember), bullshit lies about romance and relationships screwing up generations of men, pandering to the sympathetic urge above all else.

      Men and society are by no means perfect, but they have given women the opportunity to try to tear it down. Nobody else has given them that!

      Oh life! (Sigh)

      • I’m well aware that I moan like fuck about being married and ought to do something about it. But getting divorced would fuck my kids up irreperably and financially I would Lubbocked to within an inch of my life. At some point though, something will snap and I’ll instruct my solicitor to get on with it.
        At some point.
        Damn my craven cowardice!

      • @ TtCE
        You need to meet a stranger on a train… someone in a similar predicament…

        Seriously though Thomas, I feel your pain. And anyone contemplating marriage these days has to be fucking nuts.

      • Fucking right, RTC. On a more positive note, at least my elder (15 year old) boy, having seen his mother’s utter mental cuntiness, has quite a good idea of what wimminz are actually like; should stand him in good stead.

      • CRW to appreciate how lucky you are tune in to Radio 4 Womans Hour weekday mornings 10-11. Mrs. Boggs usually has this on, so that is my signal to fuck off down the shed, but when I do hear parts of it – wimmins problems, the price of Tampax, Jess fucking Phillips MP (whose husband must be a fucking mad masochist going on about what cunts all men are. The dykie sounding presenters with their arch supercilious delivery. You can picture the ladies locker room atmosphere of that fucking 70+ year old show. Jenni Murray enjoying a pipe of baccy before lift-off, Jane Garvey and Phillips adjusting their jockstraps, the producer putting on her jiggle-balls. All to serve up a heap of fucking steaming right-on shit. It encourages wimmin to feel they have reasons to be angry. Mrs. Boggs is lucky she can indulge herself, every fucking morning – if she had been my mum she would have been doing the washing, ironing, housework, shopping and so on that wimmin always did before they were made to feel superior.

      • Womens Hour is aimed at middle class wankers with too much time on their hands. I overheard one episode where they were banging on about the trauma of having a lazy ovary for fucks sake.

      • Increasingly, that’s the target audience for Radio 4 as a whole. Be sure to miss the new and mirth-suppressing ‘Where’s The F in News?’ (geddit? Ho, ho) – self-styled all-wimminz comedy panel show, Fridays @1830. Laugh? I nearly cut my throat. One dyke, one blambo, two gigglers. Comedy scrap iron.

      • Oh god, you’ve just mentioned that cuntenstein, Jess “the gob” Phillips!

        I live in Birmingham for my sins, but am fortunate that she isn’t MP for my particular area – but dear god she’s always going on about some pointless bullshit that’s got on her saggy maggot-infested tits!

        She’s never off Twatter, always blabbering on in the local papers. And most of her complaints have little or nothing to do with local policy, but more petty little things that no one other than herself gives two fucks about!

        She really is a mouthy cow, but gets uppity when she gets trolled on social media – clearly another delicate petal that doesn’t mind throwing shit on people, but doesn’t have the backbone to take it.

        I think she declared once that she would/should be the future leader of the Labour party should Werzel ever peg it; imagine that cunt giving it large at PMs Question Time – she’d never shut the fuck up with her constant whinging about road signs, traffic congestion and electronic billboards – to name but three of her pointless little tantrums.

        God she’s a cunt amongst a cesspit of rotting cunts; I hate the fucking bitch with passion; the Spanish Inquisition would be to soft an option for that fetid shitbag!

        She’s going to be in my head for the rest of the day now, cunt!

      • I think Phillips problem is that she was 20 years too late. She would have loved to have been a “Blair Babe”, getting on her hands and knees to give Anthony a blowjob (which I bet Mandy & co dealt with). She didn’t wan’t to be Bobby’s Girl she would have liked to be Tony’s Tart. The problem for these frustrated old cows of BOTH sexes is that they were in love with a con man and now they hate all men, because though they will never admit it they know the *man* is a two faced lying motherfucker. I can only imagine Phillips must have had her poor cunt of a husband neutered he probably lost his balls when he lost his backbone. She is a media whore like Soubry.

    • Agree Thomas all wimmin use stealth and cunningness to get what they want . Their best between the ages of 16 & 18 when their eager to learn, stay well clear after that .

  4. I am pleased to confirm that the good lady wife, Dr Maskinback, resides slightly to the right of Attilla the Hun. She has worked hard to get where she is as a GP and has no time for PC sno-flakery or Corbyn types.

    She also has no tattoos and isn’t a land whale. Many of her GP colleagues are lefty/remoan types and they thoroughly give her the raging arsehole.

    I must say I am glad that I am not playing the dating game. I think I would have instead given up and invested several £k in one of those sex dolls.

  5. Dating sites are for sad cunts and all that use them are terminally ugly and/ or have serious social inadequacy issues anyway.
    The perfect dumping ground for lefty twats that no-one wants to shag ?

      • Cheers B&W. The old ways are often the best.

        Eurgh! I just quoted from “Skyfall”

        Forgive me Sir Roger…

    • Alas I am socially spasticated but not a face ache by any means.

      I haven’t had so much as a winky-touch in over 2 and a half years so cut me some slack. The only reason I use dating sites is to try to get a leg over.

      Wanking like a safari park chimp is getting boring and I ain’t gonna pay for it. So dating sites it is.

  6. ” university educated” – more like indoctrinated (I would be tempted to say “brain washed”, but you need a brain in the first place!)

    Of course if guys did something similar on dating sites, such as “no lefty snowflakes, socialists, feministas….” they would be hounded to death by the usual suspects and their standard hostile responses.

    And in any case trying to engage/first date one of these “new wimmin” would be just too much like hard work, especially dealing with uppity cunts like Mel McLaughlin: the merest hint of “interest” via voluntarily buying a drink, is interpreted as virtual rape, followed by complete mental breakdown!

    People who venture out onto dating sites need to take with them a comprehensive checklist of the kind of person they really want to meet. In the old days it was just a particular age group, kids/no kids, GSOH and that was about it. But nowadays there’s probably 50 odd boxes to tick before you even get past first base!

    Quite frankly it just isn’t worth the bother: better off buying a blow up doll or wank yourself silly with some smutty porn for the next 20 years or so.


  7. This topic has got me thinking if the delectable Debbie Daniels has managed to source some fresh, hard cock after the death of Paul Daniels.

    She seemed like a game girl on that dancing programme and near as confessed that she was gasping for some cock action.

    • Wrinkled though she may be, I would likely give her the benefit of my enormous ( unfeasibly large ) cock for a good and satisfying rooting !

      • I’d give Carol Vorderman a right good seeing-to.
        She once said that “Everybody’s got something at the back of their wardrobe”, and I’m pretty b. certain that she and I share the same interests… Have seen a few tasty photos which would seem to prove this (sadly no nudity…)
        Furthermore, evidently no “fear of flying” chez Carol.

  8. Education should only be provided for ugly women. Bonny women have no need of any education bar what their Mother teaches them about cooking,housework,raising kids etc. A formal education only confuses them,better that they get their opinions and outlook from the man who will be paying for them to laze around gossiping. Sex education should also come from their husband, save any of that “Errr, you want to do what?” nonsense.
    Ugly women,unfortunately,can’t snag a man and so become bitter or lesbians. They need an education to enable them to earn a living. However,the trouble isn’t education,it’s overeducation. They should be taught only the basics,enough to allow them to become secretaries or cleaners etc., but never to the point of imagining that they are “equal” to men.
    Like a well trained dog or horse,yer average woman is happier knowing her boundaries. They may bang on about being able to do any job that a man can do,and if it keeps their pretty little heads happy,fair enough, but in reality women have a very limited skill-set. Anything involving rational thought obviously goes out of the window once a month…they can’t help it,that’s why they’re really here. Breeding and keeping the Master of the House happy. Women,on the whole,would be far more satisfied and content if they simply accepted the truth that a woman’s place is in the home…not the workplace.

    I thought about joining a dating site,but most British women are scheming,grabby slatterns who seem to think that once married they can let themselves go and become even fatter,greedier and lazier than anyone would believe humanly possible. I looked at those Russian bride sites,a fine bunch of healthy tarts..possibly a bit too healthy,they looked like they might get the better of me if riled up by my more peculiar personal habits. I also looked at Asian sites,but I have no desire to discover on my wedding night that I’ve imported Wun Hung Low and his unfinished gender reassignment. Apparently this is a very common problem. Did you know that 90% of men married to an Asian “bride” are living a lie? Something to consider,I’m sure you agree.

    Fuck them

      • Excellent TTCE…..
        Someone posted a clip from same segment of show about women drivers which was also v funny……
        off point ….
        Ive heard some noises being made that the Lib Dem’s want to kick doddering old cunt cable into the long grass, I really hope that doesn’t happen as he is definitely the right man to lead those fools!! And who the fuck would they replace him with?
        Farron? Better still ISACs old mate cleggers? even against such utterly useless Cunts cables ineptitude shines thru……

      • Appointing Clegg is nothing more than a dangerous fantasy by the Lib Dems.

        Useless pointless cunts.

    • I’ve just read that link. At least I’m a registered and self-confessed Fuckwit,so have some excuse for my behaviour. The Cunt who wrote that is either the greatest piss-taker or a Mental.

      I wonder if she has a nice set of tits…Honk,honk.

    • Excellent piece there DF and exactly true to anyone who lives their life without their head stuck up their own arse.
      The ugly ones are bitter – like the ones who constantly try to ban page 3 or the presidents club dinners, or the lane girls at F1. They aren’t doing it from some sort of feminine solidarity or because they truly believe these women are being exploited. They are doing it because they are bitter at the fact most (if not all) men are hardwired to enjoy the company of a good looking women.
      I’d happily sit there all day long listening to a sparkly eyed, perky size 8 rattle on about TOWIE or whatever banal BS it was spouting. I’d just nod, smile and keep buying the drinks. I wouldn’t tolerate 5 minutes of bile from some hairy arsed botched Bella Emberg clone, no matter what it was spouting. And that just infuriates them to the point of insanity.
      Mrs Khunt is of the former… hasn’t worked in years the lazy swine. Spends her days gossiping with other school moms, shopping and going to the gym… but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

      • Somebody mentioned Where’s The F In The News, which reminded me that years ago the same station took off a radio show called Petticoat Line, because having an all female team was regarded as *patronising*. At least they had pleasant commonsense women like Lady Barnett and Renee Houston. I heard just a bit of this show yesterday before the weather and it was so pahetic hey had men in the audience whistling and cheering at the end of it, the cunts. Probably the same audience that pisses itself with every fucking *stand up* arsehole who goes out for 4 weeks before lunch on a Monday morning. The more the audience cheers the bigger heap of shit it is.

        The News Quiz always have at least two wimmin now, be it Susan I’M A LESBIAN!” Calman or Sandi I AM A LESBIAN TOO! Toksvig. Women are just not very funny, or at least the current crop of steaming turds are not. Give me Hylda Baker any day over these sanctimonious old bags.

      • Thanks for elaborating on Where’s the F. Mind-boggling that men found it whistle-worthy, and I can only imagine that these were dragged in by the nads by their empowered wimminzfolk and kicked hard at the appropriate moments. It’s a rare comedy show that does not wring from me at least one bitter grimace which might be mistaken for a smile, and this was it. About half of it was about Trump, and say what you like about the cunt (this is ISAC, and you can), he lends himself to pisstaking. Nope. Nothing remotely original or amusing. Between the moments when someone held up the card saying ‘Laugh Now’ and the alpha wimminz kicked their mates in unison, the only laughter to be heard was that of the panellists, each convulsed with mirth at her own wit.

        I listened to all of it, because I am fair-minded and I badly needed a laugh. Cunt that I am.

      • PS, have you noticed that Calman and Toksvig (and indeed any lespian* ‘comedienne’) generally manages to mention their ‘wife’ within fifteen seconds of beginning their schtick? Just in case we were in doubt? Or to habituate us by repetition?

        *I am retaining this fatfingered coinage. It’s the perfect combination of ‘thespian’ and ‘lesbian’, indicating a mingemunching luvvie.

  9. This is what neo-liberal (old fascist) women believe: “Today’s women are strong, independent, achievers who no longer rely on the social construct of patriarchy. Men are merely sperm donors who serve little purpose beyond that biological function. And soon – with modern scientific approaches – they will be redundant in that role too.

    However should you say: “FUCK OFF CUNT!”

    To any of them, for all their strength and independence you just know the waterworks and bawling would begin.

    Also if they’re so unreliant on men how come when these “independent” harridans boot off their fellas the first thing they do is hold a hand out for alimony?

    Surely – as equals – when the relationship is terminated both parties just walk away, right?

    Wrong! The bloke always gets stuffed with some eye-watering payment which oftentimes means said “independent” female still does not have to work.

    So really the statement above is just words to make them feel better about themselves. The reality is still the old mantra of “you can’t shout at me!” and “you need to provide for me!” – why – “because I’m a woman!” is still deeply rooted in the neo-liberal woman’s psyche.

    Now take a strong conservative/right-wing woman like Katie Hopkins. You say “FUCK OFF CUNT!” To her and you’ll get the same back! And she’s minted in her own right so who’s following the “feminist” dream there then. Women like Hopkins or neo-liberal snowflake gobshites?

    Answers on a postcard to:



  10. One of the most unique and thought-provoking topics we’ve had in a long time.

    I’ve found much of the most excellent cunting within this nomination to indeed be true. My own sister falls precisely into this bracket; the poor sap she’s married to has wisely chosen to avoid any and every political discussion. From the comfort of her lavish home funded by her husband’s wealth, she puts the world to rights and champions every cuntish act of liberalism going.

    I myself am a University graduate but I never once considered the whole fucking multi-coloured pop-art print t-shirts of Che Guevara and wannabe Citizen Smith liberalism. I would like to think I was quite grounded and I met several women at the time who were too. But OP/others are right; most literal cunts of the female gender were indeed hemp-chewing, Birkenstock-clad judgemental lefties.

    Now nearing/at middle age, depending on your definition, I am finding myself increasingly attracted to women based on their political/moral/family values. If they are right wing then I inherently find them more attractive; so I guess in a way I am just as guilty as the subjects in the OP.

    A threesome with JHB and Isabel Oakeshott probably remains one of my all time fantasies. And yes, in the right lighting conditions and the right mood, I could envisage a back-alley knee-trembler with Katie Hopkins, before she cut her hair short.

    Are there decent women out there? There must be. But you are asking the wrong person. I despise most women, and many of the reasons are laid out in this nomination.

    As far as I am concerned, women are only good for one thing. And these days, it sure as hell isn’t their cooking.

  11. From what i can see of women of my age (58) on dating sites is that they are unrealistic nutters. How they have time to sleep i dont know, their list of likes and hobbies is exhausting just to read everything is on there from parachuting to knitting and always includes the gym and jogging most of their pics are from expensive holiday locations and the chaps they like have to be loaded and trim of figure. I dont know about anyone else but after a life of hard physical graft and ill health my body is fucked and ive done all the partying and madness as a young bloke i want a quiet life. At least the older birds are not quite as left-wing as the younger ones. If your not a 100% physical specimen and loaded your wasting your time on dating sites.

  12. Off topic but does anyone here still read Viz?
    I bought and read every issue from the mid 80s up until end of last year when I gave up on it due to endless Trump/Farage/Brexit/plebs are thick content.
    Thinking of purchasing the latest issue in case they’ve evened things up a bit and gone back to taking the piss at all sides like they used to but if it’s still courting snowflakes, New European readers and Gaurdian types then, with great and genuine sorrow, I must instead prepare a cunting.

    • Actually, thinking about it, people who purchase The New European probably just look at the pictures …?

      • Apart from David Lammy, I assume everyone who buys The New European just uses it to wrap around their copy of Thunder Jugs or Big & Bouncy. The NuLabour queer fucktards probably have Big Dicks Monthly inside it

      • Aaah, yes…
        The go-to publication for The 48-carat Cunts.
        I had a laugh at it in Sainsbury’s the other day, it reads like REALLY crappily-written porn.
        But then I think Alistair Campbellend writes it, so that makes sense…

    • Mr B. Sting of the Dump in the latest issue is first class. I do long for ‘Thieving Pikey Bastards’ to return but cant see it happening.

      • I still have that old issue of Viz stashed somewhere.
        Best keep it hidden in case someone of a “progressive” disposition sees it and I end up being fast tracked into the nick faster than Tommy Robinson…

  13. Good cunting,
    I have been in two ‘serious’ relationships which lasted a total of around 12 years. What a load of stressful emotional shite.
    At 39 I’m enjoying single life, living on my own and not having someone asking me ‘where are you going’ etc. Its a minefield out there and in this day and age most of these new women will want to see your lefty credentials before they let you kiss them let alone give it a suck. Women are one of the most beautiful things in this world and it’s a shame a lot but definitely not all are cunts.
    I’ve learnt to navigate life not with my dick but with my brain. There are so many temptations out there, you know the types… They’ll suck you off every night, massages, want to party, holidays, listen and respect what you have to say… Until the staleness starts and it all becomes boring. She stops making any effort in lots of areas and it all becomes a pile of cunt you can’t be bothered to climb.
    This is why I’ll never marry, I honestly believe there are 3-4 women in the whole world who I am totally compatible with and a marriage would work. As long as I have a couple of kids by the time I am 43 I’ll be content, I’ll pay my way. There are so many lovely ladies out there that I don’t wanna be with one for the rest of my life (although I respect people who want to marry). As for Internet dating never really tried it, I can see why people do it as it’s a shortcut to finding a compatible partner. Most of the women on Tinder etc have got to be slaaaags aren’t they?

    • You’d be surprised actually. Most of the birds on tinder are prissy, posing princesses with ridiculously high standards and too much make up.

      As Gad Saad has said in his YouTube videos in the past, a study of tinder right swiping has shown that 80% of women will go for the top 20% of men. Conversely though, most when will be more “open minded” with their right swiping.

      Women on tinder have either unrealistic expectations or an over developed sense of self worth…. Or both.

  14. I used to think women were cunts as all they ever did when I was younger was either cheat on me, humiliate me, rob me all to the point where I began to really hate women and then one day when I was 23 I got talking to this woman who is 18 years older than me and everything set into motion and we’ve been together 10 years and I could give a fuck that she’s now 51 and is actually old enough to be my mother and my step kids are no more than 4 years younger than me because she’s a great bird who I’ve had the best fun ever with and that’s when the penny dropped, the majority of cunty women are young, usually jobless, students with some arrogant outlook on life that the world owes them something because they’ve got tits.

    • My wife is 18 years older than me and we’re fine together, have been for 11 years now.

      • My missus is 14 years younger than me – we’ve been married 26 years, the first two being a rollercoaster ride of sex & drugs & rock n’ roll. For the last 20 years we’ve been good cos we enjoy separate bedrooms and lead virtually separate lives, except for evening meals. I’m retired and do all the domestic shit (apart from the washing and cleaning of toilet), she works in the British Library. We’re still 100% committed to supporting each other when important. No kids, by choice.

      • Correction: the rollercoaster stuff happened during the 2 years BEFORE we got married… things levelled out considerably once we got hitched, ha ha.

  15. I’ve played the game long enough to realise women are all abaaaaaht the mind. If you go to clubs etc looking at every decent bit of cunt they pick up on it they steer well clear even if they fancy you.
    You’ve got to give off a ‘I’m content and confident in myself’. If you see a lovely bit you really want don’t act like a Mediterranean cunt and worship the ground she walks on acting like a soppy cunt, women get bored of compliments and being nice.
    They get all the compliments (genuine or not) from their friends.
    The secret is to be a bit of a cunt and have the attitude of I’m right and even when I’m wrong I’m right.
    Women try and mould you into what they want from early in the the relationship, once they’ve turned you into a shadow of yourself they want to move on.
    Be a stubborn cunt and don’t surrender to the cunt.

    • Women love a bad boy as well, not some boring cunt who goes to work all day and bores her to death talking about his possible promotion. They want excitement and unpredictability.
      Be late when meeting up and let her down a few times… Oh and forgetting the birthday always helps.
      They love the roller-coaster of emotions.

  16. It’s pretty hopeless I feel. There’s a predictable pattern in younger women from 18-30, that of ‘finding themselves’, which inevitably isn’t meditation or philosophic thinking but actually just fucking as many as they can. Then they decide to cash in when the looks start to fade to some poor chap blinded by her act.

    As enlightened man was once asked if he would remarry after his wife passed. He said, ‘The day she died I married freedom’.

  17. As someone who has never visited a dating site, I can understand blokes going on to get a bit of “no strings” snatch, but – and this may be just me – all the birds on them sound like the Glenn Close character out of Fatal Attraction??

    I base this purely on the horror stories from fellow 40-somethings who are now divorced. The divorcee women hate men (so why date) and the ones who’ve never been married have a “want” about them.

    Oh there was the soft cunt who tapped off with a fit as fuck Eastern Bloc bird (Slovakian or Slovenian, one of the slavs anyway). No doubt a tremendous shag but she went through 10 grand of his savings (holidays, etc.) in 6 months.

    As soon as he rained in the spending she fucked off to the next gullible prick with a few bob in their arse pocket.

    Thing is most feminazi women balk at the notion of men paying for sex when the reality is that all men pay for sex, it’s that simple, except blokes who pay prossies for sex their financial obligation ends after the shots of jizz are spent, whereas their “relationship” counterparts pay 24/7 with absolutely no guarantee of a blow job.

    In fact the “relationship” men usually have to pay a bit extra over and above the 24/7 drain on their resources for a bit of jizz action.

    Yeah wimmens are cunts. Pity they’re the only ones who have them!

  18. These women are doing us a service. At least we know up front that they’re going to be insufferable shitmonkeys before we’ve bothered spending the money needed for them to consider opening their legs and offering up their hairy rancid snappers.

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