Leo Murray. Sorry, but who the fuck is Leo Murray? Well, he’s the cunt behind the Trump baby blimp that flew for all of two hours this morning watched by a small crowd of like minded people including a man in a cage dressed in a gorilla suit and wearing a Donald Trump mask. I kid you not!
Not so much of a cunt however as the people who gave money to the crowdfunding appeal to pay for this piece of childish nonsense…. or the people who have so far donated £40,000 to launch a similar blimp of Sadiq Khan in a nappy. It will be interesting to see if the illustrious London Mayor gives permission for them to fly that. I doubt it. Labour politicians are renown for their double standards.
In Murray’s own words : “The story starts with Trump’s election and inauguration. I was part of a group that organised a big protest to mark his inauguration, which was called “Bridges not Walls”. We dropped banners from all the bridges by the Thames and 250 others around Europe and beyond. It was a reminder of a common humanity and a commitment to resist. The group then decided that if he ever comes here, we obviously have to protest. However, there’s a chance he won’t really give a fuck about a regular protest against his policies. He lacks the capacity for moral shame. You simply can’t reason with him, because he’s not a reasonable person. You also can’t appeal to his conscience as he’s got no conscience. So we went with ridicule.”
Well, Leo, Trump doesn’t give a fuck about your stupid blimp either. So enter Yanny Bruere. Yanny strongly objects to the Trump baby blimp and wants to launch a Khan blimp of his own. “I think it’s insulting and childish. We shouldn’t be making the US president feel unwelcome. Trump has made America safe and has made the world safe. In London, under Khan as mayor, crime is soaring to unprecedented levels and people don’t feel safe. We’re making the Sadiq Khan balloon as ugly as possible.” Apparently, that’s not childish.
However, as you both seem to be such advocates of free speech, I’d like to say that I think you’re a right pair of cunts…
Nominated by Dioclese
If there is a blimp of Sadiq Khuntface, you can bet your bottom dollar there will be cries of racism and Islamophobia from the hypocritical Left!
Should just let Pink Floyd fly a giant pig again. Perhaps this time over Tower Hamlets?
It would make a great album cover!
I think Murray is one of those names that can increasingly indicate substantial cuntitude.
Jenni Murray, QED.
Khan is upset. He was interviewed this afternoon regarding Trumps statement that he was a “terrible Mayor”. Khan can slag off Trump ( and boy has he ) but he cannot take a single word in return. His retort to the question of immigration was ” it is diversity that is our strength ”
What he means is “flood the capital with mud people, who will vote for Sharia Law, Caliphate of Londonistan and any cunt standing for election who is of the peaceful persuasion.
I hate Khunt Khan.
Agreed in Spades
As per your post ASA
Although perhaps in the minority, I happen to quite like Piers Morgan- he asks questions that many of us are thinking and is not afraid to do so.
Suckdick was in his studio being interviewed by Piers a few days ago. Piers gave him a rough ride, and towards the end of the interview (when Suzanne said “that’s all we have time for”) Suckdick (although flustered, out of his depth and struggling badly) said he wished he could stay for another hour.
Calling his bluff, Piers said- “ok then- lets do it”.
Bet Suckdick wishes he had kept his stupid foul mouth closed.
He can give it but cant take it back.
By the way- do you think he uses mascara?
Devious racist fuckhead.
Piers Morgan is a cunt but often you need to be a cunt to fight the bigger cunts.
Trump?Khan? Why stop there? Yours Truly would pay good money to have a naked Boris Blimp in full erection shagging the Hunchback whilst circulating aroinde the Elizabeth Tower. Twelve thrusts for 12pm ect. You get the idea,
I love the way the fucking Lord Haw Haw AL-BB-CERA latched onto the fact that he held Treason May’s hand walking down some steps at Chequers: “He always hold hands. He looks like he’s unbalanced!”
Really!?! Is that what it’s come to, you utter fucking cunts!
You just have nothing to say do you, you fuckers!
Selective reporting as usual. Trump will never do any good as far as you twats are concerned.
The reality is that he’s doing stuff which fuck’s on your socio-globo-libero agenda. It that agenda that ordinary folk hate, hence why ordinary folk don’t mind Trump as POTUS. The alternative of Killary would have been far worse for ordinary folk but that’s ok because she doesn’t give a fuck about them so long as she’s getting fingered by Oprah, et. al.
My how I laughed at those glitterati cunt’s tears when 8 more years of the Bush/Clinton stitch up (great for glitterati twats – no so much for the ordinary Joe, funny that eh) disappeared up their arses!
Fuck off AL-BB-CERA. Go and base yourselves in Riyadh where your bullshit would be really appreciated! Cunts!
Laura Kuntsburgh is reaching the stage of a place on the wall of cunts. What a foul, condescending, uppity disrespectful cunt she really is. News just in – the protests continue in Scotland. Large protests are in Glasgow today and Edinburgh tomorrow. Wee Jimmy Krankie wont be attending ANY of the protests as she is leading the Edinburgh pride march. I have no words.
Yes that hooky-gobbed lickspittle Kuntsberg is the most biased cunt at the (allegedly impartial – hah! What a fucking joke!) AL-BB-CERA.
And that’s saying something amongst that shower of shite!
The erosion of the AL-BEEB’s impartiality coincided – surprise, surprise – with the UK’s 2nd Dark Age (1997-2010) when you had the moral guidance of Mandlecunt and spin of Campbellcunt.
It also didn’t hurt when Noo-Liebour’s ass-kisser in Chief – Tony Hall – got put in charge either. Another fucking traitor to the British public and British values!
Since then the AL-BB-CERA Lord Haw Haw tribute act has been fucking sickening.
The sad fact of the matter is that outside of this socio-globo-libero bubble that the likes of Kuntsberg and Shithead O’Brien occupy, they’d be fucking unemployable!
Excellent retort Rebel my cunting chum.
This virtue-waving attention-seeker is enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame but what a crass way for which to be remembered. I’d be astonished if he’s “protested” at ANY tyrannical murderer who’s had an invitation to Blighty – of whom there have been a copious amount. He’ll be forgotten by tomorrow and that’s that.
On a related matter, I must vent my spleen. I had a few words with an annoying fat woman at work (who swans about as if she’s everybody’s boss but I’ll be fucked if I even know her job!). I know this arrogant bitch to be a strong Remainiac as she met her (equally chubby) Maltese husband at (it just gets worse) …church. Betwixt stuffing her cakehole she expressed, in her nauseatingly sanctimonious voice, concerns at Donald Trump’s visit. Furthermore, she was outraged that he’d “stuck his nose into our affairs” and “how dare he interfere with Brexit.”
My response contained the words “Obama”, “back of the queue”, and “every tinpot leader of an EU-gangster-run shithole.
I neither spat in the truculent bitch’s face nor called her an overweight, poorly-educated cunt. I must be mellowing.
Good for you Captain – its the thought that counts 😉
Also Trump’s statements about Brexit and Obama’s were both in very different contexts. Trump’s comments were based off what he had rightly heard about May’s Brexit plans effectively leaving in name only and therefore not respecting the will of the people as expressed in the referendum. Whereas Obama’s were made before said referendum (in other words actually trying to interfere with the result) and were a shameful insult to us as the only ally America has been able to rely on to back them in wars they start when the rest of NATO just can’t be arsed, despite America never doing the same for us with things like the Falklands and Northern Island. Hell Obama even thought we should just sign over the Falklands to Argentina because fuck what the people actually living there want.
If things were the other way around with America holding a referendum on something and the sitting president refusing to follow through on it then our Prime Minister should absolutely criticise them for that.
I’m after donations for my Sadiq Khan shagging a goat blimp. Any offers?
I’m in.
Can we have him wearing a suicide vest too?
Fuck it, I want to see the Sadiq Khan blimp. On principle I know I should say its a bad idea for the same reasons as the Trump one but fuck it, these people started it and I want to see a Khan one just to see how they react.
All this fifty thousand pound crowdfunding appeal to buy a balloon in the image of Khan is a total con. I bought a “Naughty Nurse Shagwell” Blow Up Doll for less than £30…..and it’s fully washable.
Fuck them.
Should have said that it was bought new,not second hand.However, it was slightly shop-soiled. Still a bargain, I’m sure you agree.
Slightly shop soiled? Well you gotta try before you buy incha?
That’s the 3 hole model with real hair isn’t it ?
The very same, Jack…..
A design classic, and very durable, so I’m told ……
Can i borrow ir one weekend DF? Promise I’ll liberally douse her in swarfega once I’m ‘done’…
Unfortunately she’s being held as evidence in an “outraging public decency” case, M-B. …Good news though…my solicitor says that I may have a case for damages if they punctured her while trying to part me from the object of my desires. I was actually dogtied,not just being awkward. A problem that neither the police or staff of Mothercare, where I happened to be browsing the breast-pumps at the time, seemed to realize.
I still don’t get it… why the cultural appropriation? Why would this cunt Murray want to depict Trump appropriating Ghandi’s wardrobe? It’s grossly disrespectful to Indians, and Hindus in particular.
Disgraceful waste of time and money.
I don’t agree that Yanny Bruere deserves a cunting. As an elected official in the UK who has failed to adequately discharge the duties of his office, whilst also bringing disrepute on not only said office but the UK as a whole, Khan well and truly deserves to be pilloried, hectored and ridiculed in any legal way, shape and form. Naturally, London is locus conveniens for such action.
Trump, on the other hand, does not hold office in the UK. His words and actions do not directly represent this country nor any portion thereof. It follows, therefore, that if Leo Murray wishes to make representations about Mr. Trump then he should do so in the United States of America rather than in the United Kingdom. One, of course, doubts that he would have the cojones to do so. And that’s another reason for deeming him to be worthy of a cunting.
But if Bruere does not merit a cunting, one doesn’t have to look too far to find someone who does. Yes, it’s our old chum Sadiq Khan. In granting authority to Murray and his muddle-headed mates to fly the Trump blimp, Khan allowed his personal feelings to take precedence over those of the many people in Greater London – people he was elected to SERVE – who think such action to be demeaning and embarrassing. And this means that he thoroughly deserves yet another cunting.
How about a whip round for an airstrike on Trafalgar Square? Let’s get rid of the whingeing, oxygen-thieving millennials who are protesting there. The US of A will be a great trading partner post-Brexit, and Trump will facilitate that.
I’ve seen several of these protests over the past couple of years. The Socialist Worker provides banners for the dole scum wasters to wave about. After the event, the banners are dumped in the street, so yours truly and my fellow tax payers pick up the cost of the clean up. Cunts.
Yup, and disappear mostly to little shire villages in the home counties or their City weekend pads. Those of them who aren’t “occupying” somewhere or other. I never saw such a band of scruffy idle cunts mostly “wimmin” and batty boys plus the cunts who made it through the 60’s wearing tied died T-shirts and loons wearing Adidas Nazareth trainers. Half a decade has passed and its still the same cunts of the type I went to school with who regarded themselves as “edgy” because they could play the opening rift of some progressive rock track and wore a Che Guevara t-shirt. Latin – Cuntus Maximus.
Che fuckin guava.
If only the snowflakes knew what a pathetic crybaby mummy’s boy sissy that little lady boy was.
Fuck him
And fuck them too
Judging from this pm’s news, they were mostly drivelling – either senile, or brain-washed snopakes, or babies who shouldn’t have been exposed to the stinking arsehole of such political pervery.
Reports spoke of tens of thousands of demonstarators round the country. Not a particularly impressive turnout, unlike 17.4M+ who voted for Brexit.
As for the turnout Belinda H, I think as many “trekkies”, Star wars obsessives or Doctor Who fanatics having their idols weekends in Scarborough would have far outnumbered them. Great point about the bairns too – catch the cunts young and pervert them before the libtard school teachers do the job for you. This country is becoming more unbearable by the day. We need a war ( a fucking big war – not a spat like the Falklands or Iraq / Afghanistan) to see how many there are willing to serve still left. I have a feeling there would be a fleet of Windrush’s leaving for all points east for our goat bothering brethren who will have ceased attempting to “culturally enrich” our country and hightailed it back to their original “blighty”.
Actually there is a strong possibility that any planned US air strike in Afghanistan may accidentally involve the blue on blue world champion cunts striking Trafalgar square by mistake. Dude.
Breaking News. Wltshire Police have announced that they have found the “agent” responsible for the recent scare, stored in the house of one of the victims. Source RT. from Witshire Police Press Office .
It’s all been a very strange affair,ASA. I’d love to know the truth about what’s really been going on there,but I doubt we ever will.
Just waiting for them to announce that they have found the passport of the Kremlin agent ‘responsible’ in the garden shed.
That ‘blimp’ was total pony. It’s laughable the way these leftie wankers were giving it the big ‘un with projected images of it towering above the houses of parliament, in the event it turned out to be about 6 foot tall and ‘flew’ about 3 feet off the ground.
Also of note is the funding- again the leftie wankers were giving it Charlie bigspuds about the 36 grand they raised for it. They clearly spent about 7 to pain the balloon. So what happened yo the rest of the cash.
To put the funding into context, the Khan baby crowd fund has taken nearly 50 grand in a much smaller window of time…
Totally agree MR
From all the BBC coverage of the trump blimp I was expecting something the size of a zeppelin!! Something that once airborne would block the sun! Instead it looked like the kind of thing flown over your local carpet right shop during one of their never ending sales!!
Fucking laughable shite!!
I just want to see the Khunt balloon fly high above the HP to bring great shame on that fucking useless prick who is a very slightly overgrown version of “Da Plane, Da Plane”, but without the organisational and management skills.
I would then love to see some cunt bring down the balloon with some lovely warm napalm.
I have donated money to the Khan balloon fund which possibly makes me a cunt. I do agree it is childish but it is also a way to find out how Khan feels about other peoples free speech. The fund has now surpassed the £50 k target in about a week. it runs until 9 August so may double or treble it’s target. The excess funds will be used for a Get Khan Out campaign. I think the whole UK should be able to vote on who is Mayor of London,seeing as it receives so much international attention. Anyway it is heartening to see how many people despise the little cunt.
Bbc twat Laura Cuntsberg doing her best to put bad spin on absolutely everything trump and brexit!! hardly surprising!
Oh how I hate the bbc and the very worst thing is I’m forced to fuckin pay for the television equivalent of the guardian!
BBC giving the blimp lots of airtime! , looking at the protesters it’s the usual rent a cunt libertarians!! Take your blimp , suckdick and fake outrage and FUCK OFF!!
Actual libertarians hate these people. They are authoritarians who want complete control over your life.
100% right but these are fake Cunts! The whole liberal concept has been hijacked by the fascist thought police Cunts who masquerade as liberals…..
They are for me anyway the most bigoted anti liberal people you could ever meet…….
Libertarians are as different from Liberals (Libtards) as chalk is from dick cheese.
Watching and listening to the pathetic specimens on the anti Trump rally leads me to think that what we need is a fucking good war. One sad cow declared that she was a mother, a woman and a citizen of the world. You’re a fucking daft bitch with fuck all better to do, fuck off.
Spot on as always Jack. Agree with you totally.
Good evening.
Good evening Willie. The weekend is upon us !! A time for debauchery and merriment !!
Unfortunately neither on my list Jack. DIY followed my more of the same.
Bridges not Walls a horrible John Lennon solo album if I remember correctly
Walls and Bridges I think. Very poor indeed.
All Lennon’s solo albums were horrible. The only decent song on any of them was ‘God’.
Sorry… make that ‘half decent’.
Alright. I’ll bite. Where do you stand on the White album? Only Beatles album I rate.
I’d say it’s up there with the best!
“Happiness is a warm gun… bang, bang… shoot, shoot.”
My mate Charlie was quite partial to it too…
I thought the White album was where quality control was superseded by egos. It could have made a decent single album – USSR, Guitar weeps, Blackbird, Prudence, Glass Onion, Happiness is a, So Tired, I will, Birthday, Long Long, Revolution, Cry Baby, Julia and possibly Rocky Racoon.
Not a patch on Abbey Road or Revolver.
That may be so Cuntbubble, but to a 15 year old boy in 1968 it was the bee’s fucking knees!
Except for Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da which did my fucking head in – a right bugger to skip on the Dansette.
Walls have ears…
Or, at least, that’s what they make their sausages out of, allegedly.
I hate Khan and I generally don’t hate a lot of people.
The cunt can’t get through an interview without mentioning “diversity,” ever.
I’ll listen to diversity when a fat, white, atheist, alcoholic on forty a day is Mayor of Islamabad.
I despise the petulant little p@ki..
Trump is my new favorite person ever! he just said infront of Maggie May that Boris Johnson would make a great Prime Minister lol and the cherry on top is he denied a question from fake news CNN her dumbfounded an almost silent reaction was just marvellous
Interestingly, the Scots protesters were refused permission for a blimp at Turnberry by Police Scotland. So there was definitely no politics in the disgraceful Londonstan permission then. All about free speech according to the little rat faced cunt this morning.
What? You mean Alex Salmond was banned from Turnberry…
No way that fat cunt will fly.
Regarding these mongs and their Big Don ‘protests’…Where’s ISIS when you need them? .Answer…. Having tea round Suckdick Khans house…
Trump has a wonderful way with sarcasm.
On Appeaser May he said: “She’s an incredible woman doing a great job…”
And he said that to her fucking face!
HA! ?HA! ?HA! ?HA!
The Mail headline was “I thought you Brits wanted Brexit!”. We do Donald, unfortunately we also managed to elect Maycunt to deliver it.
Sums up the whole leftard bullshit day out nicely.
Owen jones throwing a temper tantrum.
Bwa ha ha ha!
I’m making a list.. if I ever get in power I’ll have the cops and the military round up these types of empty headed fucking activists and conduct Stalin type trials . While they’re awaiting their punishment (which will of course be fair , as all executions are), I will lead another team to root out all of the cunts who donate to these crowdfunding schemes.
Are the ones who donate as guilty as the ones who activate? Well that’s for the Tribunal to decide.
What is it with these crowdfunding sites anyways? They rake their take off the top and not a single cunt knows where any left over monies go. Nobody even knows who the fuck they are!
Shucks , now I’ll have to crowdfund another team to vaporize that lot.
Wait a mo’ ….there’ll be plenty who’ll do it for free .
It’s worth a mention that the same Mr Trump they are trying to ridicule is the ONLY one who cottoned on the that mean-spirited arsehole, Sasha Baron Cohen when he was interviewed by him in his Ali G persona. I think Cohen’s a major cunt too.
Donald is smarter than the lot of ’em put together.
Spot on, PYP.
I have always thought that Sasha Baron Cohen was a massive cunt, and was going to cunt him myself.
What the fuck is Melania Trump doing with Hank Marvin?
Apparently Mr.May, salivating, suggested a “Wife Swap” but Trump, vomiting, declined.
There’s only one thing that would make Laura Kuuuuunsberg think straight again and i’d happily administer the ‘medicine.
President Trump: I think what has happened to Europe is a shame, you are losing your culture…
Newsflash! Suck my dick Khunt has pulled the race card!
Reckons the Donald is picking on him because he is a Muslim.
He is. And he’s right. He’s a Khunt.
Khunt is also a very boring, silly, littlebollox cuuuunt.
Did he mention about his Da being a bus driver AGAIN ??
David “Two Short Planks” Lammy has been posting on Twitter that Trump has it in for Khan because he is a Muslim,so Trump is therefore a racist. Still can’t see the distinction between race and religion then Dave, you thick cunt?. What an embarrassing show of ignorance.
Then he doesn’t know what racism means. Maybe someone should explain it to him.
Big Don didn’t say a single ‘Islamophobic’ thing in his comments about Suckdick…. And yet the Labour mongs instantly branded him an Islamophobe… It’s blatantly clear now that the Islamophobe slur is designed to shut down political debate and anyone who doesn’t agree with these liberal leftist turds…
And this… Go and start makin’ bacon, Suckdick, you fucking cunt!