Me Too [2]

Fuck guys, just when we thought this #metoo shite had ended, more cunts crawl out of the woodwork seeking their 5 minutes of sympathy and their victim of the week medal.

Spotify have now stopped promoting R Kelly on their platform coz some cunt on Twitter complained about him. Obviously the twitch fork mob came out in force to impose their mob justice on everyone that’d listen, and Spotify, like most weak cunts these days, have thrown up the white flag and capitulated unconditionally.

Now I’m not a fan of R Kelly, in fact I despise the cunt and his shite music, but he has strongly denied any wrongdoing and until found guilty by due process he is deemed INNOCENT. … or at least that’s the fundamental foundation of our justice and law based society.

This is what Spotify said:
“We don’t censor content because of an artist’s or creator’s behavior, but we want our editorial decisions – what we choose to programme – to reflect our values.

“When an artist or creator does something that is especially harmful or hateful, it may affect the ways we work with or support that artist or creator.”

This is what Spotify meant:
“We DO censor content because of an artist’s or creator’s behavior (PROVEN OR OTHERWISE), but we want our editorial decisions – what we choose to programme – to reflect our values (EVEN THOUGH WE DON’T HAVE ANY VALUES OUTSIDE OF THE ACQUISITION OF WEALTH).

“When CUNTS ON TWITTER CLAIM THAT an artist or creator does something that is especially harmful or hateful, it may affect the ways we work with or support that artist or creator.”

They’re also now introducing on their platform, the means to report “hate speech” or “hate content”.

More mob justice and more pathetic capitulation.

Weak cunts.

Nominated by deploythesausage


50 thoughts on “Me Too [2]

  1. Interesting. If you are going to be able to report “hate speech” or “hate content” won’t that include an awful lot of rap “music”?
    I mean shooting “motherfuckers” and beating the shit out of “bitches” and “ho’s” is pretty hateful isn’t it? Continual use of the N word would be regarded as quite unpleasant by most people wouldn’t it?
    They haven’t really thought this through have they?

    • I thought “hate speech” only applied to white folk?

      Maybe R. Kelly identifies as white… could explain Spotify’s beef.

      • No if we say nigg@r that’s hate speech, if they say “kill all crackers” that’s just fine.
        If an antifa, pink haired lesbian cunt calls us nazi’s and calls for us to be killed that’s just fine but if we called her an idiot in return that would be hate speech.
        “Hate speech” seems very 1 sided to me…

        If they actually banned what they define as “hate speech”, no one would ever be able to say anything. Ever.

    • I not only condone the removal of the music, but also the removal of the perpetrators from the planet.

      • That would take a million times more energy than they’re worth. Feed them to the pigs.

      • Fatfingered my addy AND put this correction somewhere else, punctuationally challenged and knackered cunt that I am. Yes, the above is the genuine article.

  2. All this metoo shit is horrendous but as cuntflap said Spotify are a private business who can do what they like, regardless of how monumentally stupid it may be.

    • A business the size and nature of Spotify doesn’t really make decisions like people do, really there is no “they” to make a decision. It’s a huge business and it has to do what it needs to keep that business and survive.

      And it’s not stupid to try to stay in business by keeping favour with the majority of its (though cuntlike) customers.

      The good thing about business that has been forgotten is that it is ethically benign, it is trying to make money by trading with people.

      There are a lot of cunts who want it to appear that business has some moral or social responsibility, but it doesn’t. It shouldn’t have, nor will it ever.

  3. Fucking despicable.

    Businesses don’t have values, they have a balance sheet. Such is the sad state of affairs and so many are the deluded morons in our midst, that people actually believe that they give 2 fucks about anything.

    Who are they anyway? Spotify is just a machine, an abstract. It has no consciousness to have fucking values. Do it’s top management give a fuck? Is that what they are hired for, spend their day doing? It s about money and running a business, and so it bloody well should be!

    What is actually happening (if it wasn’t fucking obvious) is that they are being bullied via social media by a generation of utter cunts into conforming for the emotional gratification of said bullies. There are no values here, no right and wrong, no morals. This is an utter perversion of morality by a baying mob of spoiled and arrogant rich children around the world.

    We (the west) are in the lowest state morally that we have ever been in. It’s self-destructing and sad to watch it happen. Each incident like this a nail in the coffin for freedom and life as we know it.

    I am just glad that by luck, age or even fucking skill I am self-aware enough to not participate in daily bullying and self-denial. I don’t know why they do it, maybe these cunts live in such emotional pain that they have to live a lie. They’re cunts anyway so fuck them.

  4. “until found guilty by due process he is deemed INNOCENT. … or at least that’s the fundamental foundation of our justice and law based society.”

    Social media has morphed into SHARIA MEDIA!!! ….. and this trumps all, except the Donaldmeister himself!!

    Give up on this basic principle of civil society. Just accuse, shout over reasoned words, milk the pity teet and fuck up peoples lives!!!! All in the name of cultural genocode….. sorry ….. multiculturalism!!! ALHOU CUNTBAH!!!

    Ps. This is my first cunting.

    • Well welcome! Here you’ll find one of the last truly free places in the modern UK.

    • Sharia media…. like it, I’ll use that one.

      Welcome to the fun.

    • Carry on Cunting ! (they don’t like it up ’em…)

      Croeso y Caerdydd, home of cunt. And of Charlotte Church. Not many people know that…

  5. Social Media, the new judge, jury and executioner of modern society.

    That used to be the press’ job didn’t it?

    I know very little of R Kelly (I thought he was a soul singer rather than a rapper?), and even less about any allegations against him but the assumption of guilt by neo-liberal (fascist) tech companies just to virtue-signal to their digital sheep consumers is going beyond the pale.

    Irrespective of who the cunt is and what they are supposed to have done – as the deploythesausage states – the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is sacrosanct.

    • Probably all a publicity stunt… never heard of R Kelly before this Bottify rumpus…still have no interest in Bottify… or R Kunty…

  6. Off topic but does anyone remember that old flash game Punch A Celeb? Well, with all the cunty slebs who’ve come along since its creation it needs updating for the modern world – Gina Miller, George Soros and Richard Spencer would be obvious candidates along with the likes of Owen Jones and Afua Hirsch

    • As should Celebrity Deathmatch which used to be on MTV, there has always been famous cunts but with the rise of Facecunt , Twatter and this #metoo horseshit we have been more exposed to these fuckwits.

    • There’s got to be a gap in the market for a virtual reality version of that. I’d be prepared to drop some cash on a headset if it enabled me to batter Owen Jones after a stressful day at work.

    • Great ideas …
      How about call of duty based in new york or London where you go from building to building shooting politicians and slebs ….
      Bonus points for shooting sadiq khan(t) in the nuts…

      • What nuts? There has never been such a gonadless, gormless nerk as the London Mayor.

      • They could certainly model a Grand Theft Auto game on London, what with all the gangs of architects roaming around these days. They already put orthodox jews in the games, so it’s about time you were able to drive a tesco truck through Whitechapel and play skittles with all the peacefuls.

  7. Has anybody got any idea why Miss Dynamite has been awarded an MBE for services to music?

  8. Never got this Honours list stuff or why they’re handed out…

    Lizzy Yarnold – for sliding down a mountain….

    Anthony Joshua – for punching people….

    Mark Carne – for railway network inefficiency….

    Emma Thompson / Keira Knightley – for pretending they’re doing something that matters and being paid a fortune in the process….

    Kenny Dalglish – Cleary a great footballer but probably awarded for services to mourning….

    • The lazy old bag let Prince Andrew chew on her nipples. I can’t imagine anything more traumatic.

      • Fuckin pussies man…
        How many cunts have been killed by islamists, even CHILDREN too and these cuck lefty tractors are worried about “islamophobia”.
        He should be hung for treason and dereliction of duty.

      • was it he who.upbraided the actor for shouting allah Akbar during a terrorist incident? For that he should be hung.

    • Emma Thompson is a complete cunt who can’t act unless it’s when she’s lying about ‘not knowing’ about Uncle Harvey…. Keira Shitely is fucking deranged and too much devil’s dandruff has made her more arrogant and deluded than she was already….

      Dalglish? A superb player and worth all the LFC (and MUFC) modern teams put together (and that includes Saint Salah!)… But why no knighthood for the King, Denis Law?

  9. If said accuser is so easily bought yes.

    Sometimes by virtue of an accusation – without any real evidence – the accused is often advised by their brief (who – by being in the legal profession – are themselves morally bankrupt and the lowest of scum) to settle as it is financially less expensive than to try the case (because – again – of the eye-watering extortion charged by said morally bankrupt legal advisors).

    So by settling does that make them automatically guilty?

    That’s the point, it’s either side of the same coin. Did the accused settle to avoid admission/punishment of guilt, or did they settle because even if they’re innocent of any wrongdoing the £££’s to settle if far cheaper than the £,£££’s to take the case to court?

    Especially when the accuser gets their fees paid on the nashy courtesy of legal aid and the accused – whilst not one of the ultra-wealthy (who avoid everything because of wealth) – ekes out enough of a living to have to pay the full cost of the extortionate fees imposed by said legal cunts.

    Either way, justice is not served and the only cunts who benefit are the morally bankrupt legal cunts!

    Did I mention that I believe that anyone in the legal profession is a morally bankrupt cunt??

  10. Nowhere near the amount of Out of Court settlements paid out by Michael “Worst babysitter ever” Jackson. Shamoh!

    King of Pop? Psh. King of Hush Money.

  11. R Kelly should fuck the music career off and become a muzza taxi-driver in any town in the UK. He’ll be able to indulge his taste for young meat free from criticism. Indeed,if he contacts Social Services,they’ll probably fix him up with a contract to ferry vulnerable kids to school,that should whet his appetite. His previous history should ensure that he sails through the CRB check with flying colours. He’s got everything that they’re looking for apart from the muzza bit…I suppose being a dark gentleman may suffice if he bangs on about slavery enough. Perhaps ravaging a few teenies will go some way towards repaying the debt that we white devils owe every man,woman and child on the planet who thinks that they have an axe to grind.

    Fuck them.

    • Good point fiddler.
      If anyone gets accused of anything, all they need to do is convert to the religion of peace and all will be forgiven.
      Rape all you like …. arresting muzzies is waysist.

  12. Yea as mentioned, I despise cunts like r Kelly but deciding someone’s guilt by mob trial on the most idiotic and retarded platform, populated by the stupidest group of menstrual, self opionated, feckless, virtue signalling cunts is just crazy.

    I see it coming for all of us.

    Today it’s r Kelly (yea he probably is guilty, but that’s not the point) but tomorrow it could be any of us.
    Sleep well.

  13. The double standards of these Time’s Up/Me Too celebrislags is astounding…. Skanklett Johansscunt, who has still not openly condemned Uncle Harvey (who, incidentally, she has known for years… Cough!), and then she flounces around in a dress designed by Weinstein’s wife… Johansscunt claimed she was making a point… A point about what? A point about not publicly condemning Weinstein like she did with the (still) innocent and uncharged Jimmy Franco? Bollocks! A point about making more publicity for herself, more like…. This prize Clnitonite celebrislag has also still not explained her sucking up to Roman Polanski or her vicious attack on Franco… Yet last week she had dinner with Woody Allen and still carps on about Time’s Up… What a fucking twat she is…

  14. And Emma Twatson (also and old – ahem – pal of Uncle Harvey) has still not publicly condemned him or supported his victims… Feminist my arse… What a cunt….

    • Smug, sneery, mean-spirited little bint.

      She’d look good in rubber…a rubber necklace, that is !

  15. R Kelly is a perv cunt. No doubt about that. Plus he inflicted “Ha believe ha can flaah” on the world.

    This Me Too shite however is also batter-encrusted cuntflappery.

  16. R. Kelly is a cunt of monumental proportions. He is from Chicago and when I lived in the suburbs I can recall when he was indicted and tried on something like 20+ counts of child pornography. He was acquitted on ALL. That means…cunt or not cunt…he is innocent in the eyes of the law…as far as those charges are concerned.

    He is however still a major league calibre cunt who deserves a cunting of his own.

    As for the modern day Furies of MeTwoBazillion…about whom this righteous cunting is dedicated…their goal is not justice. But rather retribution for what they have been brainwashed to believe are the evils of a male patriarchal society. In true Marxist fashion their desire is to overthrow the “male power structure” and replace it with…God only knows what…the Female Inquisition.

    They are simply put…the Leninian* ideal of useful idiots.

    Fucking cunts…literally…


    *I just made that word up but I can’t figure out how to pronounce it. ?

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