Gym Culture

Gym Culture

I need to cunt gym culture, mrs fistula has been nagging me for ages to join one . After being inducted i decided i hated the place. Back in the day people were hunter gatherers and gained strength physically and mentally simply through hard work and trying to survive. Now we have these temples dedicated to extreme narcissism and self obsession . The Gym is certainly not a great meeting of minds but automatons who run from machine to machine like hamsters on a fucking wheel. soulless monotonous House disco beats are pumped out endlessly on a loop and the cunts don’t even notice. No-one speaks to each other, don’t talk to me , i’m only here to be admired. The women are completely asexual , their sex drive has been replaced by pumping iron with their flat chests and boyish bodies , hell, i would rather fuck some fat dirty slag down the pub. Don’t tell Mrs Fistula that.

Nominated by, Fenton Fistula


57 thoughts on “Gym Culture

  1. I used to run, because I used to run I now have plantar fasciitis.

    Keep fit is bs

  2. Built a few. Never actually been in one.

    Having seen the kind of narcissistic bellend that frequent these kind of establishments, I would rather steer clear.

    They also smell of F. A. B.

    Feet, Arse and Balls.

  3. There’s a gym near me specifically for body building. Full of steroid pumped men who look like cartoon characters. A permanent cloud of protein farts and swamp-arse smell drifts around. Rank.

    Steroids and the supplement industry ruined gyms. Everyone has unrealistic expectations and thinks they too can look like any professional rugby player, wwf superstar, or serena williams just by eating a metric ton of spinach and doing push ups.

    Just another symptom of this culture addicted to image over substance. Deadpool will be interesting in 15 years when professional sports players start dropping like flies way before their time.

  4. Horrible places full of ‘roid pumped bean headed cunts that think everyone admires them and wants to be like them. They don’t seem to realise that everyone thinks that they’re twats and the last kind of cunt I’d want to look like.
    …all veins popping out everywhere and being too big to move around properly. Humans aren’t supposed to look like that. It’s not clever or healthy.

    And what is it with the staring twats?
    I was going to gym a couple of years ago for the pool (actually lost a lot of weight just swimming 20 minutes each day) and every cunt in there though he was hard as nails. Always trying to stare me out and thinking that they were the bollocks. Felt going up to them and pointing out that I did wing chun for years… NOT the same as sliding up and down on a rowing machine… sliding up and down on a rowing machine DOES NOT mean that you can fight.

    The worst thing about gyms?
    Those cunts in the changing rooms that walk around with it all hanging out….
    F U C K O F F !

    Well nominated, gyms and everyone in them are cunts.

  5. A bloke in our local gym apparently stumbled mid exercise, fell backwards, cracked his head on a bar then dropped the bar he was lifting on his face.
    In a coma, long term, which ironically meant due to inactivity, a loss of muscle mass.

    Imagine that, being in a coma but knowing the Direct Debit is still being paid every month.
    This muscle man/gym business has an air of closet homo about it….

  6. Full of aggressive, tattooed, ape-like vulgarians competing to see who can be the most vulgar and least human.

    And that’s just the women.

    • I used to go to a gym when I was in my 20’s but I stopped going because of the behaviour of the predatory lesbians that went there. They were worse than any men I’ve encountered by far and if you politely told them where to go,you were in denial!. They usually looked like Giant Haystacks as well,the cunts.

  7. Real muscles are earned from a bit of manual labour or physical work. I spent a couple of years shovelling shite all day on site in my late teens. Tough bloody work but it certainly made a man out of you and built up a nice bit of strength. One day this lad turns up; in his mid twenties, steroid-like Michelin man muscles, built like a brick shithouse and giving it large. He would boast about how he was king of the bloody gym and social media and how popular and hard he was. Needless to say we all hated the cunt and thought he was a right wally. To cut a long story short, his fake flabby steroid gym muscles couldn’t cope with the demands of proper lifting, shovelling and wheel-barrowing. The cunt collapsed in a heap and started blubbing; foreman saw him being a useless fanny, dragged his arse off site and told him to never come back. We sang the cunt out of the place and gave him a barrage of abuse. Another example of a plastic hardman. Fake cunts will always be found out in the end.

    • That’s the truth. One of my builders is about 5 foot 8 and wiry. He doesn’t look like a Adonis, but by Christ the man works like a fucking machine.

      I am an office wallah and he smiles sympathetically as I try to keep up with him.

      • Keep up with him Paul? In what respect?

        Filing paperwork? bricklaying?

        Pray tell…you got me fascinated. Unless it’s a private matter, of course.

  8. It’s all ultimately pointless anyhow. A chap with whom I work had an admittedly impressive gym-honed body, athletic rather than overly muscular. He crashed his bike 3 months ago, fucked his hand and is now no more muscular than the rest of us. Years of work up the shitter.
    I would show him some sympathy but as he’s a vegan, I give him shit about being a skinny bender most days.

  9. I went to the gym with my wife once. She was going to a “spinning class” – whatever the fuck that is!

    While I was there I spent the 1/2hr on a machine in the gym myself and felt physically sick afterwards.

    I mean after 2 Mars bars, a twix, 2 bags of cheese and onion, washed down with 3 diet cokes isn’t great on the innards!


  10. Just read last night’s comments…ho ho, was that the lamest war of words you’ve ever been involved in, Mr Fiddler?! I was hoping you’d tear “protesting too much watch” a new arsehole. Alas, there was all the energy of two middle-aged welsh strippers attempting a half-hearted lesbian show at a rugby club. Hopefully he’ll be on again today and you can give him what for!

    • Sorry to disappoint, Mr.Cunt-Engine, but I was holed below the waterline after he called me an arrogant,pompous Cunt. I was mortified,but most of all shocked that anyone could think such a thing of me…A bitter pill to swallow, Mr.Cunt-Engine,to hear that someone of whom I wasn’t even really aware, could consider me,of all people, to be an arrogant,pompous Cunt.
      My other sparring partners on here have all been more than capable of giving as good,and even better,as they got. This one seemed rather lackluster compared to them….although I must say that I rather think that Cunt-watch or whatever he’s called has been on here before under a different name,perhaps not.
      What I do know is that he certainly isn’t in the Krav, General or other assorted posters’ league who have been more than capable of dishing it back with style.

      • Calling your good self arrogant and pompous was indeed beyond the pale, Mr F!
        By way of a comparison, someone called me a “sad, pathetic deviant”, merely because I asked how long I should wait before making a “Michael Barrymore fisting someone to death and then pretending they drowned” joke to the new accounts girl on her first day working at my place. Fucking snowflakes.

      • Strange cove… not convinced he was playing with a full deck.

        Received 129 likes for a ‘Phillip Lee’ nomination comment….???

      • Were you around during the “Rickie Doubleday” strangeness RTC? I’d just started commenting on here when that began…some very odd times indeed. He seemed to target Dioclese with venom, for some reason.

      • 129 likes…fuck me,that’s nearly as many as my “Cunt the Disabled” post.

      • I remember the comment Ruff Tuff. Fairly average comment to say the least. Something was off about it. Bit of an attention seeker perhaps; liking his own comment 100 times.

      • 129 likes? Not sure how he managed that as it only allows one vote per punter unless you refresh the screen so somebody must have sat there for yonks clicking them up?

        Yeah, Rickie hated me with a passion especially after I published his name and address. That really got him going. His crap at the Ranting Penguin was unbelievable. I could have sued him for libel but he’s probably got fuck all to pay up with…

        Some of use got our own back tho’

      • Not aware of Rickie Doubleday… only one I’m aware of is Mr Cuntie Cunt, who received a nomination earlier this year.

      • People can be so cruel and hurtful,Mr Cunt-Engine. These people should consider our feelings before dishing out their wounding words..Bullies,that’s what they are,nasty bullies.
        Is the new girl worth a fuck? If she works in accounts she’s probably a speccy,fat from too many cream buns at elevenses,nerdy type. That’s good, the uglies are more grateful when someone shows them a bit of attention.

      • Well, compared to the girl she sits opposite who is jaw-droppingly beautiful and, surprisingly, has her head screwed on just right, she’s a buck-toothed monstrosity. But on her own terms, she’s worthy of a knee-trembler out the back by the skip. In deciding to hire this particular girl, we passed up the second choice who was an ugly fat cunt with a hare lip. Probably just as well, can you imagine the self-restraint I’d have had to employ?!

  11. If you specifically want to ‘body-build’, then I can understand the use of a gymnasium. But your typical 9 to 5-er who ‘casually’ (ie boasts vaingloriously) about ‘going to the the gym’ would do just as well to just NOT STUFF THEIR FACES WITH CRAP, so that they subsequently don’t need to ‘work it off’. It’s scarifyingly grim how much of a percentage of the ‘able’ population is actually zomboid corporate-cock swallowing worker ants.

    • I do wonder if some people go to the gym just so they can tell everyone that they’re “going to the gym”, “been down the gym” or tell you a story about when they were “down the gym”.
      Like going to a sweaty, smelly, hall somewhere to sweat with a bunch of shallow, self obsessed, stuck up twats is something to be proud of or something that everyone wants to hear about. ….
      “wow what an adventure. Can I come next time?”

    • I didn’t vote for all these increasingly shittier jobs that have your balls chained to a desk all week. Nor for the intentional dismantling of all our manufacturing jobs, undercutting by slave wagers from the EU etc.

      Back in the day my ancestors were probably doing alright in the muck on some cunts estate, until they started fencing off common land and herding us like rats into the cities.

      • Absolutely spot on, 100% agree with your take on it. Tragedy is, we could be producing so much more effectively if the cunts (often willingly) chained to desks were relieved of their pompous management titles and compelled to do something not involving meetings and spreadsheets.

      • Are spreadsheets about 12′ x 12′, and made of 0.7mm thick latex, probably black ?
        If they are, sounds ok by me.
        If they’re not, they can fuck off.

        I’m overdue a meeting with DI Lucy Lane and her cane…

  12. Used to go to various gyms at one time or another. Wag Bennets in East London was a spit and sawdust body building gym, Wag responsible for lookinking after Arnold Schwarzenegger when he first came to the UK.

    Also did some heavy duty circuit training which I did NOT enjoy participating in however remember this one extremely fit young girl which all the guys admired one evening. Needless to say we were all thinking the same thing.

    Moving to Suffolk went to Gym n Trim. Had both a men’s section and a ladies section. Men wee not allowed into the women’s section but women allowed into the men’s (which seemed rather unfair).

    Male trainers for the men, and female for the women, however whenever a young good looking fit female trainer came into the men’s section the work rate increased by about 50%. Couldn’t help thinking females on the men’s section full time a great idea.

    To be totally honest very much enjoyed gym time, the loud music, hard work outs and shower usually In the evening after a hard days work the office.

    Although that was a lifetime ago reckon I would still enjoy it.

    • I find getting off the sofa and going upstairs for a slash occasionally works quite well. It’s free, and you don’t even have to leave home!

      My next door neighbour walks a brisk 30 minute round trip to the shops every day, and is forever going up and down his stairs (semi-detached we can hear the cunt).

      Have to admit he’s incredibly fit and agile for a 65 year old.

      An I know for a fact he’d rather dig his grandmother up and shag her rotting corpse into next week rather than go to a gym. At least, that’s what he told me.

      • As Oscar Wilde said, “When I feel the urge to exercise, I lie down and wait for the feeling to go .”

    • The bitch was on Al BBC this morning in some effnik get up saying that immigrants are all welcome in the UK and we should be grateful they are
      here. After all, they deserve to be here because of the evils if colonial enslavement. Some uppity nigger (associate professor of Black studies) banged on that the state if the UK is down to austerity not immigration. Black studies? Criminology should cover that as most of them commit nearly all of the crime.
      Also, another one bought it last night at a kormunitee centre party last night in Romford. Another loss to Architecture…..

    • Sarpong needs firing out of a missile launcher of a royal navy submarine….

      • I just hope there’s an army of Thomas Mair’s getting radicalised in their bedrooms who hate that Sarapongbongo, Lammy’ Soubry, Grieve, Corbyn, McDonnell, Lansman, McGrory, Grenfell grief Jackers, Flabbott….. as much as I do.

        This list really could go on but I’ve got a
        Match to watch in half an hour.

  13. I knew some cunt who drove 400 yards to the gym to go on a walking thing. Fucking unbelievable.

  14. Class War have cancelled their anti Trump rally (by posting this on the internet!) as they won’t have ready access to water or toilets at Trafalgar Square. Snowflake cunts.

  15. The thing is do you go to the gym to get fit or to cosmetically look fit?

    I know gym rats whose bulbous cosmetic muscles couldn’t lift a feather. Conversely I know lads who were in the Royal Marines, slender fit cunts who had that sinewy muscle build who used to drop engine blocks out and then physically lift them to the side of the car by hand!

    No Prima Donna Schwarzenegger type could do that I’m sure.

    In my early 20’s – a dim and distant past – I used to play footy 3 times a week and went to a martial arts class twice a week (I’d been going to that since my early teens) and I was the fittest I’ve ever been.

    We used to have lads who were gym monkeys back then. They used to turn out in the works footy game of a Friday dinner hour and they were puffing like whales after 5 minutes.

    I watched a sports science seminar and they were talking about the fittest athletes for combined speed strength and agility and the top 3 were:

    – Male gymnasts
    – Male boxers
    – Male ballet dancers

    I know the ‘M’ word triggers a lot of flake “Triggerly Puff” types unfortunately you cannot deny evolution/genetics – even though most “gender fluid” nutcases would have you believe otherwise, by simply declaring oneself a particular sex. Dumb cunts!

    If you want to get fit then you don’t need a gym. If you want to look fit, i.e., a facsimile of a bronzed Adonis, then you do need a gym because it’s easier to access the ‘roids there!


  16. Thank you, FF for confirming my lifelong resolution (since leaving school) of never going near a gym again. Don’t weaken. Go swimming if you must; exercises everything, and the benefit you get back is in direct proportion to the effort you, uninfluenced by anyone else, feel like putting in. But the scam with the special instruments of torture and an abundance of masochist cunts (who will run to fat in their fifties, sure as eggs) is for those with more money than sense.

  17. I ride my bike most days to work and go for a swim as well . I have gained nothing by going to the Gym. Soulless moronic place for people who have no interest in life other than the Gym. Fucking meat heads grunting and puffing. Sour faced tarts , and as someone pointed out , lots of predatory bull dykes with their bitchlings in tow

  18. Most of m are simply making up for their own lack of intelect and social magnetism so how long can you spend with one of these meat heads? Far better to spend your time absorbing knowledge and interesting conversation topics, possibly trying to improve your personality would be far preferable.
    Muscul turns to fat if not exercised.

  19. Can you recall back in the 60s and 70s the lack of stern looking women pounding the streets constantly looking at their wrists with the ever present water bottle cos dehydration is a constant threat in modern England, there were none. I know of not one adult tradesman in my job who uses the gym , the wankers that do need a dose of hard manual labour to make men of them, preening tosspots, with me potbelley and chicken legs i could work them into the dirt

  20. As someone who uses a gym regularly I can confirm this is true – especially when I’m at university. People are so vain these days it’s unbelievable.

  21. I do think I have to defend the gym here, as without it I likely wouldn’t have lost my excess weight or gotten fitter. And that’s because for all the faults of some of the (admittedly crap) people who use it (although I have met plenty of lovely people there too) paying for a gym membership means commitment – in paying for one I’m effectively giving myself no excuses to slack off like I had done with previous weight loss attempts. Oh, and it has at least gotten me to take more care of my health and fitness and made me interested in the wonders of free exercise such as walking, which is always a good thing. And really, that’s the point you’re all missing – for all its faults it does get people like me who previously didn’t give a shit about fitness or nutrition or any of that stuff to take more care of our health.

    • Just as a little addendum regarding ‘stuffing your face with crap’: whilst it’s true that going to the gym doesn’t give you an excuse to eat whatever you like it is true that you need a few more calories (albeit healthy calories) if you lift weights because of the energy usage of such activity and the fact that doing such things increases your daily calorie burn over time.

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