I really need to cunt transgenders.
I’ve had enough of their bullying and authoritarian attitude to anyone that disagrees in any way with their delusions.
There are only 2 genders.
Males produce sperm and females produce eggs.
You are the gender that you were born as, and your gender CANNOT be changed.
Just coz you have a delusional obsession with being something that you’re not, doesn’t make it true and doesn’t mean that you can change nature.
If someone is crazy do you change the laws of nature and physics to fit with the lunatics delusions or do you treat the lunatic with psychiatric treatment?
Well these days you throw all science, knowledge and reason in the bin, scrap thousands of years of history and pander to some fucking weirdo just coz they’ve got a louder voice than everyone else.
If you’d asked me a year ago about transbenders I’d have said fair play to them. If a geezer wants to put on a dress and a wig and change his name to Susan that’s no skin off my nose. Live and let live.
Unfortunately these mentally retarded cunts don’t feel the same way. They bully and persecute anyone that doesn’t immediately fall into line with their delusion.
Now they want access to women’s areas and soon it’ll be women’s changing rooms etc…
They’ve crossed the line.
The cunts have pushed and pushed but now they’ve pushed too far.
Now the transbenders are trying to get ’em young and brainwash kids while still in first school. A typical lefty strategy.
Unfortunately they haven’t considered the fact that they’re a bunch of cunts, and if everyone in society was like them then the world would be a really, really fucked up place.
They’re going to create a whole generation of seriously fucked up people and the suicide rates amongst that generation are going to be through the roof.
All coz some lefties decided to conduct a social experiment despite all evidence clearly indicating that transweirdos are depressed, suicidal and on the whole completely fucked in the head.
Now they want all kids to be like that.
They’re giving me the hump and to honest I’ve got to the point where I don’t give a flying fuck about their rights anymore.
What about my right to disagree and what about the rights and welfare of society in general?
You had your voice and your rights but it wasn’t enough. Now you want to re-engineer society and essentially rule over the majority.
Fuck you guys.
Demented cunts.
Nominated by. deploythesausage
Don’t bother arguing with facts here, facts are just a tool of the patriarchy,
I updated my email on my mod profile for the note of other mods
well your email doesn’t work, lets see how it goes.
yours biggus dickus
I will try again later when I get computer access.
Watch the great Ben Shapiro take down this Snowflake in a Transbenerism debate…….
The suicide facts are particularly interesting, it’s only 10 mins long and well worth a watch over your cornflakes.
Is that link correct? I get a piece on the future of space travel!
I think u posted the wrong link mate.
Early morning posts! I think that was the YouTube title page???
I could not give a flying fuck if some bloke decides one day to start wearing a frock but what I will not do is allow a tiny bunch of fruitcakes to dictate what I think about such freaks and force me to address them by whatever insane pronoun they have invented this week.
In my opinion you have a choice of 3 – he, she or cunt.
This is my main annoyance with these trans cunts – their complete lack of understanding of the English language. You do not ADDRESS a person with a third person gendered pronoun, you REFER TO a person with a third person gendered pronoun. You only address an individual with a SECOND person ungendered pronoun such as “you” and “your”. In fact, the person being referred to does not even have to be present……… Which is how are prefer the cunts – somewhere else mithering some one else.
*how I prefer
As ever DTS, bang on the money! Though spare a thought for the hermaphrodite – that’s a cunt born with both male and female genitals /characteristics:
I feel like a cunt for pointing this out, but such confusingly equipped people actually can go and fuck themselves
I used to dislike homophobia, whatever goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults is nobody else business etc.
But this new militant trans/LBQTWTF bollocks is starting to make me nostalgic for the old days when these degenerates kept their perversions to themselves on pain of a fucking good hiding from chaps less enlightened than myself.
We’ve had a gay couple living next door since we moved in 17 years ago. Couldn’t hope for better neighbours… if you passed them in the street you wouldn’t have a clue as to their sexual preference.
Damn sure they abhor this attention seeking, narcissistic, militant trans/LBQTWTF bollocks, as much as Cunters posting here. Well almost as much…
I wouldn’t want The Gays living anywhere near me. The thought of them peeping through my bathroom window,or lurking in the bushes while I piss on my compost heap is most disconcerting. Luckily my nearest neighbours are 2 fields away,and Cunts they undoubtedly are,at least they’re not The Gays.
As for not guessing if you passed a pair of The Gays in the street? Surely the fact that they would probably be holding hands skipping down the street in tu-tus and high heels while singing show tunes would be a bit of a giveaway?.
Phew… you’ve put my mind at rest Dick… have long assumed you were holed up in Fiddler Towers under siege of Gays!
I have a, probably well justified, fear of a collection of the people of whom I strongly disapprove mounting some kind of demo if they ever track me down….could be quite a well-attended rally,I’m guessing…probably enough of a turn out to put the Poll tax riots to shame.
Fuck them.
I don’t doubt it… the same probably goes for many of us posting here on ISAC.
Though accept that you are probably the Osama Bin Laden figure of our merry God forsaken crew…
Spot on, RTC !
Whatever happened to discretion ?
Ruff Tuff
dont know about the baying mob coming for you, me and Mr Fiddler but im pretty sure our isp addresses have been noted and filed by our surveillance happy masters
Well DtS, it is all part of the Cultural Marxist plan for quiet socialist revolution. Ot as it is also known, Labour’s actual manifesto.
See point 3.
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family …
Bang on the money DtS, social engineering in an attempt to redefine gender and validate libtard hang-ups. Some fat blue haired cunt got on the bus yesterday with a t-shirt proudly stating her ‘Gender was unicorn’, Jesus wept.
Don’t see what’s wrong with that. My gender is carnivorous lizard.
And out of “Unicorn”, yay ! The Unicunt evolved…
Top cunting indeed. The fucking Hinge and Bracket fraternity won’t stop until they have priority rights, as do the Tatchell brigade.
It’s a man in a dress with rubber tits and a synthetic axe wound crafted from the leftovers and nothing else. An illustration of where technology isn’t necessarily a force for good.
No good whinging that this is a step too far. For long enough people have spouted that “as long as it’s behind closed doors” shite. Did they honestly believe that the deviants were going to settle for tacit acceptance? Of course they weren’t. All this transgendering stems from loosening the chokehold on your common-or-garden,everyday Gay.
Once the laws were relaxed in the sixties,The Gays marched forward with their degenerate plans…lower the age of consent,ban any criticism of deviants,undermine moral behaviour etc. Al of this stemmed from The Gays being allowed out from “behind closed doors”.
The only way to stem this increasing degeneracy from afflicting the young is to bring in draconian anti-homosexual laws. The Gays wouldn’t be soon keen on promoting “alternative life-style choices” involving the younger generation if they knew that a spell at a Pervert Reeducation camp awaited them. Gays should be made to register with the local police in much the same way as sex offenders,and the register should be available for any concerned member of the public to view. That way Gays could be kept away from impressionable young minds,and neighbours would know when one of them had moved into the area.
No good trying to kill a tree by pruning a few branches,you must dig out and burn the root system,so you must do the same to halt the spread of deviancy.
Birch them.
Landscaping advice and some social commentary, good work Mr Fiddler.
Perhaps the BBC may care to make a programme involving me going to peoples’ homes,felling their apple trees, all the while shouting homophobic abuse through their letter boxes.
Excellent post Dick, and in full agreement.
Good morning,ASA.,and thank you.
The single greatest mistake in modern psychology, being bullied by a bunch of brown pipe engineers into accepting their preferred sexual act (and by extension all acts) as inconsequential to society – what happens behind closed doors. Except, it isn’t.. no man is an island and these acts affect our psychology significantly IMHO.
No scientific investigation has ever been conducted into this because it’s off limits, personal choice yada yada. I guarantee you it would solve numerous societal issues and personal mental troubles.
But little Christopher wants to invert his knob in to a rotten size 13 sock. Courtesy of your taxes. You bigot.
These minority types are deluded. In their own unstable, insecure, make-believe minds they are the ones who run society. They think they are entitled to infinite amounts of special treatment and protection. They preach their farcical beliefs to everyone else in a way that their opinion is the only one that exists. These bloody trannies are no exception. Apparently, there are now “unlimited” genders. Yes, maybe in fantasy narnia land but not here on Earth. Disagree with their opinion or challenge them and they throw a tantrum until they are blue in the face. Give them a dose of the old logic and they will implode as they can’t handle the truth. Childish freaks.
I have two IT gurus now, both are trans, the newest one I hadn’t even realised was trans until we had an argument about lesbians, (I pointed out that two women sleeping together were lesbians, she pointed out she used to be a bloke so defacto she wasn’t)
Any way they are chalk and cheese, the easy to spot one is the out spoken militant and the never of guessed one is quite normal.
Both self financed, and both very different, but as per norm its the minority with a chip on there shoulder who make a really big thing and do not represent the majority.
She’s either a woman, in which case she’s a lesbian or she’s a fucking bloke, she can’t have it both ways.
has a much more interesting sex life than I have, and yes she does get it both ways, and yes I am fucking jealous because I wouldn’t say no, (but a little to much to loose)
The ones that bat for the other team are only 0.7% of the population. The reason they get so much oxegen is because the media is full of them and the push their own barrow. The ones that are not poof are usually progressive females that feel comfortable around them and know that getting close to them is not going to end up feeling guilt about being the slut the night before. So the female need to nurture is taken up by the feminazis knowing that they don’t have to explain having a male friend and the guilt of explaining why they let themselves put to the sword last night. And the other alfabet soup types TG?? Need to be protected and nurctched and protected which is so obvious in the media. So the PC Feminazi brigade are hypocrites and is shows. They are almost becoming a joke. White middle age males are starting to push back, join in ?
White Middle aged men are starting to push back? It’s only gay if you………… Na never mind.
Not to worry, the Peacefuls are well on target to sort it.
Which reminds me, I haven’t yet got beyond Main Page 4, sub-page I forget, of my online workplace diversity training course. Must try again and see if my brain still tries to leak from my ears. The gist of it seems to be, if you’re nasty to or about anyone you don’t have much time for, whether or not they are a complete cunt and asking for it, we, the management will descend on you like a pile of amputated cocks and fuck you with the full force of the specially enacted law.
It would actually be easier to hack our system and wipe the site than to get the required 80% to avoid having to do the whole steaming mass of shite again. Hey, ho. I’ll put that on the back burner and take a look at the new computer security course. Very similar: Janet-and-John illustrations, patronising bollocks, idiotic multiple-choice questions. Only the consultant who sold this monumental toss to my employer, at eyewatering cost, has changed.
One day, the pendulum will swing back in the direction of sanity, if the pendulum hasn’t been cut off and replaced with a gigantic fanny. One day. Courage, mes braves.
you work for sgbd UK don’t you! I have to do those courses to.
Actually it’s got to a point in time now that I don’t get angry, they really are a joke. Think about it, it’s great to be reasonably sane and listen to the cap. I tune to PC radio stations just to have a laugh at how unaware, how inept, how whining the PC Feninazis are. Example, remember the Hillary Clinton thing about women against rape. Well she and all the other stupid bitches (and the gutless male hangers-on’s) told the world what women fear the most. It was a technique that those waring bastards now know is an efective wepon and to be used. Supid short haired dangley earing mustache toting twats. Push back and be smart about how you do it because they are not. When the flag goes up all will revert to us having to save their missarable arses (again).
Miss Arable is a very fertile lady. But did you not mean Ms. Arable?
A professor at Bath Uni wanted to do a study into those that changed their minds after reassignment surgery. Quite a few as it turns out, but of course mental conditions come and go. He was denied as being politically incorrect.
This is where we live. Trend and dogma trumps science every time.
Fucking freakery practiced by attention seeking deviants which will never be accepted as “normal”.
I remember arguing about it with a young snowflake. In my hometown of Brighton a transsexual by the name of Chardonnay ended up committing suicide. I said, in a group conversation, “Just imagine Didier Drogba in a dress. That’s what it looked like.” A few people started laughing but then the aforementioned snowflake went all pouty and said to me, “its disrespectful to talk about a woman like that.” I said “but it wasn’t a woman.” She then got more aggressive and said ” yes she was”. I then said “no. Sticking feathers up your arse doesn’t make you a chicken, does it?!” She then stormed off in a huff while the others were absolutely pissing themselves laughing.
Ha ha ha ha … like it!
What a FUCKING PATHETIC, TOTALLY UNIMAGINATIVE name for a kid that was undoubtedly conceived whn its mother was pissed.
I have yet to meet anyone called “Bouzy Rouge”, or “Cat’s Pee on a Gooseberry Bush”, although there IS someone out there called Dakota Blue.
Sounds like an embarrassing medical complaint.
I told my mother-in-law, if we had a daughter we’d call her Placenta.
She replied, “Ah, that’s a lovely name”.
Fortunately we didn’t have sprog.
Sounds like a new variety of skunk
I told you they are a joke, take the piss out of them because if you argue it just gives the amunition. It’s interesting how the argument for them got traction but as the demands got more rediculas they have lost credibility. I would go so far as to say the feminist movement has blood on their hands given the social upheaval they have caused. Dumb sphincter simulating cunt’s I almost feel sorry for if they weren’t so funny.
Kudos to admin for posting this one. Tbh I never thought it’d get posted.
Was convinced that this one would be a cunt too far ….
No cunt goes uncunted here …
Who the fuck is Stormzy?
Who the fuck is Stormzy Cuntbubble?
I got a ‘Labour were in your area’ leaflet through the door the other day… The bloke is called ‘Annabelle Louvros’ and had HIS picture on it. Here HE is https://twitter.com/PembridgeLabour
…Thank fuck I wasnt in.
They’ve got a cunt called Hillary too.
What cunts.
Labour? CUNTS.
I identify as a lesbian trapped in a mans body
#MeToo… fortunately the wife is a poofter trapped in woman’s body.
I’m an elephant… Where dem fackin peanuts ?!
Sorry OT but following on from my Fatties cunting look at these 2 useless pieces of human detritus –
Mr Fat Cunt – ‘I suffer from a disease called obesity’
Mrs Fat Cunt – ‘Its my medication that makes me large’
I would have thought that they would be delighted that the taxi firm has told them to fuck off – a 1 mile walk is just what the doctor ordered I would have thought.
Yea stupid fats cunts could do with a walk.
…failing that just drag ’em behind a truck.
Hey fatty boom boom, sweat sugar dumpling!
Hey fatty boom boom, sweet sugar dumph de dumph de dumph ….
Completely in order as far as the taxi is concerned if the route crossed the Albert Bridge. The taxi plus nearly eight hundredweight of fat cunt would massively exceed the bridge’s 2.5 ton weight limit.
Revolting,lazy fat leeches…money for taxis and tattoos while bleeding the NHS dry. People like this will never be worthwhile members of the community,and,as such,should be excluded from all benefits,housing,healthcare etc. Let them starve on the streets until they are at a weight approaching human and not blubber whale. Utter Cunts.
Fuck them.
In an ideal world…
I have epilepsy, and although I may be 16 1/2 st., I don’t blame it on my e.
I wonder if there is now a cunt-gene that is a marker for “Not taking responsibility for your own actions” ?
As the legendary Mr. Fiddler might say, Fuck them.
I’m 19st after a thyroid condition, up from 11st, and this year I am determined to shift some of it even if it means constantly running in circles and eating grass.
I forgot the point of the post which is that I still blame myself for being a fat cunt.
Make sure you video and upload to Youtube – it’ll go fucking viral!
I could only operate the camera on my phone if I was a snowflake – do they come in size fucking fat?
I’m beginning to think you might be a little bit strange Mr Moggie.
Anyway, in answer to your question, maybe ask a snowflake? Or better still… Alexa!
Roll on the happy release of death so i dont have to witness the inevitable explosion that will come from this nonsense, be just my luck to live for years yet.
You’re not on the blink are you Civvydog? I sincerely hope not.
Not yet RT thanku for asking, been touch and go a few times though.
I really do find it quite destressing to see how badly things have changed in past 20yrs.
Suppose like me you no longer give a fuck. Am I guilty of some kind of hate crime because I could not care less what the fuckers do?
Your very existence means you are guilty of hate crime BB.
Personally am beyond caring. Let them eat kale and quinoa!
When will somebody stand up to these stupid prima donnas and tell them to fecking grow up and stop indulging thier every whim.
Is there a grown up in power anywhere in the country, if they were ignored and treated with derision they would give up like the spoilt little bratts they are.
I am so far behind in reading ISAC that by the time I read this most worthy and righteous of cuntings almost everything had been said.
Truly a World Class cunting DtS.