
Leo Murray. Sorry, but who the fuck is Leo Murray? Well, he’s the cunt behind the Trump baby blimp that flew for all of two hours this morning watched by a small crowd of like minded people including a man in a cage dressed in a gorilla suit and wearing a Donald Trump mask. I kid you not!

Not so much of a cunt however as the people who gave money to the crowdfunding appeal to pay for this piece of childish nonsense…. or the people who have so far donated £40,000 to launch a similar blimp of Sadiq Khan in a nappy. It will be interesting to see if the illustrious London Mayor gives permission for them to fly that. I doubt it. Labour politicians are renown for their double standards.

In Murray’s own words : “The story starts with Trump’s election and inauguration. I was part of a group that organised a big protest to mark his inauguration, which was called “Bridges not Walls”. We dropped banners from all the bridges by the Thames and 250 others around Europe and beyond. It was a reminder of a common humanity and a commitment to resist. The group then decided that if he ever comes here, we obviously have to protest. However, there’s a chance he won’t really give a fuck about a regular protest against his policies. He lacks the capacity for moral shame. You simply can’t reason with him, because he’s not a reasonable person. You also can’t appeal to his conscience as he’s got no conscience. So we went with ridicule.

Well, Leo, Trump doesn’t give a fuck about your stupid blimp either. So enter Yanny Bruere. Yanny strongly objects to the Trump baby blimp and wants to launch a Khan blimp of his own. “I think it’s insulting and childish. We shouldn’t be making the US president feel unwelcome. Trump has made America safe and has made the world safe. In London, under Khan as mayor, crime is soaring to unprecedented levels and people don’t feel safe. We’re making the Sadiq Khan balloon as ugly as possible.” Apparently, that’s not childish.

However, as you both seem to be such advocates of free speech, I’d like to say that I think you’re a right pair of cunts…

Nominated by Dioclese

112 thoughts on “Blimpgate

  1. Goddamned Internet went down again! After a week of fucking maintenance. ? So another late response.

    After watching some of this it just makes me laugh.

    Khan and his lame excuses for the dangers of Londonistan. I believe some police official reffered to them as “feral” knife attacks. Next thing you know he’ll be telling you goat shit in the streets is just another reality of living in a big city.

    And May is a joke. Holding hands with this goat fucking, transplanted savage, once removed? What the Fuck is that all about? This ain’t the fucking Junior Prom. Does she think this is a good photo-op for pro- Brexit Britons?

    You guys need a fucking Trump of your own to save you from this comic book like farce. Wait! I’ve got it! A cadre of Superheroes to save the day! The League of Inclusive Royals.

    Their leader…Will’s…stolid and dependable future King. Kate…matronly future matriarch of the clan Windsor. Harry…ginger younger brother and loose cannon.. And of course Meghan…bi-racial foreigner from another world who breathed new life into an aging dynasty?

    Together they are …THE AB-FAB FOUR!

    Christ Almighty! You guys are fucked!

    • When the Queen dies I reckon the concept of the royal family will die with her. She’s the only thing a lot of people – myself included – genuinely like about the monarchy. Shame the rest of her family doesn’t share her conservatism or her stoicism and sense of duty.

      • Also like Prince Philip but only because of his straight talking un-PC gaffes and insults.

        Princess Anne is ok, but that’s about it.

      • Snowflake millennials worship at the stinking bungholes of William, Harry & George (wouldn’t it be great to smash his fucking face in?).

        The Royal Family will never die, it reinvents itself to reflect each new brain dead generation.

      • Ruff my friend I’m afraid “thou doest speaketh thee truth”.

        Stolid Wills…Ginger Hal…and Little Georgie Porgie…the very flower of modern day English Manhood.

    • Good evening General. You’re right, we do need someone like Trump, and the need is desperate.

      • And a late good evening to you Jack.

        As readers of our August forum are doubtless aware of by now…my ISP is a millennial, libtard, snowflake, clusterfuck of an operation, who true to form takes my money and works if and when it wants. (Otherwise I would have responded in a more timely fashion.)

        Stay tuned because tomorrow after I complain to Laswhonda in Customer Service and she transfers me to her supervisor Rashneesh, they will no doubt accuse me of being a racist/sexist/misogynist/Islamophobe.

        We’ll at least they got something right.


    • I don’t think the chinless, inbred, parasites has much of a ring to it as a Superhero group.

      • @Cuntstable

        You are quite correct as usual. Allow me to offer some alternatives:

        1. The Ab-Fab Four
        2. The League of Extraordinary Inbreds
        3. The Social Justice League

  2. Two illegal immigrants have been jailed for fraudulently claiming £125,000 in relief costs by falsely posing as victims of the Grenfell Tower fire.

    Elaine Douglas and Tommy Brooks were put up in hotels after claiming they lived on the 19th floor of the block.

    They were caught when council workers discovered their flat did not exist, Isleworth Crown Court heard.

    The flat did not exist? Hardly fucking rocket science is it. No fucking checks- just gave these two fucking chancers the money. Just look at the fucking state of them.

    • Fucking hell Willie, the human race is de-evolving. Another ten years and they’ll be using stone tools. Which one is the budding architect ?

    • And as if they hadn’t had enough handouts, the woman got £11k for food as she didn’t like the hotel food. Imagine the range of meals available at a good quality hotel like,not good enough so must have even more handouts. Why is nobody saying no to these cunts?

    • They look like what they are. A different, lesser evolved breed of the species human. Cats and dogs have different breeds of their species, some more advanced some less so. It’s time to accept the truth.

  3. With regards to crowd funding, we’d all doubtless be willing to donate to a sting operation where a rent boy with a hidden camera propositions Khan for bendersex and the footage is cleverly edited to show him expressing an interest in mens’ botties, resulting in him not only losing his mayorship but also being tossed from the top floor of the Shard, as is peaceful tradition.

    • And even when he denies it, well…there’s no smoke without fire, even entirely ficticious fire…

  4. Embarrassing bunch of fecking cunts, do they know they are no longer in the 6th form.

  5. Khunt is also a very boring, silly, littlebollox cuuuunt.
    Did he mention about his Da being a bus driver AGAIN ??

  6. While you’re on about your Lord Mayor I thought I’d let you know how relatively easy it is to get elected to these civic positions once you’ve worked out the system
    It starts at the lower end where you get elected as a councillor or a skivvy type public official.
    The main qualification is that you know how to do nothing but you make friends easily . Then you use those friends to influence others and before you know it you’ve got a Mary Kay type setup to get your voters out on election day…. there doesn’t have to be that many of them because most of the electorate don’t give a fuck and stay home to watch the football
    In a much lower level way I did it with my Union in those dark days when I had to work for a fucking living.
    The then Union Local President was a useless cunt ( black and bilingual tho’) and was using the funds as his personal bank account , handing out favours to his lackies and , as they say, living large and lazy. Fat and devious but a fabulous public speaker.
    I got into an argument with him so fierce that I resolved to get him out…and replace him with me.
    So easy it was, I just took about twenty of my pals down to the annual meeting , The self satisfied cunt thought it was another acclamation until we came to the vote and believe it or not we got carried with the help of my twenty pals . Twenty people was all that was needed for a local with over 2000 members.
    There I was with no experience and a trembling mess at public speaking.
    The worst mistake I ever made, because the membership were a bigger bunch of cunts collectively than the Ex president was on his own… but that’s another story!

  7. I see We Willie Krankie won’t be able to attend the Trump protest. She’s at the Gay fuck fest instead. She knows that Trump will be gone soon but the Sodomites are here to stay. She knows how to prioritise, I’ll give her that

      • No fan at all Mecha, I couldn’t care less if some cunt wants to take a bum full , it’s the promotion of it all and god help you if you speak out about it that boils my piss.

  8. Sturgeon told the bum fairies at Pride that “we still have work to so”.

    That’s right. She needs to work on fucking right off and taking her party of wankers with her.

  9. Perspective of a Londoner;

    Sadiq Khan is an utter cunt. It’s a damned shame any time anyone (like that Tory bloke and his twitter) say anything or mark him as a Muslim, because he’ll always play on it because he’s not only a cunt, but a *minority* cunt. I’m a bigger minority than him here but what does that matter…

    I do believe in childish reaction to childish insults. I am rubber you are glue etc…

    Therefore I think there needs to be a Khan Khunt Blimp. I’d like to see one much bigger like a nest of Russian dolls and every time you stab or shoot the outer blimp a smaller one is inside with an even bigger smug grin. That is the way to win the blimp fight – actually have a political point. Violence in this city has never been worse and yet he keeps very quiet on the subject. I heard their latest idea was for his blimp to have a stab vest!

    As far as terrorism goes – you only have to mention it and his racism barriers go up. In fact, he has nothing to do with our fight on terror – I may be wrong but that is a matter for our nationwide terrorism unit which is a cut above his paygrade. What he could do, and never to my knowledge has done, is encourage communities of all faiths to have an easy and anonymous way of reporting dangerous suspects. Only when all communities act in the best of the country will we have enough evidence to lock up traitors. Now they are saying if you watch videos three times you may be prosecuted. This is absolutely necessary because the cps often just don’t have enough evidence to keep them in custody or charge etc so dangerous people go free because people are too scared to be a grass even if hundreds of people die in one attack.

    Khan – name me one good thing he has done because I can’t think of anything apart from him turning up to events (including pride, which he seemed to find new?) And mumbleing somewhat incoherently. I mean, you might hate Boris (I <3) but he could mumble and still be understood, Khan needs serious diction assistance. It's a position of office, he should be a world icon. He's risen above anti semetic Livingstone in my dissappointment of his recognition of what his position means. Giving the go ahead for that blimp was pathetic and a poor show of arms.

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