Gary Lineker deserves yet another cunting. Once again, this jug eared fucktard has expressed his disdain for democracy and the will of the majority by announcing his support for the ‘People’s Vote Summer of Action’ to avoid a no deal scenario, which according to Lineker, will have ‘terrible consequences’ for the UK. Also, Lineker reckons that the mess our politicians have made of Brexit is entirely because of us, the people, giving them the ‘problem’ of Brexit, by voting to leave the EU. Damn us pesky plebs.
No, Gary, WE are not responsible for the fuck up that parliament has made of Brexit. THEY are responsible for it. As with all the other EU loving traitors, like you, the vast majority of MP’s have blatantly refused to abide by the democratically expressed will of the majority. It’s been just over two years since the referendum, and we are no closer to leaving that wretched disorganisation than we were the day after the vote. That is entirely down to parliament. They were given clear instructions by the majority to carry out a complete and total withdrawal from the EU. Instead of doing that, they have spent 25 months arguing over what THEY think Brexit should be.
If people disagree with us leaving the EU, I have no problem with that. This is, supposedly, a free country, and they have every right to express their opposition. Cunts like Lineker though, think they also have the right to try to go against the will of the people, they are wrong. In my view, Lineker and all the other Brexit saboteurs are traitors. Plain and simple. And as said before, if they the love the EU so much, they should fuck off to an EU member state and leave those of us who love this country to get on with making it great again.
Gary Lineker, you overpaid, undereducated, jug eared cretin, you are a cunt!
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
It is hard to imagine that Gary Lineker could out cunt his already colossal cunishness but whether it is his DNA or lack of brain cells dear old Gary has managed to ramp up his cunt level yet again by giving his name to the campaign for another EU referendum. Our deeply philosophical and astute politically mined ex-footballer has declared to the nation ‘Brexit feels like it is “going very wrong indeed’ he quickly followed this rhetoric with the statement
‘I am not a politician but I know when something is going wrong and right now Brexit feels like it is going very wrong indeed.’
Well, you may not be a politician but that has not stopped you acting like a right cunt on all things Political. My advice is just to keep talking shit about football and keep out of the public eye with you inane comments because Gary all you are doing is proving to a nation what a truly mega cunt you are.
Nominated by iamnot
I used to hate this prick long before Brexit, with his constant sneering and downright look of boredom whenever anything to with Man City came up. And who the fuck can trust a footballer who never got a yellow card in his career?
Clearly Brexit is just another excuse to act like a fucking goody two shoes martyring shithead.
Plus his Walkers adverts were annoying as hell.
Get to fuck Lineker!
This cunt has been the face (arse) of Match of the Day for the past two decades. He collects £1.5 million per year from the Al-BBC and he has been divorced twice. How those two broads put up with the jug headed cunt for more than a few minutes is a miracle. Probably for the money; although there’s better ways to go about doing that.
His first missus divorced him as his behaviour “caused her stress and anxiety”; shagging goats with his Muslim chums most likely. His second divorced him as he didn’t want (couldn’t have) any more children. The cunt is clearly a jaffer like Boycie.
What really winds me up is that we, the dull cunts who pay the licence fee, pay this posturing cunt. Only the BBC could manage to overpay such a cretinous twat.
We can engage in a bit of direct action of our own: by not paying the BBC for the privilege of treating us like uneducated, bigoted serfs whilst simultaneously promoting lifestyles and cultures that wish to rip apart the very fabric of our society.
And then there’s Walkers. As a private enterprise, they are free to employ whomever they choose to endorse their products. Of course, that principle also applies to consumers, who can choose not to favour said company with their custom for such reason or reasons as they deem fit, such as the desire not to directly or indirectly benefit Linecunt with their hard earned cash.
I saw a Seabrook’s crisps ad on the box the other pm – refreshingly unpretentious and devoid of any inanity or political posturing, IIRC.
Up your spinaker, Linekunt.
Btw, today’s Telegraph:
“Audiences are bored of Brexit-themed comedy”, interestingly citing “strange absence of Leave-voting comics on the tv circuit…”
Haven’t we all been saying that for years ?
Treesa the Appeaser has gone off to the Salzburg Face-the-Musik Festival. Well, she’ll be getting plenty of that later this year…All together now – “Treesa’s coming home!!”.
I hope her plane crashes into an Austrian Alp.
Seabrook’s are a thousand times better than Walker’s. I love those crinkly little fuckers.
The ham ones are lush!
I’ve said before, they won’t listen to us, then it’s time to take something like direct action.
Boycott any cunting organisation that is anti Brexit or pro EUReich. Hit them in the pocket, take your money elsewhere.
Bombard your local MP with your views and express your disgust at the PM and her utter cuntish news
Withdraw the tele tax. You don’t have to pay it and they can’t force you to.
Start being a cunt in public. If they won’t represent us then they can’t expect us to follow the laws they impose on us.
There’s plenty to do to start the revolution and I wager fellow Cunters will have plenty of ideas…..
Oh yeah and Lineker is truly a plutonium enriched uber grade cunt of cunts. Third head on the pike at traitors gate come the revolution.
Apparently Jugs overtook the ginger haired cunt from radio 2 with the salary as “his projected working schedule had increased dramatically in the World Cup year”
Its enough to make you eat your young – this overpaid cliché ridden one trick pony “earning” £1.75M from the licence payers fee (or as I prefer to call it – un unenforceable piece of stealth tax). No participation without representation. You aren’t just a cunt Linemepockets – you are a robber of the working man and that makes you a cunt par excellence.
pint number 4
I don’t pay my TV license anymore, and i don’t eat walkers crisps because of this twat. And i won’t be going to his bar in Tenerife either.
Posted on the previous nomination but better placed here.
The BBC say: “As we’ve stated in the past Gary is not involved in any news or political output for the BBC….and as such, any expression of his personal political views does not affect BBC’s impartiality”.
Why yes, of course.
Firstly we should completely believe the BBC is completely neutral and impartial and not in the slightest way in favour of remaining in the EU in any way.
Secondly if Gary were advocating the other way, and that we should Leave the EU, the BBC would have us believe he would be allowed to continue to spout his political message.
Glad that’s cleared up.
Stick to football you overpaid twat.
Al-BBCeera should sack the odious littlebollox, and give generously to Sir Cliff. Lesser of two evils.
Give generously to Sir Cliff Belinda? Have you lost your mind?
Of course sack Linekunt, but if you’re going to donate the cash saved to anyone, make sure it’s a worthy victim – Nigel Farage for instance, when the ABBC slurred him suggesting he had “blood on his hands” re the manslaughter of a 40 year old Polish man in 2017.
We’ ve been too kind to the Peter Pansy of Pop for decades, last week we gave him £210,000 this week £850,000 (the BBC only have our money).
He will be crying all the way to the bank. The old fucker hasn’t really been a singer for decades, now the compilation discs are drying up suing the BBC (i.e. US) will be his next mealticket.
God saved the queen.
Thanks for posting this, Willie.
As I understand it – and please correct me anyone if I’m wrong – but LineKunt is seen as an independent contractor who sells his presenting services to the ABBC for a ridiculous amount of money. As such, he’s not considered a full time employee of the ABBC and is therefore free to spout off on all things political because he’s not contravening any ABBC employee rules.
That being true, you’d think ABBC would take a dim view of one of its high profile presenters getting embroiled in such contentious issues like illegal immigration and matters of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
What would it take for the ABBC to react and either clamp down on this cunt flapping his lips or even fire him outright? Holocaust denying? Relaxing of the UK’s drug laws? Support for the BNP or KKK? The fact is, what he says in public goes along with ABBC’s agenda which explains why the ABBC’s statement effectively gives this bastard a free pass.
Working for the nation’s public broadcaster SHOULD hold you to a higher standard of public behaviour. The ABBC scotched that one when it came to light how protected Savile was for all those years. The ABBC has no moral compass and by continuing to allow Linekunt the freedom to use his high profile to promote anti-democratic and highly contentious issues tells you all you need to know about Linekunt and the ABBC.
For shame.
I can think of no reason* why Jug Ears’s contract shouldn’t include the same sort of provisions regarding proscribed behaviour as those of an employee. Indeed, a contractor is apt to enjoy rather less protection than that which the law confers on employees.
*Apart, of course, from the fact that the Al-BBC condone/endorse his political views.
I agree with you, Sterling. I myself do contract work. If I went on social media and started stirring up shit, I’m pretty sure my contract would be cut short a bit sharpish.
Your “Apart” clause is exactly what’s going on here. It’s beyond puke worthy.
Another fucking champagne socialist who thinks we should accommodate the world’s shithole human trash – just not in his area o’course – and should be ruled by the 4th Reich.
Well Gary if you love it that much, sell up and fuck off to any of the 27 other countries (ruled by Germany courtesy of the EU Ponzi scheme) who are prepared to take you.
Their won’t be many takers I’m sure, even Croatia knows you’re a cunt Gary!
Dont know if we are allowed to do this here but I came across this on me travels:
Poor cunts only got 17 sigs while the cunts at the Independents “We demand a second referendum” have got 300,000 cunts already signed up.
(Yes, you are! Funny how one is backed by a national newspaper and the other never gets mentioned isn’t it? – Admin)
Oh Gary just pay your taxes you lump of shit
This wanker ought to be buried alive in a tomb of Walkers Crisps. Meanwhile, the motherfuckers of Labour want to deselect Kate Hoey because she dares to support Brexit.
Kate Hoey is in the constituency next to me. I wish she was my MP instead of the Blairite, remoaner slag i’ve got and before her that thieving Jowell bitch.
Hoey is old school Labour and pre- dates Blair and his slick marketing men and Steptoe and his rag tag army of terrorist loving traitors.
It looks like her constituency party want her out but she is a good costituency MP, has been so since 1989 and is very popular. The EU loving scum might not find it as easy as they think. Cunts!
They want to purge anyone who doesn’t conform to the ‘correct’ opinion. It’s communism 101. Same tactics that were used in the Soviet Union.
Check it out:
Oh dear that’s awful. They’re certainly not making any attempt to hide their Stalinesque tendencies are they? Like I said – communism 101. Animal Farm wasn’t meant to be a fucking instructions manual.
How can anyone not like Ian Wright for this?
Me. I hate Ian Wright. Woolwich Nomad cunt.
Who the fuck does this sanctimonious sack of dog shit think he is? Tax dodgers shouldn’t even have a vote let alone telling people that they are too stupid to know what they are voting for. Fuck off jug ears you fascist fucking bastard.
Oh fuck off you pube faced shitbag. Great irony that he supports a ‘Peoples Vote’ which is blatantly undermining the democratic process weeks after returning from Putin’s autocratic gangster state. Surely he had a spot for him in a Siberian gulag tin mine.
Somebody should tell him that at least the regular people pay their taxes…
And that the ‘people’ already had a vote.
Decision was made, backed up by the so called government spending 9million on a leaflet to every home in the UK imploring us to vote remain, otherwise the sky would fall in blah blah blah.
Oh shit Gary, all that government propaganda and we still didn’t vote the way you wanted….
Now then. Fuck Off.
To paraphrase Chris Jericho:
Hey Gary!
Do you know what happens when you’ve been cunted 10 times?
Do you know what happens when you are that much of a cunt?
Do you?
Hey, I’ve just noticed that myself! Surprised it hasn’t happened sooner, but still – welcome to the Wall of Cunt Shitteker!
I reckon Soros and Miller should be on there too, alas there’s not enough nominations for either of them. Yet.
And just what was the first referendum of not the greatest example of a peoples’ vote then?
Oh wait, I know why they want a second one, it’s so that they can rig it so that the ”correct” answer is what they get. Cunts.
When I come to power the TV licence will be immediately abolished, in large part thanks to fuckers like Linekunt. What a nasty, sinister, immoral, hypocritical little cunt.
If I were Dictator of this cuntry, I’d abolish all the cunts like him and the cunts who are all for this so-called ”peoples’ vote”. Let’s be honest here, cunts like Jug-ears, B.Liar, Soros, the Miller whore, Sourbreath etc would not be missed.
If I were running the country, I would get rid of them. I’d bring in a law that compelled all these rich, “Refugees Welcome” cunts to house at least two so called refugees, and to pay for their medical costs, education, clothes, food etc. I’d also make them sign a guarantee that these refugees would not commit any crime. Well they keep calling for more to be let in, I’d love to see how many changed their opinion if they had to take responsibility for them.
Excellent policy QDM. You can be my Immigration Minister ☺️
If I used Twitter I would have great fun following him and mentioning the whole tax dodging thing on every virtue signalling post of his. Kinda ruins his public image.
Aside from his cuntish attitude over Brexit, he remained very quite over the Walkers factory closure in Peterlee with 400 jobs lost. Maybe the good folk of County Durham are not enough in need of his support than the bearded gimmigant children of Calais.
Trouble is the cunt blocks anyone with a view that opposes his.
A shining example of lefty tolerance and free speech in action.
On a completely different note, I was meeting people in one of the neighbouring towns earlier and I saw quite a lot of Muslims. Would’ve tried counting them but there were too many.
Not much to add to the comments. A truly horrible, overpaid, manicall-vain orange-faced hypocrite. I hope he chokes on a shitty cheese’n’onion crisp.
Welcome to the Wall of Cunt.
The whole business just gets my goat.
Looks like I’ll have to take to the streets if full Brexit, Hard or no deal is to be a reality.
Fuck everything remainer cunt in Britain.
I’ll see them pay
Feed him to the pigs. Goal hanging cunt.
Good evening.
That’s abominably harsh on the pigs.
Gary Linecunt, a Gerd Muller wannabee who isnt fit to kiss the great goalhanging Krauts Arsehole; Mullers Record- 62 Internationals 68 goals, One World Cup,One Euro Cup
Linecunts Record-80 Internationals 48 goals, Fuck All
And one World Cup shitting his shorts, Italia 90 vs Rep of Ireland. Smelly cunt.
I’m so happy he didn’t break Sir Bobby’s record. At least ol’ Bobby is a proper gentleman unlike Jugears
And he won a World Cup
And he’s a better human being than Linekunt.
Oh how i hate this over payed stupid cunt . Because the useless cunt , and yes he is useless earns so much , no i take that back he does not earn a fucking penny of it, it’s just bestowed upon the traitor because us the public are not boycotting and saying enough of this misappropriation of public funds. He has now developed this God complex just like Bonio Branson, Blair and Cuntdorf who sees himself as a great wise man . If i get so much cash from the Public Plebs then i must be a God amongst men. The military should seize power and execute all the aforementioned Cunts not forgetting Cable and Cleggy .
Bastard Traitor Cunts one and all.
A military coup ? … top hole. Michel Barnier negotiating with some Mad Mitch type military hard case. Game, set and match. Bring it on.
Lineker is a sleazy Cunt who used a super-injunction to protect his “wholesome” public image. The BBC can be a very flexible employer when it comes to it’s favoured presenters. It has certainly been only too keen to find alternative well-paid positions for any female employees who didn’t understand Lineker’s unique hands-on approach to staff moral.
Luckily the serial gooser Dave Lee Travis was removed from the BBC and convicted of indecent assault. This shows that whatever Lineker needed hiding behind his super-injunction,it was really trivial or the BBC would never have taken the risk of another scandal.
Fuck him.
A friend of mine’s dad worked on the Papers in the 80s and 90s and has interesting stories about Lineker that, alas, can’t be mentioned on here. Suffice to say that, like Beckham, Lineker is untouchable by the media because of being a “football hero.” Psh.
The last story I heard was that there was a court case conveniently tucked away on a cold Tuesday morning in Newcastle with names and incidents deliberately obfuscated. An orange-faced cunt was the culprit. Allegedly.
The fact this fucker is receiving a 10th (not a misprint!!) cunting , ie above many other equally cuntatious cunts worldwide says it all.
I’ve long since tired of this utter twat thinking he speaks for millions just because his sheep-like deluded Twatterati follow him, and worse, using his prominence on a politics-free MOTD to project his profile AT OUR EXPENSE!!!
I first got tired of this idiot when the cunt made plain his dismay at Graham Taylor subbing him at Euro 92. I have a long memory and GT should have axed him long before he did. He never looked like scoring ( on the pitch anyway) as England’s solitary goal in three games was registered by David Platt!! Incredibly, Taylor is remembered as the Turnip and “my shit never smells” as the innocent victim!!
Pretty soon this fucker was being parachuted into BBC presenting roles well above his capabilities-memorably being a wide-eyed numpty superfan at The Masters, which even the blind cunts at BBC Sport realised was a disaster. As for the cheeky-chappie unfunny MOTD sign off quips this fucker probably thinks he’s even wittier than Groucho Marx!!
Then we have his ridiculous, scandalous really, salary. So for 38 MOTDs, a handful of FA Cups and a month in the sun every other summer he gets £1.7m (well over £2m PER YEAR when 5 star hotels, travel and payroll taxes are added). Even this isn’t enough for the greedy cunt as he spends midweeks pulling in another hefty wedge from the El Jazeera towel heads. The real idiot here is the clearly star struck BBC contracts wanker who is paying 10-fold over the odds because (a) Linecunt would gladly settle for £170k pa just to keep his profile high for the crisp fuckers’ benefit and all the other commercial activities his oceans of free time allow and (b) Nobody but nobody turns into MOTD because it’s hosted by Linecunt. There is no market anyway. Let the cunt fuck off to ITV who wouldn’t even pay him £50k. Most people I know record MOTD and watch it at a sensible time; invariably fast-forwarding past the tedious analysis, predictable “the refs always wrong” manager interviews and crap matches. The MOTD2 blokes work much harder and Sunday games are better anyway!! And all this after a lengthy career being one of the highest paid footballers in the UK. This grovelling Leicester fucker thinks it’s all about him as if anyone gives a shit that he actually thought he should go ahead with that ridiculous “keks off” stunt. Cunt.
It’s incredible that the likes of John Humphries get up at 2am to present a difficult live programme 200 days a year and yet have been bullied into accepting lower pay when their contracts aren’t even expiring. They’re already on much lower wages anyway and now we are losing the excellent Eddie Mair – a proper fearless journo and not ex-player. Yet somehow Linecunt rises above it all!!
I will mention in passing the two ex-wives who I can only assume think he’s an even bigger jug-eared cunt than I do. I hope they took him to the cleaners.
I’m sorry to take up so much ISAC space and delay you all but the sooner this utter cunt gets his comeuppance the better. End of.
As somebody said on a previous cunting of Lineker, can you imagine Jimmy Hill or Des Lynam advising people how to vote or subsequently telling them that they voted the wrong way?
He should stick to what he does best: Painting his face ochre and reading the fucking autocue.
No need to apologise Isaac.
I’d forgotten about the jug eared pricks masters appearance. I used like falling asleep in front of the idiot lantern with the golf on, good walk spoiled an all that…. And when that prick appeared as the ‘anchor’ for the studio, well it made me wake up and realise what a bunch of freeloading licene fee wasting shitforbrain wankers the Beeb actually were employing the fucker.
UKIP are holding a meeting at the Sussex Pub in Hove on Sunday. Lets see what happens when rent a mob from Momentum turn up in disguise to disrupt the meeting.
Will let you all know how that ends. Socialist workers party will be in attendance after a hard days work no doubt.
whilst Linaker is indeed somewhat annoying what i find much more annoying is the makers of those intensely annoying Walkers crisps ads . their idiotic assumption that we all luuuuurve ‘our Gary’ fuck of out it, do we fuck . all i think when i see those ads for those bags of air is that he gets ( not earns ) more for that shit than 4 nurses earn in a year. it’s all fucking wrong!
Oh come now Richard – Gary’s a national treasure!
Why else would the BBC pay him millions and accord him Savile like status?
Makes you wonder if there’s any dodgy shit going on with Gary like there was with Saville… Wouldn’t rule it out.
Gary Lineker gets involved in political discussions in an attempt to make himself appear intelligent. He has never got over the Brass Eye programme about paedophilia in which he was hoodwinked into making a complete tit of himself.
It’s too late Gary. Everybody knows you’re thick.
I genuinely wish that this sanctimonious ratfuck bastard was dead.
My take on this very worthy cunting is this. If many people in our tiny isle take and act on advice given by this wankmeister we are well and truely fucked to the nth degree.
Talk of super injunctions got me thinking…was the injunction ever lifted for a certain husband (initials D F) of a certain candle in the wind piano-playing homosexual and alleged super-bumming in a pool of olive oil?
And whether M. Barrymore’s lubed-up fist of fury was involved somehow?
LOL @ Barrymore’s fist of fury.
Yes, funny how that particular superinjunction was quietly forgotten about.
I personally feel very sorry for the kids being ‘brought up’ by that pair.
I’ll bet there’s loads of dirt (so to speak) on dear old Reg.
If him and a certain piano key-toothed Queen didn’t double-team an underage twink’s trembling ringpiece in the late 70’s, I’m a Guardian subscriber.
Elton and David have children nowadays,Mr. Cunt-Engine. Two young boys,apparently,so I’m sure that they no longer feel the need to indulge their perversions outside of their own loving home.
Mr and Mr. Tom Daley thought it was a tremendous idea and procured a boy for their own delectation.
I have no idea about Mr. Barrymore’s involvement…perhaps he works as some kind of lifeguard at pool parties these days. The sight of him baring down on me would,half-drowned or not, have me staging the greatest comeback since Lazarus.
Well, absolutely Mr F.
I mean, statistically there’s *no way* that any of those four bummers in any way would fiddle with the poor unfortunates.
Funny how all four are reeeeaaally keen to change nappies..
I’d imagine that every member of those households,young or old,wears a nappy. I wonder if Pampers do a “Big,Fat,Bald Old Bender” size? Elton probably has them specially made.
I believe they make a special one, just for old gaylords whose botties have the same diameter as a jar of peanut butter.
It’s a regular adult nappy, but it has a big, cock-shaped absorbent dildo in it too.
Free speech site my cock, nice to have met you guys.
Your problem is what, exactly?
If you comply with the rules then no problem.
Or is your problem that you don’t understand why your nomination disappeared?
Read first, bleat second. Don’t be a cunt.
If the nomination disappears then that means it’s either being written up to be posted on the main site at a later date (fair warning, they can take a while to come up due to the sheer volume) or its been automatically binned due to the servers not recognising all lower case comments.
Is it wrong that I find Jane McDonald highly fuckable?
Er…well, a bit, yes TECB.
She looks rather like a cross of Delia Smith and Ricki Lake…not a pleasant combination.
Surely there’s other (better looking) famous birds that are more pleasing to your eyes?!
The Croatian president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was given a bit of coverage before the semi-final and worth a look.
Oo-er, LL….bit of a Croat Emily Thornberry, methinks.
What knockers !
I’d stick…. Sorry… I meant I’ll stick with new Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker… Reminds me of a young Susan Hampshire, which is no bad thing…
Now that you come to mention it Norman.
I would give it a large portion.
Not if you compare it with some of my more unfortunate past choices, verily she is a goddess.
I blame it on the magical properties of draught bitter, taken in bulk.
Didn’t Kinnocks son punch above his weight and snag some fine Scandi muff?
Yes, Nigel Kinnock.
In a word, yes. IMHO.
Was always a disloyal and avaricious cunt was Lineker… He does the ‘My beloved Leicester City’ bit now (or at least he did when they won the league title), but he fucked off and left them without a thought to join (then) high flying Everton for a big money move…. But he was at Goodison for one (fucking one!) season, till he pissed off to El Tel at Barcelona (like that cunt, Mark Hughes) and another cash bonanza… He then wound up at Spurs (again, a lot of dosh involved), where he eventually pissed off to Japan… There he made even more massive amounts of money and had a couple of ‘injury hit’ seasons with some joke outfit who were called something like ‘Grandpa’s Eight’…
Leopards and spots and all that…. Slimy Gary’s ‘stance’ on Brexit is nothing to do with Britain, and it is certainly nothing to do with caring about British business or the British people (because he obviously doesn’t)… His ‘views’ are purely motivated by money and what he can get out of it… Just like Satan Blair, Dickhead Branson, Banana Gob and the rest of them…. Greedy selfish cunts that make Fagin and Uriah Heep look benevolent….