Has the Home Office been cunted recently?
The Home Office has been ‘unfit for purpose’ for at least 20 years, and probably more. During the Blair/Brown good old days it classified asylum seekers and economic migrants as skilled workers to fiddle the figures. We were deluged with scum.
It cant organise deportations or account for how many applicants are listed or where they are. Detainees who are scheduled for deportation spend months and years in holding centres due to organisational incompetence.
And now we have the ‘Windrush’ fuck up. People from the Caribbean invited in to work 50 or more years ago are being targeted by this collection of cunts. They cant do anything about the 3rd world scum arriving daily so they pick on people who are here perfectly legally. Probably because it is easier to pick on Winston and his family than Mohammed and his harem.
The Home Office, run by cunts, staffed by cunts and headed up by a succession of cunts.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Well fuck me old boots.! the old employer is up for a cunting. Apart from the wholesale corruption, they couldn’t run a bath let alone a Ministry. I think I have said in so many posts before. Cunts.
Top-notch cunting there, CC !!
@ASA, Well said Sir.. not sure what connection you have had with said bunch of Cunts, mine was as ground level recipient of the latest Good Idea originating from some Cunts desk before he finished work early and headed for the wine bar… Targets… No Targets… Zero Tolerance… Anything Goes… Drugs are Bad… “Got a light for my spliff Officer?? “….. Oh what fun we all had… What a Fucking Good Day, a Bright Shining Fucking Day, it was when the uniform and the stripes and the rest of the whole waste of Fucking Time went in a Poundland bin liner and got left outside the admin office… I got invited to some kind of presentation , apparently to “commemorate ” something or other. I told them to carry on without me, I was busy with a bottle of Tequila. What a total and Fucking utter Waste Of Fucking Time…. Allegedly.
Forensic Examiner with Immigration , Detentions and so on. Trained in Med following Service. So too has Krav.
The Good News is you will appreciate the madness,,, I think my personal revelation began when I realised that we ( Not UKBA but the other organisation this Cuntry hates but loves to call and scream for help at } were not enforcing the law but acting as a facilitating device for illegals.. we picked them up at at the side of the road, took them to a secure place, provided them with a shower, food, and a telephone… “We” ( I Fucking Hate that word ) basically facilitated the entry of lying, sponging Cunts. I sort of figured out we werent helping the problem, we were feeding it. I suggested that we 1, Refuse to accept there attempts to flag us down and let them starve to death on the Hard Shoulder. 2. Act like all the other Facilitators who illegally got them into the Uk and charge them for our Services at a premium rate.. Needless to say this went down like a reasonable opinion at a university.. And the Dangerous, Feral Cunts that I processed… What a Silly Cuntry,. Out now, Dont Care. I like it when Putin bombs the Fucking Living Daylights out of Sad Cunts that a few years ago I would be “ensuring their rights” too… Excellent. Kill them all, Vlad. Best Wishes to the Boys at Frontal Aviation at Latakia Airbase. Cluster Bomb the Cunts for me. I couldnt say it then. I can now, Nice….
Just out of interest ASA, I note you were AAC trained at Middle Wallop from 69 but served on Wessex as second pilot .. how come.. ? The AAC never flew Wessex, the Crabair did, sure there is a reasonable explanation, just asking??
See below mate. posted wrong place.
I’d like to offer up a large slice of a cunting for Wembley stadium and the fucks that run it. Not for the non sale of it. The fact that the wimminz fa cup final is being played there. Apparently it’s a derby match played between Arsehole fc and Chelseehowtheyrun.
At best wimminz football is like watching a retard playing fifa on an Xbox, without the drool. The BBC is championing this as some sort of moon landing event (faked and filmed in a studio).
Lezzas, uglies and retards… come one come all. And get to fuck
If they gave the tickets away they would struggle to fill Wembley!!
I’m sick and fuckin tired of being feed a diet of sub standard wimminz sports!! Who the fuck is interested in their football, cricket or anything else?? ?
A decent school team could take them apart……
The home office well deserves this cunning as did whoever made the decision to make illegals holed up in the Grenfell exempt from prosecution. We now have shit like this…
How dare these cunts make ridiculous demands at the tax payers cost.
I would pull this tower down and rebuild with a bigger state of the art tower with prestigious plush apartments with the latest fire detection & sprinkler systems and extra concealed stairwells at each end for use only in the event of a fire and a helipad on the roof.
Then I would sell every one of them to wealthy cunts for the highest prices.
I’ve had enough of it, Fuck them!
Well, they already have a survivors group, Grenfell United which sounds like a mid table pub team so they are halfway there. With nearly all victims effnicks, legal or not its a shoo-in there will the inevitable apology for ‘offence caused’ and fuck the tax payer.
Yeah – they have kind of ignored the fact that Monarflex comes in white only – http://www.monarflex.co.uk/products/scaffold-sheeting.aspx
Daft cunts.
But what if it caught fire.. and you called the fire brigade, and 200 of the Cunts turned up, but did Fuck All, told you to stay put, they would get to you, but oddly didnt, because basically they are either incompetent, bottleless, or stupid, you decide Bob. But they would do a good synchronised crying display at the politically correct remmembrance afterwards.. On a lighter note:Q: You walk in a room. There are 10 blokes there. One is a fireman. How do you know?? A: Give him 10 seconds and he will tell you all about it.
So were the Fire brigade found post incident to be one or more of the three then?
Admin edit. Personal attack deleted.
Well oddly enough Bob, the Berkeley group have given a brand new block of flats to the illegal scum for the reasonable sum of £10m. Making a huge loss (and tax write down) in the process.
It will be intetesting to see who gets the land that Grenfell stood on for a knock down price.
I see the Donald is winding us up again with his comments on London being a warzone due to knife crime. We will let go the fact that he was addressing the NRA so justifying the use and possession of assault rifles, machine guns and probably rocket launchers.
I like that he has got the fuckers going again. London may not be up to Chicago standards of fucking mayhem but it is a violent shithole. What a cunt Donald is but long may he rattle the cages of the cunts in that fair city.
And I suspect there’s a little dig at suckdik khan in there somewhere…
DTS, I was thinking that the dig at Sad dick is maybe in an attempt to get him to do something constructive?
Look where all the ‘rocket man’ chatter he sent out ended with?
If its managed to contribute to talks that end Kim Jong Un firing missiles over Japan and get two neighbouring countries to sit down and talk, the stupid chatter was worthwhile.
Trumps got strange ways of doing things, that’s for sure.
Check this if you want to see how shitty Chicago is.
Democrat run with very very strict gun laws.
Doesn’t seem to help
My Rt Honorable Friend…in the end it doesn’t matter if you are shot, stabbed or have your throat cut…dead is dead. In the Forbidden City of Chicago, in the Peoples Republic of Illinois or in the Peaceful Oasis of Londonistan…dead is dead!
General, not sure of your point here. We have differing views on guns but consider the mayhem the feral retards of Londistan could wreak if they had access to American ordinance. With knives they usually just kill each other. No loss. But with guns, as I know from my time in South Africa, anyone can be in the line of fire. Assault rifles are indiscrimate and inaccurate.
Hi CC..
I take your point , there is little comparison between US stats for homicide/ violent crime and the UK, even including the tragic internal culling of IC 3/4’s cheerfully dispatching each other recently. presumably all the fatalities are potential Nobel prizewinners, or “Soljas”, depending on your take on life.. However, I like the fact that the Don won’t take our shit… He plays the hostile libtard media at their own game, he kicks them out of his conferences, he refuses to answere their questions, he short circuits them on social media, bypasses them, refuses to accept their “authority”.. Good Stuff I say.. classic Maskirovka, Confusion to Your Enemy… Nice. Al Beeb ( bunch of self hating Cunts ) hate him. Good.
People from our country did a good enough job of crying out about the knife crime in the media recently so he is really only taking those cries and tarting them up a little.
What I took from the bit I heard was the point that if you take away guns or introduce strict control, those who want to cause harm will turn to knives. Take away the knives and they will turn to acid attacks, which when the corrosive substances are banned turns them to trucks, vans or cars. Basically they will find another item for use as a weapon for every thing removed.
It’s not the gun, knife, acid, truck, van or car that kills. It’s the nutjob that’s in control of them.
Really we need to control the nutjobs instead of trying to stop access to the next thing they think of.
I must be missing something somewhere… you would advocate legalising access to any and all firearms in the UK? Forgive me if I beg to differ. Tomorrow’s nut job is today’s law abiding citizen.
No, I don’t really see any point in legalising firearms but I don’t see any reason why America should take their peoples guns from them when they have a constitutional right.
At the end of the day people without a gun who want to kill someone will just find another method.
It’s hardly fair to punish a law abiding citizen by taking his guns from him when he has done nothing wrong.
The other thing is as gun ownership in America is extremely common place, they are used by many as a recreational activities from target practice shooting tin cans out the back door, or going hunting. Many just use regular practice at a shooting range as recreation while they keep familiar with it’s use and their personal skill and other people who own guns will have them laying around in drawers in the home rarely ever fired.
Guns never existed in this way / capacity with the British public so it was easier to bring in controls and fewer people affected by controls than would be in the US.
I’m not going to protest at another country’s way of life when it doesn’t affect my way of life here. I spent time in the states with work years ago and the presence of guns caused me no harm while i was there either.
There’s been 44 presidents before Trump so why he should be the one to be remembered for penalising innocent people and withdrawing their right to own a gun when the others didn’t see fit either.
Accepted Bob – anything can kill, even cricket bats! But guns are in a league of their own, made for the exclusive purpose of causing death or serious injury – with high efficiency…
Doubt the founding fathers would be happy at the way the 2nd amendment has been interpreted /misinterpreted to result in the gun madness in U.S. today.
Indeed . And who, pray tell Roberto, will enforce this cull on weaponry and “nutjobs”,, I suspect it may be the Polis, but of course you loathe and despise the Polis Bob, they, as per the Gospel of Bob, are ” the modern criminals” ( see sundry previous rambling comments ).. so exactly how do you propose this be enforced?? And will you be on the enforcement end of this Fucking Gifted Policy, or just skulk in the rear like a Sad Cunt. Because if you were required to stand up to the reality of your waffle some Cunt might just stab you in the throat. Points of View welcome: Answers please to: iamabellend.com
What’s all this polis piss you spout?
Can your dick touch your arse?
If not, away back to the Corner.
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Admin edit. Personal attack deleted
The Home Office needs to send out a message to these trouble making cunts that they enforce the laws and decide the fate of those who breach the rules an regulations of our compliant environment.
These cunts are organising and conspiring to interfere with such immigration law & process and often breach aviation laws many which cross the line into federal laws being broken.
Are the GB authorities ensuring these crimes breaching federal law are reported and escalated or do they “let them go” to avoid publicity?
Bear in mind many of these federal laws have been born since event of 9/11 in order to keep us safe because of the events these radical cunts plan & execute.
Scroll through these cunts timeline and look at the posts inciting people to harrass airlines etc. They are disclosing information of security in which our departments operate.
They claim these flights to be ‘dangerous’ to those being deported? Why does it take three security officers to ensure a ‘model deportee’ behaves on the flight?
Do they really just expect immigration to drop them off at the airport door and wave them off trustingly?
I would have them done with cuffs, shackles and spit hoods to prevent the aids riddles ones doing their ‘party piece’ too. Filthy cunts should get done for attempted murder if they are disease carriers.
Note the MP’s these cunts are coluding with, Your Lammy, Flabbot, Lucas, Jess the Mess, etc etc.
Imagine if someone set up an account promoting each deportation and encouraging them to go smoothly?
I feel a letter to my MP and the Home Office is overdue as I don’t believe the rules are complied with enough.
If I called Immigration control and tipped them off that there was a shitload of illegals living in the Trellick Tower, do you think they would go and rid them out or did the Grenfool amnesty cover all tower block residents?
Our home office needs to show that it is working to ensure immigration laws are being enforced.
To update the raid on takeaway shop raids I mentioned last week, two men were taken from one establishment, one afghan and one Indian.
The other establishment which competes with the former (used by all the police, offering big discount to police) had nobody detained, strangely.
A truly emotional if confused call to arms Roberto… you previously said that the Polis were indeed the modern criminal, and cowards to boot, afraid to arrest violent criminals. , so my questions are..
1, Why would you want to protect such a dissolute gang with spit hoods .. I thought you would get pleasure from diseased criminals spitting on Polis..
2. Ever had a go yourself… answers on a postcard to:- youhaveconfusedmewithamanwhooncegaveafuck.com
PS bob… the Uk doesnt operate a federal system. Just saying.
Scam 1. ( Protection ( Pay £1000 per month, and I look the otherway ( works well in takeaways/restraunts London , Birmingham , Leeds etc.
Scam 2 cash Dumping to NASS recipients for grateful reward. ( Netted £853.000 2009 )
Scam 3 Tax to Immigration legal services ( fraudulent ) £2.2 million
Scam 4 Underground Medical Services £ figure not known, likely to be millions
Scam 5 Subsistance scams £344 k 2009
The opportunities in the Home Office for graft are enormous. And don’t forget, plod attends most raids.
If you need corroboration, ask Krav
Bit confused… are you saying the HO as an org. is running a racket (Shocker ) or the staff are?? Please clarify..
I note Plod get roped in as usual suspects.. well , I have been on HO owned raids, and strangely and oddly and never considered otherwise got fuck all out of it other than my lawful wage… So where the Fuck is this going?? Should I have been complicit in corruption or do you Office Bound Cunts Owe Me??? Just an idea… ??
And out of interest , Krav seems to be your reference on two occasions for the authenticity of said tales.. so , forgive me my paranoid ways, are you in fact a Wessex Pilot from the AAc, despite the fact the AAc never operated such aircraft. I have been on several such craft. They were flown by crab air. Just a niggle…as a veteran of our various shambolic campaigns other pointless fights I would love to know..XX
Police would have advance knowledge of raids. You don’t need much notice to get anyone out the way if required.
For Heinz. Wessex Pilot? Not now, Im nearing 70, and haven’t flown for decades. AAC used Wessex belonging to Navy and did so for many years to fill the gaps that were evident with AAC. The Army needed a fill in until delivery of advanced aircraft. 6 Wessex were deployed from Yeovilton on attachment.
Post Military, I trained in Radiography, before attending Med School at Newcastle. I became a Dr ( Mature obviously ) and worked in Forensics. I was recruited by the Home Office along with many others to work in Immigration Detention Centres around the UK. I worked for them for 12 yrs, before retiring 2 years ago following a stroke. I know that Krav worked in similar and from his posts, he knows a hell of a lot.
rackets are widespread, and it seemed to me that there was a willingness to turn a blind eye to what was going on. Immigration also contracted with private organizations, many of whom have been found ” wanting” in terms of their honesty and integrity.
I do hope this helps understand. We all of us are anon and have to be very careful what we say. If you read my posts over a long time you will see a fuller picture.
Hi Bob.. I am fascinated by which establishment offers big discount to Polis as strangely I feel I have missed out and must be owed at least a N@@@@s meal, which is where I assume is where we are going, although its difficult to tell as you sort of dont get to the point in your rambling way. How’s the medication going by the way? Or am I presuming, a bit like you like to do about Polis? Just for the record. I have never had said Meal, free or otherwise. Final point,, the raids you mention were Immigration, not Polis. So maybe you should 1. Check your facts and 2. Take yourself outside and give yourself a massive Fucking slap… Just Saying. Mind How You Go. Or Not, as the case may be…Yawn.
Well, what is this establishment Bob… do tell.
I know several Polis and none recognise going for a sit down or take out meal in the place you suggest. The average copper is entitled to a 30 minute meal break. No oine in an operational capacity gets such a thing, They may get a coffee as they go. You could stand in line for a sandwich and listen to Fucking Swill like “Dont you have anything better to do?” I did toy with the idea of saying “No, You Cunt, I just want a Fucking Coffee as I have been stood at an accident site for the last 6 hours ” but I bit my lip for some unknown Fucking reason… Oddly the cowardly shameful horse faced bunch of Cunts that are the fire brigade, when they can be bothered to rouse from sleeping on duty and watching Porn , are feted and wanked over… which is a bit odd really, as when your block of flats catches fire, they will tell you its not a problem , you can stay inside for 45 mins, time to cook a meal maybe, but oddly then decide its all a bit scary, and you and your family burn to death… they do a Good Post Incident Pathetic Cry though, weak Fucking thick Gurning self regarding Cunts…Anyway, I think you get my drift… X
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Deffo Is A Cunt!
Still, now it’s managed by a “peaceful”, so that’s all good then, cos we need a few more grooming, mini-cab drivers given a free ride from the North West Passage region of the sub-continent while we detain and eject folk from those hotbed terrorist nations like the USA and Austria don’t we…
The whole of Government is a cunt never mind a specific office!
The way I see it Rebel is that they put him in charge to shut them up as the next demand would have been an ethnic replacement so they beat them to it.
Time will tell whether he delivers or not, will have to wait and see.
Hi Bob, fancy a chat,, we could talk about how you would deal with certain diificult situations, being of course in possession of all the facts.. so lets discuss Buddy?
Well, very oddly Basement Bob the font of all knowledge didnt seem to want to discuss the various issues involved in a the spirit of joviality etc… I wanted to ask him about his amusing escapade when he and his drunken mates broke into a mobile Cancer screening Unit with the intent of “seeing some tits” and caused alarm to female patients, but Bob seemed reticent to dicuss this rather confused area of his life, as you do…Anyway, he sounds a great laugh, doesnt he….
Hey Rebel,
Ditto here in the USA to the whole government (rather than specific departments) being a cunt.