A cunting for Alan Sugar. OK, he is already a cunt but, along with a previously cunted Louis Hamilton he is a spineless cunt.
SrAlan call me Lord Sugar tweeted (where else?) an attempt at humour, saying the Senegal football team looked like Spanish sunglass sellers. Ho Ho. Perhaps they do. I have no idea. Cue fucking outrage from the twatterati, looking for offence. RACIST.
Now, had he said the Swedish team looked like ski instructors/porn stars/double glazing salesman would that be racist? No. And this tweet wasn’t racist either.
At first he held firm but eventually apologised. For what? Piss poor jokes? No, for inadvertently making a racist comment.
Sugar is spineless cunt. The twatterati looking for offence should have been told to fuck off. They weren’t so LordS’rAlan Sugar, you are a cunt.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The BBC wants Alan Sugar to go on an ‘unconscious bias’ course after he tweeted about the Senegal football team.
What sort of bunch of cunts does it take to understand that if the ‘bias’ is ‘unconscious’ then there fuck all you can do about it because it’s – errrr – unconscious. Seems the spineless PC (no relation) cunts at the Beeb are caving in to calls from Senegal for Sugar to be sacked from his job at the Apprentice.
Well, I think they should tell Senegal to fuck right off because I’m damned sure that cunt on the left sold me a pair of Ray Bans last year!
Nominated by Pedantic Cunt
Holy shit, an unprecedented 4 cuntings in one day?! Has Admin been on a diet of blue Panda Pops and a 1 kilo megabag of Haribo?
Actually it’s not unprecedented. We schedule ahead and the schedule can get quite long so we slot in a few extra if they’re topical.
That’s why sometimes it takes a while for a nomination to make it through to the site.
Dio did 5 a day at one point on his watch.
Boosts the daily traffic figures too!
Oh, right. Nice.
Who’d have thought there was so many cuntworthy people in the world?!
The world is overflowing with cunts. Quite a few on this site.
Amen to that. I’m definitely a cunt.
We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t!
I’m surprised that His Lordship has ever been out in a public place where he is likely to be accosted by fake designer sunglasses, handbag or watch salesmen from the Dark Continent.
I suspect that nobody has stuck his big black hand in My Lord’s face and said “ look, you give sixty euro, velly good, velly cheap, look you no want, ok forty euro you give,”
So , as usual, Sugar is talking out of his arse and is a cunt, along with the cunts at the BBC and whoever the cunts are in Senegal who are whining about this. Just fucking cunts the lot of them.
Twitter should be cunted along with these two. No greater propagator of undiluted, rancid cunt in the known universe than Twatter.
Yous wiicked whiite men cana say shiiit abuut uss blackz yous raysiss muddafuckaz.
Looks as if my militant africunt neighbour has hacked my phone.
What a load of bollocks. I’m sure he’ll be a changed man after taking that patronising course. The joke he made was rather amusing; however, not surprised so many people thought it was in bad taste. Sensitive triggered cunts.
Following a lifetime wallowing in the droppings at the bottom of my ‘is a cunt’ cage, Lord Sugar rose momentarily in my estimation when he tweeted a photo of Corbyn & Hitler, captioned: “When you’re pictured at Nuremberg and claim you thought you were going to a car rally.”
Quite witty I thought… at least for such a massive cunt… as was the poem that accompanied it:
Jeremy Corbyn, a bit of a scruff
Asked what he could do to come over less rough
His fashion advisers worked on his new look
And a fifty quid Matalan suit’s all it took
Jeremy Corbyn, a stud of a man
A playboy was he with his lover Diane
She’d get into bed wearing only her blusher
And lie back with Jezza just thinking of Russia
Jeremy Corbyn, on Royals not keen
You won’t find him singing to God Save The Queen
No Cenotaph bowing for this bitter man
If elected he’d call for a monarchy ban
Jeremy Corbyn, says many a critic
Is a dangerous fool who is anti-Semitic
He often says “I’m not a Jew-hating man”
“I’m just a big Hamas and Hezbollah fan”
Jeremy Corbyn, an Arsenal man
Supporting the team with his Islington clan
He cheers the left winger when he goes along
And ‘Come on you Reds’ is his favourite song
Jeremy Corbyn, a yesterday man
The worst Labour leader since records began
Though his party is coughing and spluttering and dying
Old Jeremy Corbyn’s red flag is still flying
Now, for his pathetic apology to the PC racist Police, he’s back suffocating under the Flabbott droppings at the bottom of the cunt cage where the spineless unelected legislator belongs.
If anyone would know about selling cheap tat it would be Sir Fucking-Alan. He started out as some kind of Hooky market trader and the standard of his goods never improved.
I hope the BBC sack the Cunt with no compo.,that’ll break his heart,but they won’t because the BBC has a nasty habit of covering up for his tribe Rantzen knew about J.S, yet said nothing,and that repugnant grasper Yentob still gets treated like royalty even after his behaviour. If Sugar wasn’t a tribe member he’d have been long gone. They were quick enough to sack poor Ron Atkinson for a similar,yet slightly less upsetting ,racial slur.
Sugar should stick to trying to flog his crappy tat,whatever it is that he pushes these days,and never be allowed on the BBC again,unless it’s Crimewatch and they want someone to play the part of a money-hungry gangmaster.
I bet the nasty little ballsack- headed usurer has been upskirting that foul minger, Karen Brady,too. That’s probably why they’ve had to introduce a law,to stop Sugar and his revolting sexual peccadilloes….Speaking of which, Tom Daly and his “husband” are nothing more than rampaging sodomites who, in a sane world,would be prosecuted for the most heinous crimes imaginable. It’s a national scandal that two “Gay” men should be free to prance around celebrating the fact that they have unfettered access to a child not even old enough to run away or utter the word “No”
Fucking disgrace.
Indeed. That kid is going to grow up to be another gender-confused freak, the poor cunt (along with Elton John’s kids). I’ll bet they’re both quite enthusiastic about changing his nappy; the sight of a poo-covered winkle would send them both giddy.
On a similar note, I wonder if David Furnish has had to start changing Elton John’s nappies yet? A lifetime of furious bumming must have left his ringpiece with the diameter of a bulldog’s collar.
Probably uses a child’s abandoned Space Hopper as a bum-plug….fuck only knows what he uses the child for.
Its fucking stomach churning to see those two young boys being reared (pun intended) by Reg and Dave. The pictures of them recently make them look like a pair of girls and dressed accordingly. Old Reg reckoned they wouldn’t be given a fair shout going to “normal” schools and blending alongside “normal” children. Their names were down for Eton from day one. The poor little fuckers have no chance of anything like “normal” of anything to look forward to apart from a totally cossetted upbringing with 2 fathers and life constantly under the microscope. Same as the sick diver and his husband. Fuck me – if you’d told a story like this in your local boozer in the 70’s that men would be marrying one another and “having” kids you would have got a kicking for uttering what was then unlikely and probably against the law. Only difference now there is only one law against it – and that’s the law of nature.
Tom Daly’s arse must be in a right state after having his first baby, unless he had a c section .
Won’t be long before gays are demanding tit transplants on the NHS so that they can breast feed, as is their human right.
AIDS has turned out to be a damp squib.
It’s a mad fucking world.
Oy vey, Dick! What a broigeus we have here. Toi me a nicht contoinvers.
You may need a Yiddish dictionary…
I don’t need a Yiddish dictionary to recognise an invitation to your belated Bris ceremony, Krav… very kind I’m sure, but being charged £15 to watch a portly sixty year old man waving his winkle at another portly,sixty year old man is an extraordinary suggestion,even by your rather outre standards.
Is the buffet free and will there be Scotch eggs?…. I may reconsider if you agree to wave your fees and there are Scotch eggs, I like Scotch eggs.
Don’t have a problem with poof adopting/fostering. However, a child is not a fashion accessory. Tom and his father figure beau(husband? fuck off) need to understand the responsibility they now have to protect and nuture this child not get their mushes in the papers?
My money is on Tom being on the recieving end in this sausage sandwich. Prissy little madam.
Talking of Karen Brady I read somewhere so it could be wrong.Please correct me if it is, that she rose to prominence by selling advertising space for David Sullivan’s Daily Sport.Now my recollection of the adverts in the Daily Sport were that they were all for either porn movies or the services of prostitutes. Now my question is this. Where exactly does this place Karen Brady?
She’s done well out of both Sullivan and Gold. I can’t imagine that her position as a football director came without some help from them.
I *think* it stands at David Cameron with 20+ cuntings…?
How on earth has the pig fucker got more (deserved) cuntings than Tony Blair?!
Due to the Pig Fiddler being a lot more relevant in recent years.
If ISAC existed about 15 years ago no doubt Blair would have been cunted about 50 times by now…..
Bono is very well cunted in our parish. And Blair. To absolutely nobody’s surprise.
Speaking of Tom Daley and other similar deviants I came across a new word the other day. You filthy cunts probably know all about it but I had to google it.
The word is “blowbob”, which apparently involves sticking a deflated balloon ?up you bumhole and then inflating it.
Why the fuck would you want to do that?
Answers on a postcard please to:
BBC Libtard Department
Jimmy Savile House
If that excites you, Freddie, you should look up ‘figging’…
If Tom Daley and his dad/hubby don’t indulge in that peculiar activity, I’m a monkey’s uncle.
Fucking hell! I just looked that up and what the fuck is going on?
There are so many things I don’t know…….best keep it that way I think.
If they want a burning sensation up the arse how about a pint of petrol and a match?
I must buy some baloons today…….
Erm, so his farts don’t stink?
Even more free speech suppression by proxy by cunt social-meejah outlets and their cunt followers (including mainline media whores such as the AL-BB-CERA).
They’re just facist cunts! Fucking fascist cunts!
If no one cow-towed to the nouveau thought police they would evaporate but every cunt caves in and each time they do that’s another nail in free-speech’s coffin.
Candyman, Candyman, CANDYMA…!
Fucking cunts!
Oh and in other meaningless, non newsworthy news (to the likes of the AL-BB-CERA, et. al.) Birmingham will become a “minority majority” (see what they did there) by the time of the 2021 census.
Well what a fucking surprise. Pity they don’t say who will be the minority in that case because that’s not PC is it, so instead we’ll still cast the notion of victimisation by saying “minority majority”.
Utter fucking cunts!
Got kicked in the ribs and stomach at work today.End date can’t can’t come soon enough
Shaun promised to tell us what his job was when he’d found another. My money’s on something to do with youth offenders.
Sure both jobs would be challenging, dealing with rabid feral animals and then there’s being a vet.
Indeed I am drafting the cutting now.I won’t say what it is as I haven’t handed notice in but you are close indeed dick
In the cutting I still won’t directly reveal my job but trust me reading between the lines will be as easy as me winning the deadpool.
cuntflap you are indeed correct it is an occupational hazard but in my line of work no one gives a cunt suck. had a mate slipped a disc due to violence at work and the cunts in senior management refused to give him sick pay.This is as close to the old workhouses you can get.
I am not a vet.I deal with animals of sorts though yes.My new employer wants me to start in just over two weeks on full time even though I applied part time.I ain’t looking that gifthorse in the mouth.Am trying to draft my resignation without it turning into a cunting.Not going well as yet.Keep reading it mentally in Malcolm Tucker’s voice.
I might just send them my draft cunting.
Dick is very close indeed.
Trust me, stick with “I hereby give notice that I will be terminating my employment on (insert date here)”
Tempting as it is,there’s no point and you never know when you need a reference in the future.
And keep your temper under control if there’s a farcical leaving interview and say as little as possible.
Now there’s a thought. A cunting for pointless leaving interviews.
This cunting shows that Sugar (Sr’alanlord) has an ego the size of a planet. Considering that he hardly needs the BBCs money, his only reason for keeping in with the fucking BBC is to be the ‘great I am’ on his shitty little sub-big brother programme. A programme for cunts too cuntish to qualify for big brother.
One thing I do like about Alan Sugar is that he is entirely self made. Came from a very humble background.
Also has provided jobs to thousands.
And despises Catweasel.