Snowflakes beware because I want to offer a Holy cunting to the Archbishop of Cunterbury Justin Welby. Obviously hoping to take over the position previously occupied by the Revd Tony Blair, he had this to say of the EU yesterday:
“The EU is the greatest dream realised for human beings since the fall of the Western Roman Empire”….bought peace, prosperity, compassion for the poor and weak, purpose for the aspirational and hope for all it’s people”.
Crisply put, eh?
This lump of human excrement was at some time *something in the City* what a pity he doesn’t fuck off back to it, to brownose the likes of Mandelson and Osborne.
I know this will make this piss boil of several of us on ISAC, but he finished his sermon with strong words against:
“….the rise of Euroscepticism ..the flames of which are fanned by ‘scare stories’ about migration and refugees”.
Where does this old motherfucker keep his brains? Presumably in the piss-stained Y-Fronts he changes once a month during Lent.
I wish this old cunt would join Gina fucking Miller, Mandy & Blair and the incontinent old fuckwit A.C. Grayling and go and live in Brussels and then shut the fuck up.
Nominated by W.C.Boggs
Just to show how out of touch Justin Welby is with reality, he has this to say about the EU and his precious failing church :
“The fact that Christianity survived in Europe does not indicate that it is indestructible, but that God protects the Church that he created and loves” which clearly explains the falling congregations. He also seems not to understand that the “Church that God created” is based in Rome not Canterbury?
He added :
“Europe, like other parts of the world, is in a fragile phase. Current geopolitical uncertainty is unsettling. In my part of the continent, there is a nation attempting to leave the EU, on the other edges of the EU such as here there are countries and peoples keen to get in.”
Clearly he doesn’t understand that the nations trying to get in are there for the handouts and that the nations providing the handouts – like us – are the ones who have had enough?
And that we have had enough of him and his biased, pro-EU, political pronouncements. Fuck off back to your pulpit and preach to the converted – assuming you can find any.
Nominated by Pedantic Cunt
Excellent cunting. The man is a champion cunt.
In the pic is he being told by the big man “stop being a cunt”.
He looks like a toad. Literally.
A sanctimonious, holier-than-thou cunt-toad.
I wondered what similarly-named Emma Cunt-Toad has been up to recently.
Then I checked up – she’s been living up to her name about Toksvig Towers.
And, on the Archbishop (“That gobshite !”) subject, Lo ! A miracle this evening… A whole news broadcast, no mention at all of Toksvig Towers.
Maybe they have a treat in store for us tomorrow.
I am wondering if a lot of Emma people are all secretly Cunt-Toads. Just using Thompson and Watson as aliases.
Brilliant cunting and a reminder of the amount if cunts lined up to betray us. So he sees no alarm in the falling numbers of the church at the exact same time as millions of sub saharan African Muslims and middle eastern Muslims invade the continent?
As Douglas Murray said brilliantly , civilisation is a pact between the dead , , ,living and the yet to be born…..
Ours is sleepwalking into catasteophe. Please don’t mistake me as some sandwich board loon…. the millions in Europe are just the start ..whole areas of once European towns and villages changed forever…. we need to wake up and resist. That means all including the church and non believers or atheists saying wait a fuckin minute….. we might disagree but we have a culture were not letting go of
The vast majority if not all religious leaders are out of touch cunts.
The world would be a safer place without religion.
From my experience its mostly just the leaders, not the people. The majority of religious people I’ve met (including my parents) are very nice and themselves often disagree with the leadership and the actual religious institutions.
God squad sticking their oar into politics. Fuck off.
If there was a God he could click his fingers for an instant world wide Utopia, food, water and shelter for all. But there isn’t because he doesn’t exist.
“Ah! but he gave us freewill” I hear you say.
Well if he did, and we have to play with the cards we are dealt whatever, what’s the point of praying and asking for a favour?
Cunts should fuck off back to drafty churches.
My local church has no wi-fi, doesn’t want to compete with an invisible force that actually works….
Many believe that Christianity will be wiped out in Europe within 100 years due to the rise of Islam and the useful idiots of the left persecuting Islam’s enemies.
…And the falling birthdays among whites due to the femenazi encouraging women to shirk on their duties and fail to reproduce.
Listening to cunts like this pussy, it’s easy to believe.
Christianity used to stand up and fight.
Christianity built the greatest civilization the world has ever seen.
Christianity is now an irrelevant pussy that cowers in the corner while Islam rapes it’s women and pisses in their pints.
The Americans are the only ones that know how to do Christianity. They are bit too committed to it but you wouldn’t fuck with ’em.
You certainly wouldn’t see a bunch of Pakistanis rape their daughters and get away with it….
BirthRATES not birthdays.
I proof read that twice.
Its ok DtS, that’ll be down to the red mist of Welby being a toadying EU mouthpiece.
Well said deploy,
Winny had similar words when he wrote The River War back in 1895 ish
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die: but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome”.
Christianity and science in the same sentence – Winny knew how to write.
Bang on the money!
Great post cunto.
Christianity is all very well, but how do you get past:
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.”
“But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”
Both from teachings of Jesus Christ, apparently.
Partly explains why I’m a cunt and could never identify as a Christian. Mind you, I wouldn’t touch religion with a barge pole in the first place.
God moves in mysterious ways.
By not existing for starters….
Christianity, the religion of capitulation.
To be fair Ruff, and I must declare up front I was educated at a seminary and ended up at Stoneyhurst, my tutors were all ordained theologians but the thing I remember most from deep debates we had was that the old testament could reliably be ignored – even my tutors thought it was written to scare the shit out of a populace who “needed” guidance and what better way to make your adherents comply than to frighten them witless. That also goes for the earlier parts of the New testament – still a people gripped by fear but beginning to understand that if their God was capable of inflicting such grief on his followers – he probably shouldn’t have been revered or followed in the first place.
My religion and my beliefs are mine, I preach nought to anyone and expect the same – the only reason why I posted this in the first place was that ISAC is a fairly tolerant place – we may disagree on tons of stuff but we have the good grace to respect other cunts opinions 😉
Good stuff Cunto, I don’t disagree, or take issue with any of that – nor does my post, as far as I can see… so am slightly confused as to why your reply is specifically addressed to me?
Your right to your religion, beliefs and opinions is a given on ISAC. Maybe I’m missing something somewhere, wouldn’t be the first time, demented cunt that I am. ?
As an irrelevant aside, in ‘The Friends of Voltaire’, Evelyn Beatrice Hall (1868–1956) wrote the well known phrase:
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
This phrase is often wrongly attributed to Voltaire himself (as an illustration of his beliefs). Not a lot of cunts know that…
First off I wouldn’t give any credibility to anything a ‘man of the cloth’ preaches. This cunt has got a fucking cheek blathering on about how good the EU is. Go ask the Greeks and Italians and the Portuguese and the Spanish kids oh and the Polish and Hungarians. It’s alright for this knuckle headed moron living in is rent free houses and getting paid for not actually doing a fucking job. Millions of people don’t see it your way wankpot. And anyway I don’t think the cunt really believes that there is some supernatural being that pisses all over us like some kind of sadistic lunatic so that makes the cunt guilty of deceit which means he is actually a double double cunt for for that. Religious cunt.
They are cunts. On the one hand they preech all this “rich man can’t go to heaven” shit then support ultra capitalist eu rich cunts that persecute the meek and the poor.
…. the ones that Jesus said they should support.
They sit there and tell us to support the refugees and give to charity as they sit on their gold thrones with their gold chalises and surrounded by gold gold gold…
If I’m not mistaken, the church of England is one of the largest landowners in the country. Taking rents and taxes from the poor. …hmmmmmnnn … what would Jesus say about that.
I don’t believe in religion or god but if what they preach is true, they sure as shit ain’t getting into heaven.
Whatever we can say about them though … at least they’re not Islam.
I wish we COULD say taht they’re not Islam.
But I fear that Welby may dress up as an Imam at home, and the beardy cunt (Rowan Williams ?) said we should embrace sharia law, supposedly to help slimes integrate.
Sadly, Williams’ suggestion sounds rather more like US having to adapt to an alien system from outside.
Oddly, Welby was actually against this stupid idea…
But it still doesn’t stop him from being a complete cunt, and looking like a diddler to boot.
Has Welby not noticed that he is the head honcho of what is basically a mental illness?
A man in a dress who believes in a human-looking deity who rewards gullibility and punishes questionable minds, who believes in miracles, who never worries about the millions of “souls” who died before “God” intervened and sent baby Jesus, who wipes a bit of ash on people’s foreheads in February and eats biscuits pretending they’re Jesus’ body in gothic barns celebrating this Stone Age nonsense and who has no problem wandering down the corridor of a children’s Cancer ward….is advising us on the decency of the Fourth fucking Reich.
The breathtaking arrogance of the cunt.
He looks so much like a child-worrier that he could be a Catholic. I agree with Hitchens, Religion poisons everything.
Welby and his ilk are exactly the wolves in sheeps clothing which Jesus warned about. An anti democratic totalitarian cunt.
An unquestionable cunt of Biblical proportions.
His bearded sky fairy gave the flock the vote on the referendum. The majority voted to leave. Does his bearded sky fairy believe that the rightful will of the majority should be denied by snollygoster members of the politburo and one of his own representatives, supposedly doing his good work on his earth?
Welby is a fraud and a fudgel who deserves immediate de-frocking and a fortnight in a sturdy steel cage, shared with a sex-crazed male silverback and a large pot of Vaseline for protection.
A tadge cruel I believe for the silverback…poor animal, reamed by a cloister lurker.
I’d like to see a large mob of local yokels armed with pitchforks, scythes and hay rakes, carrying flaming torches and shouting “Burn him ! Burn Him ! ” as they convey the hideously pious Welby to the stake. It’s got to make sense.
On a more irritating note, I’ve had a cunt of a day.
Good evening.
G7 Summit meeting in Quebec to cost US$605m.
For representatives of seven countries can meet up, a bit luxury, sone back slapping, some photographs with everyone smiling and pretending they really give a toss followed by drinks, lunch/dinner etc.
Perhaps between them they will manage to produce something constructive, however if future summit meetings are anything to go by wouldn’t put money on it.
Nothing more than an incredibly expensive jolly.
More wine anyone?
I hope climate change gets a mention at the G7.
Then they can leave in a thousand different gas guzzlers, helicopters and planes.
Piss takers par excellence…
Couldn’t give a fuck about climate change….
Yea the hypocrisy is astounding.
Like Leonardo DiCaprio…
Loved the link, DTS. The one on DeNiro is worth a peek too.
Yea they’re such fuckin hypocrites.
Posted a couple of links below but I’m awaiting moderation.
My own fault, if you post 2 links they get modded but I’ve had a few cans so forgot.
Admin are a bit understaffed at the mo so it’s taking a while but I’m planning to lend a hand when I’ve started the new job and got settled. This site is my favourite site so I should help out but it’s a huge job to keep it going so gotta get sorted at home first. I’m all over the gaff at the mo, just moved half way up the country and gave up smoking, exercising now, dieting, job interviews … very wierd time at the mo but I will help out when I’m settled.
thanks a bundle DTS. I enjoy reading this site, even though I haven’t posted in quite some time. All you mod chaps get my sincerest gratitude ?
I would lock away the communion wine, he appears to be pissed.
Sorry off topic but I’m watching sargon at the moment (the event he had the other day) and the presentation is great.
The left have totally lost it.
It’s a bit stale at the start but worth a watch as some of the crap that these people spout is just nuts … not that you need me to tell u that.
Saw a great episode of the Rubin report the other day too with Niall Fergusen … very good.
He’s a total cunt. If the pope didn’t prefer Muslims to Christians I’d turn Catholic.
Unless you happen to be a 12 year old altar boy, they probably wouldn’t want you.
Funny thing though – when they get done for that they get described by the BBC as ‘Catholic Priests’. When a muzzer got done for child abuse the other week he was described as a ‘preacher’. I thought they were called Imams.
Why is it when you question anyone’s religion or the existence of God they take personal offence. Whereas if someone would take the piss out of me for believing the actual truth my reaction is ‘yeah, what evs’. Suck it up you deluded retards.
Welby is not convinced that God exists, yet he is quite happy to play along for the pay cheques and little light cassock entertainment !
In his pulpit of course!
I like your new avatar Asim… your previous one with the swastika had me cowering in my safe space for days…
If this pathetic old Cunt is in charge of God’s troops it’s no wonder that they are losing out to Mad Mo. and his stabby followers. I expect religious leaders to be full of Fire and Brimstone. I’d still think that they were mental,but at least they’ve got the courage of their convictions.
Welby and his idea of a God are increasingly irrelevant against a dedicated opponent. His “flock” should be led by the example of a man who truly believes in his Sky Fairy,and not some apologist too frightened to open his mouth for fear of causing offence.
Personally I don’t believe in his God,and believe his followers to be fools,but I’d have a modicum of respect for them if they stood up for their beliefs and weren’t led by a man content to crawl around like a beaten dog while islam overruns him and his religion. Political matters,such as Brexit,should be of less concern to the fool than the fact that his church is becoming increasingly irrelevant,due in no small part,to god-botherers like him becoming “social-warriors” instead of committed religious leaders and instructors.
Fuck them.
The Church of England has always been a buttress of the Establishment, the “Tory Party at Prayer” they always called it.
Now neo-liberalism IS the Establishment so the values of the Church have to change. For example, it wasn’t that long ago that the Church was horrified by the sin of buggery, now it’s “what a gay day”. The whole history of the Church is a history of change as it sucks the Establishment cock. Now, the Establishment wants the EU so this cunt has to fall in line.
Islam has barely changed it’s values in 6 centuries. Now they can literally see the weakness of their enemies and smell their blood. The writing is on the wall, as I believe it says in the Bible. You could point this out to the Welby cunt but I suspect he hasn’t picked up the Bible for a very long time.
I’m not a religious person, never have been.
I used to believe in Father Christmas but finally, having suffered years of ridicule, at the age of 35 realised it was all make believe.
That said it was just my belief that Santa was real, being indoctrinated since birth had nothing to do with it.
So as I grew older and just a bit more cynical I accepted that my beliefs weren’t necessarily based on science or unchallenged facts and as such were open to challenge.
Imagine my horror when finally, having allowed people to challenge my belief that Santa wasnt actually real, I weighed up all the evidence and came to that very conclusion.
So having accepted that my Religion of Santa, so to speak, was based on nothing more than a few story’s from back in time that had been written by some bloke somewhere that we’re not sure where I was shocked to find out that there’s a similar bunch who believe in their own Santa but unlike my Santa he was a bit of a cunt that killed people in the most horrible of ways if they didn’t believe in him, well actually he didn’t kill them, it’s only those that believe in him that do that.
But double fuck me, turns out this lot must be right because they enjoy the backing of my Government whose beliefs were once founded in Santa-anity.
Anyway I’m fucking off to Saudi Arabia to live in a more tolerant society.
I’m fucking sick to my back teeth of micro aggressions and unconscious White privilege.
Hopefully I’ll be able to persuade Justin to come with me too as I’m sure his views on the greatest threats to democracy will be debated in an open and accepting manner
Allu Snackbar
Even the Saudi panto season reflects how brutal the regime can be….
“Ali Baba and the forty blokes with one hand”….
Problem with religion is that once you’ve dipped your toe into that cesspool of insanity, it’s very hard to take it back out… imagine if you were ‘that’ guy, that fell for the first ever wind up – “go stick your dick in that guillotine, it’ll grow back twice as big”. You wouldn’t be going around the pub telling that story, in order to save face you’d likely just try and pretend you were born a woman. Pride cometh before a fall… most of the world’s assortment of freaks, weirdos and libtards are in the same position, too pridefull to admit that – there is no God, a man actually can’t become a woman, socialism will never work, Europe are fucking us like a poundland prostitute, you’re not mentally I’ll – just lazy and fickle. The list goes on, but you start to realise why they resist enlightenment and create their own false realities, based on zero facts and zero real world examples.
Personally, I don’t think that somebody who wears a dress and trowels on the face paint is mentally ill, they’re just demanding attention. Similarly, this cock decides to wear a purple blouse and a weird collar, it just means he’s seeking attention. Fine.
Nonetheless, to deviate and to preach about a political entity – he’s a cunt.
With all the ills in the world do take time out to watch this strangely calming and therapeutic video.
Great !
Next time I have arsegrapes exploding all over the shop, I’ll send a vid to ITV weather report.
Religion is simply a crutch for the weak, and a tool of control for its leaders, the two go hand in hand perfectly. I’m definitely a bit of a cunt, well quite a lot of a cunt in some ways but I do consider myself a good person overall in that I’m dedicated to my family, I work hard, I’d go out of my way to help a stranger genuinely in need etc etc bla, bla bla. Why is it that religious fuckwits always use every manner of kind, generous behaviour and good deedery as though it’s exclusive to them? If you can’t avoid a life of shithousery and being hated by everyone you ever have or will meet without submitting your life to some fucked up cult then you’ve already failed as a person and may as well just kill yourself. Harsh but true!
Very well summed up McB.
That’s the hilarity of religion. It wants you to believe you can’t be generous of spirit unless you ‘believe’.
It demands you accede to its greater status. Without it you can’t possibly see the light.
Wouldn’t it be so refreshing if all these religious apostles just all stood up one day and said ‘ok ok this is all a pile of shite, I just need to control you and take your money so I don’t have to really ever have to work for a living and my gang is actually bigger and more powerful than your gang’.
And just in case you don’t believe us let this be a lesson….
David Koresh looks every bit the same as every other religious leader I’ve ever clapped eyes on, a degenerate, twisted deviant hell bent on power and control.
One of my favourite riffs on religion is by George Carlin. He hits it straight on the head
This cunt esed to be an oil company executive before he ‘saw the
Please show him some respect by addressing him in future as
Archbishop Oil- Welby.
“The fact that Christianity survived in Europe does not indicate that it is indestructible, but that God protects the Church that he created and loves”
Well Justin if it weren’t for the EU skeptics of Europe here and across most countries in the EU now realising what a fucking awful mistake they’ve made (Italy – please vote again until you get the result the EU wants, sound familiar?), and the decimation of western society thanks to “peaceful” cultural enrichment – aided by the likes of that interfering old cunt George Soros implementing the Kalergi plan so that the ultra rich and powerful like him get more rich, and more powerful while everyone else races to the bottom in the morass of a “peaceful” shithole – you would be out of your Christian fucking job!
In fact, without nations now saying: “No, you’re not coming here!” you my friend will be out of a job probably within your own tenure! Potentially even lighter above the neckline too!
So instead of pointing the finger at the common sense folk of the UK, who are affectively saving your fucking bacon – pun intended – how about showing a bit of fucking gratitude for us tolerating your fucking world of make believe and paying you handsomely into the fucking bargain!
I mean all you do is ponce around in a gown all day regurgitating trite soundbites from a fantasy novel, you get everything laid before you FoC so surely all you need to live on is minimum wage, you know, like most of your flock?
You know your flock who lose the most from this enforced immigration scandal that literally is ruining this country (and most other EU countries – Sweden the place where most Europeans would love to live even 20yrs ago, now a complete “peaceful” basket case), rather than the privileged few who NEVER feel the reprocussions of their generosity on our behalf! You know, privileged cunts like YOU!
You talk bullshit.
Your doctrine is make believe.
You have no concept of the shite the average man in the street has to deal with.
So Justin, please feel free to SHUT THE FUCK UP! and confine your utterances to vespers in Canterbury Cathedral where you should be held under house arrest as a traitor to your CHRISTIAN nation!
Yeah, Justin Welby is a cunt
The outgoing boss of Network Rail has been given a CBE ………..HAHAHA HAHAHA !!!! Oh fuck this, time for bed. The land is filled with cuntery.
Yes but if you look at the engraving on the medal the ‘C’ is for “Cunt” rather than “Citizen”.
Don’t mean to be pedantic (yes you do, you cunt!), but the C in CBE (official definition) stands for Commander, not Citizen.
Just sayin’…
Yes but his still says “Cunt”.
No argument there!
And in other news….
German citizens that never asked for mass immigration, who lived in a fairly balanced society now have to suffer the murder of their children whilst picking up the tab of Merkel’s self indulgence.
Nothing to see here, move along…..
Fucking cunt doesn’t even cover it.
What is it with all these tossers called Justin?
Another saurian ripping off his face-mask in desperation. The Evil Union is fucked chump, get used to it.
On the subject of sausage, he looks like ‘one of them’.