David Miliband (5, 6 and 7)

It’s shit – but we couldn’t resist it!

This freeloading *charity* worker, who gets paid more than the Prime Minster, the original Blair arse-licker who thankfully fucked off to America four years ago *to ‘earn’ his charity wages seems to be returning to Britain again to push his anti-Brexit views on us

No doubt Mandy and Chuka will be having wet dreams at the thought of this Poundland Blair taking over *their* party again, but the little cunt is as welcome as a wet fart in a wedding dress to most of us who don’t give a fuck what he thinks about anything

Nominated by W.C. Boggs

And then again!

Is there no end to the fuckwittery of this brainless cunt, who lives in a word of delusion and self-entitlement?

This political ponce has made a fortune by *working* in charity for years and he sends vacuous tweets demanding we stay in the EU to safeguard rice pudding (honestly) and now, while poncing another free trip to hold forth about poverty he has made an arsehole of himself again:

When they circumcised him they threw the wrong end away

Nominated by W.C. Boggs

and there’s more!

After doing a pram-chuck when his Wallace lookalike brother beat him and Ed Balls-up in a leadership race, and slinking off as some quango in the States, this cunt is now back to further put the boot in on democracy and further interfere with Brexit.

This unwanted guttersnipe is back to bolster his own face in UK politics. We know what you’re doing David and – to use a May-ism – let me be clear, no cunt wants you anywhere near Westminster, let alone parliament!

So please feel free to fuck off and take you co-conspirator traitors Nick Clegg and Nikki Morgan with you!

What’s the plan Dave, reboot Noo-Liebour and fetch back untrustworthy cunts like Harriden Harmon, et. al., to further hand over democracy to the 4th Reich and import even more “peaceful” votes no matter the cost to the British public?

No chance! We were well rid off you back then. We don’t need you now. So please feel free to find the next plane to your hole in the States and fuck off! Cunt!

Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

Could he be on a fast track to the wall!?!

40 thoughts on “David Miliband (5, 6 and 7)

  1. This free loading uber cunt needs to fuck off and die.
    Cockwombling champagne swilling socialist son of a Hampstead millionaire communist.

  2. Seeing this monkey boy’s stupid grinning face has brought the Blair years flooding back. I can see all those other monkey faces…..the cunt’s retarded brother, Prescott, Mandelson, Brown, Harperson, Campbell, Blunkett and, of course, the Great Satan himself, Lord of all he surveys. God help us these fuckers will never go away. They just can’t help telling us what to do and when we don’t do as we’re told they just have to tell us how thick we are.
    You were told to fuck off once Millionaireband so stay fucked off you fucking sack of shit.

  3. Banana man. Classic cartoon. Not greatly drawn though – looks like one of those freaks who injects a gallon of synthol into their flesh.

  4. Fucking waste of space are him and his brother. Plastic-face, stick-on hairdo chimp David and fucking gurning fuckwit Wallace cunt nasal baboon Ed. What a pair of useless fuck ugly Neanderthal wank stain cunts. Truly awful pair of buffoons.

    • A rather splendid cunting for a Thursday morning. And Jaynino – I sense you may be holding back on your real thoughts for the pair of Marxist simians.

      Both David and Ed were created from two successive wanks by Millichimp Snr which were hastily scraped into his dear Mater with a rusty dessert spoon.

      A mammoth pair of cunts who are both about as welcome here as a turd in a hot tub.

  5. Could not conceive of a more worthy nom at this time, well cunted Mr Boggs & Rebel!

    Thank Allah (his name be shat upon) that brother Ed beat this smug, supercilious political coward for the Labour leadership.

    Of course, nice guy David was perfectly cool having his dippy brother (born loser) and that innumerate Balls cunt run against him (more a coronation than a contest!)… until said twerp unexpectedly won…

    Arrogant, narcissistic, entitled cunt couldn’t bear to show his conceited mug in Britain after that, ran away to America, probably expected to be made Mayor of New Yawk, ha-ha!

    He can shove his banana up his pile infested arse and fuck off forever.

    • What happened to our kid’s Moses stone?Cunt shoud have dropped it in the Red Sea when he parted the waters.

  6. It isn’t shit at all, Dioclese, you faux-modest cunt.
    David Micronad keeps popping up, alternately telling us he has no intention of returning to UK politics and threatening to assist a new centre party (but is, dear him, not worthy of the honour of leading it, chaps).
    Given the huge success of the LibDems in recent years, perhaps he hasn’t done enough market research? Like, is there a customer base, and is there more in it for him than surfing the wave of retailing international aid budgets to African basket cases?
    Colossal cunt, illuminated at night with cunt lasers and probably owned by Qataris, like the Shard.

  7. Here’s David, flouncing out:
    On 29 September 2010, he announced that to avoid “constant comparison” with his brother Ed, and because of the “perpetual, distracting and destructive attempts to find division where there is none, and splits where they don’t exist, all to the detriment of the party’s cause”, he would not stand for the Shadow Cabinet.[

    Now he’s proposing to split the Labour Party’s remoaning globalists off into a new party? Not detrimental at all to the party’s cause, then.

  8. A one way expedition to Mars for all the illegals, snowflakes, gang rapists and other such miscreants.

  9. What are you saying Mr K? That one of our most respected politicians, a former Foreign Secretary no less, is a liar and a self-serving hypocrite?
    Some mistake surely?

  10. Off topic ;
    Why was the future monarch and head of the Church of England ??????? wearing a skull cap at some wall in Jerusalem yest ?

    • The irony is that his dear old mum Diana Whatshername fought tooth and nail to keep him away from Charlie’s mohel when he was a baby!

    • Haven’t you heard the news…..spending on the Royals has gone up 13% this year. Charlie was selling splinters from The Cross to the tourists (guaranteed authentic by the Head of the Church of England).
      Cunt wasn’t doing much business apparently.

    • The Queen said yesterday was a fucking shit day all round, especially with her lot getting knocked out by South Korea…

  11. If there were any justice in the world Miliband and his wankfetish Blair would be relegated to presenting Pointless in the afternoons – Banana Boy taking the role of Dick Osman – so far up his own arse he can’t see what a fucking joke he is, and Anthony in the Xander role – smugly grovelling round everybody’s arsehole. They would love it, they would “earn” lots of money and nobody over 16 would see them.

  12. Miliband 5-6-7 !! Had me laughing before I read the headline posts which were all top quality..

    The U.K. needs these grinning jackanapes back like a hole in the head, it’s not like we are short of Cunts is it?, just another to tell the U.K. population that they’ve got it wrong, I think most fair minded people are sick of this tsunami of yesterday’s men like blair, mandleson, Clegg , major, Miliband and Co shouting the odds, they have all been expressly rejected by the electorate or their own party in the past, the expression “ times a healer” doesn’t really work for blair or major who are both responsible for failing to give the electorate a much earlier vote when the Eec morphed into the EU, not only that but powers were gifted to Brussels with no consent from the population and referendum promises reneged on!!

    What’s the publics perception of Miliband? Is he the pied piper that will change the populations mind? Or just another annoying relic from the past who will actually do the opposite? for me it’s the latter…..

  13. Oh yes, the Poundland Blair – the man so inept that he lost the Labour leadership to his brother. The disdain millipede holds for anyone who thinks differently to him and the hated ‘rightwings’ is nothing short of extraordinary.

  14. I bet these Miliband cunts will be sniffing around for a knighthood sooner or later, just like that other useless political shitball, Nick “who?” Clegg, who was knighted for services to cuntdom.

  15. I just haven’t got the energy to re-cunt Anthony Blair again, but the old queen is “more worried about Britain now than at any time since the 1930s”. seem to remember him saying five years ago that he hadn’t been more worried about Britain since he stopped being Prime Minister.

    The following sums up this vile motherfucker far better than I could. One of the pictures makes him look like a very camp magician.


    If this old fucker thinks the EU is so wonderful, and knowing what a tightfisted old cunt he is, and a champion freeloader, could we start up a fund to buy him a one way ticket to Brussels. One condition – just like the Julian Assange bloke he must occupy the basement of a foreign embassy and be denied phone and internet facilities

  16. Apologies for off-topic.
    R4’s been bleating for a couple of days now about Trump wanting to redact (one word in) the report, published today, of the Intelligence and Security Committee into detainee mistreatment. It was notably silent about what hasn’t been redacted, summarised here, but not in the MSM so far.


    The enquiry was incomplete, and the report attributes this to Blair declining to give evidence….

  17. Those Beeb cunts are running true to form again… Today’s headlines? UK tolerated “inexcusable” treatment of US detainees after the 9/11 attacks.. Also ‘Talkshows team up against Trump’…. Good to know they are still obsessed wit their main interests: their precious pet peacefuls and having a go at Big Don in any way they can… So much so that they are virtually ignoring a little fire that’s going on near Manchester…. Oh yeah, silly me… There’s not many of ‘them’ in Saddleworth is there? So (even if there was fatalities, and thank God there hasn’t been so far), it wouldn’t be able to compare to the tragedy of the century that was Grenfell, would it? Fucking BBC cunts! Fuck them….

    • And this… An exclusive BBC Scotland channel is on the way, and I always thought that BBC Scotland always existed anyway… Sportscene and all that… But this is only the thin end of the wedge… Before we know it there will be a ‘peaceful’ BBC channel exclusive only to ‘peacefuls’ and their ‘peaceful’ religion… Be warned, it’s coming… You heard it here first….

    • Saw that!!! Cunts …..
      isn’t that fucking maggot Dominic grieve chairing that committee?
      Grieve is worthy of a serious cunting!!

  18. You know, if the BBC did a ‘worst disaster in UK history poll’ right now, what do think would win? the Black Death? The Blitz? Aberfan? Munich? Hillsborough, King’s Cross, Zeebrugge, Ibrox, Winter Hill, Burnden Park, Hungerford,Valley Parade, the numerous IRA atrocities like Warrington or Hyde Park? Nah…..

    Grenfell? Ah….. Welcome to Britain 2018…..

    • I always smirk at the term ‘worst’ when applied to disasters, serial killers etc.

      When in fact the term ‘best’ should be used

      For example, how can Harold Shipman be called the worst serial killer? He was actually the ‘best’ serial killer, he killed loads of people! I, among many many others are the ‘worst’ serial killers as I and most other people have never killed anyone.

      As disasters go, Grenfell is up there with the best of them.

  19. Norman, excuse my ignorance, but what is Grenfell. Have been looking about on all media platforms, and don’t seem to be able to come up with anything. Could you please enlighten me please. P.S. I am caught in a time warp, and am in the year of our lord 1666, in London. There seem’s to be a fire in my midst.

    • Every time I see Grenfell, it reminds me of Joyce. “George – don’t do that”

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